Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 883 Be a responsible big country

"Xia Han, how's the harvest?" Gu Weijun asked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, to be honest, we made a lot of money this time." Xia Han smiled proudly: "I found that not only those big companies, but also many small and medium-sized enterprises have the ability to take care of their own. Although it is only a few products, a few Technology, but gathering less makes more. Moreover, these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy, or have even gone bankrupt, and the large conglomerates in the United States are constantly merging at low prices. As long as we are willing to spend money, we will definitely get a lot of good things."

Xia Han tasted the sweetness from Miller. He not only brought radio navigation technology, but also sent a lot of talents.And according to what he said, after recruiting those people, those people are all mixed in their own circles, and they know very well who has the ability and which technology has a future.

A reward of [-] for pulling a person, and [-] for providing a technology, this is just a bonus, and other transaction costs will be calculated separately.This group of guys on the verge of bankruptcy immediately found a way to make money, and they took action one after another, attracting friends and companions, just like a chain reaction, affecting more and more people, and bringing a lot of unexpected technologies to the purchasing group .

Such as air switches, such as compound fertilizers, such as electronic TV systems, that is, so-called black and white TVs. After seeing this thing, the purchasing team was immediately overjoyed. too much.

It is true that these technologies still need time to develop and mature, but this is also a good time to start.Xia Han also immediately decided to hire a large number of Americans to act as professional managers. They knew the basics, and as long as they made enough profits, they could even go to big companies to poach the wall.

With the help of these people, the work efficiency of the procurement team has been greatly improved, and their main mission has become to check whether the technology is valuable.Assess whether those workers have the actual ability, as long as they can, they can be transported back to the country immediately.

When Xia Han talked about the situation, Gu Weijun also smiled and said: "We used to say that the barbarians should be used to control the barbarians. Looking at it now, we really have the foresight. But don't just focus on these things, those basic industries are the most important, President But we are required to make more breakthroughs in iron and steel, metallurgy, petrochemical, and mining.”

"Don't worry, this time we mainly purchased steel, automobile, metallurgy, machinery and other equipment. These things alone can double our industrial output!" Xia Han said confidently.

Gu Weijun listened.He also laughed loudly: "It's really great. The United States has helped us double our growth, and Europe has helped us double our growth. The old empire has become an industrial power in one leap!"

Xia Han also said with a smile: "It is true that the harvest is huge, but there are still a few fields that Americans look at very hard, and it is difficult for us to start. Mainly petrochemicals, shipbuilding, chemistry, medicine, aviation, electronics. These fields are closely related to military industry It’s just that they are all controlled by big conglomerates, such as Rockefeller, DuPont, General Motors, and Boeing. These big conglomerates are not willing to take out things that are housekeeping, and the US military has also intervened.”

Speaking of this, Tao Jiping on the side also frowned. These fields mentioned by Xia Han were specifically explained by Zhang Tinglan, and they are also the strengths of Americans. American cars and airplanes were developed very early, so they Its engine technology is quite excellent, such as HP's Wasp series engine, which is a pinnacle of piston engines, and it is also the most coveted thing in China's industrial field.

In addition, oil refining technology and gasoline anti-knock agent are also very important. Before World War II, the United States was the largest oil-producing country with a well-developed oil industry.During World War II, American aviation gasoline was the best in the world. After using the seized American fuel, many German aircraft were given a boost in power as if they had been given stimulants.

A good horse comes with good ingredients, and a good plane also needs good fuel. Zhang Tinglan specifically explained that the purchasing team must find a way to get it no matter what, and it’s okay to spend a lot of money.Normally, these things should not be touched at all. If Roosevelt came to power, there would be no hope. Only by taking advantage of the chaotic Great Depression, there would be some hope. Zhang Tinglan made a special request.

But when he heard that it was difficult now, Gu Weijun and the others immediately frowned. He pondered for a while, and then said: "Xia Han, you should contact the major consortiums first. I believe that as long as the conditions offered are suitable, they will let go." ...I'm leaving for London in a few days to attend an arms control conference."

"Control what?" Xia Han turned the page immediately, and shouted, "These Westerners are nothing. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, why didn't they control the armaments and do all their own bad things? Now they are paving the way. What's the point of not allowing others to develop military affairs!"

Gu Weijun also smiled and said: "You don't have to complain. The President has already made arrangements. This time the meeting is attended by the five major countries plus us. Let me tell you the truth. If there is no accident, there will be three countries on our side. The naval armament limit The treaty will most likely be annulled entirely."

"That's great. Our military enterprises should let go of their hands and feet, build warships, and see if they dare to fight China."

