The strongest militia

Chapter 325 The General Attack on July 7th

Just after the Spring Festival, the main divisions in the various military divisions of the militia corps frequently mobilized and assembled, and the area they went to was along the northeast line where the Kwantung Army bordered the most.It is impossible to say that the Kwantung Army was not nervous.

It's just that during the Spring Festival in the Northeast, the weather is still relatively cold, and there is even snow in some places.In addition, it took some time for Deng to successfully gather the main force of the militia.Therefore, the specific time of the war was set in April and May when the snow on the front line almost melted.

As for the fact that this time will give the Kwantung Army some time to prepare, in Deng Chenggong's opinion, it is nothing. If the Second Army can decide victory or defeat with fist to fist at the front line, perhaps the subsequent recovery battle will be easier.What's more, the Kwantung Army has always felt that the fortifications they spent a lot of money to build, coupled with the newly formed troops that they have almost grown up, should be able to inflict a heavy blow to the militia corps on the front line.At least in their opinion, if they can't beat the militia corps in an offensive battle, they won't lose to the militia corps again in a defensive battle!

Compared with Deng Chenggong, he prefers to speak with facts, so after he returned to Peiping, he immediately issued an order to the military divisions to deploy the main divisions to fight.The only thing that makes people a little confused is that the first to be transferred was the Suimeng military division under the command of Fu Zuoyi.When the main divisions of the Suimeng Army Division were transferred to the rear of the Northeast Army Division, the Japanese army naturally increased their reserves in the defense area bordering the Northeast Army Division.In order to prevent the militia from moving at that time, they will be understaffed.

It will take some time for the army to be mobilized. Therefore, during this period of time, everyone is busy mobilizing troops to wait for the battle. Deng Chenggong found Zhou Hu, Captain of the Flying Eagle Division of the Militia Corps, and Wang Jinbiao, Captain of the Reconnaissance Division.Let them serve as the vanguard of the army, infiltrate the little devil's rear to find out the enemy's situation, and at the same time, get the Kwantung Army's defense map.

The two militia corps have the strongest individual combat capability, and Feiying undoubtedly took on the most difficult infiltration task. The place they need to infiltrate is the front line facing the Kwantung Army along the Northeast Army Division.Their task is to find out the defensive layout of the Kwantung Army, as well as their rear bases and warehouses.As for the use of collecting this information.That's what Deng succeeded in doing. They just need to complete this task.

Another reconnaissance unit whose combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated, their mission is with the help of Mongolian guerrilla herdsmen.Through the area bordering the northeast of Mongolia, where the little devil's defenses have begun to relax, try to find out the defense maps of those border areas as much as possible.

At the same time, if possible, you can also give some beheading or sabotage battles with militia characteristics to the little devils there.In short, Deng Chenggong hoped that the reconnaissance brigade could penetrate into the vicinity of Xing'an and mess up the situation there.Let the Japanese army not figure out which direction the militia corps will attack in the next step.

Undoubtedly, Wang Jinbiao was excited to accept such a task that could be described as murder and arson.It was only when Deng Chenggong told him that they had another extremely important task to infiltrate Xing'an this time.While Wang Jinbiao felt a little confused after reading the order, he also expressed that he would complete this task as soon as possible.

After assigning tasks to these two brigades who are good at infiltrating behind enemy lines, the next thing to start mobilizing is the troops from the Northwest Army Division.Compared with the army of the Suimeng Army Division, they had a shorter mobilization distance, and they were directly deployed to the front line bordering the Kwantung Army in Chahar.It seems that Chahar is also the next breakthrough for the militia corps to launch an offensive.

The fortifications built by the Kwantung Army here are still not as strong as those bordering the Northeast Army Division.For this reason, the Kwantung Army, who was worried that the militia corps would use this place as a breakthrough, had to send more troops to this area when they learned of the main movement of the Northwest Army Division.It is this kind of troop mobilization that seems to be aboveboard.The Kwantung Army's number of guard troops deployed in Mongolia has decreased. Deng Chenggong, who received the news, finally couldn't help but smile happily.

In fact, when the Suimeng Military Division and the Northwest Military Division were mobilized, the Minyi Division and another motorized unit stationed in the Southwest Military Division.He has secretly arrived at the Mongolian military division in a military column.These two militia main forces with the strongest mechanized assault will be the sharp knife Deng Chenggong used to penetrate the heart of the Kwantung Army.The mobilization of troops in the Suimeng Army Division and the Northwest Army Division was more likely to conceal his actual focus of attack.

Seeing that the troops deployed by the Japanese army in Mongolia were really transferred to the area where the main force of the Northwest Army Division was assembled as he expected, when they were on standby.Deng Chenggong ordered the Northeast Army Division to begin to assemble.They will also serve as the main force of the attack, and the tasks assigned are also the most difficult.

For a time, the war at the border between Northeast China and North China was clouded.The common people who were closer to the battlefield saw cars coming and going every day.The people in the liberated areas of the militia corps were better off, but the people near the Kwantung Army's defense area almost all left their hometowns, not wanting to be involved in this war that could almost determine the final outcome of the Sino-Japanese War.

