The strongest militia

Chapter 20 Flying Eagle Practical Assessment

() As for the distribution of postcards to the participating players who have been retained until this stage, it was a matter of Deng Chenggong's decision when he accidentally listened to the team members chatting.This made Deng Chenggong, who had always thought it would be good to provide food and lodging for these soldiers, realize that not everyone is willing to stay in the militia brigade all the time.After all, most of them are the pillars of the family, and many of them bear the burden of supporting their families.If they become real special forces members in the future, it means that the source of income of the family will face a loss. How can this make the members willing to stay in the army?

Thinking of this, Deng Chenggong, after discussing with Hu Guangzong, Xu Mingyuan and others, finally decided to divide the current militia brigade into three parts. One is the militia reserve team stationed in the village. Paste.One is the official militia that has long been in charge of combat protection tasks. Most of them are militia squadrons or detachments of three to fifty people. For these militias, five oceans of monthly subsidies are issued.The third piece is for special personnel who have been in the militia for a long time, such as logistics personnel and current special forces members, will be given corresponding work subsidies according to their work quality and their responsibilities and obligations.In this way, although the militia brigade increased some expenses out of thin air, all three of them clearly understood that once the news was conveyed, the cohesion of the militia brigade would definitely increase unprecedentedly.

In order to ensure the popularity and combat capabilities of the current militia brigade, it is worthwhile to spend some money. This is the conclusion reached by the three discussions.Just from the expressions of these trainees, it can be seen that after those militiamen get the news, more and more people will definitely be willing to join the militia team, and even become official militiamen of the militia brigade.

When Xu Mingyuan and Hu Guangzong arrived at the Yingzuiling militia corps with the sticker issued by Deng Chenggong, all the militia captains who had received the notice and arrived at the corps all jumped up excitedly.These team members are very clear that with these soldiers' allowances issued, those militiamen who worry about staying in the army all day and delaying their farm work at home will definitely be more willing to stay in the team.After all, the five oceans in this year can allow a family of five to live a good life for a month.

And there are also two reserve militiamen who are subsidized every day. Although they are the least subsidized, they usually do not affect the family's farm work at all because they are stationed in the village.The addition of two oceans will undoubtedly make their family's life easier, and their enthusiasm for participating in militia training will increase a lot, and they will not be reluctant like they usually say that they have work to do at home when they talk about training. .

When tens of thousands of oceans were handed out by the militia captains in the first month, the enthusiasm for joining the militia brigade increased a bit, and even some young people who were originally worried that becoming an official militia would affect their family income, after learning that becoming an official militia would After enjoying the subsidy of five ocean soldiers every month, they all chose to stay in the official militia.Some villages that had difficulty forming a militia team changed their attitude immediately after hearing the news, and they were willing to allow young people in the village to join the militia organization.In this way, after the first training session of special forces members ended three months later, Deng Chenggong accidentally discovered that the militia team in his hands had expanded to nearly [-] people.The basic militia organization has expanded to the outskirts of Shijiazhuang, and even several village-level militia organizations have expanded to Pingshan and Lingshou counties.

While rejoicing at the strength and growth in his heart, Deng Chenggong also received a report from Xu Mingyuan that the brigade's funds would face a report that it would last less than three months.This also means that if you want to maintain this trend of militia expansion, you must start to find ways to make money.

Thinking that the first batch of 32-member Flying Eagle Special Team had basically taken shape and still lacked some practical tests, Deng Chenggong asked Xu Mingyuan to bring over the list of officials and rich men collected by the intelligence personnel in the past few months.He was going to take this slightly immature Flying Eagle Special Forces team to carry out the robbery and kidnapping mission, and search for some funds for the militia brigade.

Holding Xu Mingyuan's list filled with three blank sheets of paper, Deng Chenggong decided that the first search target would be Chen Fugui, the landlord of Dachen Village not far from their training base.According to the information provided by the intelligence team, because Chen Fugui has a son who is a military officer at the rank of brigade commander, he relies on his son's power to dominate the local area.Nearly 200% of the entire farmland belongs to him, and most of the people in the village rent and grow his land to survive.Moreover, Chen Fugui used the weapons and equipment embezzled by his son from the army to arm an armed guard of nearly [-] people, and the captain of the guard was an official officer specially sent by his son from the army to protect his father.It can be said that this is a regular army in name.

Originally, Dachenzhuang also formed a village-level militia team, but because of the long-term attack of this escort team, it had to be forced to go underground.If it hadn't been for Deng Chenggong's confession, the militia brigade is now prohibited from conducting large-scale offensive operations, and Xu Mingyuan and others have long wanted to send troops to eliminate them.In this way, because the distance is not very far and the opponent has a certain self-defense ability, Deng Chenggong selected Da Chenzhuang as the experimental subject for the first battle of the Flying Eagle Special Forces.

