The strongest militia

Chapter 223 Harbin Information Station

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After reassuring the nomads who were worried about the safety of their relatives and almost exchanged fire with the militia, leading to a confrontation between the two sides, Deng Chenggong, led by Feiying, put on protective clothing and entered the rapidly established border field hospital.And in order to prevent the little devil's plane from bombing, when Deng Chenggong came here on this trip, he also specially dispatched an air defense regiment to deal with the little devil's bombing from the sky.

When he came to the wards of some plague patients who were admitted, he saw that the exposed parts of the skin of the patients, such as the face, neck, shoulders, hands and feet, had papules or spots, and blisters and ulcers began to form. When the black scab that looked like coal formed, I knew that my guess was right. The creator of this plague was indeed the ghost of the little devil.

When he asked the medical experts sent here from the army to see if they had found out the source of the disease, an expert who had been engaged in biochemical disease research said: "Commander, through the hundreds of patients currently being treated in our field hospital, we It is preliminarily judged that the cause of the plague is anthrax. And after we questioned those herdsmen who were still conscious, they also proved that this germ is not only highly contagious to humans, but also infected their livestock. As a result, many herdsmen who were infected with the plague in the early days could not escape here at all.

If it weren't for the isolation zone we had set up before, I am really worried that this plague will spread once it spreads.The consequences will be unimaginable! [

I'm just curious, as far as I'm asking these patients.The grasslands they graze do not seem to have suffered from large-scale cholera or even extreme weather.This time the plague seemed to come extremely quickly, and once it spread, it almost covered the entire grassland area.This does not seem to be consistent with the theory of the production and spread of anthrax bacteria! "

Regarding the question raised by this expert, Deng Chenggong said angrily: "Hmph! Do you really think this plague is a natural disaster? Let me tell you, this is the work of a little devil. If we didn't act quickly, we would immediately Pulling up the isolation belt, you just said how serious the consequences will be once this plague spreads. These little devils can't see us living in peace, so they use such despicable means.

okay.Tell me now, is there any possibility of curing these admitted patients?In addition, can a vaccine be produced? "

When the experts heard that this plague was caused by the little devil, they suddenly seemed a little stunned, but thinking of their previous judgments, it seemed that this was the only situation that was in line with common sense.Therefore, upon hearing Cheng Cheng's inquiry, he seemed very cautious and said: "If the patients we are treating are in the early stage, we can still carry out rescue observation. I believe that if the patients' physical condition is good, there should not be too many problems. The key is that those germs spread to the whole body, I'm afraid it depends on whether they can escape.

As for the development of a vaccine for this anthrax plague, our expert team is already in the process of urgent research and treatment.I believe it won't be long before we know about our current capabilities.Can a vaccine be developed.It may take some time for the commander to get definite news.However, our expert team will do our best to treat each patient and let them recover and be discharged as soon as possible. "

Hearing the expert's assurance, Deng Chenggong nodded and said: "Okay. Since you have this determination, I will wait for your good news here. In addition, in order to prevent the spread of this anthrax bacteria in the field hospital. Members of your expert team and medical staff Personnel, must do a good job of comprehensive disinfection and sterilization. I don't want you to be infected with this disease, so it is necessary to spend more time on disinfection. Do you know?"

The expert nodded and said: "Understood the commander. After we found out the cause of the plague, we have notified the hospital and the militia troops stationed there to carry out relevant disinfection work on the source of the disease. I guarantee that the disease will not spread from our field hospital." go out.

Just to make sure that something goes wrong, I think the commander can consider sending a rescue team into the pastoral area to disinfect and treat the wounded?If those disease sources are allowed to stay on the grassland, I'm afraid that the Huolinguo grassland will become a Jedi in the future. "

Deng Chenggong was also prepared for the expert's suggestion, nodded and said: "I have already prepared for this, so I have been urging the headquarters to develop relevant disinfectants. After your vaccine is developed, I will send troops to protect you from entering the epidemic area. In addition, if you have any needs in rescue work, you can also contact the garrison commander here at any time. The corps will definitely meet your needs, and I only hope that you can develop this vaccine as soon as possible.

I'm sure you also know that if the little devil's plan doesn't succeed this time, I'm afraid that if they go to our hinterland to launch this kind of biochemical warfare next time, and we have a vaccine, I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses.Therefore, your vaccine development work is related to the lives of tens of millions of people in the army, so you must hurry you know? "

With Deng Chenggong's orders and instructions, the plague treatment work started in an orderly manner. Gradually, the herdsmen who came here began to see people who were judged to be uninfected after normal disinfection and isolation were released.Everyone in the grassland knew that the militia corps did not abandon their compatriots on the Huolinguo grassland. On the contrary, they were providing medical assistance to the herdsmen who were infected with the plague.

As a result, these Manchu and Mongolian herdsmen became less wary of grassroots militia cadres, and the construction of grassroots militia organizations in pastoral areas, which had been slow to begin, began to enter the fast lane.The little devil originally wanted to use this to cause trouble for the militia corps, but unexpectedly, he helped the militia corps a lot.Knowing this situation, the Kwantung Army Staff Headquarters almost vomited blood out of breath.

What they didn't know was that the plague incident deliberately created by the Kwantung Army reminded Deng Chenggong of the biochemical troops of the Kwantung Army that produced and studied these plague germs.Knowing this disease, with the current medical level of the militia corps, it can still be effectively controlled.Deng successfully summoned Wu Zhongyuan and the person in charge of Northeast intelligence to launch an attack against the Kwantung Army's biochemical troops.

