The strongest militia

Chapter 229 The Spread of the Epidemic

After another round of emergency high-level meetings, the Kwantung Army finally decided to enforce martial law throughout the city of Harbin. The Kwantung Army troops distributed near Harbin also began to set up checkpoints in the direction of heading south.At the same time, their spy agencies densely distributed in the three northeastern provinces also began to investigate the whereabouts of Flying Eagle who attacked Unit [-] this time.

Last night, they heard gunshots that rang out almost all night outside the city. The common people, who hadn't heard gunfire for a long time, were very curious about what happened yesterday.But when they got up in the morning, they saw a carload of little devils armed with guns starting to set up checkpoints on various main roads in Harbin, and the whole city issued a curfew and martial law.Ordinary Chinese people are not allowed to go out of the city, and at the same time, any regular personnel are not allowed to wander at night, otherwise they will be regarded as anti-Japanese elements and executed.

This restriction made the common people in the city have a premonition that something big must have happened last night, and from time to time they could see a lot of little devils dressed like mummies, dressed in white doctor's clothes, and truckloads of them went to the city last night. The direction of the gunfire came.Some of the doctors in the clinic who were known to the common people were almost all arrested by the little devils, and all of them were required to wear chemical protective clothing, and were quickly dragged out of the city.All of a sudden, ordinary people who knew a little bit about the situation realized that the matter this time might not be simple.

Although the head of the Japanese division who led the support team last night issued a shooting order before he died in a timely manner, if the Japanese soldiers outside the factory at that time could strictly implement it, there would probably not be too much trouble.It's a pity that the rigid relationship between the Japanese army's superiors and subordinates made them finally see their brigade captain and brigade commander rushing out.They didn't dare to shoot and kill these high-ranking officials at any time.So much so that when the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army arrived here with a doctor.What I saw was the mechanized infantry division of the Japanese army that had completely lost the spirit of the past, and what I saw was a group of coughing barracks.

Realizing that the plague bacteria of Unit [-] had infected the entire mechanized infantry division, the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army faced several surviving division generals, and when he glanced at them and began to cower, he immediately said nothing. Not to mention ordering the guards around them to detain them all. [

At the same time, he immediately ordered the Japanese reinforcements wearing chemical defense suits to help, and immediately expanded the defense line to surround all the Japanese divisions that came to support last night.And ordered the soldiers and officers of the divisions and regiments inside to put down their weapons and accept the inspection of the epidemic prevention station.Only to confirm that they are not infected with the be released.Otherwise, they must honestly wait for unknown treatment.

However, no matter how fast the chief of staff moved, he still came a few steps late. Several senior division officials who escaped from Unit [-] last night, when they learned that they might be infected with the plague, immediately drove back to their station overnight. And secretly dispatched doctors to check them up.The conclusions reached made those doctors completely dumbfounded.

The bacteria and viruses that these high-ranking officials were infected with were not one kind at all. The only thing we knew was that they were really infected with the plague.And when they checked for them just now, they didn't prepare any protective measures.In this way, after the disease was detected, the doctors were completely confused.There are still thoughts about the life and death of those officers, and they also try their best to solve the plague disease on their bodies.

When several doctors unanimously decided to go to Harbin Hospital for treatment in a large hospital.The moment they entered the city, they realized that they had brought the source of the plague into the city.Although they took simple protective measures, they still underestimated the number of germs brought out by those senior Japanese military officials beyond their imagination.

Faced with these mostly curable germs, several military doctors who walked out of the hospital made the same decision, that is to return to the barracks and kill those few officers who were also curable.They will get the disease.They were all brought by those officers who were greedy for life and afraid of death.If they had been warned in advance, they would not have been infected with these deadly germs.

But when they were thinking about going back and killing those officers.But they completely forgot that the few of them entered the city just now, and also spread these deadly viruses that are easy to spread through contact.Compared with the few division officers who fled back to the station, their crimes cannot be denied.

When several military doctors returned to the headquarters of the division and regiment, they shot and killed these senior officials who were obviously at a loss under the pretext of treating those officers.And the guards who rushed in when they heard the gunshots saw only the scene where the military doctors and officers died together.

When the terrified guards of the division relayed the news to the Kwantung Army headquarters, they were setting up the chief of staff of the Japanese army to count the number of people. Faced with the telegram forwarded by the headquarters, their first reaction was 'it's over'.What those officers and military doctors did made this matter completely beyond his control.

With the death of several military doctors, the doctors and nurses they came into contact with when they entered the city just now had a cold, fever and cough.This made several leaders of the hospital have to immediately ask for support from the Kwantung Army headquarters when they learned of the situation.Knowing that the situation had reached a critical state, Kenjo Ueda immediately mobilized heavy troops to surround the Japanese military hospital in Harbin, prohibiting the hospital's doctors, nurses and even patients from entering or leaving.

This kind of disposal measure of filling a hole when there is a loophole, when the Japanese patrol team in charge of patrolling Harbin City began to find that Chinese people fell to the ground one after another.They finally realized that this looting could not be stopped, and the whole city of Harbin would face a life-and-death test. Fortunately, they had already implemented martial law in advance, and the people in the city could not go out.

After discussing with the chief of staff who was in charge of medical treatment and disaster relief outside the city, Kenjo Ueda immediately ordered that all the people in the city must return to their residences.When they did not issue a ban, no one was allowed to leave the house at will, and anyone who violated the regulations would be shot and killed by the patrolling Japanese army.The successive bans made the common people realize what happened in the city.

