In the aircraft factory of the militia corps, Deng Chenggong led the commanders of several divisions of the corps to witness the launch of the first eagle fighter belonging to the militia corps and China.For the performance of this fighter, the commanders of several divisions are very satisfied, because from now on, Huaxia will also own its own aircraft.

As for the last Goshawk bomber, its ultra-long range and lift-off altitude made these division commanders see that one day in the future, Huaxia's bombers can also fly across the ocean and drop bombs on the little devil's land.In this way, perhaps they will feel that the Chinese people who are still enduring the bombardment of the little devils will be happy to find in the future that the suffering they endured today will one day come to the ordinary people of the little devils on the head.I believe that when the time comes, the Chinese soldiers and civilians who hear the news will definitely rejoice and resolutely attack the little devils who invaded them.

After completing the inspection of the aircraft factory, Deng Chenggong let the commanders of the various divisions who had left behind military and political affairs return to their respective garrisons. As for him, he went on to inspect the arsenal and several factories directly under the corps.Just when Deng Chenggong was about to go to Mongolia to visit the grassroots militia stationed there, a sudden surprise forced him to cancel the long-distance travel plan.

The so-called surprise was something the three wives had been looking forward to all along, but compared to Deng Chenggong's joy, Qi Rumei and Yang Dandan felt a little sad.Why is this so?

That's because the surprise for Deng Chenggong was his little wife, Qi Baihe, whom he usually loves more. When he was about to go to Mongolia, this innocent little wife vomited non-stop in the car.I thought it was something bad I ate on the way, but when I went to the local military hospital for an examination, the doctor happily told Qi Baihe that she was nearly two months pregnant.

As soon as the news came out, the two older sisters.While I was happy with Deng Chenggong and this little girl, I also felt that they had been in the same room with Deng Chenggong for the earliest and longest time, but there was no movement until now.However, this little girl who was not prepared to be a mother accidentally became pregnant with Deng Chenggong's child.

In this way, Deng Chenggong, the commander-in-chief who is nearly thirty, is considered to have a future, but for Qi Baihe, who has just learned to be a wife, it seems that he is not yet ready to be a mother.So much so that when the doctor told her that she was pregnant, Qi Baihe frowned.Because, she remembered that her mother told her that giving birth is the most painful thing in a woman's life.She felt a little scared thinking about it.

Fortunately, while the two eldest sisters were envious, they were also happy for this big family. Anyway, after a while, their family of four will usher in a new life.So much so that when they told Deng Chenggong the news, Deng Chenggong, who also took a reckless attitude towards such things, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately told Wu Zhongyuan to cancel his plan to go to Mongolia, and he would personally escort the pregnant woman. The little wife returned to Yinlong base to raise her baby.

There is news about Deng Chenggong in the militia corps.Always spread the fastest.When Deng Chenggong started to rush to the Yinlong base, the commanders of the military divisions who had just returned to their respective stations, when they learned that the young commander-in-chief finally had a successor, they also sent congratulatory messages one after another.So much so that it seems that once the news spreads.The various forces that were confronting the little devil also sent congratulatory messages to Deng Chenggong and the militia corps in the name of individuals and parties after learning of the news.

Although Deng Chenggong has always emphasized that the militia corps is the people's army.But for these military divisional commanders and those parties, the militia corps represented Deng Chenggong.After Deng Chenggong, it means that the militia corps has been inherited.Such a big deal.Why don't these slippery party leaders use this to express their goodwill?

Compared with these well-known domestic leaders who expressed their goodwill to Deng Chenggong and the militia corps in the form of congratulatory messages, the level of defense implemented by Wu Zhongyuan and the Flying Eagles who were responsible for protecting Deng Chenggong was even higher.And in order to ensure that there will be no external shocks on the way back to the base, the local militia corps has raised its combat readiness level in the areas where the armored train passes.

These grassroots militia officers used this escort to express their congratulations to Deng Chenggong, the commander-in-chief.So much so that when Deng Chenggong saw that the train stations along the way had started martial law when he arrived, he really felt a little dumbfounded.Fortunately, his train didn't make many stops, so that they arrived in Shijiazhuang, North China two days later.

Originally Deng Chenggong also had a commander-in-chief's office in the liberated Shijiazhuang, but considering that there are little devils' reconnaissance planes appearing here from time to time.Coupled with the fact that this little wife has a weak personality, Deng Chenggong considered it comprehensively and decided to send her back to Yinlong Base to raise her baby.Anyway, the place where he works more now is still in the hidden dragon base.As for the general headquarters in Shijiazhuang, it is also the same as the previous wolf base, it is a backup general headquarters for the outside world.

When Deng Chenggong's wife finally conceived, the families of the three wives were undoubtedly happy and worried.Although Deng Chenggong is not an emperor, he doesn't pay attention to the eldest son inheritance.But being able to give birth to Deng Chenggong's first child, mothers will be more expensive in the future, and I believe that they, as the woman's family, should receive more benefits and care.

So much so that when Deng Chenggong and others returned to Yinlong base, the excitement of Qi's father and Qi's mother who came to greet them seemed to be like a festival.When Qi's mother expressed her thoughts of not wanting to have children and being afraid of pain, Qi's mother inevitably comforted Qi Baihe again.You know, they can be said to be completely tied to the chariot of the militia corps now. Whether their daughter can be favored by Deng Chenggong also determines the treatment that their family can directly enjoy in the militia corps.For this reason, the Qi family's parents would let Qi Baihe be born no matter what.

