The strongest militia

Chapter 217 Policy Policy in the Liberated Areas

ps: Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mosquito wishes you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! The only thing I am a little upset about is that Mosquito has to go to work for the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, what a miserable life!

Secondly, I would like to thank the book friend 'helloleefong' for the great reward, and also thank the book friend 'Submariner' for the support of the two monthly tickets!In any case, I hope you book friends will have a good time this short holiday!Play hppy!

Since the militia column was preparing to recover Chahar and the two surrounding provinces, Deng Chenggong had considered how to name this area later named Inner Mongolia.Considering these three provinces today, the side close to Mongolia is almost occupied by nomads.This will still be very detrimental to maintaining local stability in the future, so Deng Chenggong decided to implement the policy of exchanging military achievements for military fields that has not been implemented in the North China base areas.

Now the North China Militia Column plus the 35th Army, the number of front-line main forces has reached nearly 80.According to the battlefield seizure regulations of the militia column, the funds required may be enough to drag down the reconstruction funds of the militia column.In order to improve the imbalance of the local Han-Mongolian ratio, Deng Chenggong decided to implement two new incentive policies for Juntian and Jungong Farms.

The objects of the implementation of the military field include the militia below the platoon level of the main combat force of the first line and the militia of the second line for meritorious service. The military merit farm includes the militia officers above the platoon level.In the future recovery operations, they will not receive corresponding bonuses and subsidies. Instead, they will be given a certain number of fields as war dividends. [

These fields allocated to soldiers, they are free to dispose of these fields whether to rent or use them for themselves.Knowing the common people's desire for land these days, after recovering Chahar and Rehe, Deng Chenggong sent telegrams to the people in the base areas in North China. their own fields.

And these new immigrants do not need to pay any rent in the first year, but only [-]% in the second year.Starting from the third year, [-]% will be paid and this regulation has been implemented.The remaining [-]% of the income collected from the fields each year can be handled by the common people themselves.Faced with this temptation, the people in the North China base area with a relatively concentrated population density, after the propaganda of the local militia, quickly entered the relatively sparsely populated areas of Chahar and Rehe under the escort of the grassroots militia.

With the participation of these people, the originally deserted fields in these two areas were quickly reclaimed.In order to reduce the speed of desert weathering caused by dense population.Deng Chenggong also ordered the local main forces and reserve forces to increase the intensity of afforestation after training.He is building this place, which is full of wind and sand in the future generations, into an oasis beyond the Great Wall.

In this regard, given Deng Chenggong's prestige in the army, although those militiamen and officers did not understand the relationship between fighting and planting trees, they had weekly rest days.These militiamen were still very obedient and planted the new saplings cultivated nearby one by one.In any case, the former North China militiamen who were used to the shade of trees felt that it would be more beautiful to have some trees embellished with the grasslands in the new garrison.

The militia column's wanton emigration of Han people still caused many local Manchu and Mongolian princes to worry.It was just the first thing Deng successfully did for these princes who usually relied on exploiting herdsmen.That is to say, King De and the princes and officials who participated in the puppet Mongolian government shot them one by one after summoning the princes in the province to watch them in person.

At the same time, it announced the abolition of the enveloping slavery system that still exists in the Manchurian and Mongolian regions, and required these Manchurian and Mongolian princes to relieve the oppression of those slaves as soon as possible.At the same time, they will be punished accordingly based on what they usually do.In this regard, facing the militia troops armed with guns and ready to attack at any time, although these Manchu and Mongolian princes hated Deng Chenggong's overbearing.I still had to, in front of those herdsmen who were weeping with joy, hand over the deeds of prostitution that destined their future descendants to become slaves and coated slaves.

At the same time, for the cooperating Manchu and Mongolian princes, Deng Chenggong took out another troop of funds to buy their pastures at a corresponding price.He also encouraged these cooperating Manchu and Mongolian princes to use their farms and funds to invest in their militia columns.The soon-to-be-opened local factory sits at home and collects monthly dividends.It's also more comfortable than guarding the broken grass field every day!

Moreover, in order to promote a series of new policies for these Manchu and Mongolian princes to support the militia columns, Deng Chenggong will also give some extra care to the families of these princes when recruiting troops and appointing government personnel for the new government.Let these princes lose their pastures.You can also become a factory owner again, or even an official in the new government.

This kind of penetration of carrots and sticks made the Manchu and Mongolian princes who were planning to fight together in groups, and princes who took the initiative to express their goodwill to the militia columns began to appear one after another.Especially near their farms, fur deep-processing factories have been opened one after another. Those princes who previously exchanged farms for shares have received the first month's bonus.

The Manchu and Mongolian princes in the Chahar region finally know how to get money quickly and easily.There were a few stubborn ones, and the militia column also adopted the method of containment, liberated all the herdsmen who worked for them, and re-arranged them to work on the military merit farm of the base. Grazing is much higher.

Even, those children who were previously unimaginable to go to school, along with the construction of these military farms, and the subsequent immigrants who moved over.Literacy classes and ethnic schools for school-age children have also been opened in succession around these princely farms.As long as the herdsmen who have signed labor contracts with these military farms for more than five years, no matter what ethnicity you are, you can let your children enter these ethnic schools that offer Manchurian Chinese for free.

