The strongest militia

Chapter 130 Battle of Beiping: Bombardment and Air Defense

Looking at the assembled armored divisions outside the city and the powerful artillery unit that appeared in the binoculars, Lieutenant General Gen Gen knew that the unit in front of him was not joking about attacking Beiping, but that he really had the confidence.What made him even more maddened and depressed was that a large part of the opponent's armored troops and cannons were equipped with them.It has to be said that it is a very depressing thing to be hit by a weapon made by one's own country.

What made him even more unexpected was that the series of permanent fortifications and defensive positions he had arranged had been completely exposed to the artillery of the militia column.Looking at the bombardment parameters provided by the telegrams provided by the special forces team that entered Beiping City in the early stage, the artillery division, who was extremely excited to attack such a big city for the first time, began to trim the bombardment parameters intensively, and strived for the first round of bombardment to be able to cause damage to the little devil. heavy casualties.

Lieutenant General Gen, who was still unclear about everything, felt that facing the militia unit in front of him, relying on Beiping's solid fortifications and artillery units in the city, it should not be a problem to defend for three to five days.

But is this really the case?

May 39th, 5 was destined to be a day that the North China militia column and all Chinese people would remember. As the artillery division had adjusted its bombardment parameters, Deng Chenggong, who personally commanded the artillery division, said immediately after the artillery division was fully prepared: "Brothers, today is May 30, 1939. This is a day we will always remember and be proud of. Because our militia column was the first to recapture the city of Beiping, which had been occupied by the little devils for several years, and was the first column to fire I hope that you can play your best and play the prestige that belongs to our militia column artillery division.

We want to let the little devils in the city know that their cannons are not as good as theirs in this world, and the artillery level of our militia columns is no worse than them.Brothers, do you have the confidence to give the little devil a feast of gunfire? "

The commanders and fighters of the Artillery Division shouted excitedly about this honor: "Yes!"

Deng Chenggong didn't say much. He raised his hand to look at the time and said, "Today's shells are not limited. Give me the best shot, but I hope that every shell you fire can be exchanged for the life of the little devil. The first round of shelling Goal, start according to the original plan!"

Following Deng Chenggong's order, the officers and soldiers of the artillery division, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately stuffed the shells into the barrels, and the loaders at all target positions finished loading.The commander in charge of directing the firing of the guns waved down the command flag vigorously, and dozens of 155-caliber howitzers and 120-caliber howitzers from the artillery division roared in order to send the shells into their respective targets in Beiping City.

The rumbling shelling made Lieutenant General Gen, who had already hid in the concealed fortification, twitch violently in his heart.This is one of the few large-caliber howitzers in the Japanese army, and now it is used by the militia columns to blow themselves up.I am afraid that foreigners will laugh at them to death if I say this!

When the impact point of the first round of shelling was confirmed, the general who soon received the news suddenly turned pale.Because the first round of strike targets of the militia artillery division turned out to be the artillery division that the Lieutenant General was planning to use as his trump card, as well as one of the few tank and armor regiments in Beiping City.

Seeing that the militia division's artillery shells almost all hit the target in the first round of shelling, Lieutenant General Gen Gen quickly realized that there must be people from the militia column in Beiping City, and they informed the outside of the position parameters of their defending troops.

The artillery division that had completed the first round of strikes quickly stopped shelling when it received a message from the special operations team that the target had lost its combat effectiveness, and began to adjust the shelling parameters to set the parameters for the next shelling.

After the militia division stopped shelling, many people who had already hid in the tunnels heard the explosions in the city, and wanted to go out to see the expressions of those arrogant little devils outside at this time.It's just that they are very clear that going out at this time is undoubtedly looking for death, maybe those little devils who can't find anyone to vent their anger will shoot them as spies, and ordinary people like them will not even have a place to reason.Still patiently waiting for the news of the militia troops entering the city!

After receiving that the artillery and armored units were almost incapable of combat, Lieutenant General Nemoto realized that if the artillery of the militia columns continued to bombard the targets in the city.All the fortifications and means he deployed during this period will be ineffective. If he wants to delay the time, he must deal with the militia column artillery unit with large-caliber howitzers outside the city.

At this moment, he understood why the militia column would destroy the airport in Nanyuan. I dare say they planned it early in the morning.I'm afraid that he will use the air strike advantage to blow up these artillery divisions that are deadly to the little devil.

Knowing that if the artillery unit outside the city was not dealt with, the fall of Peiping would be a matter of time, Lieutenant General Gen Gen immediately sent a telegram for help to the navy in Tianxie.It is hoped that the other party will send naval aviation to carry out air support operations.

