The strongest militia

Chapter 259 Attacking the Sharp Southwest Military Division


spn When the Japanese invaders and the headquarters of the Japanese army were aware of the war situation in China and were entering a dangerous situation against them, they were unable to withdraw the troops from the battlefield for a while.Even the Kwantung Army, which had a certain force advantage over the Northeast Army Division of the militia, began to face preparations to transfer some of their main divisions to fight in Southeast Asia.

Since the United Kingdom and the United States have imposed an embargo of force on them as they did in their previous lives, and the German army has always been disadvantaged in the European battlefield.Seeing that the British and French allied forces seemed unable to escape from the quagmire of the European War, the little devils finally made what they thought was to let the British who looked down on them before know that Japan is now a military power.Their embargo strategy, which has been tried and tested before, finally made the Japanese say 'no' this time.

Although they knew that the British army had lost the European War, Japan was still full of the mentality of not having a direct conflict with this former military power.Trying to use their absolute advantage in Southeast Asia to force the United Kingdom and the United States to lift the embargo on oil and steel that is so overwhelming to Japan.

For the Japanese who started the war machine, the longer this embargo lasts, the more deadly it will be.Not only will their aircraft and armored vehicles be unavailable, but their complete local industries will also be affected.Therefore, in the eyes of the Japanese, they do not want to offend military powers such as Britain and the United States unless they have to.

But the proud Gallic chickens don't think much of the Japanese, or even the yellow-skinned people, even if they are beaten back by the German army at this time.Facing the invitation of the Japanese army for peace talks, they still ignored it.The Japanese are not taken seriously at all.This kind of contempt has made the Japanese people's national self-confidence swell.In the end, a plan was made to plunder the Anglo-American colonies in Southeast Asia.And the Huaxia battlefield, where they invested the most troops, has also become their choice for deploying troops to attack these Southeast Asian colonies. [

When the Japanese army began to prepare to deploy elite troops to cooperate with their navies that could run rampant in Southeast Asia, they were preparing to attack the British and American colonies in Southeast Asia.The sharply reduced Kwantung Army turned the Northeast Army Division, which was expected to fight a tough defensive blockade, into the most leisurely area in the North China battlefield.

When the Japanese army was still struggling to mobilize troops to plunder the resources of the Anglo-American Southeast Asian colonies, it took less than a month for the troops of the Southwest Military Division to explode in combat effectiveness.The Japanese defenders around Xingtai, Nanhe and Sandong were wiped out.In a real sense, the southwest of North China has been turned into a liberated area of ​​their military division.

The Japanese troops in Shijiazhuang, which had been dealing with the main divisions of the two Jinsui Army divisions in North China for nearly a month, were already in danger.The reinforcements from Baoding, which had always been their backup, finally realized the danger when the main force of the Southwest Army Division entered Hejian City in North China.There is no way to deploy troops to support the Japanese army in Shijiazhuang, because they already know.They are the next target of the Southwest Military Division.

Without the support of reinforcements from Baoding, the Japanese troops in Shijiazhuang faced the two main divisions of the Jinsui Army who were fighting more and more courageously. They could only abandon their strongholds outside the city and defend Shijiazhuang with all their strength.And at this time, the Japanese troops in Shijiazhuang realized that they had been trapped here.There seems to be no second choice but to stick to it.Only one telegram for help a day can be sent to Beiping. I hope that the commander, Neiji Gangmura, can get through the lifeline to support them as soon as possible.

It's just that all this was in vain. When the first main division of the Kwantung Army was transferred to Southeast Asia to participate in the war, the information was sent to Deng Chenggong's office.Deng Chenggong knew that he finally waited for the opportunity when the Japanese army began to perish.Facing the Northeast Army Division and the Kwantung Army on the border of the Second Army.Like the offensive and defensive battles of children playing house, Deng Chenggong immediately ordered Hu Guangzong.Two main divisions, the Northeast Division and the Seventh Militia Division were deployed, and cooperated with the Qian'an Division to directly launch the transportation channel that cuts off the Northeast and North China.He wanted the North China Front Army trapped in Beiping to lose the courage to fight to the end just like the Japanese army trapped in Shijiazhuang today.

