The strongest militia

Chapter 301 The Enraged Japanese Major General

Both sides of Tianyan were attacked by the militia corps. As soon as the news reached Okamura Ningji, he knew that something was wrong.Because when deploying defenses, most of the army defense forces in the two places were concentrated around Beiping.Considering that Tianyan has the help of the navy, he, the commander, only placed some heavy troops on the border, and the real Tianyan city seemed extremely empty.

If the advance of the militia corps cannot be stopped, the city of Yan will not be able to hold for a long time that day. In addition, he has already received the battle report from the Kwantung Army. Wire.Once this land route was blocked, he had only two choices, either to live and die with Peiping, or to transfer the troops of Peiping to Tianyan as soon as possible, and to use the help of the navy to fight against the militia corps.

Realizing that these two options are very unfavorable to him, Ningji Gangmura must order Takahashi, the defense officer of Tianzhe City, to win over the aircraft carrier formation stationed in Tianzhe Port.Seek the support of the opponent's aviation as much as possible. Of course, he, the commander, will not be idle. An army division deployed at the junction of the two places was also urgently ordered to rush to Tianjin.

It was because of the order of Ningji Gangmura, and in order to keep Tianyan City, that Takahashi hemorrhagely gave some of the Chinese national treasures that he was going to bring back to the country to the Japanese major general, and also specially donated a few The exquisite and expensive Chinese national treasure, let him hand it over to the commander of the aircraft carrier fleet who is said to also like this thing.

In order to show his sincerity as a defense officer of Tianyan City, Takahashi also deliberately brought his own guards to accompany the major general of the Japanese army to the port. After asking a few puppet soldiers to come to inquire, he was still in the brothel for these The sleeping little devil was found by Lin Hai who was on shift all night. [

As the person in charge of the reception, Lin Hai also seemed very excited about the appearance of Takahashi, the defense officer of Tianyan City.Running to report to Takahashi what happened last night, after learning that everything was safe, Takahashi still had to work hard for Lin Hai to continue the experience.After repelling the attack of the militia corps, it will no longer be a problem for his coastal defense battalion to be promoted to a coastal defense regiment.

Knowing that the subordinates he brought were still asleep, the rear admiral also seemed a little angry. Perhaps in his opinion, it was only natural for him to delay the assembly time and let these officers and soldiers wait for him, but it was a bit treasonous to ask him to wait for these officers and soldiers.

However, think of these officers and soldiers.Basically, they are celebrities sent ashore by various ships.So the Rear Admiral ordered Lin Hai to enter these brothels with a dark face, and to please the Japanese officers and soldiers who were still sleeping in the brothels were called out of their beds.Having been disturbed from his good dreams, and the little devil navy officers and soldiers who were happy last night, they naturally yelled and reprimanded Lin Hai.

I just heard Lin Hai tell them that their major general is already waiting outside.And after the time had passed when they returned to the ship, these soldiers didn't dare to say anything more, put on their military uniforms in a panic, rushed out of the brothel, gathered outside, and waited for the reprimand from the gloomy rear admiral at any time.

When the nearly thousand naval officers and soldiers who had had so much fun last night had assembled as when they arrived last night, the Rear Admiral's face softened a little when he learned that no one was lost.It's just that when I saw that many officers and soldiers were still hangover and turned into soft-legged shrimps.He didn't even have the mood to reprimand these officers and soldiers.

Let the accompanying assistant officer be responsible for gathering the troops, and the Japanese major general also asked Takahashi, the lieutenant general of the army, to express his gratitude to the army.After Takahashi finished thanking these naval elites, he ordered Lin Hai's coastal defense battalion and the guards he brought to escort these naval elites back to the port to prepare to return to the aircraft carrier fleet wandering on the sea in warships.

Just after the escalator of the warship was lowered, the major general of the Japanese army who returned happily and satisfied was about to say goodbye to Takahashi.Lin Hai, who was standing not far from them, was in an unexpected situation.He took out the two pistols that he carried with him, and put them on the heads of the two senior naval and army officials, one from the left and the other from the right.

He seemed very calm and said: "Since the two of you are reluctant to leave, why don't you just stay and be our companions!"

Never thought that under such circumstances, Lin Hai would go crazy and kidnap the supreme commander of the Second Army. The officers and soldiers of the coastal defense battalion were dumbfounded, and the navy elites were also dumbfounded. As for the guards brought by Takahashi, they were also dumbfounded.This can be said to be the leader of their hardcore traitors.How could he do such a rebellious thing?

Just when Gaoqiao's guards took out their weapons and pointed at Lin Hai, the soldiers of the coastal defense battalion, who were still unable to react, were briefly surprised when they saw a few confidant officers following Lin Hai.He still chose to follow Lin Hai and spent money to confront these little devils from the Japanese guard.The scene suddenly became quiet!

Takahashi, who was pressed to his forehead with a pistol, also looked shocked and said: "Lin Hai, what are you doing? How dare you point a gun at the heads of me and Major General Kawasaki, aren't you afraid of death?"

Lin Hai smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid, but if two generals die with me, then my death is worth it. Besides, I don't think there is any danger in doing so."

Seeing Lin Hai's calmness, Gao Qiao suddenly realized something and said in horror, "Aren't you Lin Hai? Who are you?"

Thinking of what Lin Hai did before, there was only one reason for such a sudden earth-shaking change.Either the Lin Hai in front of him has been transferred, or Lin Hai is not like they imagined, he is a loyal traitor to them.

Seeing that Takahashi seemed to realize something, Lin Hai continued to smile and said, "You are right. I am not Lin Hai. To be precise, my name should be Lin Sihai. I used to be a lieutenant of the Northeast Army Navy. If you have the opportunity to know, you should know The Northeast Army's gunboats bombarded your barracks at the beginning was done by the people I brought.