Through the assembly of troops from the three military divisions, the Kwantung Army seemed to realize that this was a battle in which the main force of the militia corps was almost exhausted.If their Kwantung Army wants to compete with the militia corps this time, they will probably be well prepared.What made them a little curious was that the Southwest Military Division of the militia corps didn't seem to be moving.

Just when they were worried about whether the most powerful Southwest Military Division in the militia corps would do something small, a new main division was used to pretend to be the first civilian division, and it was stationed in Peiping under the watchful eyes of the Kwantung Army.The rest of the main divisions were also gathered in Beiping, Tianyin.They seem to be the reserve troops for this battle, and they may be transferred to the front line at any time to fight to the death with the Kwantung Army that has also assembled on the front line of the Northeast.

Just when the troops of both sides began to assemble, the forces of all parties were horrified to find that on the front where the militia corps and the Kwantung Army were confronting each other, both sides had almost exhausted their main force, and the number of people participating in the battle had reached as many as one million.In terms of military strength, the militia corps seems to have the upper hand, but the Kwantung Army has the terrain advantage. Coupled with the permanent defensive positions built in the early stage, this decisive battle like the battle of the century has attracted the attention of the whole world.

Even the emperor of Japan specially called the Kwantung Army, telling them that they must fight well in this battle concerning the direction of the jihad in Japan's Greater East Asia.As long as the Kwantung Army can severely damage the militia corps, it will inevitably change the battle they have begun to suffer in China.If they can achieve astonishing achievements, the emperor will personally award honors to those soldiers who have made meritorious service.

Before the war, the generals of the various divisions of the Japanese army read out the condolence telegram sent by themselves to their subordinates.Knowing that this battle is so important, the Japanese officers and soldiers on the front line undoubtedly also increased their fighting spirit.Some worries about the militia corps before were also swept away with this telegram.

Countless officers and soldiers of the Kwantung Army are fantasizing about being rewarded for their meritorious service in this battle, and then they will be personally awarded and rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor.For the Japanese officers and soldiers who have deified the emperor today, this is also an honor that no one can refuse!

It's just that as the troops of both sides began to gather on the front line, from the initial fighting with black guns to now, there are artillery battles from time to time.But after a month of cold guns, he didn't see any big moves from the militia corps. It seemed that the army he had gathered in Rehe and Liao province was all here to put on a show.They didn't appear to be in any rush to attack at all, which confused the Kwantung Army. They even took the initiative to send troops to attack the positions of the militia corps.

Even the Nationalist Party, which is now entering the war with the Japanese army in the south, has been optimistic at the beginning, and now their casualties with the Japanese army are increasing day by day.When the militia corps did not make any movement, some generals who were worried about the future prospects of the Kuomintang in China felt that the militia corps would hold the main force of consuming the strength of their Kuomintang party, and make such a show to lure them and the South. The Japanese army fought to the death.At that time, when they and the Japanese army in the south are exhausted, the militia corps will suddenly turn their guns and head south in a big way, and even clean them up with the little devils!

In fact, they really thought too much. Deng Chenggong has never done anything, mainly to infiltrate Xing'an's reconnaissance brigade, and it will take some time to complete the task he gave.In addition, the Flying Eagle Brigade, which had penetrated into the enemy's rear and started to become active at this time, also began to wander around the little devil's rear base, and slowly gathered their troops to the militia corps.More importantly, Deng Chenggong decided on the time to launch the general offensive. In fact, he had already agreed with the equally impatient Hu Guangzong.

This day is July [-]th. This memorable and memorable day is the time when he decided to launch a general attack.Therefore, during this period of time, he let the main force on the front line enter the positions separately to find the feeling of fighting the Kwantung Army, but strictly ordered any troops to break through the current defense zone and cross the border to provoke the Kwantung Army.

Of course, the Kwantung Army also took the initiative to come up to be beaten, and Deng Chenggong would not refuse. The defensive troops of the militia corps would let them understand.In the matter of attack, the militia corps has the final say.

As the time entered July, the Kwantung Army's high-ranking officers were a little disheartened, thinking that the militia corps was purely playing tricks.The troops are assembled in place, and they are training every day in the liberated area, but they don't launch a general offensive.Every day, they sent people to beat their black guns, and when they had nothing to do, a few shells were sent to them to urge them to get up in the middle of the night to pee.

This kind of harassing battle with cannons against mosquitoes made the Kwantung Army's defenses useless, and they were worried that the militia corps would take advantage of them if they were not prepared.In short, these brain cells were killed by the non-routine tactics of the militia corps.

Just when all parties felt that the battle could only be fought in the Year of the Monkey, Deng Chenggong led his guards to the combat headquarters in Chengde City late at night.He personally handed over the signed action order to Hu Guangzong who had also been waiting for a long time.

After receiving the order, Hu Guangzong immediately ordered the frontline troops to prepare for battle.The artillery, air force, and missile units that had already been assembled in place all entered the preset positions.At dawn tomorrow, it's time for them to march east! (To be continued..)

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