When the two main divisions of the Northeast Army Division suddenly pulled out from the border line, they rushed straight to Qian'an and swept towards them.Gangcun Ningci, who was in Beiping, finally panicked. In order to ensure that their retreat route was not cut off, only one of the three southern Japanese army divisions that were fighting with the Southwest Army Division on the front line of Bazhou retained only one main division and turned it into a defensive rear. All the two Japanese army divisions were arranged by him in the two important military towns of Tianyan and Beiping.

Especially in Tianyan, which has an estuary to the sea, there is no chance of Gangcun Ningci, so there must be no loss.Otherwise, these more than 20 Japanese troops scattered in North China will face the end of annihilation.For the Japanese army, which was already short of troops, this was probably an unbearable pain.

Gangcun Ningci, who only wanted to save the way back, could only tell them to persevere in the face of the help telegrams from Shijiazhuang and Baoding.As for how long this insistence will last, Okamura Ningji, who saw the war machine of the militia corps at this time, really has no answer.

Seeing the troops from the Southwest Military Division and the Jinsui Military Division advancing towards them day by day, the Japanese commanders in Shijiazhuang and Baoding also realized that they had been abandoned in the North China battlefield.Today's North China is completely under the control of the militia corps, and the only thing they can do is to die to be loyal to the emperor.

Realizing that reinforcements were unlikely to come again, the Japanese army in Ercheng finally gave up their extravagant hopes and turned to deal with the militia corps' advancing step by step.In particular, Ning Ci of Danggang Village told them that they could abandon the city and break through the siege if they had the opportunity, and as long as they reached the border of Beiping, he would send troops to respond to the telegram.The Japanese commanders in the two cities all sent farewell telegrams at the same time, and decided to deal a heavy blow to the militia corps, which had made their North China Front Army lose face.

Fortunately, Deng Chenggong, who was originally worried that these Japanese troops would massacre the city, instructed the intelligence organization in Ercheng very early on to start persuading and transferring the people during the war.As for those Chinese people who are unwilling to obey the transfer, they are either only traitors who are determined to go to hell with the Japanese, or they are people who do not trust the militia corps.These people colluded with the little devils, and Deng Chenggong didn't have to worry about their lives or deaths.I also hope that they will be able to see the peaceful liberation of these two cities.

When the two main divisions of the Shanxi-Suijun Division had completely blocked the escape route of the Japanese army from Shijiazhuang to Jin Province.The Southwest Army Division, which moved to the North China battlefield, also moved their main force into Dingzhou City, which still maintains transportation channels between the two cities.

Seeing the neat and orderly army of the Southwest Military Division outside the city of Dingzhou, only one Japanese army brigade defended the Dingzhou Japanese city defense officer, and issued an order to defend Dingzhou.It's just that this kind of stubborn defense would rather smash the order to rebuild these cities in the face of Deng Chenggong's pre-war order.The Japanese army, which lost artillery support and air force support, faced the armored and artillery divisions of the Southwest Military Division, and this resistance seemed very pale.

The ultimatum given to the Japanese army in Dingzhou City to save their lives after one surrender was not heeded by the Japanese army in the city.Liu Shuangquan, who has already been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.Looking at Dingzhou City in sight, he said calmly, "Let's attack!"

Liu Shuangquan, who became the youngest of the four military divisions of the militia corps, was the youngest in terms of qualifications and age. He knew very well that Deng Chenggong would not lead the North China recovery campaign by himself this time.It is entirely to give him a chance to prove himself, so that those main division commanders of the corps who think he is not qualified for this position can truly establish the prestige that belongs to him, Liu Shuangquan, through this North China recovery battle headed by him.