"Hahaha, this is a reckless act. The President has specifically explained that we will properly support the United States' position at the meeting in exchange for the United States' relaxation in the field of technology exports. In addition, an economic and trade delegation will be sent from China to The United States discusses the issue of tariffs, and China will open a free trade zone in Shanghai to allow American capital to invest in setting up factories."

"Isn't this letting the Americans take advantage of us?"

Tao Jiping spread his hands aside, and said with a smile: "What else can we do? Who told us to urgently need American technology? Don't let them see that it is cheap. Will the Americans sell us things? Don't complain, there is this Think about it, get more core technology, and when our industrial level catches up, it will be the Americans' turn to suffer."

Xia Han also said angrily: "Yankee, see if I don't take out all your bezoars and horses!"

After discussing with several people, Gu Weijun left for London first, and Xia Han secretly started to buy the stocks of Rockefeller, Dupont, General Motors, Boeing and other companies. Now their stocks are at the bottom, and they can just buy the bottom.Of course, Xia Han also knows that these are the core companies of the Americans, and they will not allow China to control them. Once the crisis passes, they will be forcibly confiscated sooner or later.

But now, if you take advantage of the chaos and grasp a little bit, you will have the capital to bargain, and you won't suffer a loss anyway.

As for Tao Jiping, he went to the Brooklyn Shipyard in New York. This is one of the largest shipyards in the United States. It has built a large number of battleships. During World War II, it also built several Essex-class aircraft carriers.

Last year, it was this shipyard that undertook Chile's heavy cruiser order, and as a result, the Chileans were released.During the Great Depression, the Brooklyn Shipyard also suffered heavy losses. All the busy berths in the past were shut down, and a large number of unfinished ships were piled up on the dock, letting the wind and rain blow, so desolate.

The Chinese side just bought 40.00% of the shares of this shipyard and became the new owner. This is currently China's largest acquisition project in the United States.

That's why Tao Jiping, the Minister of Equipment, handled it personally. After arriving here, Tao Jiping couldn't help feeling the strength of American industry. Even China's largest Dalian shipyard is not half the size of this shipyard.And the United States also has a larger Newport News Shipyard. This kind of industrial strength is indeed amazing.

But the more so, the stronger Tao Jiping's determination to bring this shipyard to China.This is also one of the tasks assigned by Zhang Tinglan himself, but as a key cooperative unit of the US Navy, it is definitely not that easy to get rid of it.

Therefore, Tao Jiping first injected 5000 million US dollars of capital into the shipyard, allowing the factory to continue to complete the original order.Many of these orders were stopped because the person who placed the order had gone bankrupt. There were even two American cruisers that had to be stopped due to insufficient funds.

Tao Jiping was quite generous, taking over all these unfinished buildings, and even helping to build the Chilean heavy cruiser as scheduled, which is also the demeanor of a big country.

Immediately afterwards, Tao Jiping, on behalf of the Chinese government, placed an order for [-] oil tankers and [-] ocean-going cargo ships to the shipyard.The silent Brooklyn Shipyard suddenly came alive, and these orders even exceeded their capacity.

Of course, China will not let them simply take these orders, but requires Brooklyn Shipyard to cooperate with Jiangnan Factory to produce half of each.Americans in trouble also had to agree.

With such a nod, Tao Jiping had a chance to do something. In the name of technical cooperation, he transferred the backbone of the Brooklyn Shipyard to China, transferred important shipbuilding equipment, and even the supporting enterprises of the shipyard were not involved. Let it go, and in one go, they all got back to China.

In addition, he also ordered a lot of important equipment in the name of the Brooklyn Shipyard, and they all got it to China.This relocation operation lasted for more than two years. Relying on American technology and equipment, the size of the Jiangnan factory was increased by five times, and it was capable of starting construction of three [-]-ton aircraft carriers at the same time. The warships of the Jiangnan factory have made great contributions to China.

Of course, this is all something to say, under the wailing of the whole world, some small countries are particularly uncomfortable, such as Siam and Iran, which have just purchased Chinese weapons, as well as Chile, Egypt, Abyssinia, Afghanistan, and Nanhua, which has just been established. encountered serious financial difficulties.

These countries basically rely on the export of resources to make a living, but the western countries collectively lie down, their agricultural and mineral products cannot be sold, and the national finances are deteriorating day by day, all of which have reached a limit.

Many countries have sent representatives to China, hoping that China can help solve the problem.It was at this time that Zhang Tinglan was waiting. He immediately put forward a proposal to hold the third Asia-Africa-Latin America Forum, calling on all non-European countries to discuss strategies to deal with the crisis. (To be continued..)

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