The strongest militia

Chapter 288 Questions and Answers

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War in the previous life, the People's Party's army in northern China had an absolute advantage, and they fought behind the enemy lines for several years.From the main force of less than [-] at the beginning, it quickly expanded to several field armies, and had a main force such as tanks and planes.

But now because of the emergence of the militia corps, although the military strength of the entire People's Party has improved slightly compared to the previous life, its influence and record are still slightly lacking compared to the previous life.But it is undeniable that in the occupied areas where the People's Party has military strength, its troops' influence among the common people is no worse than that of the militia corps.

It is precisely based on this mentality that Deng Chenggong still sighed in his heart if he and the militia corps had not appeared when he saw the joint visit of Taizu and Commander-in-Chief Zhu.

In a few years, the People's Party headquarters, which has always been based in northern Shaanxi, will also move to North China to launch a counter-offensive against the Kuomintang, and at the same time determine the principles and policies for the founding of the country in this place.All of this, because his time travel has completely disappeared, and he should give this political party that also takes serving the people some help within his ability.

Hearing Taizu's proposal of cooperation, Deng Chenggong thought for a while and said, "Chairman Tai, before the cooperation, can you answer me a question on behalf of the People's Party?"

Seeing that Deng successfully changed the subject, Taizu was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course, Commander Deng, please ask!"

Deng Chenggong didn't hold back and said very directly: "Since you and Boss Zhu are here today, and you are also decision makers representing the military and political aspects of the People's Party, the question I want to ask you two is.

How many years do you think we will have to fight this war of resistance?After the fight is over, can we really enjoy peace?If the chairman of the committee in the mountain city is unwilling to form a coalition government, what choice will your People's Party make?

Maybe you think it's too early for me to ask these questions, but I still hope that you can tell me frankly what you really think.Because this will determine my next cooperation with the People's Party. "

As soon as these words came out, Secretary Deng Ping, who was the introducer, was also shocked.He is very clear.The arrival of these two military and political leaders of the People's Party is largely to seek the support of the militia corps.Because considering that the current strength of the People's Party is already strong, but there is no province as a base, this will undoubtedly be very detrimental to the development and growth of the People's Party's army in the future.

In addition, northern Shaanxi itself is also sparsely populated, and the people there are living a tight life, and there is no way to serve as a rear area to provide logistical support for the growing KMT army.Therefore, it is imperative to find a rich base that belongs to their People's Party.

Although the high-level people of the People's Party are very clear about Deng Chenggong's attitude towards the People's Party.But in this kind of thing.The bases they chose all bordered North China. If Deng Chenggong did not support them, even if they were taken down, the Kuomintang would probably start clamoring that the People's Party would rebel!This is still very unfavorable to the current situation of the war of resistance in a state of confrontation.

The people's party, who didn't want to take the responsibility of undermining the joint anti-Japanese policy, thought of saying hello to Deng Chenggong, and by the way, talk about suggestions for deepening cooperation in all aspects.

At least in their view, although the militia corps has no political program, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they practice the education of the soldiers.As well as the military government's policy of serving the people, they are very similar to the political program of the People's Party.It is one thing to know that, without getting Deng Chenggong's true preference for that side, the People's Party will not easily make political decisions that can affect the future direction of China.

Taizu faced several questions raised by Deng Chenggong.He said frankly: "Although I am the chairman of the government of the People's Party, regarding the current time limit of the War of Resistance, I personally feel that the victory will eventually belong to us Huaxia.

Don't look at the Japanese who are now burning the flames of war everywhere, but they are also grasshoppers after autumn.Once those European military powers are relieved.Their end can only be self-destruction, but I really can't tell the exact time.

As for the questions that Commander Deng raised later, our People's Party's views on forming a coalition government and building a nation remain unchanged.That is, there must be democratic elections, where our people choose the political party they believe in and the government to form a coalition government.The situation in which the Kuomintang monopolizes military and political power must be changed. This is beyond doubt.

If after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist Party still implements their so-called policy of "restraining the outside world first", and implements a policy of suppressing the People's Party, it will go its own way regardless of the wishes of the people of all ethnic groups in China.Then the People's Party will definitely fight back. I still say the same saying, "If people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If I attack me, I will attack others."Our people's party does not want to engage in civil war, but we will not stand by and watch the fruit of peace, which was hard won, be stolen by the Kuomintang. "

Seeing the resolute tone of Taizu's words, Deng Chenggong knew very well that even if he travels in this life, there will be trouble.It is really difficult for the People's Party and the National Party to get together. China, which was supposed to be after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, will fall into a civil war that lasted for several years.

Deng Chenggong doesn't want to analyze who is right and who is wrong, but he knows one thing, that is, because of the civil war in the past few years, Huaxia once again lost precious time for its rise and revival.China, which was already full of windows and holes, was once again plunged into years of civil war.

Although in the end the People's Party won the final victory with the support of the Chinese people.But compared to China, a big country in the east, in fact, no one is the winner in the end of this battle.To be aware of the possibility of falling into civil war again means that Deng Chenggong must choose one of the Nationalist Party and the People's Party to support him.

Strive to use absolute strength to oppress the other party to realize the truce and establish a coalition government.As soon as this idea came out, facing the current policies implemented by the two parties, their prestige among the people, and the consideration of the smooth travel of China's future government orders, Deng Chenggong felt that although the current strength of the People's Party was weaker than that of the National Party, it was the only one he felt Objects that can be regarded as allies.

