The strongest militia

Chapter 308 Anticlimactic Sea and Air Battle

This Japanese naval fleet consisting of two aircraft carriers has been imagining how to blow up Tianjin Port and even Tianjin City into ruins on the way here.Although they also know that today's Huaxia Militia Corps seems to have manufactured a fighter with good performance. When they first fought, their army and air force in China were defeated.

But in the eyes of these navies, most of the Type Zero fighters equipped by the army are given to the army after their navy picks up the leftovers.But the head-to-head confrontation of the fighter jets just now finally gave them a deep understanding of the performance of these Huaxia fighter jets, which obviously exceeded their expectations.Then the result is naturally doomed. On their two aircraft carriers, nearly [-] fighter planes all took off, and what they got was nothing more than clearing their aircraft carrier.

Seeing this new bomber group coming straight at them, the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier knew that something was wrong.Compared with those small displacement cruisers and destroyers, they are undoubtedly more likely to be hit by bombs.Who told them to be big!

The aircraft carrier's air defense force, which had been ravaged by fighter jets just now, fired the few weapons on the aircraft carrier that could still retain the air defense capability.What made them gnash their teeth was that these huge bombers stopped flying down when they reached the limit of their firepower.Start hovering over them, ready to drop deadly bombs.

Seeing the behavior of these bombers, the commander of the aircraft carrier also knew that there was not much time left for him to consider, and immediately ordered all officers and soldiers on board to put on lifeguards and be ready to jump ship and escape at any time.As for the few warships that came to the rescue, the aircraft carrier commander also ordered them to stop this useless rescue.Because, their gathering will only make these bombers happier.

When a string of aerial bombs fell from the sky, countless aircraft carrier officers and soldiers were praying that the bombs would not hit their aircraft carrier.And when the first series of bombs dropped into the sea, causing a series of water waves, the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier did not wait for the luck.A string of bombs dropped by the second bomber hit their flight deck directly and unbiasedly.

As the aerial bombs exploded violently on the deck.The sailors of the aircraft carrier who had already grasped the handrails were thrown up quickly. The entire deck of this aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 2 tons has been blown through.And as the deck was blown through, the next few bombs detonated directly below their deck.

Soon the people on the aircraft carrier who woke up from the explosions just now saw that the other side of the aircraft carrier deck had begun to sink into the sea at a speed visible to the naked eye.As for the hull behind them, it started to lift upwards instead.

A string of bombs can cause such consequences, and the commander of the aircraft carrier, who woke up, immediately ordered the surviving crew to escape from the sea without saying a word.Swim to other warships and wait for rescue.As long as his elite naval officers and soldiers can survive, they will still have the opportunity to continue to drive aircraft carriers with better performance in the future, and they can seek revenge from these Chinese air forces.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that this is just the bombing carried out by two bombers, and there are still a few bombers waiting in line behind to drop bombs!

So the sailors who jumped into the sea unfortunately became the targets of those aerial bombs that missed the target.The waves that were directly blown up by the aerial bombs shattered the internal organs, and there was almost no hope of surviving.And the aircraft carrier, which was hit by a bomber again, undoubtedly sank even faster.

Seeing that the first aircraft carrier almost didn't waste bombs, the pilots of the bomber fleet immediately focused on the second aircraft carrier with a relatively smaller displacement.The aircraft on this aircraft carrier were also shot down by the fighter jets just now.Their air defenses are also pretty much nonexistent.Above this sea, they were no faster than the bombers could catch up with.After another round of bombing, thick smoke rose from the aircraft carrier, and sea water poured into the flooded cabin.It means that it will not escape the fate of sinking into the sea next.

After solving the two aircraft carriers, the next bombers began to chase the large warships that had begun to flee.Watching their warships being targeted by bombers, the Japanese navy on top of these warships is no longer as arrogant as before.On the contrary, he looked at the bombs that the bombers started to drop after making two rounds with a look of fear.

In this naval battle, which was hailed as the Huaxia Air Force going to the world, two aircraft carriers of the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet were sunk.Only one large warship of nearly [-] tons fled back to Baodao Naval Port, and only a dozen other large and small warships fled back one after another, declaring the end.Tianyan Port, which was waiting in full battle, was surprisingly not bombed by the Army Aviation.This made Deng Chenggong, who originally thought that the Japanese Army Air Force would take advantage of the fire, really couldn't understand why the Kwantung Army's air force didn't launch a sneak attack on them?

In fact, he didn't know that when the commander of the aircraft carrier formation designed the performance of the Huaxia fighter jets, it was completely designed for the Japanese Type Zero fighter jets.The Kwantung Army Air Force, which has no idea how many of these new fighters the Militia Air Force has equipped, dares to take the aircraft into the air to fight.It is enough to be wary of the air strikes of the militia and air force, and how dare you take the initiative to provoke opponents you can't handle!

As a result, when the sea-air battle that took place above the Yellow Sea, the curtain fell like an anticlimax as the militia air force bomber fleet returned.The surviving Japanese fleet may not dare to approach the waters of Tianjin Port easily until they have developed an aircraft with better performance.

But when they sent submarines to plan a sneak attack, they were greeted by mines that had already been densely covered outside Tianjin Port.After several submarines were bombed and sunk, the Japanese navy had no choice but to bow down to the rogue tactics used by the militia corps.But thinking of this, it must be that the aircraft carrier fleet snatched from them would not be able to enter and leave the ocean outside Tianjin Port, so they did not continue to send submarines in to die.

