The strongest militia

Chapter 134 The Battle of Beiping Massacre

Seeing the piles of dazzling light in front of them, the two special forces who opened the door were dumbfounded, although they had never seen so many of them.But how much do you know what these golden things in front of you are.It was piles of gold bars. With such a cursory glance, dozens of piles of gold bars are quite a lot!

Compared with the shock of the special forces members, Deng Chenggong, who rarely showed a smile, saw so many gold bars and knew that this time he was attacking Beiping City. The windfall alone was worth his time.After counting by several special forces members, there were 26 piles of gold bars stacked in piles of [-] kilograms each and [-] pieces in the entire underground vault.

In addition to the pile of gold bars missing a few pieces, the more than 20 tons of gold in the Japanese bank that was taken today is estimated to be enough for the militia column to recover a lot of lost capital.With these hard currencies, Deng Chenggong can also have more confidence in the post-war reconstruction outside.

Thinking that it was not safe to put the gold here, Deng Chenggong immediately asked the special forces to find Wu Zhongyuan. After Wu Zhongyuan arrived, Deng Chenggong directly ordered him to lead a hundred special forces to escort the gold out of the city in advance.As for the Japanese yen banknotes in the underground vault and the banknotes issued by other countries, Deng Chenggong confiscated all of them.

Although the yen is not worth much, it is always useful when it is really not possible to find other banks to exchange it in the future.What's the matter, although the yen in the bank is not counted, you can still buy some things, so why waste it?

The confiscation of materials in the bank was all handled by the Flying Eagle Special Forces. After all, this was Deng Chenggong's most trusted force.In addition, the supplies in the bank are not a small amount, and no one can guarantee whether the troops below will have other bad thoughts when they know so much money.It is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice to hand over to Wu Zhongyuan to be responsible for the escort.

After defeating Beiping, the next battle will be relatively simple. As for the little devils who came to support, Deng Chenggong will not be afraid of them at all.He even has a plan for the follow-up series of battles. If the little devil is beaten so painfully and still doesn't know how to restrain himself, Deng Chenggong doesn't mind letting North China fall into a chaotic situation again.After all, the battle situation has now undergone a fundamental turning point. If the little devil doesn't want to affect the overall layout, he can only take this dumb loss all by himself.

After all the materials in the Japanese-funded bank were secretly loaded and sent out of Peiping by the special operations unit, Deng Chenggong came to the Japanese army headquarters in Beiping City. Seeing the headquarters that had been destroyed by several shells, Deng Chenggong also disappeared. interest of.

As for the Beiping commander Wu Zhongyuan captured, he didn't even have the strength to speak at this moment, lying on the ground like a dead fish, Deng Chenggong didn't even have the interest to chat with him.It is better to wait for the militia column to wipe out the little devils in the city and then conduct a public trial after the militia column sieges the city. This fundamental lieutenant general is undoubtedly a good candidate to sacrifice the flag.

When Deng successfully inspected the losses in Beiping City, the militiamen of the First Division of the Militia who were in charge of chasing the little devils saw many little devils hiding in the Japanese Concession established by the Japanese army in Beiping City.Seeing that there were already many Japanese wearing civilian clothes inside, they were eyeing the militiamen who were pursuing them, and the First Civilian Division, who didn't know the situation, could only stop their pursuit.

They sent someone to ask Deng Chenggong whether he wanted to enter the village to hunt down the Japanese deserters.If the suppression continues, judging by the expressions of those Japanese civilians, they will definitely resist desperately.For this reason, officers who did not want to commit the notoriety of massacring civilians directly asked Deng Chenggong for instructions on the next step of combat.

Hearing that the people below asked him even this question, Deng Chenggong said angrily: "I said before the battle that any armed forces that dared to resist us will be wiped out by me. Could it be that those little devils took the military uniforms on their bodies?" Take it off, do you treat him as a civilian?

Tell the commander below that whether he is a little devil soldier or a little devil civilian, he is a little devil after all.I didn't invite him to China, why should I treat him like a commoner.However, in order to avoid affecting our reputation, I told the commander of the First Civilian Division that he could give three warnings and order those Japanese civilians to hand over their weapons and surrender. Maybe because they are civilians, I can spare their lives.

Those who fail to disarm and surrender after three warnings will be punished as little devil soldiers.Tell them, how many people have the little devil killed in our country?It's no big deal to kill a few more of them.If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. They just need to wipe out the deserters that the little devil hid as soon as possible.Understand? "

The militia commander who received the order felt ashamed of being kind to these little devils and civilians, so he still asked the militia to find a loudspeaker and shouted: "We are the North China militia column, and we are now carrying out the task of capturing prisoners. I now ask you to lay down your weapons and surrender. You can enjoy civilian treatment. If you refuse to surrender your weapons and surrender, you will be punished as regular soldiers of the Japanese army. What awaits you will be the full attack of our North China militia column. Now I give you 3 Minutes of consideration time, if you don't hand over your weapons and surrender after 3 minutes, we will attack!"