It's just my current identity, you will know later.What you have to do now is to order your men to surrender, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can get out of here alive later. "

Hearing Lin Sihai's answer, Rear Admiral glanced left and right and said, "Don't you think your tone is a bit arrogant? As for the hundred or so people under you, you should be the ones who suffer in the end, right? Besides, you Did you stop here without seeing our warship? Are you not afraid that our warship will shell you when the time comes?"

Lin Sihai smiled at the pride of the major general of the Japanese army and said, "I want to correct you, the warship mentioned here is not yours anymore, but mine! Don't you think that this escalator has been built for so long, and you stay behind?" Isn't it strange that none of the people on the warship showed up?"

As soon as these words came out, the rear admiral immediately went dark.Just as he and Takahashi looked at the warship docked at the pier, machine guns were erected on the parapet of the warship.And just when they still felt the sea water around the empty pier, several armed men wearing simple respirators and holding guns suddenly appeared.For a while, the Japanese guards who were originally confronting the puppet army began to divide a part to be vigilant about the actions of these militants. [

Just when the atmosphere at the scene might face a fire at any time, a group of people quickly walked down the escalator and looked at the military uniforms those people were wearing.Takahashi said in disbelief, "Lin Hai, are you from the militia corps?"

Lin Sihai smiled and said: "Yes, I am the intelligence officer of the militia corps stationed in Tianxi. I have been taking care of you all these years, and I have been able to achieve my current position smoothly. If you order your men to put down their weapons and surrender , maybe I can make an exception and let you live."

As soon as his words came out, the rear admiral, who seemed to be afraid that Takahashi would surrender, immediately said: "Don't be too arrogant. Do you really think that if you snatch one of our warships, you will eat us? Let me tell you, if we don't go back according to Disembark our aircraft carrier formation, and we will definitely come over to inspect the situation. At that time, I will see who will surrender!"

This time, Lin Sihai didn't answer, and a middle-aged man who came over with a few armed militiamen said, "Oh! Listen to what you mean, as soon as your aircraft carrier arrives, we're going to surrender, right? Then How about we take a gamble and see which side will surrender when the aircraft carrier fleet arrives?"

When the middle-aged man swaggered over with a few militiamen, the rear admiral seemed to think of something, and said in disbelief, "You attacked our aircraft carrier fleet?"

Only this possibility can explain the unbridled confidence of these Chinese soldiers in front of them to threaten them.But the rear admiral didn't believe that these people could attack their aircraft carrier formation in the open sea.You must know that there are also many guards on their warships.What's more, it is impossible to swim such a long distance by swimming alone!

The middle-aged man who walked up to the two Japanese generals shook his head and said, "You've said something wrong again. It should be our aircraft carrier now. Your aircraft carrier has changed hands since the sun rose in the morning. If If I am you, I will listen to this Battalion Commander Lin and order your subordinates to surrender. Otherwise, my subordinates don’t mind, just kill a few more little devils to increase your military merit!"

The aircraft carrier formation changed hands!

As soon as the words came out, Takahashi and the Rear Admiral's first reaction was that it was impossible, but Lin Hai didn't seem to deny this situation, and the sea was still calm just now.Merchant ships with Chinese flags began to appear.Now that there is already their aircraft carrier formation stationed outside Tiangang, how did this Huaxia merchant ship dare to break in here so boldly?

There is only one explanation, and that is that the aircraft carrier formation really changed hands as the middle-aged man said, while they were having a good time.They used to guard the aircraft carrier fleets of Southeast Asian countries, and they were once again robbed by the Chinese militia.

With this kind of consciousness, Takahashi looked at the middle-aged man and those Huaxia soldiers who were capable, and thought of a name that was passed down among the generals.

'You are the flying eagles of China? '

The middle-aged man seemed a little unhappy about this question, and said directly: "You don't need a flying eagle to clean up you. The real flying eagle was given to you yesterday. We are the scout brigade of the Huaxia Militia Corps, and I am the captain of the brigade." Rear Admiral Wang Jinbiao. In addition, I can also tell you that just last night your aircraft carrier fleet was taken down by Feiying.

It is the army of our militia corps that is coming from the sea now.If you still want to save this little life, then I advise you to order surrender.Although I really want to kill a few more generals to make military contributions, as long as you put down your weapons and surrender, we can mitigate your crimes according to the situation.If you wait until the army on those ships arrives, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to surrender. "

When he heard that it was Flying Eagle who delivered supplies to their aircraft carrier formation last night, the major general of the Japanese army felt a sharp pain in his heart.In front of Takahashi, he spurted out a mouthful of painstaking effort, pointed at Lin Hai and fell to the ground without saying a word, twitching a few times and stopped breathing.

Seeing that the Japanese major general's psychological quality was so poor, he was pissed to death without a single shot or punch.Both Wang Jinbiao and Lin Sihai felt a little surprised, but seeing those naval officers and soldiers who were about to move, Wang Jinbiao raised his hands above his head unceremoniously.The loudest naval officers and soldiers heard a few gunshots.

The few who shouted the most and stood at the front, as well as some naval officers and soldiers who were about to draw their guns, had a big hole in their foreheads and fell to the ground hard.This kind of determination to kill with a wave of hands made the little devil who was still holding a weapon at the scene really dare not move in vain again.

Because they knew very well that if they dared to shoot back, all the thousands of little devils on the scene would be massacred by this fierce militia officer.No one deliberately seeks death when they see the hope of life.What's more, Takahashi, the highest-ranking officer on the scene, hasn't issued an order to fight or surrender. These generals are not officers and soldiers, so what's the rush? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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