When this air force victory telegram was sent by the militia corps, it had an impact not only on the soldiers and civilians in China, but also felt excited and shocked.Even Britain and the United States, which were engaged in naval offensive and defensive battles with the Japanese, sent congratulatory messages, especially when they immediately dispatched envoys to China to the location of the militia corps.I hope that I can buy the design drawing of this eagle fighter, or I can buy the whole machine.

After considering the purchase conditions proposed by Britain and the United States, Deng Chenggong knew that this fighter for the Zero was only a generation of their Eagle fighter.And with the advancement of science and technology of the times, the eagle fighter, which looks a bit invincible now, will soon face the end of being eliminated.Therefore, it is not a bad idea to sell some to the British and American countries.

It's just that Deng Chenggong is very clear that this kind of arms business is profitable.But what Deng Chenggong hopes more is to buy the shipbuilding equipment of the two countries, especially the submarine formation that is now urgently needed by the aircraft carrier formation.It is somewhat dangerous for an aircraft carrier to go to sea without a submarine escort.Moreover, the performance of anti-submarine ships these days is not very good. Once they go to sea and are targeted by Japanese submarines, the danger of the aircraft carrier fleet is self-evident.

For this reason, after some bargaining, in response to the urgent needs of Britain and the United States, he handed over [-] finished aircrafts of the two formations to the air forces of the two countries.In addition, the production drawings of the Eagle fighter jets were also sold to the British and American governments at a price.And he doesn't need too much money from Erguo, what is more is in exchange for Erguo's active submarines and a dock that can produce [-]-ton merchant ships.

Even to the end.Deng Chenggong also presented an additional letter of design drawings of their dragon chariot, and it was only in this way that the cooperation agreement that allowed the navy's strength to be rapidly improved after the founding of the country was reached.

After learning that Deng had successfully reached an exchange agreement with the two countries, the Kuomintang Air Force, which had just received the US-made fighter jets, suddenly became a little uncomfortable.Originally, they thought that this American-made fighter jet should be able to compete with the little devil's air force.But now in turn, Britain and the United States still want to buy their country's aircraft.Isn't it obvious that the plane they received this time is someone else's obsolete product!

But no matter how unpleasant they were, the militia corps that besieged the Japanese army in Beiping.After resolving the crisis faced by the Navy more easily than imagined.Began to focus on the construction of Lushun Military Port.Because here, the main division of the Northeast Army Division has been taken down, and the Japanese army in the entire port has also been blocked in the port by the air force and ground forces.

Except for some large ships that had been transferred out of the military port before, escaped.The military port facilities left by the entire Japanese army are relatively complete.This made Sa Zhenbing and Chen Shao, who came to inspect with Deng Chenggong by plane, feel very happy.Because, their navy finally has a real base!

After completely blocking the land traffic between Beiping and the Northeast, the militia corps and the Kwantung Army both adopted a confrontational posture.Even many times.They are all encroaching on the Kwantung Army's position in the confrontation area between the two armies in small pieces.And the Kwantung Army, which dispatched the main force of the large forces in the rear to the front line, faced a situation that could collapse at any time.

Had to once again be in North Korea in their occupied territory.A new round of conscription was launched.Let these North Korean soldiers who have only undergone military training for two or three months enter their occupied area in the northeast, replace some defenders in the city, and take on simple tasks such as maintaining law and order.

Seeing that the originally dangerous situation had stabilized with an air defense battle, Deng Chenggong also turned his attention to the People's Party's offensive against the Japanese troops in the East and West.When he called, he learned that the People's Party's army had wiped out most of the Japanese troops in Sandong, and also forced the Japanese troops into several big cities, waiting for the final general offensive to start.

Some are curious about such a good situation, why the People's Party, like them, often adopts the strategy of siege.Deng Chenggong learned through Deng Ping, who was in charge of the logistics support of the People's Party, that the reason for the delay in launching a general offensive was that the People's Party lacked a siege weapon.When several sieges caused heavy casualties, I also felt that this group of people was really, why didn't such a problem be mentioned earlier?

After personally calling Boss Zhu, who was commanding operations in Jinan City, Deng successfully dispatched the Artillery Division 150 Brigade staying in the Southwest Army Branch to rush to Sandong to cooperate with the People's Party in fighting.At the same time, the arsenal of the Southwest Military Division was ordered to transport a batch of [-]-caliber howitzers in reserve to the front lines of the People's Party.

After learning that the militia corps had not only sent troops this time, but also sent them howitzers capable of forming a heavy artillery brigade, these People's Party generals who participated in the Three Eastern Operations did not know how to evaluate Deng's success.In short, each of them felt that Deng Chenggong's attitude towards the People's Party seemed completely different from his attitude towards the National Party.Is he really not worried at all that the people's party, as a neighbor, will pose a threat to his rule in North China once it becomes stronger?

Fortunately, they also know the principle of cannibalism and short hands, so that in the next process of collecting the spoils.Once these commanders confiscated gold and silver, they would take the initiative to hand it over to the headquarters.Sell ​​these gold and silver to the militia corps who urgently need to participate in the gold and silver reserves, so as to alleviate the favor in the heart for the militia corps.

With the cooperation of the artillery brigade of the militia corps, the Japanese army in Jinan City, which had been besieged for a period of time, could not withstand the bombardment in the end.The people's party army outside the city took the opportunity to attack the city. With the influx of troops, the plaster flag hanging on the top of Jinan city was also replaced with the people's party's military flag.Jinan, the capital of the Three Eastern Regions, has finally become a liberated area of ​​the People's Party!This also means that the first battle of the People's Party's revival is about to come to a successful conclusion. (To be continued..)

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