When he, the commander-in-chief, gave the order to attack.The artillery division, which had already adjusted its range, was the first to attack.Looking at the thunderous artillery fire outside the city, the Japanese soldiers defending the city felt that death was so close to them for the first time.

Although the Japanese troops in Dingzhou City were fully prepared to be bombarded, they demolished all the houses that were almost inhabited by people and used them to build artillery fortifications.But facing the artillery division is almost all heavy artillery strikes with large calibers.Even some anti-aircraft fortifications built of steel bars can't hold the Second Artillery, let alone these temporary anti-aircraft fortifications built only with papaya and bricks.As long as they are hit by a heavy artillery, the little devil soldiers hiding inside have no chance of surviving.

Looking at the attacking troops outside the city, they didn't care about the ancient buildings that were of great historical value in the eyes of the Japanese guarding the city.Still give the cannon care.These Japanese soldiers who thought they could escape the shelling by hiding inside naturally had no good end.

This kind of shelling can only be endured one after another.Let the Japanese recruits who added here later, when they saw the veterans around them being scattered to pieces by the heavy artillery, finally began to collapse, collapsed in the rubble and scattered positions, and shouted loudly, "Mom, help, I want to go home" Such a slogan.Many rookie Japanese soldiers who had not experienced such brutal battles suffered the most direct psychological impact. [

They thought that coming to China was a jihad, and the country was always promoting how unfavorable the Japanese army was to invade China, but when they came here, they realized that the propaganda of these military departments was deceptive.The strength of the militia in front of me, not to mention their rookie soldiers, even these veterans who have been in China for a few years, are also full of fear.

Today, they finally experienced the cruelty of war at close range. These rookie recruits who were young and had no experience in the war became the catalyst to reduce their desperate soldiers.The Japanese soldiers who believed in the respect of the strong also began to feel that it was not ashamed to surrender to such an army.

So much so that the shelling ended, and the elite infantry who followed the armored division into Dingzhou City received very little resistance.And when the armored division broke into the city, they realized that they had lost the possible Japanese commander in Dingzhou. In order to be an improper prisoner, he chose to commit suicide by caesarean section, and ended his crime of aggression against China in this way.

The suicide of the supreme commander was suspected to be fatal to the surviving Japanese army, after learning that the supreme commander had been broken.The Japanese officers who were defending the city saw the armored tanks heading directly towards them, and gave an order to surrender to the militia on the opposite side with a look of regret.

Originally, with Liu Shuangquan's temper, these Japanese soldiers who wasted a lot of his guns were killed directly, but he knew that there were many roads and mines in the liberated areas of the militia column that were short of people.It might be a good thing to catch more captives as coolies.What's more, if you can save a gun or cannon to kill them, you can also save a lot of money!

Until more and more Japanese soldiers surrendered at the forward positions, Liu Shuangquan, who realized that the Japanese troops in the city were ready to resist, immediately put tweeters on the armored vehicles for these attacking and suppressing armored division troops, and directly ordered the soldiers along the way in the form of shouting. The surviving Japanese surrendered.

This made the infantry, who thought they would be useful in entering the city, instead become coolies to gather these Japanese soldiers who surrendered. After the Japanese soldiers who came out of the position were escorted, they began to escort them to the prisoner camp in groups to wait for their release. step by step instructions.And when the militia troops who rushed into the Japanese army headquarters saw the Dingzhou city defense officer who had fallen in the room and committed suicide by caesarean section, they finally understood why the Japanese army in the city lost the will to resist.

The Japanese army in Shijiazhuang and Baoding, who had been following the battle in Dingzhou City, were recovered by the militia corps within a day after learning of Dingzhou City.Shocked by how powerful the militia corps was, they also began to worry about the second city they were defending.Although the Japanese army in Dingzhou City was smaller than them, they only resisted for less than a day, so how long can they last after losing reinforcements? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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