The strongest militia

Chapter 328 Terrorist Attack

The Japanese soldiers who were on air defense observation and alert at the airport felt a little curious when they saw the fighter planes they had just lifted off frantically fleeing backward.The overwhelming black shadow directly stunned all the Japanese soldiers at the airport.

The Japanese officer with a better psychological quality immediately shouted: "Air defense! Air defense!" He yelled at the soldiers around him to prepare for air defense.As for the officers and soldiers with poor psychological quality, seeing the group of planes covering the sky, they had only one thought and that was to run away.Only by escaping from this airport, which will soon become Shura's hell, can they possibly escape.

Looking at the panic-stricken Japanese airfield below, several navigators of the militia air force began to lead their fighter formations into dives, one by one like combing their hair.Destroy any target on the airport who dares to fire bullets at them, until the people at the airport can only flee for their lives.The bomber formation that followed them split out a few bombers and completely bombed the airport built by the little devil into ruins.

Seeing that the first target was destroyed, this huge militia fleet began to fly over the sky over Liaobei, under the dumbfounded gaze of some ordinary people.Start bombing the little devil's airport, station, barracks and targets worth bombing.This made some Northeast people who originally thought that it would not be easy for the militiamen in North China to regain the Northeast.

When I saw those devil soldiers who usually domineering over them would panic and howl under the bombing of the militia and air force, the idea of ​​overthrowing the little devils, which I hardly dared to hope for, came to my mind again.

Maybe this time, the group of Chinese militiamen in North China facing them could really drive away these damned Kwantung Army, and they could also enjoy being the masters of their own country again.The bombings that began to appear continuously in the sky over northern Liaoning and even reached Jilin recently, made the people in the Northeast, who had almost lost their resistance, once again see the hope of liberation.

The common people began to feel that there was hope to drive away the little devils, and those Northeast anti-Japanese armed forces who were usually active underground.At this time, they feel even more that the good days they have been looking forward to for many years are coming.One by one, the villages in the Northeast began to become active again. The little devil strongholds and those traitors that were not dared to attack lightly have also become the targets of their anti-Japanese armed forces.

In short, the air strike launched by the militia corps caused the Kwantung Army's air force to completely retreat to the front line of Heilongjiang Province, and did not dare to reappear in the sky over Liaoning Province and Kyrgyzstan Province at will.Because the speed at which this militia air force is rising is really terrifying.Faced with such a large fleet, they only have a few hundred planes left, and unless they really don't want it, there won't be any left.

The second dish sent by the Air Force to the Kwantung Army.It lasted for three full days, from the first day of bombing the important targets and urban barracks of the Japanese army in Liao and Kyrgyzstan provinces.On the second day, they began to bomb their forward bases and the transportation and supply lines erected in the rear.On the third day, it lasted for a whole day, after carrying out rounds of bombing on the defensive positions that the Kwantung Army was proud of.

The morale of the Kwantung Army is declining rapidly day by day, and the troops they deploy on the front line are also being consumed in this round of bombing rounds.

Already frightened by the air raids, they had to set up the headquarters of the Kwantung Army General Command in the air defense basement. Facing the loss telegrams one after another, they felt that they had been in China since they came.I've never fought such an aggrieved battle.In the past, they were the only ones who bombed and bombarded Huaxia's troops. When did Huaxia's troops turn around and bombard them without any temper?

Don't blame them for being unbelievable, the key is that the times are changing too fast.Soon they all felt that what was fighting them was not the poor Chinese troops in their impression, but those European and American military powers with a strong industrial foundation.Could it be that the bombing lasted for three days, and those shells really cost nothing?

While lamenting that the militia on the opposite side is helping the nouveau riche.Facing the continuous bombing by the air force, they had no choice but to order the frontline troops to dodge as much as possible.When they lose all their bombs, they won't blow up.There will always be a land attack.At that time, they will be able to use their fairly well-preserved fortifications to teach these militia troops who bullied them for three days a deep lesson.

But they still underestimated the fighting methods of the militia. On the fourth day, they thought that the Kwantung Army's forward troops of the Air Force would appear in the sky.Until the sun rose to mid-air, there was still no shadow of any air force, and the movement of militiamen preparing to attack began to appear in front of their positions.

Realizing that the air strikes are finally over, the frontline troops can finally end the days of local rats, and they have come out of the air-raid shelters to the positions, waiting for the militia to attack at any time.

But just when they felt that the militia's attack seemed to be more of a tentative nature, the Japanese soldiers who had received the eagle's message to hide in the air-raid shelter almost all came out to sprinkle the sun at the same time.Hu Guangzong, who had never thought that wars could be fought so easily, shook to the phone that was not used much at the signal of Deng Chenggong's nod.

And this time waiting on the other end of the phone was the militia artillery division and rocket launcher division who were preparing to deliver the third dish to the Japanese army.In order to destroy the permanent fortifications of the Japanese army's forward positions as much as possible, their two troops stockpiled several tons of armor-piercing bullets.And what they have to do is, within one to two days, from time to time, these armor-piercing shells that can penetrate those cement fortifications are fired.

As a result, after the front-line militia unit was used to test the use of the fortifications of the little devil, the rocket launcher division and the artillery division began to stage an artillery battle that completely discouraged the Kwantung Army.

What made the Japanese army on the front line even more collapsed was that, in their view, the extremely strong fortifications only needed to be hit by a single shell.Just like being drilled through tofu, those who hide in the fortifications will only end up being blown to death or suffocated to death.Only the key parts of those reinforced concrete buildings still bear a few hits from this kind of shells.

