The strongest militia

Chapter 304 Air Force debut and armored warfare

When the People's Party's army advanced into Sandong, the militia and air force units that took off from Qian'an began their first active attack after changing their outfits.When they arrived over Lushun, the barracks of the Japanese army stationed in Lushun, which had hardly heard the air defense siren, began to echo the sound of the air defense siren resounding through the sky.Even the ordinary people who were surprised by the sound were curious about who dared to bomb the little devil's occupied area.

It's a pity that compared to the number of anti-aircraft weapons equipped by the militia, the Japanese army, which has always felt that there is almost no need to worry about air defense in China, has an astonishingly small number of anti-aircraft weapons.

So much so that their air defense force sounded the air defense siren in horror when they discovered that the plane that began to dive in the sky was not the Japanese fighter plane they were familiar with.Suddenly, the guards in some important facilities of the Japanese army were carrying out the so-called air defense in an unusually unfamiliar way.

Facing this kind of Japanese army with almost no air defense forces, the flustered movement of these guards undoubtedly provided the best reference for the militia air force who went to battle for the first time.Because there were no fighter jets from little devils making trouble, the escorting fighter squadron easily protected the bomber fleet and carried out the bombing.

Looking at the huge Goshawk bomber, which dropped a series of aerial bombs like a beast in the sky, those Japanese troops who only relied on rifle machine guns for air defense could not touch the Goshawk at all.Barracks and facilities were blown into ruins by the dropped aerial bombs.The Japanese city defense officers in Lushun could only send electricity to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army over and over again, seeking support from their air force.

The high-ranking Kwantung Army who received the telegram wondered if the city defense officers in Lushun had lost their minds. They had been looking for the militia and air force who had no chance of fighting, and they dared to bomb them in Lushun at this time of day.This is an act like courting death. Would the militia corps, which was formed after stealing the plane from them, really dare to do it?

Until the rescue telegrams arrived one after another, the top Kwantung Army officers.Only then did I realize that this militia air force really dared to seek death.Without further ado, they were immediately ordered to the air force airport closest to Lushun, and fighter jets took off to encircle and annihilate the militia air force that bombed Lushun.

When the Japanese army's aircraft took off, the militia radar soldiers established in Qian'an also cooperated with the air force for the first time.The number and route of the Japanese fighter jets were sent to the fighter pilots through radio waves.

This radar soldier is also a new type of equipment that Deng successfully developed through some of the school's research laboratories.It has been in a state of groping in the early stage. This kind of air force can show its talents, and it is natural that they act as reinforcements to cooperate.

So these Kwantung Army air forces flying from the northeast originally wanted to ambush the air force fleet of this militia.As a result, when they arrived at the predetermined location, the captain with them was horrified to find that there were fighter jets that had never been seen before drilled out of the clouds above their fleet.Its flexibility and powerful firepower made the Japanese fighter group, which was not on guard at all, a direct blow to the head.

Looking at the fighters that they originally had a numerical advantage, one after another was shot down by these fighters that were bigger than them but more flexible than them.These Japanese troops were horrified to realize that the Huaxia Air Force with such superior fighter jets.It is no longer the weak air force country that was allowed to be bullied by them.

In order to avoid the annihilation of the entire army, several surviving Japanese fighter jets immediately started a crazy escape journey.As for Lushun, which is still under the Goshawk bombing, these air forces have ignored it at all.

And when the first big show of the Chinese Air Force chasing the Japanese Air Force was staged over Lushun.Neiji Gangmura always felt that the situation in Tianjin City was a bit weird.As soon as the air force from Peiping was dispatched to carry out reconnaissance, one of the planes that took off for reconnaissance seemed to disappear when they went out, and no return plane could be seen again.

Just when Gangcun Ningci realized that there must be some important secrets that are not known.The Air Force Brigade stationed in the Southwest Military Division also took off to fight.Their goal this time is to completely wipe out the Japanese airfield deployed by the North China Front Army outside Beiping City.Let these North China Japanese troops who still count on the Air Force to help them fight.Completely die this thought.

So much so that when the Air Force fighter group of the Southwest Military Division appeared over the Beiping Japanese military airport and looked at the black fighter group, the Japanese soldiers at the airport completely rolled their eyes.When did such a large and unprecedented air force unit appear in the north of China?

Faced with the attack of those fighter jets that swooped down quickly, the machine gun air defense force found that their air defense speed could not keep up with these Huaxia fighter jets that could turn around deftly in the air.And then, when those bombers began to bomb without any politeness, the Japanese pilots and defense forces who were still staying in the airport wished their parents had two more legs.They were still thinking about air defense, and they all swarmed and fled outside the airport.

It's just that they forgot that the speed of the two legs cannot escape the speed of the plane no matter what.When the entire airport was engulfed in flames, this militia fighter group that took off from North China did not forget to disgust Ningci, Gangcun stationed in North China.A few aerial bombs that had not been dropped by the bombers were thrown into their barracks and headquarters in front of the horrified eyes of the little devils in Beiping city.Let them also feel once, what it's like to be forced to suffocate and be bombed on the ground by the Air Force.

Hiding in an air defense facility, looking at those planes that could be seen to have just been built, Okamura Neiji's heart was full of bitterness.Because at this time, he didn't know whether his perseverance was necessary.Facing the militia corps, which was stronger and more monstrous this time, Okamura Ningji, who considers himself to be strong-willed, also felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart.

