The New Fourth Army, the new Kuomintang army formed after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, is another army directly under the leadership of the People's Party in addition to the Eighth Route Army, which was formed after the Anti-Japanese War.The basis for the formation of this unit was also the composition of the People's Party guerrilla units that were active in several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River at that time.

Lieutenant General Ye Ting, who named the Independence Regiment after him during the Northern Expedition, served as the commander of the new Fourth National Revolutionary Army.This guerrilla force, which consisted of only a few thousand horses and guns when it was formed, has grown to tens of thousands of horses in just a few years.In the three provinces of Huizhou, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, the arrogance of the little devils in the three provinces was dealt a heavy blow, which also made the Xinsi Army deeply supported by the local people in the activity areas of these three provinces.

It is precisely because of the rapid growth of the New Fourth Army and the increasing prestige among the people in the base areas of the three provinces that the Kuomintang, which has always regarded these areas as taboos, is eager to get rid of this army that is not under their leadership.After deliberately creating a series of small frictions, the Kuomintang, in the name of leading the overall situation of the national war of resistance, ordered the Xinsi Army to relocate to the northern battlefield for the war of resistance behind enemy lines.

But when the New Fourth Army really obeyed the order to transfer, they secretly sent the Kuomintang troops in Huizhou Province, preparing to encircle this army that might jump out of their encirclement at any time.For this reason, when it was learned that the Xinsi Army had suddenly accelerated its march and quickly advanced towards Nanhe, the Kuomintang realized that its plan could be leaked, and accused the Xinsi Army of not obeying the route arranged by the Kuomintang to transfer. When he had the heart of rebellion, he urgently changed the original ambush and chased and intercepted the Xinsi Army who might arrive at Nanhe at any time.

Compared with the previous life, after the battle ended, the People's Party accused the Nationalist Party of intentionally creating friction. In this life, because of Deng Chenggong's intentional reminder, the transfer of the New Fourth Army was much faster than in the previous life.The encirclement circle originally designed by the Nationalist Party was also made useless by the sudden change of the marching route of the New Fourth Army.

And when they began to transfer troops to deploy their defenses again, they still couldn't escape the monitoring of the intelligence personnel of the local People's Party and the militia corps.Seeing that the Kuomintang troops in Huizhou Province really began to chase and intercept.While the People's Party accused the Nationalist Party of intentionally provoking disputes between the two parties again, it urgently ordered the Xinsi Military Headquarters to be more vigilant and beware of being ambushed by large forces of the Nationalist Party.

When Deng Chenggong saw that it really happened, it was just that compared with the previous Kuomintang, which only captured the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army and a detachment of nearly [-] troops, this time the New Fourth Army moved more personnel.Although a large number of people will affect the speed of the march, but in the face of the Kuomintang's siege and interception, it is safer to have more troops around.

While the Kuomintang is busy dealing with the saliva of the People's Party and the people of the whole country, it still wants to annihilate this new fourth army that has grown up in Hui Province.In particular, the Kuomintang, who has seen that the Xinsi Army is moving to Nanhe, is even more afraid that the Xinsi Army that will advance to Nanhe will join forces with the Eighth Route Army that has already developed a base there.Then Nanhe will become the world of the People's Party, which is naturally intolerable for the National Party that wants to prevent the People's Party from recovering its strength.

At this time when the People's Party and the National Party were fighting a war of words, the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army and the nearly [-] troops transferred with the military headquarters were finally besieged by the National Party on the front line of Shucheng, Hui Province.Facing the fact that the KMT has deployed a main force of [-] to [-] in the front, and several main divisions are surrounding it, the Xinsi Army, which has been traveling day and night, finally issued an order to defend in place.At the same time, he immediately telegraphed the danger he encountered to the headquarters of the People's Party.I hope that the troops of the People's Party in Nanhe can come to help as soon as possible.