Plague, this word appeared for the first time in the conversations of ordinary people in Harbin, facing this word that turned pale after hearing about it.The first reaction of all ordinary people is to stockpile food and drinking water, frantically spend all the money in the family, and buy food and supplies at an hourly price.And those ordinary people who have no money can only take risks and start to frantically attack those companies that are mostly controlled by the Japanese.Loot the supplies inside.

If they can grab the supplies before the Japanese patrols, maybe they can escape unharmed.If they are not lucky.When the patrol arrives, what awaits them will be the hunt and kill.No matter what, once the news that the plague was spreading in Harbin City was spread, the originally orderly Harbin City fell into chaos.

Those breathless Chinese people who were oppressed by the little devils in ordinary times finally broke out with amazing courage in order to survive.Faced with the gunshots from time to time in these cities, Ken Rang Ueda finally realized with a sigh.This plague made them lose their ruling policy in Harbin for several years.

Wu Zhongyuan and the others were not clear about these situations. When their brigade hid in a mountainous area in Harbin, Wu Zhongyuan told Deng Chenggong the exact situation of the battle.When he heard that they even destroyed those biochemical bombs, Deng Chenggong realized that things might be a little troublesome.Because Deng Chenggong, who came from a later generation, knows very well that dealing with this kind of biochemical explosion is not simply a matter of simply blowing it up.It can be said that the cost of safely destroying such bombs is far higher than the cost of producing such bombs.

It's just that Deng Chenggong knew that Wu Zhongyuan and the others didn't know the power of these biochemical explosions, so Deng Chenggong didn't reprimand Wu Zhongyuan and others for their recklessness.Confess that they can start returning to the base area, and must keep the evidence and photos brought out from the [-] unit, which is very important for their militia corps.

After receiving a telegram from the Intelligence Department that there might be a plague in Harbin, Deng Chenggong immediately ordered the Intelligence Department to warn the intelligence stations and intelligence networks in Harbin.At this time, stop all intelligence gathering.Store medicines and food and hide in the basement to prevent infection from the plague.

In addition, the people in the city were warned not to go out casually at this time, and to take good care of their homes and personal hygiene. All domestic garbage and excrement must be burned and buried.Conditional may buy some disinfectant.Regularly disinfect your own premises, and the water you drink must be boiled.Do not drink the drinking water sources in the city casually.Because those water sources may be accompanied by germs.

When you find that people around you have a cold and cough, don't feel embarrassed, and send them all to a sterile room for isolation.Only after confirming that they are not infected with the plague can they be released from the isolation room.If the situation permits, Deng Chenggong hopes to gather as many healthy people as possible in various intelligence stations in Harbin to help them survive the plague. [

Because Deng Chenggong believed that the Kwantung Army, which valued the bases in the three northeastern provinces, would not be able to watch Harbin become a ghost town.As long as they persist for about a month, I believe that the epidemic will be effectively controlled, and then they will carry out corresponding intelligence investigation work according to the notice issued by the Japanese army.

After receiving the epidemic prevention and control measures issued by Deng Chenggong himself, all the intelligence stations in Harbin City went underground by coincidence, and gathered some ordinary people who had a good relationship with them to their bases.Provide these people with supplies and tell them specific prevention and control measures.

Facing the phenomenon of dead people appearing constantly in those cities, the intelligence agents and ordinary people in these intelligence stations can only do nothing.Because this kind of plague is not what they say they can save.Now they can only hope that these little devils can solve this epidemic as soon as possible, which is enough to make Harbin city invisible.

Just as Deng Chenggong expected, the Kwantung Army could not just watch Harbin City be destroyed. While they strictly blocked the news in the city, they dispatched all germ warfare experts in China to rush to Harbin City for epidemic treatment.With the help of these bacteria experts, the common people and Japanese soldiers who fell ill and died in the city were all burned and buried together.

After the epidemic was brought under some control, the Kwantung Army was so angry that they couldn't find the Flying Eagle. Once again, they were shameless and forced the reason for the spread of the plague to the militia corps.

Faced with the Kwantung Army's accusations, all forces were in an uproar. What made them even more confused was that the militia corps did not give any explanation this time.After simply replying to a telegram that 'accusations cannot cover up the truth', he ignored the Kwantung Army's accusations.

And somewhat unexpectedly, the militia troops who had been peacefully confronted with the Kwantung Army were ordered to launch round after round of powerful offensives.This made the Kwantung Army, who had already restrained a lot of troops because of the epidemic, had to grit their teeth and order the front-line troops to block the front of the militia corps as much as possible.

Regarding these shameless Kwantung Army, Deng Chenggong's attitude is that it is meaningless to play tricks, and everyone should fight with real swords and guns to find out who is right.Anyway, the same is true of their Japanese army. Whether there is reason or not is up to the fist.

This time, Deng Chenggong also wants to let the Kwantung Army feel it. The militia corps that was planted is also a person who likes to refute with fists.If they want to slander Huaxia's troops as before, they must be prepared to pay the price! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

ps: Thanks to book friend '130727094148739' book friend 'Old Godfather' for their great rewards, and also thank book friend 'Master Chen' for sending moon cakes!Chapter 1 is here today!

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