Although it is embarrassing for the generals of the army to ask the navy for help, they are all the army of one country after all, and it doesn't matter how they make trouble in private, but they still work together when it comes to the war in China.Soon a group of fighter-bombers taking off from the Japanese aircraft carrier quickly approached the direction of Beiping City.

As soon as the Japanese military plane flew over the Tianyan area, the intelligence department of the militia column immediately notified Deng Chenggong of the situation.Seeing that the little devil finally dispatched the navy and air force, Deng Chenggong could only wait for the news.He had anticipated this situation before the start of the war, but he didn't know if the air defense line he had set up could withstand this batch of more than 50 sorties of little devil planes?

Lieutenant General Gen and other officers of the little devil were of course very excited when they learned that the little devil's plane was about to arrive in Peiping, while the militia troops outside the city immediately entered the air-raid shelter that had been built in advance.Some exposed tanks and armored vehicles were quickly put on camouflage.

As the roar from the air got closer, the militia artillery division had already covered the cannons with camouflage, and in a low-lying open space not far from them, there was a fake artillery position made of wood and carriages, Waiting for the arrival of the little devil's plane at any time.Of course, in order to make the performance more realistic, there are still some militia troops who have dug air-raid shelters stationed on this camouflage position.

The naval air force who came to support first turned around the city of Beiping arrogantly, and then began to look for the artillery division's position near Beiping.As the first little devil pilot found a camouflaged position in the air, when he roared down the airport to prepare for an assault, the little devil pilots behind him also quickly discovered the abnormality.

Like a group of vultures falling from the sky, the little devil's naval air force began to lower its altitude, preparing for bombing.Looking at the artillery positions, the militiamen were hiding in a panic.The smiles on the faces of the Japanese aviation soldiers became more and more cruel. Some fighter pilots who had lowered their height frantically used machine guns to shoot at these evading militiamen.

Just as the little devil's fighter jets and bombers were about to carry out a one-sided massacre as simple as eating, in their eyes, in the dense forest around the camouflaged artillery position, there was a sudden sound of gunfire that made the little devil pilots frightened.

Seeing the strings of anti-aircraft machine gun bullets and anti-aircraft artillery shells approaching rapidly, the little devil aviation soldiers immediately understood that this was a trap specially prepared for them.The little devil pilot, who came to his senses, no longer had the excitement of slaughtering the militiamen, and turned to frantically raising the nose of the plane to flee to the sky.

It is a pity that all they did was in vain. They used anti-aircraft machine guns to block the low altitude, and anti-aircraft guns blocked the high altitude to form a strangling net of firepower.As long as you shoot, you don't have to worry about missing the little devil's plane. Even the little devil's pilot, who was a little flustered, actually collided with two planes during his escape.

The militiamen below were delighted to see the big turkeys falling from the sky.Xin Dao, these damn little devil pilots also have today.

This aviation support force with more than 50 aircraft was caught by the air defense regiment of the armored division that had been waiting for them for a long time in just ten minutes.Only a few bombers who found the artillery position later, when they saw the anti-aircraft guns shooting from all directions, they pulled up their noses and advanced towards the sky.They were afraid that their car would be shot by anti-aircraft guns, and they would be the ones who would turn into firebirds.

The fundamental lieutenant general and the little devil who were sticking to Beiping, heard the violent explosion sound from outside the city, and cheered excitedly.But before their excitement was over, a little devil plane protruding from the death strangling net with thick smoke flew wobbly into their sight.

What's going on here?Why is my plane smoking?

At this moment, the escaped Japanese pilot knew that the plane could not be kept, and quickly let go of the steering wheel and parachuted from the plane to escape.When his parachute turned into a small white flower and wobbled and fell in mid-air, the beaten and smoking plane lost control, causing the little devil to crash into the wall of Beiping.

After a loud noise, the plane was naturally torn apart, but the little devil who was defending nearby also suffered. He rushed out of the position with a whimper and a body of sparks, and fell to the ground after walking a few steps. the fire that burned them all.

Under the deliberate ambush of this round of militia air defense regiment, the surviving little devil bombers dropped the aerial bombs on board from high altitude very unwillingly.Anyway, they don't need to care about the target, as long as they throw the shells into the area below, no matter whether they are bombed or not, they will reach the artillery positions, at least it is not their Japanese soldiers who are bombed.

What excited these bomber pilots was that the shell of one of their bombers directly hit the artillery position below, watching the artillery position become a sea of ​​flames.These surviving little devils are a little satisfied, at least their mission for this trip has been completed.Despite the loss of dozens of outstanding aviation soldiers, death as a pilot is something that needs to be faced sooner or later.Fortunately, they were not the ones who died this time!

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