Knowing that the Xinsi Army was besieged, the National Party was naturally very happy, and the Xinsi Army had been heavily surrounded by them.Even if they can break out of the siege in the end, they will suffer heavy losses.At that time, their goal of weakening this force will be achieved.What's more, it was the headquarters of the Xinsi Army who were surrounded by them.They are all powerful figures of the Xinsi Army.Once it is eliminated, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the People's Party.

At the same time when Chairman Jiang ordered the New Fourth Army to lay down its arms and accept the reorganization of the Kuomintang, a main division of the Eighth Route Army had been active near Shangqiu, Nanhe.All of a sudden, the whole division moved quickly, and it could be seen from their marching route that they were heading for the besieged Xinsi Army.

Seeing that the Eighth Route Army had finally jumped out, Generalissimo Jiang accused the People's Party's army of being unwilling to obey the command of the leader of the country, and secretly mobilizing troops to affect the overall situation of the local War of Resistance.Worried that the main division of the Eighth Route Army would destroy the siege strategy he had finally managed, he sent a telegram to the local Kuomintang troops to immediately block him.

The originally peaceful Nanhe and the border area of ​​Huizhou Province suddenly became extremely tense as the troops of the People's Party and the Nationalist Party confronted each other.Just when neither side was willing to fire the first shot, the militia corps, which had been silent all along, suddenly issued a telegram with harsh words.During the electrification, Deng Chenggong borrowed the inscription written by the former Vice Chairman Zhou after the incident, the eight characters of "fucking each other in the same room, why bother to fight each other", which invisibly made the almost neutral forces in the country suddenly turn their spearheads to point at the KMT. wrong.

When Chairman Jiang scolded the militia corps for jumping out at this time, Deng Chenggong's attack was far more ruthless and direct than he imagined. The Anyang militia independent division formed in Nanhe actually left the defense zone for the first time.The direction of their march was the united front area of ​​the Kuomintang in Nanhe.

This kind of copying of the Kuomintang's backward path has been exposed without a doubt.What shocked the Kuomintang troops in Nanhe even more was that the People's First Division, which had been developing in a low-key manner, entered Nanhe again, effectively deterring both the Kuomintang and the little devil troops in Nanhe.Although the militia corps verbally said that it was just a routine exercise, everyone knew what the exercise meant at this time.

The troops deployed by the Japanese army in Jingfeng, Nanhe, were also worried that the militia corps would target them next. For this reason, the local Japanese troops also began to prepare for combat in case of a surprise attack by the militia corps.Especially when they heard that when they entered the Nanhe Realm, when the First Minute Division, the elite unit of the Militia Corps, the little devils who knew the record of the First Minute Division did not dare to relax at all.

When the Nationalist Party, the People's Party, and the Militia Corps were at a stalemate, the Xinsi Military Headquarters, which had been besieged for three days, encountered another new problem.That is, the food they transferred with the army is running out, and now that they are surrounded by the Kuomintang, raising food will also become a big problem.

Knowing that everyone is gritting their teeth and persevering at this time, to see who can't support it in the end, after learning about this situation, Commander Ye Ting still asked his troops to grit their teeth and persevere as much as possible.Because he knows very well that once the militia corps, a powerful army in northern China, intervenes.Even if the Kuomintang wants to deal with them, it has to consider the consequences.It's just that he was curious why the militia corps attached so much importance to his new fourth army unit. After all, their unit had no contact with the militia unit.

When General Ye Ting ordered the defense troops to dig wild vegetables and pack horses to serve as rations, the militia intelligence personnel who had been staying in the Xinsi Army immediately telegraphed this information to the militia corps.When he learned that the Xinsi Army was in a food crisis, Deng Chenggong immediately ordered the logistics troops to prepare dry food. He planned to send the air force of the militia corps to airdrop supplies to the Xinsi Army trapped in the Shucheng Mountains.

After receiving a telegram from the corps, the outside intelligence personnel of the militia corps in Shucheng.Secretly sneaked into the defensive position of the New Fourth Army, and after showing the relevant documents, he soon saw General Ye Ting who was about to kill his beloved horse as rations.

