The strongest militia

Chapter 213 The Flying Eagle's Rescue and Harassment

When the Japanese military officer who went to the immigration street for rescue reported what happened just now to Lieutenant General Baitake, Lieutenant General Baitake was also a little dumbfounded.When arresting Huaxia people as hostages, he felt that Huaxia people were the same as soldiers, as long as they were a little more aggressive, they would not resist beating or scolding.

And the obvious improvement in the situation in Tiancheng these days undoubtedly proved the previous speculation of Lieutenant General Baiwu, and it was the best confirmation.Not to mention the puppet soldiers at the bottom, but the current puppet government officials have shot several people suspected of betraying them, isn't it still calm?But who knew that Wu Zhen and his group would actually come up with such a move.

Regarding the report by the Japanese military officers, Wu Zhen proposed that their family members and ordinary people in the city must be released immediately, otherwise the soldiers of the First Regiment would start revenge against the Japanese in the immigrant village.Big deal, we all die together.With the thousands of Japanese buried on Immigrant Street, Wu Zhen would not feel that he died too useless.Now let's see how Lieutenant General Baiwu chooses!

Before Lieutenant General Hyakutake could make a choice, some Japanese officers who were in charge of commanding the defense of the city soon learned of the news.For the safety of their families, they even jointly put pressure on Lieutenant General Baiwu, hoping that Lieutenant General Baiwu could release the detention of those Chinese people.If the militiamen outside the city really want to attack the city, then everyone should fight with real guns and swords, so as not to make people look down on them, Japanese officers who value honor more than life and death.

Seeing these joint letters, Lieutenant General Baiwu finally had no choice but to order the Japanese soldiers who were imprisoning the Chinese people to release all the Chinese people who were detained in a centralized manner.For the family members of the rebel group, he also asked his adjutant to take them there personally and negotiate terms with them. [

In Baiwu Lieutenant General's view, these Chinese people could hand them over to a group of rebel officers and soldiers, but he disagreed with their request to release the captured Japanese civilians after they left the city.At this time, if a breakthrough is opened, who knows if the militia outside the city will take advantage of this opportunity to attack the city!

Lieutenant General Baiwu hoped that his adjutant could negotiate with Wu Zhen to see if he and some of the officers' families could be replaced first.As for the Japanese who have no identity background in the immigration street.serve as hostages.Anyway, he only had one request, to rescue his two lovers and children, and he didn't care too much about the others.

It's just that no one would have thought that the rebellion at this time made the speculators in the city, who were already on the verge of moving, start looking for ways to mitigate their crimes.For the militia intelligence agent who contacted them before, they also began to think about the method of paying the debt with the head of the little devil if they wanted to atone for their sins.How many little devils' heads would it take to offset the crimes on my body?

The fluctuating hearts of the people in the city and the chaos caused by the puppet army naturally cannot escape the eyes and ears of Wu Zhongyuan and others who entered the city.Originally they planned to enter the little devil's barracks to assassinate Lieutenant General Baiwu who was hiding in the base, but when they suddenly saw that there were less than one squadron of the little devils who had come out from the Japanese army station to escort the people in the city, Wu Zhongyuan temporarily decided to take the opportunity to Ambushed and killed them halfway, and then rescued all these ordinary people.

So much so that the little devil soldiers walking in front and behind.A few streets away from the immigrant village, they encountered a patrol wearing the same Japanese military uniform.Just when these Japanese soldiers passed by their escort team, to the surprise of the common people and the little devils present, these patrol soldiers who had just nodded to them just now, before the leader arrived at the team behind them, Suddenly, the entire patrol team rushed into the team they were escorting.

Before these little devils realized anything, they were dealt with three times, five divisions and two divisions by the flying eagles in the rushing team.And the Japanese adjutant who led the team didn't even have time to react.Flying Eagle rushed over and cut his throat with a knife.

After the nearly a hundred little devils in the escort team were dealt with, the leader Wu Zhongyuan said to the terrified common people: "Fellow folks, we are members of the militia column. We are here on purpose under the order of our commander. The city rescued you. Now you are safe. In order to prevent the little devils from taking you hostage again, we will send people to arrange all of you to a safe area in the city. Wait for the battle to start, and we will eliminate the little devils in the city .You will be safe."

Hearing that these people who wore the uniforms of the little devils but killed the little devils belonged to the militia column, the family members of the regiment in the team were undoubtedly relieved.When these family members were worried that their relatives in the group would be in danger, Wu Zhongyuan promised to send someone to inform them that the family members had been saved.The other group now has hostages in their hands, and the little devil dare not move them easily.

With these guarantees from Wu Zhongyuan, these rescued ordinary people can finally safely follow the intelligence personnel in the city and quickly sneak into the tunnels that have been built in the city.Wait until the militia column siege battle is over.They can also safely come out of the tunnel to reunite with their families.

After seeing these people follow the intelligence personnel in the city and quickly escape into the underground passage from a nearby sewer entrance, Wu Zhongyuan ordered Feiying to quickly clean up the battlefield while finding a note from his body.After writing a few words quickly.Let the special forces members of the team who are good at bows and arrows find a relatively secret place and shoot this letter into the puppet army's position facing the little devil.

After dealing with these matters, Wu Zhongyuan led the rest of the team, preparing to break into the little devil's barracks in the city and behead the Lieutenant General Baiwu inside.At the same time, in order to cover them and watch the attack, Wu Zhongyuan reported his plan to Deng Chenggong, hoping that Hu Guangzong's troops outside the city could start to attack the city.As soon as the siege battle starts, those soldiers who are still staying in the little devil's barracks will inevitably be transferred to the fortresses of the cities to defend.In this way, it is also convenient for Feiying to carry out special beheading operations.