The special forces members who finally persevered were naturally very happy when they heard that they could finally show their talents.After getting his personal combat equipment, he followed Deng Chenggong and marched to the outskirts of Chen's Manor in Dachenzhuang in a hurry at night.

Because there was a village-level militia team in the village, under the leadership of this native militia captain, Deng Chenggong and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain near the manor very smoothly.Looking at the city wall erected like a roadblock in front of them, the special forces team members who thought they could easily succeed couldn't figure out how to take down this manor without alarming the opponent.

After inquiring about the three special warfare team leaders he had specially selected, Deng Chenggong finally chose the frontal attack strategy proposed by the second team leader, Wu Zhongyuan, who was his original guard. plan.Although there is also a mountain road in the back mountain of Chenjiazhuang to enter the manor, but what the militia captain of the Great Chenzhuang said was that the mountain road was also built with extremely strong fortifications.And it will take an hour to reach that valley.

Even according to the villagers in Chenjiazhuang, the defense of the back mountain is even tighter than that of the front mountain.After all, the captain of the guard inside was from the military, so he knows better what places are suitable for outsiders to attack.Although attacking from the front is risky, it is precisely because of this reason that the guards in charge of defense may relax their defense, allowing the special forces to find loopholes in the attack.

After learning that the guards of the manor even possessed a total of six mortars, which are difficult for ordinary landlords to buy these days, Deng Chenggong decided that Wu Zhongyuan's second group would carry out the first entry into the manor.If it is discovered by the guards and the large number of guards in the manor are alarmed, tonight's operation will be declared a failure.This also means that Wu Zhongyuan and other Flying Eagle players have yet to be trained and cannot become special forces members who officially wear the Flying Eagle logo.

This is undoubtedly a failure that is extremely unwilling to accept for the special forces members who have finally persisted to this point.In order to prevent Chen Fugui from escaping in the end, Wu Zhongyuan and other three special operations team leaders finally decided to send the third level to cooperate with the Dachenzhuang militia team to deploy defenses in the back mountain, waiting for the signal from the attacking troops ahead.If the front attack goes well, they will enter Chenjiazhuang from the backyard. If it is inevitable to alarm the opponent in the end, in order to prevent the opponent from escaping, the third group cooperates with the militia team to eliminate the opponent in the backyard as much as possible to prevent leakage of information.

The three team leaders agreed that the official attack time was set at one and a half hours later, and the special forces members of the three groups followed the members of the militia team and rushed to the backyard mountain road at full speed to set up an ambush.The two teams, including Wu Zhongyuan, who were attacking in the front, each sent their members with the strongest reconnaissance capabilities to go around the front yard for reconnaissance, in order to perfect the attack team's combat plan as much as possible.

Deng Chenggong did not comment on how to conduct the operation except for the first step of selecting the combat plan for this operation. This time he was more of a reviewer.Whether or not these team members can become true Flying Eagle special forces members depends on whether tonight's special operations mission can be successfully completed.

An hour and a half later, Wu Zhongyuan personally led the special forces members of the two teams who were good at climbing, and quietly lurked under the nearly five-meter-high city wall in the front yard of Chenjiazhuang.Through the reconnaissance of several scouts just now, they found that there was at least one squad of guards defending the city wall, that is, a guard team of about ten people.In addition, two heavy machine guns were placed on the left and right sides of the city wall. Once they found out, they would have little chance of attacking with the guns in the hands of special operators.

In order to reduce the noise that may be caused when climbing, this five-member special forces team, except for one person and two box cannons, is equipped with a special warfare crossbow.Deng Chenggong specially asked skilled craftsmen to make this special bow and crossbow according to his own drawings. It can shoot through the enemy's head silently at a short distance of 50 meters, and it is called one of the combat weapons of the special forces.

As Wu Zhongyuan was the first to climb to the city wall, he climbed into the courtyard wall at night, and the other four special forces members arrived on the courtyard wall one by one smoothly.After the five people gathered, Wu Zhongyuan pointed out the dangers that each special operations team member was responsible for solving one by one through special operations gestures.

After selecting the target to attack, the five of them unanimously pulled out their special combat crossbows from their backs to aim at the guards standing or sitting on the crenel of the heavy machine gun.With a wave of Wu Zhongyuan's hand, the five crossbow arrows shot down the five guards at the first time, and when the others gasped in shock from the sudden shooting, the five guards discovered the situation by coincidence The guards were all killed with daggers.The entire operation took less than a minute, and the ten guards guarding the heavy machine gun positions were silently wiped out on the city wall by them.

Compared with these dead guards, the special forces members who finished the battle, except Wu Zhongyuan and the other two special forces members looked calm.Two of the special forces members, watching the bloody scene, finally couldn't help hiding in the dark and quietly vomited.After all, this is the first time they have killed people. Although they have experienced bloody scenes before, they are more killing wild beasts in the mountains than the living human beings before them!

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