Okamura Ningji, who watched these Chinese air forces show off their power just like their previous Japanese air force before leaving, walked out of the air defense facility.Regarding the news that the adjutant told him that the Beiping airport had been bombed into ruins, he waved his hand calmly for the first time, telling the adjutant to put down the telegram and stay in the office alone and fell silent.

The Qian'an Air Force Brigade, which fought against the Kwantung Army Air Force for the first time, used 28 fighters in the first battle against nearly 42 fighters from the Little Devils, and achieved an astonishing record of zero to [-].Of course, they had a few fighter jets, and they were beaten all over the body, but fortunately they had thick skin and didn't hit the vital parts.

Return to the airport for refurbishment, and it may take off to fight again in less than two days.What's more, with this real actual combat, these air forces were originally worried about that point in their hearts.Completely swept away.Because, they all know how much better the performance of the fighter they are flying is compared to the little devil.

And when they returned to Qian'an Airport after taking care of the bombers who had bombed happily, the Japanese pilots who also returned to the Kwantung Army Airport with bruises felt very lucky that they escaped with their lives.Those excellent fighter planes painted with militia standards made them feel deeply frustrated for the first time.When did the Japanese Air Force, which is so proud of China, become a large army that people slaughter at will?

Compared with these pilots who fled back to the airport with superb technology, I am very grateful.The Japanese commander at the airport.But he wished he could kill himself by caesarean section immediately.Go out to a group of fighter jets, and come back with a few fighter jets that are about to fall apart.When will their invincible air force no longer have any enemies in China.

This kind of drop caused the Japanese pilots at the entire airport and the Japanese officers and soldiers who maintained it in the later period to fall into deep fear.They knew very well that among the fighters that participated in the battle this time, there was a Zero fighter that was known as the strongest model of their air force!This kind of excellent fighter that defeated all U.S. fighters in the Pearl Harbor air battle.When can't even China's air force be defeated?What the hell is going on in this world?Countless Japanese officers and soldiers who obtained the results of this air battle were full of these confusions and questions.

When the person in charge of the airport reported this situation to the Kwantung Army senior officials who were still waiting for news of their victory, these Kwantung Army senior officials undoubtedly lost their glasses.They didn't believe it at first.But when the news came that Beiping Airport was destroyed by the militia air force, they really realized it.

The Huaxia Air Force, which they thought could be wiped out at any time, turned into a giant that could wipe out their air force at any time in a blink of an eye. Now they are not the militia corps that are really worried about air strikes.Immediately, the top officials of the Kwantung Army.Immediately doubled the number of anti-aircraft weapons in each occupied area.The arsenal, which originally produced ordinary standard rifles, also produced another type of weapon, that is, anti-aircraft weapons and anti-aircraft guns.

Air defense weapons that cannot be produced.The Kwantung Army also began to let domestic factories produce for them.Because they know very well that with the Lushun air battle, the Huaxia Air Force will definitely start bombing them in real time just like they invaded China before.If there is no anti-aircraft weapon, in the face of these excellent performances of the Chinese Air Force, they will be slaughtered without any power to fight back.

There is no air force, and Tianjin Port has been tightly blocked by the militia corps, so that the Japanese know that there must be something wrong with the aircraft carrier formation.But I just don't know how the militia corps attacked their aircraft carrier formation.If their air force bombed, but they didn't hear it at all, the Chinese air force had carried out the bombing before.What's more, the air force bombing at night, not to mention the Chinese Air Force, even their Japanese Air Force, it is impossible to do this.

The news cannot be spread, and the Air Force has no way to launch into the sky for reconnaissance. It depends on the infiltration of the Chinese intelligence department to understand the situation in Tianyan.Until the armored forces that carried out a rapid advance from the border of North China drove the enemies in front of them like ducks all the way like a crush.The main force of the infantry advancing with the armored division also had to dispatch vehicles to keep up with their speed.

Until the armored division met with the Japanese armored brigade from Beiping, the two sides launched a round of tank and armor battles.The performance of armored divisions equipped with tanks and chariots made the head of the Japanese chariot brigade who came here excitedly almost bite off his tongue.Because he clearly saw that his chariot hit a militia tank, but the tank only stopped for a while, and then started to gallop again after a while.

A Japanese-style tank that was very close to it was directly smashed into pieces.This arrogant and domineering deed made the head of the chariot brigade finally wake up.The tanks and armored vehicles equipped by the armored division in front of them are not at all able to fight against their smaller tanks in terms of tonnage and speed.From the excitement of encountering the enemy, it completely turned into horror.So he began to order his tank brigade to flee the battlefield quickly and retreat to Peiping.

Since the formation of the army, it has been hard to come across such an organized Japanese tank brigade. How could these armored division officers and soldiers who felt invincible all the way let them go?At the end of the militia and armored division, which was fighting up, they saw that the Japanese soldiers only wanted to escape and didn't fight back at all.

He also lost the interest in targeting the opponent with shelling, and relied on the tonnage and thickness of his tank to directly conduct a plain tank rally.As long as they saw the Japanese tanks in front of them, the militia armored soldiers driving the dragon tanks directly increased the accelerator and slammed into the Japanese tanks that were fleeing in front of them.

This kind of savage rushing and chasing, the infantry rushing from behind was also full of enthusiasm, forcing the Japanese soldiers who had lost the ability to escape from the bean chariots one by one.

Seeing the dejected and bruised faces of these prisoners, these infantrymen also felt that, apart from the fact that they had fought more happily in the previous attack, they were almost becoming the troops to escort the prisoners after following the armored division.This battle is like going to the battlefield to pick up military exploits, and some recruits who have joined the militia corps also feel how correct their choice is! (To be continued..)

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