In a somewhat crude command post, when the intelligence personnel of the militia corps arrived here, they saw a few officers of the New Fourth Army, pulling Ye Ting to prevent him from shooting his horse.Seeing that everyone was eating wild vegetable soup with little water in it, Ye Ting knew very well that if they didn't find food, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Seeing this situation, the intelligence personnel hurried forward and shouted: "General Ye, please show mercy."

At the scene of a stalemate.As the intelligence personnel in civilian clothes shouted, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.The political director who received the report said: "Commander, this Comrade Xu is a liaison officer sent by the militia corps. He said he has something urgent to discuss with you."

One heard that it was the liaison officer of the militia corps.Only then did Ye Ting slowly put away the pistol. In fact, he is not worth killing a horse that is worthy of fighting with him for several years.But he watched everyone getting weaker day by day, and the supplies couldn't be brought in, so he was anxious!

I learned of the visit of the liaison officer from the Militia Corps.Ye Ting also looked a little confused and said, "Comrade Xu, what do you want to discuss with me?"

The militia intelligence officer Xu Changhe saw that everyone present was looking at him, and he knew that what he wanted to say was still relatively secret.Then he smiled and said: "General Ye, do you think we can find a more convenient place to talk again? Of course, several generals around you can participate, but I am worried that there will be too many people to leak the news. Some things are still up to you." It’s enough for the general to know. I don’t know what General Ye thinks?”

After hearing Xu Changhe's words, Ye Ting realized that there were quite a few people standing on the spot, so he hurriedly ordered the military guards to move the cordon a little further away.No one should interrupt them until they have finished talking.

When leading the unknown Xu Changhe to the simple headquarters, Ye Ting continued: "Comrade Xu, should I be able to explain your purpose now?"

Xu Changhe saw that all the senior officers of the Xinsi Army were present, so he smiled and said, "I am an intelligence officer of the militia corps stationed near Shucheng, and I am responsible for inquiring about your army's military movements. Of course, this kind of inquiring is not malicious. It is so that we can report your movements to the general team.

I learned that you had a food crisis the day before yesterday, so I reported the situation you encountered to our headquarters.I received instructions from the headquarters early this morning, so I came here early in the morning to inform you of the good news.Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise General Ye might really lose his beloved horse! "

At the beginning, they heard that the militia corps had been inquiring about their military movements, and the senior officers of the New Fourth Army were still a little unhappy, but when they heard that the inquiring was only out of concern, everyone's expressions calmed down a little.When they heard the food crisis and the good news, these high-level officials undoubtedly seemed very happy about Xu Changhe's visit.It's just that they are very curious. Under the circumstances of being heavily surrounded by the police outside, it is even impossible for the militia corps to transport them food?

When Ye Ting raised this question, Ye Changhe said proudly: "General Ye, you don't seem to know that our militia corps has an air force! The Kuomintang can stop us from transporting food from the ground, but it can't stop us Drop supplies from the air?

And when our commander learned about your information, he asked me to tell General Ye that sometimes tolerance depends on the target. He knows that you don't want to do the same thing, but the KMT on the opposite side doesn't think so.His original words were 'if you can't bear it, you can't bear it anymore'.

As long as the Kuomintang dares to attack you, it will hit you directly.He hopes that after you get this batch of military rations, you will directly organize your army and continue marching towards Nanhe. If the Kuomintang dares to shoot, you will see the resolute methods of the militia corps.

In addition, I can also reveal a little military secret to you, that is, to protect the safety of you and the brothers of the New Fourth Army, the flying eagles of our militia corps have infiltrated.Once the Kuomintang commanders here dare to order to shoot, they will be the target of Flying Eagle's beheading.With the assistance of Feiying, everyone should be at ease? "

Supplies were dropped from the air, and Flying Eagles assisted them. This militia corps did their best to help them!It's just that this kind of goodness made the people present suddenly feel, could there be other reasons for this?How will they repay this kind of help for no reason in the future? (To be continued..)

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