Compared to Qi Baihe who suddenly became the pride of the family again, the parents of the Qi family and the Yang family hinted that their daughter was doing more work.Although Deng Chenggong treats all three of them equally now, once Qi Baihe gives birth to a boy in the future, then they may fall to another level in Deng Chenggong's heart.These days, there are three ways to be unfilial, and the idea that having no descendants is the greatest is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

It's just that no one knew that when Deng Chenggong returned to Yinlong Base with his three wives, Qi Rumei and Yang Dandan both showed signs of pregnancy within less than a week.When they went to the hospital for an examination with full expectations, they were satisfied with the conclusions they reached.Just after a round of congratulatory telegrams, Deng Chenggong's desk was filled again.

It can be learned that the pregnancy times of the three women are all similar.Even when the expected date of delivery was not much different, Deng Chenggong became the happiest and most depressed father-to-be.Happily, after a while, he will be the father of three children.What is depressing is that he is used to having a wife to serve him every night, so he may have to live a single life for a few more months.

Fortunately, Deng Chenggong didn't have to worry about having no work to do. After all three wives became pregnant one after another, he naturally couldn't go out at will, except for inspection work that required travel.He also spent more time at the base to fulfill his responsibilities as a prospective father and good husband.After the large aircraft that can be specially used in the transportation of troops and equipments by the aircraft factory is produced.Deng Chenggong knew that he would be busy again next time.

After receiving this telegram, Deng Chenggong immediately sent a telegram to find Wu Zhongyuan, who was preparing to be selected by Flying Eagle tonight.Although Wu Zhongyuan still hadn't found the person he wanted, Deng Chenggong raised his rank to the rank of lieutenant general during the annual rank promotion.The purpose is to form a quick-reaction division next, so that this confidant and brother who is really obedient can become the quick-reaction division he uses to fight in all directions.

Knowing that this time itself was Feiying's busiest time, Wu Zhongyuan, the commander-in-chief Deng Chenggong, would not have called him over if he had nothing urgent to do.On the way to Yinlong Base, I guessed it more or less.The news he has been waiting for may have arrived.

Sure enough, when Wu Zhongyuan arrived at Deng Chenggong's office and saw the lieutenant general who had come in a hurry, Deng Chenggong directly handed over the telegram from the aircraft factory.I saw on the telegram that five transport planes completed the test flight.When the news that the equipment can be used, Wu Zhongyuan said with a little comprehension: "Commander, is it true that the establishment of the quick response force you mentioned last time is about to be implemented?

Deng Chenggong nodded and said, "That's right. This time, we are forming a quick-reaction division. Firstly, it is to build a fist force that has always belonged to the militia corps. Second, it is also to check how strong our strongest combat power is. This time I called you over, Presumably you already know the reason. Although you still didn't listen to my advice to find a wife, you can only act as the teacher for the time being.

The formation of the quick reaction division will be carried out by me personally, but the formation and training will be in your charge in the future.This is a training syllabus specially written by me to train this quick reaction teacher.Although the training intensity above is slightly lower than that of the Flying Eagle Brigade, almost all arms in the general team are concentrated here.

This means that after you serve as the commander of this quick reaction teacher, not only can you not be proud, on the contrary, you need to learn more.Moreover, it is not your strong point to lead a large force like the Quick Reaction Division to fight.Although you and I both know that it will definitely take a certain amount of time to train a high-standard quick-reverse teacher.

But let me tell you now, this time is only one year at most, including the selection of soldiers.One year later, I will order your quick-reaction division to enter the battlefield. If your record does not meet my requirements, then maybe I will revoke your position as division commander, and it is also possible to cancel the establishment of the quick-reaction division if it is serious.It is undoubtedly a waste of my time and the resources of the general team because it takes a lot of effort to train a quick-reaction force with average strength. You must be mentally prepared for this.Now tell me, do you still have the confidence to accept this task? "

Although Deng Chenggong said in a more serious tone, Wu Zhongyuan, who always likes to challenge, still insisted: "Please rest assured, Commander, I will definitely train a team that can really pull out for the general team within a year." The elite teacher who wins."

With Wu Zhongyuan's answer, Deng Chenggong also happily said: "Well, I will give you three days to hand over the work of the Flying Eagle Brigade, and your current position as the captain of the Flying Eagle Brigade will be temporarily replaced by the current deputy head.

During these three days, you can select a hundred elite Flying Eagle members from the Flying Eagle Brigade.Three days later, you will start to set off for the Mongolian military division, where your quick-reverse division will be training for the next year.At that time, I will ask Fu Zuoyi to cooperate and support your work.Do you have any other questions? "

Hearing that Deng Chenggong also agreed to let him choose a hundred flying eagles to follow, Wu Zhongyuan's eyes lit up and said: "Is it true that in the flying eagle brigade, I can take anyone I like?"

If he went to the Mongolian military division to take charge of the preliminary preparations for the quick reaction division, he might feel hesitant everywhere.After all, he had been in the Flying Eagle for too long, and he suddenly became the commander of an army of nearly [-] troops. It would be a lie to say that he was not worried.

Now with Deng Chenggong's consent, one hundred flying eagles can be selected, and Wu Zhongyuan can definitely dispatch a unit of flying eagles who are not only excellent in military skills, but also proficient in training and military administration.This will undoubtedly play an indispensable role in his formation of a quick-reverse division in the future.

It's just that he knows very well that the Flying Eagle elites he wants to select are relatively well-known in the Flying Eagle brigade.Once these Flying Eagle officers, most of whom are squadron leaders and squadron leaders, are caught by him, it will definitely have a big impact on Feiying's work.So Wu Zhongyuan, who was aware of this relationship, also asked a question in disbelief, while waiting for Deng Chenggong's answer with expectant eyes. (To be continued..)

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