And he asked Wu Zhongyuan, who led the team into the Northeast to carry out the sabotage war.The research institutes designated by the Japanese army to study chemical weapons must be destroyed, and relevant test reports and evidence must be obtained as much as possible.By the time.Deng Chenggong wants to settle the old and new grudges together, so that the little devil will stink in the entire international community.And let them really understand that this kind of indiscriminate means will only get retribution, and it will not help them get anything.

So Wu Zhongyuan, who arrived here with Deng Chenggong, led a 200-member elite Flying Eagle special team one night, and quietly infiltrated the little devil's occupied area along the border defense area.

According to the information provided by the Northeast Intelligence Office, coupled with Deng Chenggong's memory, this Japanese Army Biochemical Research Institute was later ordered as 'Unit 731'.At this time, the headquarters was located in Harbin, the hinterland of the Kwantung Army.The flying eagle entered the hinterland of the little devil to carry out a destructive war, the degree of danger is self-evident.

In this regard, when Wu Zhongyuan and others left, Deng Chenggong explained to them the sabotage war, and Wu Zhongyuan was responsible for formulating and executing all combat plans.He only had one request, and that was to destroy the little devil's biochemical research institute, and get as much evidence as possible to return to the base.

And once Feiying determined the specific implementation plan.If there is a place that needs the cooperation of the corps, it may call the headquarters at any time.In addition, the Northeast Intelligence Department of the corps was ordered to fully cooperate with the Flying Eagle destruction war.

Feiying infiltrated into the area occupied by the little devils from the border of Liao Province, 200 people were divided into ten small teams, and a group of 20 people acted as various traffickers with the cooperation of intelligence forces.Passing the little devil's train, groups of three and four entered Harbin, the black province, the core area of ​​the Kwantung Army, and all these little devils didn't pay attention at all. [

After all, there are still quite a few Chinese people active in their occupied area, not to mention that Harbin City itself has a concentrated population, and there are all kinds of people.So much so that there are 200 flying eagles.Entering Harbin in batches did not attract the attention of the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army.

After arriving in Harbin, Wu Zhongyuan pretended to be a leather goods caravan.I came to a firm in Harbin City that specializes in leather goods trading.When seeing people like Wu Zhongyuan enter the firm, the waiter sitting at the counter seemed to be a little enthusiastic and said: "Several guest officers, welcome to the shop. I wonder what you want to buy?"

Regarding the greeting from Xiao Er in front of him, Wu Zhongyuan seemed a little rude and said: "We don't buy anything, but we have some Siberian tiger skins, do you want to accept them?"

Hearing 'Siberian tiger skin', Xiaoer's eyes revealed a gleam, and soon he said with a smile: "Our small shop is one of the best fur firms in Harbin City, and of course we accept furs. I just don't know about your tiger skins. How many are there, and what about the quality of the tiger skins?"

Wu Zhongyuan quickly replied: "It's just that the signboard at your door is quite big. Our brothers came in to inquire about the price. Naturally, there are a lot of leather. I just don't know the starting price that you can't offer! As for the quality of tiger skin, this You can definitely rest assured that the tiger skins we shot were all killed by a single shot from the tiger's eye, and no other scars can be seen at all.

The big ones are as big as Xiong Xiazi, and the small ones are as big as leopards, so you can rest assured of the quality.However, the price of our leather is not low, if it is less than five taels of gold per piece, we will not sell it! "

Hearing this, Xiao Er suddenly seemed a little embarrassed and said: "Guest officer, these prices of yours are a bit embarrassing for us! Otherwise, if it is convenient for the guest officer, why not take the leather to the backyard to discuss with our shopkeeper. When the time comes , let’s talk about the price.”

Wu Zhongyuan saw that Xiao Er couldn't be the master, he seemed a little angry and said: "Since you can't be the master, why did you ask my brothers what to do? Come on, come on! It's rare for us brothers to come to the city, so let's go with you." Go to the backyard and talk to your big shopkeeper. But I said, if the price does not reach the price we want, we will not sell this leather!"

At this moment, Xiao Er said confidently: "Of course, of course, heroes, please follow me!"

Under Xiao Er's guidance, Wu Zhongyuan and his party stayed in the shop to look around at the fur goods except for a few, Wu Zhong principle followed Er Er and carried a large bag of animal skins into the backyard of the firm.It didn't take long for the four of them to come to the door of a room. Xiao Er quickly knocked on the door three times and said: "Shopkeeper, open the door! There are customers from the south to discuss business!"

As soon as his words fell, a shopkeeper wearing a fur hat walked out of the room, opened the door, glanced at the three of Wu Zhongyuan, and cupped his hands with a smile on his face: "Guest officers, I don't know Did you burn incense when you left the house? You burned a few sticks of incense again!"

Hearing this, Wu Zhongyuan said very politely: "Of course, we go out to sell goods for safety. We all burn incense before going out, and what we burn is nine-pillar incense. It seems that the shopkeeper is still a Buddhist believer! Rare, rare!"

At this time, the shopkeeper seemed to be very enthusiastic and said: "There, the guest officers didn't think it was hard for me to ask a few more questions. Since you are burning nine-headed incense, the goods this time must be very precious. We Let's talk in the house."

After welcoming the three of them into the room, the shopkeeper told Xiao Er to continue to look at the shop, and not to disturb if there was nothing to do.Regarding this, Xiao Er also nodded cautiously, and went back to the front counter to continue greeting the customers who came and went to the store.For those leather customers who were waiting in the shop for news, Xiao Er enthusiastically told them to wait patiently in the shop.

After the shopkeeper negotiates the price with their boss, I believe the deal can be done.Regarding this, these tough guys who followed Wu Zhongyuan didn't say much.Anyway, I started to walk around the shop, looking at the houses and people walking around the shop.It seems to be the same as when a countryman goes to the city, everything feels new.But is this really the case? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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