Most of these Japanese people who lived in Beiping City had immigrated here, and they often did harm to the common people of China.For this reason, they ignored the warnings of the North China militia column at all, and even some arrogant Japanese samurai cursed and said: "China people, if you have the guts, you can attack, and the samurai of our Great Japanese Empire will not attack you. The Chinese surrendered!"

It's a pity that they underestimated the courage of the North China militia column. After three warnings, they faced the arrogant provocation of these Japanese civilians.The commander who led the team didn't say much, and directly ordered the accompanying mortar battalion to fire directly at the simple fortifications built by these civilians.

Seeing the shells falling from the sky exploding around them, the Japanese civilians who were so arrogant just now finally dared not make a sound, and started shooting frantically at the attacking militia troops.This kind of shooting by them undoubtedly made the militiamen who came in to wipe out no obstacles at all, and directly killed them as little devils.

Until Deng Chenggong finally arrived, the entire Japanese settlement had been bloodied, and even killed the red-eyed militia commander later.Seeing the militiamen under him, seeing some Japanese women and teenagers, he originally planned to let them go.In the end, before they could leave, the group of Japanese women and teenagers who spared their lives shot them in the back very brutally, which directly caused many militiamen with good intentions to be beaten to death.

It was the little devil's ignorant resistance that caused the attacking militiamen to shoot a bullet at any object that was moving in front of them, whether you surrendered or begged for mercy.Until the Japanese civilians who were finally killed were surrounded by militia columns at a dead corner of a street, and there was nowhere to escape.These arrogant Japanese civilians were finally scared, and when the militia commander ordered the massacre, Deng Chenggong just arrived to stop the order.

It stands to reason that Deng Chenggong didn't want to let these Japanese civilians go, because these Japanese civilians followed the little devils in the past and bullied the Chinese people a lot.But thinking that it will take a lot of time to relocate Beiping City later, this group of Japanese civilians who have been terrified of being killed do not dare to resist the militia column. It is more effective to serve as hostages than to kill them directly.

Looking at the militiamen who were carrying out the mission of clearing and suppressing, exuding a murderous aura, Deng Chenggong immediately told the accompanying guards to take all the few Japanese civilians squatting in the corner to the Japanese barracks for custody.During the time they occupied Beiping, they were provided with some fresh water and dry food every day, and they would survive if they survived starvation. If the little devil's plane dared to bomb, they would be driven directly under the plane to serve as cannon fodder.

When the militiamen of the First Civilian Division watched the Japanese civilians being arrested and driven away, and saw the blood flow in the entire settlement, many militiamen realized what they had just done.Many militiamen started to vomit aside. Although most of them had seen blood, they still felt a little unbearable when they thought that those old Japanese, women and children were all killed by themselves.

Seeing that the group of militiamen who had just been runaway by the insidiousness of the little devils came to their senses, Deng Chenggong did not reprimand them, but told them that they had done a good job.In the future, in the face of these Japanese with weapons, no matter the elderly, women or children, as long as they feel that he is a threat, they will be killed without hesitation.Anyway, if they don't stay in their own country and live an honest life, if they come to China, it will be him courting death.If this happens in the future, just refer to today's method to implement it.

Comforting these militiamen who were deeply shocked today, Deng Chenggong directly asked the commander leading the team to take the troops down to rest.Instead, he ordered the militiamen who followed behind to take over and clean up the entire bloody battlefield.After all, if today's events were exposed, people would feel that the militia column was a heinous executioner.Although Deng Chenggong felt that there was nothing wrong with killing the little devil, but since there were still many foreigners in Beiping City, it was better to cover up as much as possible if he could.

Sure enough, after Deng Chenggong ordered his men to clean up the scene and learned that the situation in Beiping City had been controlled by the militia column, the foreign consuls who were hiding in the militia column's Beiping intelligence office all asked to meet with Deng Chenggong.After all, they still have a lot of interests in Beiping City. If they are directly confiscated by the militia column at that time, they probably won't be able to cry.

Who is the commander of the North China militia column? He is a well-known professional demolition household, and his ability to search for materials is also well-known in North China.It's just that they didn't expect that Deng Chenggong had indeed made plans for those foreign banks after the Japanese bank found so much gold.

Just considering that Huaxia still needs the support of foreign societies, and it is hard to make a good impression on the other party, so it is somewhat unethical to search other people's banks.Deng Chenggong still won't do this because of a small loss and a big deal!

In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of the fire, Deng Chenggong specially dispatched a militia force to guard these foreign banks.When the foreign consuls who were worried about the loss of their assets saw that the bank had been protected by Deng Chenggong's militia, they couldn't say how much they liked Deng Chenggong, the savior!It seems that this is a very gentlemanly general, maybe he can deal with him well in the future!

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