As long as the children of these herdsmen have good grades, they can also study in universities in the North China base area in the future.For the vast majority of herdsmen in Chahar, this is a good thing that is impossible to imagine.In addition, the medical personnel that Deng successfully transferred from the base areas have also set up medical clinics in these herdsmen concentrated areas to solve the difficult problems of medical treatment for the local herdsmen.

This new policy of treating each other as equals made many Manchu and Mongolian herdsmen who hated the new immigrants at first finally understand that what Deng Chenggong called the Manchurians were actually a family, and it was not just a matter of talking.The Manchu and Mongolian herdsmen, who had always thought that the Han people would oppress them, finally realized that the army led by the Han people in front of them really treated them like a family.

Watching the immigrants and aborigines in the three provinces begin to slowly integrate.Those Manchu and Mongolian militiamen who joined the militia column just to make a living, finally realized that they were following the right people this time.The enthusiasm for training in the army has undoubtedly increased a lot.

And those princes who were still planning to make some small moves finally understood how powerful this new deal was when they saw that the herdsmen who were originally loyal to them began to alienate them.Even if they want to resist again, the private army has already been withdrawn.You can't even recruit a single person, and you're even making a fart of resistance!Apart from supporting the New Deal of the militia columns, there are really few paths left for them to choose.

Feng Yixiang, Hu Guangzong, and Fu Zuoyi, the military and political leaders of one party, were in charge of government affairs, and with the cooperation of a group of grassroots militia officers with rich rural experience drawn from North China, the implementation of the new policies in these three provinces was also very smooth.Deng Chenggong, as the commander, only needs to control the general direction without making mistakes.Other things can be implemented by the people below.

When the situation in the three provinces was relatively stable, he immediately ordered the column arsenal to be expanded to more than 2 people, transfer half of the personnel and equipment, and enter the selected Baotou and Hohhot areas to build a sub-base.The iron and steel factories and foundries in the base area were all relocated here.

These two places will be the combat readiness bases for the militia columns to carry out the development of heavy industry.Compared with the cautious development in the North China base area, the two cities of the air defense force have been properly arranged on the periphery at this time.Although the safety of the maximum situation cannot be guaranteed.But if the little devil's plane wants to drop the bomb here, I'm afraid it will have to pay a heavy price.For this reason, the time to implement the construction plan of the heavy industry base is fully ripe.

For this reason, after more than a month of recovery operations, the entire militia column carried out reorganization and expansion of the army and the implementation of the new resettlement policy.The three veterans are in charge of major military and political affairs in the three provinces, and Xu Mingyuan, the political director, is in charge of the relatively stable North China theater.As for Deng Chenggong, he devoted himself to preparing this heavy industry base. [

Because of the recovery operations of the three provinces, apart from the destruction of some cities east of Rehe due to the voluntary retreat of the little devils, the factories preserved by the little devils in Suiyuan and Chahar are relatively complete.this means.As long as Deng successfully relocated the factory here, they could quickly restore their production capacity and produce more weapons and equipment for the militia columns.

While the personnel and equipment in the arsenal were still being installed and debugged, Deng Chenggong came to the Militia Medical Research Institute established outside Hohhot.Because this institute, which gathered all the medical elites from the base, finally developed penicillin, which played a major role in World War II.This made Deng Chenggong excitedly fantasize about waiting until penicillin can be officially used clinically.It is believed that this source of income alone is enough to support the increasing expenditure of the militia columns.

In order to set up this medical research institute, the militia column has successively invested millions of oceans, and Deng Chenggong also fully informed these medical elites of some of his knowledge about this medicine.Until recently.After moving here, I finally got my own research institute and a medical research institute in a factory, so I called myself, saying that penicillin had been mentioned successfully, and that the experiment on mice had been carried out, and the effect of the medicine was as miraculous as Deng Chenggong described.

For this reason, the staff of the medical research institute who only spent money but failed to produce benefits, naturally gave this commander who privately supported all their needs the first time, and asked him to come and share this important invention in the history of medicine.

When Deng Chenggong's motorcade arrived at the Institute of Medicine, Kong Fanling, a doctor of medicine who was in charge of the director of the institute and returned from the United States, also felt confident for the first time standing at the door and waiting for Deng Chenggong's inspection.After more than a dozen physical injection experiments on mice, Kong Fanling could imagine that the invention of this drug was enough to make him, the leader, famous in history.

And all of this was when he resolutely decided to resign from his lucrative job in the United States and return to China to join the Medical Research Institute of the Militia Column, which was still poor at the time.And this has been done for more than a year, and Deng Chenggong has given him the utmost support for his procurement requirements.Equipment and personnel will be purchased or even hired for him as soon as possible.

In addition to the study of penicillin, the extraction method provided by Deng Chenggong still gave Kong Fanling a lot of insights and saved him many detours.It wasn't until after moving here that penicillin was finally extracted successfully, and the effect of the experiment was astonishingly significant.This made Kong Fanling, who has been engaged in medical research for decades, feel for the first time that the original choice was really right! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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