But for such a defense line, how many fortifications can really be built at such a high price?Needless to say, after this bombardment, the fortifications that seemed impregnable to the Japanese army also became riddled with windows and holes.This kind of battle that could only be bombed made the Kwantung Army's little hope of victory once again completely dispelled.

When the rocket launcher division and artillery division had almost exhausted their reserves of shells, the militia units deployed on the front line also officially launched an attack.Looking at the defensive positions of the Japanese army whose firepower has been reduced a lot, the Japanese army in some areas is helpless in the face of the attack of the militia.

After persisting for a day, the Japanese army deployed a defensive position on the front line of Lingyuan.The first was breached by the militia corps.A hole was opened, which meant that the entire defense front of the Japanese army would be in crisis.I lamented that the militia corps attacked the Kwantung Army really sharply, and had to order the reserve troops resting in the rear to quickly gather in the direction of Lingyuan, no matter what, they had to block the opening opened by the militia corps.

Just when the Kwantung Army along the Northeast and North China finally entered a life-and-death battle with the militia corps.Also on July [-], the Minyi Division, which began to cross the Mongolian border and rushed towards the Kwantung Army near Xing'an, and the army of the Southwest Motorized Independent Brigade, with the help of the reconnaissance brigade who detected a safe passage in advance, quietly lurked Fifty kilometers away from Hailaer, the capital of Xing'an.The troops of the Puppet Manchukuo State and the Japanese army in the city have not noticed it at all.The threat is not far away from them.

The reconnaissance brigade that had infiltrated Hailar City was only [-] kilometers away when it received the large troops of the Minyi Division, and they could basically arrive in an hour and a half at their marching speed.Wang Jinbiao, who had been depressed for a long time, immediately called several squadron leaders over.

In order to create a covert attack opportunity for the Minyi Division, Wang Jinbiao has let these scouts who entered the city find out where the Japanese army, the Manchurian government and the army are located in the city.Now that they heard that the First Civilian Division had arrived at the planned attack site, they also realized that they could throw their hands away and do a big job.

Wang Jinbiao, who had always wanted to play big, began to take the defense map of the city that they had scouted over the past few days, and gave combat orders to the squadron leaders gathered around him one by one.They have only one job to do tonight.Let the Japanese army in Hailar completely mess up with the Manchurian army.Even if they were deployed outside the city's defenders, they would also be unable to escape the terrorist attacks of the reconnaissance troops.

That's right, the reconnaissance brigade at night was going to test the terrorist attack that Deng Chenggong had told them before, for this attack.During this period of time, the reconnaissance officers and soldiers hiding in the city spent their time making all kinds of bombs.Now they have more bombs than they can count.And with the arrival of the Minyi Division, there are still some bombs that have not been placed properly.It will be completely buried in various key departments in the city tonight.

After getting their respective missions to be responsible for the explosion, these squadron leaders also led their team members excitedly, and began to walk carefully and low-key to the places where the bombs were buried.That's all they're leaving tonight.Let the little devils in Hailar City and the puppet soldiers of Manchukuo stay up all night.

As the captain of the reconnaissance team, Wang Jinbiao was naturally the No. 1 initiating this 'terrorist attack', and he was in charge of the combat headquarters deployed by the Japanese army in the city.As early as a few days ago, Wang Jinbiao, who had buried a heavy bomb next to the headquarters of these Japanese troops, looked at the still brightly lit little devil headquarters, bent down and ignited a bomb that had already been prepared. fuse.

Seeing that the "sizzling" fuse was successfully burned to the Japanese army headquarters, Wang Jinbiao immediately ordered his soldiers to ignite the bombs buried around the barracks.What's more amazing is that these scouts, who seemed to have been aggrieved for a long time, deliberately planted two tripping mines on the way out of the camp where the little devil's sentry could not see.

On the other side of Triple Thunder, there are also two huge explosive bags with countless iron nails and iron pieces buried.When the army of little devils goes out, these bomb packs placed along the way are enough for these Japanese soldiers to have a good drink.

Counting the time, Wang Jinbiao looked at the brightly lit Japanese army headquarters after finding the hiding place, and said miraculously: "Boom!"

Following his bang, there was an explosion that shocked the whole city next to the Japanese army headquarters.The headquarters, which was still lit, suddenly fell into darkness.Standing a few hundred meters away from the headquarters, Wang Jinbiao said with a sneer when he saw the little devil in front of him start running in a panic: "This is just the beginning!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there were two deafening explosions in the camp of the little devils who were still running.What makes the people in the city even more uneasy is that with the sound of these two explosions, there are also office buildings usually used for the puppet government.

After two strong explosions, the entire building began to tilt until it finally became ruins with a bang.Under such an explosion, people don't need to look at it to know that the puppet government officials who usually hide inside may end up badly.

When I was amazed at who it was, who dared to provoke the anger of the little devils and those pseudo-government officials, the police officers who had just assembled in the police station in the city had not waited for them to arrange to rescue those bombed places.The office building of my own police station also heard several explosions in succession. The policemen who were gathered in the playground, while being blown up by the fragments of these explosions, were still thinking about saving those little devils and fakes. What about government officials?

In short, the explosion sound from the little devil's barracks seemed to be contagious, and it completely lost the tranquility of Hailar in the past.While the common people began to flee into the cellar one after another, they also hoped that after tomorrow morning, those little devils who could not catch the murderer should not vent their anger on them! (To be continued..)

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