The Japanese army, which had been confronting the Northeast Army Division, seemed to know since the fall of Beiping that there were no Japanese militia corps around, and they were the next target.For this reason, it can be said that they are always paying attention to the movements on the defensive positions of the militia in front.Originally, they had hoped that they would be able to breathe for a few days during the Chinese New Year.

Unexpectedly, the militiamen on the frontier positions became more nervous and vigilant during this time of the year. If there was any movement in the Kwantung Army's position, they would be replaced by shells and bullets.If someone dared to provoke them in the past, the troops of the Kwantung Army would have rushed up earlier, and the militia troops on the opposite side would have been rushed!

But the key point is that at present, the main force of the Kwantung Army has been transferred too much from the country. They seem to have a large number of troops, but most of them are recruits or even puppet troops conscripted from the DPRK.

However, there are too few puppet troops that can be recruited from the ground in the Northeast, and the way the militia corps deals with traitors is well known.Unless they are really not afraid of death, as long as there are other ways to survive, the Chinese youths who have been counting on joining the puppet army for survival still dare not take the risk of being executed to join the local security regiment.

Therefore, the only thing the Kwantung Army can rely on and trust is the few mixed brigades they forcibly recruited from the Korean United Front Area.Use these two devils as the city defense army to ensure that the troops they deploy on the front line are all the elite of the Kwantung Army.

Insufficient troops and the loss of air superiority, the Kwantung Army also needs time, as long as they return from the main force that was transferred to other countries.At that time, it will be the time for the Kwantung Army to face off with the militia corps, but today's high-level Kwantung Army really don't know how long it will take.

The front line is getting bigger and bigger, and there are Japanese troops in all the countries in Southeast Asia.As an island country, it is useless to recruit men, women and children to the front line.But today's Japanese high-level people have been dazzled by their huge victory.Even young adults who work in some arsenals are recruited.Allocate some jobs within our capacity to domestic women and the elderly.

This kind of mobilization of all people for war makes it seem that the Japanese today have only one choice, and that is to eliminate all rebels as soon as possible.When they complete this great East Asian jihad, Japan will also become a military power in Southeast Asia and even compete with Europe and the United States.This kind of fanatical thinking is also the reason why some people saw this Japanese chariot that started to slide to hell, but could not stop it.

The situation in Japan is clear to some high-level officials in their own country, and so is Deng Chenggong, a traveler who came from later generations. He must take advantage of the fact that the United States and Japan are engaged in repeated naval battles, and Lao Maozi is busy fighting with Mustache again. best time.In one fell swoop, the little devils in the whole country were driven out of Huaxia, while others were still fighting.Huaxia can enter the journey of rejuvenation and nation building ahead of schedule.

Only in this way can Huaxia realize its dream of rejuvenating a powerful country in the fastest and shortest time in this World War II.It is for this dream that Deng Chenggong walks on the edge of the most dangerous war so recklessly when others think he can enjoy the fruits of success and fame.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of inspection, Deng Chenggong is also constantly deliberating and perfecting the next battle plan.In the eyes of the little devil, the importance of the strategic rear base in the three eastern provinces is self-evident.If North China was retaken by the militia corps, the little devil had to give up three points due to the strength of the militia corps.

Then once you attack the three northeastern provinces.This base is currently enough to support more than half of the little devil's strategic material sources, so the little devil will inevitably fight them desperately.Therefore, once this battle starts, it will not end in just a few months.

Although Deng successfully gave himself a year to recover the three eastern provinces.But this time may not necessarily be farther away.From the battle in Jin Province this time, it can be seen that it is also very troublesome for the little devil who is cornered to launch a ruthless attack.

Deng Chenggong, who knew this well, had to follow the development of the current situation on the premise of formulating this battle plan long ago.Adjust the feasibility of the combat plan as much as possible.Only if one hit is sure to hit, can he reflect the ferocity of his militia corps, and can make the little devil completely dead and repeatedly fight for the idea of ​​​​the three eastern provinces.

therefore.Deng Chenggong made preparations for this battle. With the millions of troops in the four major military divisions, except for the necessary defensive and vigilant troops to protect the liberated areas, the rest of the troops drawn out will all be used in this battle.

Deng Chenggong is still very clear about the truth of "a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength".What's more, the Kwantung Army is not a rabbit, but a pack of wolves.If they really want to regard their current forbearance as fear of the militia corps, then Deng Chenggong can imagine that once the Kwantung Army takes action against the militia corps, it will suffer a big loss.

For this reason, Deng Chenggong went straight to the front line of the Northeast Army division closest to the Kwantung Army just after the Spring Festival.He needs to continue to instill in these officers and soldiers the idea that the militia is invincible, and at the same time let them dispel their contempt for the Kwantung Army.Only when the entire army attaches great importance to the Kwantung Army, can he guarantee that the cunning Kwantung Army will not take advantage of the loopholes after the campaign is launched.