What's more, the joint visit of Taizu and Boss Zhu has proved the sincerity of the cooperation between the People's Party and the militia.How could Deng Chenggong, who was inclined to unite with the People's Party, remain indifferent?

In fact, in the militia corps, some people have been proposing to form another political party based on the current strength and military strength of the militia corps.To form a political party or even a government, I am afraid that the National Party and the People's Party will be powerless.After all, in today's chaotic China, small political parties are almost everywhere.

But Deng Chenggong knew that once a tripartite confrontation was formed.For Huaxia, it is all harm and no benefit.The People's Party, which was originally close to them, will also increase its vigilance because they have implemented their own political platform.In addition, the National Party has the example of the People's Party, and they are bound to be afraid that the militia will take away their dominance of the Huaxia government and increase the damage to the militia.

This is very unfavorable to the development of the militia corps and the current situation of the war of resistance.Therefore, Deng Chenggong has always rejected this suggestion of forming a political party and establishing a separate government.Compared with how important other people think rights are, Deng Chenggong thinks it is a responsibility. If the country develops prosperously in the future, it will regain its reputation as a great eastern country in the past.

So even if he needs to be dismissed and returned to the field for the sake of the overall situation, Deng Chenggong will feel that his mission in this era has been completed.Willing to live in the fields with his beloved woman for the sake of the overall situation.

After these years of fighting, Deng Chenggong really felt that war was a double-edged sword, hurting not only the enemy but also himself.Every time he saw living officers and soldiers losing their lives because of the war, and the crying of the families of the martyrs, Deng Chenggong felt a heart-wrenching feeling.But for the future of the vast majority of Chinese people, he had to harden his heart and tell himself that this was something that would inevitably happen in war.As long as the vast majority of people think it is worthwhile, then he should do it unconditionally.

So after listening to Taizu's sincere truth.Deng Chenggong said: "Thank you, Chairman Tai, for your frank confession. In fact, I don't need to say too much. Both of you should know that in terms of the political ideas of the People's Party and the National Party. The political ideas implemented by the Militia Corps are also more biased towards the people. party.

I always believe that the country does not belong to that family or family name, but should belong to the people of the whole of China.Only a political party that is truly in charge of the people is qualified to represent the hundreds of millions of people in China.Send the voice of China to the world.

Although I don't know about the arrival of the two of you yet, and specifically want to pass the qualification with our militia corps, but for the next issue of ending the war of resistance.I can speak frankly with you two.The plan of the militia corps today is to regain the lost ground in Beiping and Tianyan. In addition, if possible, we will form a naval force.

If the little devil is really unwilling to lose these two strategically important places, then the army of our militia corps will advance to fight in the northeast and officially enter the process of regaining the lost territory in the northeast.If the little devil doesn't want to lose the strategic location of the three eastern provinces, then the plan to regain the northeast will be held as scheduled early next year.

The plan of our militia corps is to strive to completely recover northern China by the end of 44.Even North Korea, which is now occupied by the little devils, we will attack all the way until we completely drive them into the sea.In any case, the east belongs to China, and it is not the turn of a mere island country to act wildly.

After listening to my plan just now, I think both of you should be clear about the Central Plains of China and the southern region at present.Our militia corps is still unable to develop for the time being, but we will not sit back and watch the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians there.As long as we do our best, our militia corps will help.

With the current strength of our militia corps, we still have a chance to win the battle with the Kwantung Army.The reason why we have not moved so far is that our Huaxia Navy's foundation is too weak.In order to prevent the Japanese army from destroying us by relying on the navy, I must control the troops not to carry out continuous recovery operations.In any case, the more miserable this battle is, the more chaotic it will be, and we, Huaxia, will suffer in the end.

Once our militia corps launches an attack, it will inevitably be a powerful sweep. I dare to say this, and it is also based on the strength of the militia corps.Therefore, the war of resistance in the Central Plains may require you, the People's Party and the rest of the army and civilians to work together to persist and even fight back. "

Boss Zhu, who had been sitting in the reception room as an audience, lamented in his heart how courageous the militia corps was, daring to say that it would recover the three eastern provinces in two years, and drive the little devils out of North Korea, which borders China.If it were someone else who said such things, Boss Zhu would definitely feel that the other party was talking big.But he has never heard that Deng Chenggong is a person who likes to show off and talk big. Now he dares to say such things in front of the two of them, no doubt he said these words with confidence in his heart.

Hearing that the militia corps will take back Beiping and Tianyan this year, Boss Zhu also heard Deng Chenggong mention that the Japanese navy is strong, and they didn't fight before because they were afraid of the Japanese navy destroying it.So now that Deng Chenggong has said that he wants to fight, does it mean that the militia corps has a killer weapon against the Japanese navy?

Thinking of this, Boss Zhu said curiously: "Commander Deng, if I heard correctly just now, the reason why you took back Beiping and Tianxie when you took back North China last year was because of the Japanese navy. So today you decided to take back the two places, does it mean that , you already have the strength to restrict or even attack the Japanese navy?"

The air force and navy are somewhat distant things for today's Chinese army.Even Taizu and Deng Ping looked at Deng Chenggong in surprise after Boss Zhu asked this question.I really want to listen to what he has to say to find a way to compete with the Japanese navy. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you book friend 'zengzhichaoo' for your monthly support!Continue to ask for monthly ticket support!Come on and update!

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