After receiving that Wu Zhongyuan had settled all the people in the city properly, Deng Chenggong immediately instructed Hu Guangzong to carry out the first round of siege battles. Before they arrived, they could test the defensive firepower of the Japanese army in the city.Anyway, in the army they accompanied, there was also an artillery brigade directly under the military division.Although it is not as powerful as the artillery division, it can still play a deterrent effect when used to attack some military targets.

Hu Guangzong, who knew that the city was in chaos, also knew that this time was probably the best time to attack the city. They took Chengde, an important military town, one day earlier. Fewer casualties.This will be helpful for Hu Guangzong to develop the strength of the military division here in the future.

With the order of the commander Deng Chenggong.Hu Guangzong immediately ordered the officers and soldiers of the artillery brigade directly under him to enter the position, according to the detailed target parameters sent by the special warfare brigade in the city.The officers and soldiers of the artillery brigade attacking such a big city for the first time were undoubtedly very excited.So following the order of Yang Benli, the commander of the Artillery Brigade, the artillery of the Northeast Artillery Brigade fired at Chengde City, which had been sunk by the little devil for several years, for the first time.

The cannon flew into the little devil's military target in the city with the ear-piercing beeping sound. Lieutenant General Baiwu immediately turned pale with shock and said: "Baga, the militiamen have begun to attack the city. Hurry up and let the troops in the city avoid the shelling. At the same time, order the troops in the city Artillery Battalion. Counterattack!"

It's just that the order has not yet been issued, and the officer below sent a telegram. In the first round of shelling just now, their tightly hidden artillery brigade was baptized by the militia artillery force outside the city. Now they can use it The number of counterattack artillery is pitifully small.There is no way to threaten the militia artillery units outside the city who continue to shell their targets in the city.

As more and more cannons flew into the city from outside the city, the little devil soldiers hiding in the anti-cannon hole also felt what it was like to be bombed for the first time. The movement of the artillery.Until the officer leading the team told them that the artillery brigade in the city had been disabled, and they could only fight desperately in the next battle if they wanted to survive.Otherwise, face those murderous militia forces outside.They also have only one way to die.

The artillery began to bombard the military targets in the city continuously, and those puppet troops who wanted to rebel had a group to take the lead, and they had less worries.After receiving the news that the people in the city had been urgently transferred by the militia column, they immediately started the battle to kill the little devil and atone for their sins under the leadership of their respective officers.

As a result, before the militia columns attacked the city, the gunfire in the city became more and more intensive. When the artillery fire outside the city began to shift from the center of the city to the top of the city, the sound of gunfire was already heard everywhere in the city.Puppet troops several times.They began to hunt and kill small groups of little devils in groups of three or four.As a result, Lieutenant General Baiwu, in order to stabilize the chaos in the city, had to dispatch the reserve troops in the station to suppress it little by little. [

Just as the night was gradually covering Chengde City, and there was less than a brigade of guards left in the little devil's garrison, a group of squadrons wearing Japanese military uniforms came outside the little devil's garrison.After showing their credentials to the Japanese officer in charge of security, the group entered the little devil's garrison smoothly, just like other Japanese soldiers who had returned to the garrison to rest.

Wait until the Japanese squadron, whose clothes are full of gunpowder smoke, enters the little devil's garrison.It seemed that they didn't know where to camp, so that when they arrived at the little devil's camp, after seeing the little devils resting and chatting in groups of three or four, the whole squadron soon dispersed.Similarly, groups of three or four merged into the little devil's barracks.

Until these little devils who had been nervous and exhausted all day began to return to their dormitories to rest, these little devil soldiers who wandered around the station for an hour or two also began to pick the officer's dormitory they had just spotted.When they arrived at the officer's dormitory, the sentries guarded by guards looked a little angry and said, "You are soldiers from that brigade, don't you know this is the officer's dormitory? Go back and rest quickly, this is not a place for you to come in."

As a result, before they got out of the checkpoint to drive away these ordinary soldiers who seemed a little dizzy, these Japanese soldiers dressed in ordinary soldiers suddenly and violently killed the sentry closest to them.When the sentinels who reacted opened fire, the entire Japanese camp suddenly fell into chaos.

These stragglers who heard the gunshots came from there, began to break through the guard post in the officer's accommodation area in an orderly manner, rushed into the rest room of the officers, and killed anyone they saw, regardless of whether the opponent was a major or a major.Even when a major general was about to reprimand them as soldiers of that unit, those soldiers shot a few shots without saying a word, and beat the major general to death in his room with a look of reluctance.

When the officers who realized that someone had sneaked into the garrison started yelling not to shoot indiscriminately, there would always be guns from the dark to shoot them.In this situation where only the lights were shining, many soldiers who were worried about going out and being killed had to hide in each other's rooms, and be wary of anyone who broke into their dormitory but was not their dormitory.Regardless of whether the other party can speak Japanese or not, as long as the person who comes is not known to any of them, they will shoot and kill without saying a word.

Those who caused chaos in the little devil camp, there is no need to think about it, only the Flying Eagle Special Forces led by Wu Zhongyuan, and a small team was responsible for creating chaos. attack.Only by killing the little devil Lieutenant General Deng successfully issued the kill order, their combat mission of Feiying to enter the city will be considered a success.

In order to prevent the little devils in the city from rushing back to rescue when they heard the gunshots, Feiying must end the battle as soon as possible.Otherwise, when the army of little devils surrounds them, it will be difficult for them to escape.This kind of muddy water situation, which was finally created with great difficulty, if the old devil Lieutenant General Baiwu still can't get rid of, they will really be blind to their Flying Eagle sign! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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