Therefore, Deng Chenggong, who inspected the complete line, specially emphasized the need to strengthen the ideological education of the troops with Hu Guangzong, the commander of the Northeast Army Division, at the headquarters of the Northeast Army Division.At the same time, commanders above the division level of the military division were convened, and a pre-war mobilization meeting was held.

At the meeting, he emphasized that this recovery campaign will be a protracted battle, and they, division commanders, must be prepared to suffer hardships and setbacks.That is to say, we must not change our face when the mountain collapses in front of us, and we must also not make decisions that are careless for a while and make rash advances and suffer losses.After all, one order from these division commanders will determine the lives of all division officials who obey his orders.If they are not careful, Deng Chenggong will not let them go easily if something goes wrong.

Knowing that Deng Chenggong always walks the talk, after this high-level meeting of the military sub-district, the pride and complacency that had arisen in their hearts following the repeated victories of the militia corps was dispelled.

In particular, I heard that the strength of the Kwantung Army in the three eastern provinces is actually comparable to the main force of their militia corps, and it also has its local fortifications. The terrain is familiar and there is some popular support.Therefore, in this battle, the Kwantung Army has an advantage over the militia corps in terms of the right time, place and people.Therefore, no matter how cautiously he treats it, Deng Chenggong doesn't think it's an exaggeration.

After the meeting, Deng Chenggong held a separate meeting with Hu Guangzong, and made it clear that Hu Guangzong, a veteran of the Northeast Army, would still be the real commander of the Northeast Army Division in the future.

But the premise is that he must show enough military exploits in this battle to prove to the officers and soldiers of the corps and the soldiers and civilians across the country that he is capable of shouldering the responsibility of recovering the lost land and defending the country.

What's even more rare is that when discussing this issue with Hu Guangzong, Deng Chenggong also talked to this veteran veteran for the first time that once the Northeast is recovered, Deng Chenggong may initiate the initiative to form a coalition government.In this way, it means that the militia corps, which now exceeds one million, will become the guarantee force of the National Defense Force of the coalition government in the future.

Once the army is handed over to the country, then if Hu Guangzong does not have sufficient military exploits to prove his ability to the world.As the commander of the large military region in the three northeastern provinces, it is still difficult for him to succeed.

Seeing that Deng Chenggong put forward the idea of ​​building a country for the first time, Hu Guangzong also knew that this battle was not only related to whether the three eastern provinces could be recovered, but also related to the importance of how long it would take to build a country.

Knowing that Deng Chenggong was arranging for his future, Hu Guangzong said calmly: "Chenggong, actually, to me, I really don't care much about being the future commander of the military region. As long as the people in the Northeast can be liberated, I feel like I would be willing to be a soldier.”

What surprised him was that Deng Chenggong didn't seem to agree with his selflessness. He shook his head and said, "Brother Hu, if you really have this kind of mentality, then I advise you to give up this idea. I don't care about you." How do you think, in my opinion, the Northeast, North China, and even the Northwest must all be in the hands of our militia corps.

I don't care about the rest, and I don't want to fight.In short, this is related to my foundation for China's future review. I will not allow it and will not watch it. The national defense foundation that I have finally built is exhausted.And once we regain the three eastern provinces, we will become the strongest military force in China, bar none.

Even if you and I are not the kind of people who fight for power and profit, we can't push China back to the brink of civil war just because we don't care.In fact, as long as you think about it, once a coalition government is formed in the current domestic political situation, I am afraid that there will be no way to achieve unity in a short period of time.We do not participate in politics, but we must be the guardians of politics, the guardians of this hard-won victory.

Only when the whole country has formed a unified line that is consistent from top to bottom and truly becomes a big country standing firmly in the east, then we may be more at ease when we retreat at that time.Therefore, the commander of the Northeast Military Region in the future, besides you, I don't want to see anyone more suitable than you.Even if the time comes, your old officer will be released.I mean, can you understand? "

It is also during this period of time that Deng Chenggong has thought about what responsibilities and positions the militia corps should assume in the future coalition government.To tell Hu Guangzong frankly, I also hope that he understands that this is a far-reaching situation, and he will not allow the good situation to end, and then fail.

Hearing Deng Chenggong say such a serious and prudent statement, Hu Guangzong seemed to understand the current domestic political situation.

Finally nodded and said: "Since you have made a plan, I'd rather be respectful than follow your orders. The commander of the Northeast Military Region, I will make it in advance. When my brother thinks that day, I can rest, then I will Just go back to my hometown, buy a few acres of Susukida and live an ordinary life. Ha ha!"

After giving this commander who is also quite prestigious in the militia corps, he was vaccinated.Deng Chenggong didn't say much else, so that he could start to assemble his troops. When he came back from inspecting the Inner and Mongolian military divisions, it was almost time to start the war. (to be continued..)

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