The strongest militia

Chapter 334 The Blowout at the City Gate

Regarding the expansion of the reconnaissance brigade into a special warfare brigade, it is indeed Deng Chenggong's preparation for the next step of reorganizing the national army.In his view, a whetstone unit that can test the combat capabilities of the main division-level unit must be formed.

Only through such a whetstone force can we check the forces that can be retained by all parties in the future.Integrate China's main force as much as possible, and eliminate those armies that are not suitable for future operations. Therefore, Deng Chenggong will consider expanding the reconnaissance brigade, which is currently only slightly inferior to the flying eagle in the militia corps, into special warfare. trip.

If the integrated army division in the future can't even resist a brigade-level unit, then there is really no need to form it.But Deng Chenggong is also very clear that in his plan, the equipment and members of the special warfare brigade are undoubtedly the elite of the army.Therefore, once such a force has formed combat effectiveness, it is indeed not something that ordinary main divisions can fight against.

But with the existence of this whetstone force, it will allow the formation of a regular national defense force in the future, which will serve as a reference and reference.After all, many of the current technical and tactical training of the Flying Eagle and the Special Operations Brigade were established by Deng successfully using the mature training system of later generations.This can also ensure that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Huaxia Army can guarantee the magic weapon of the world's leading level.

After listening to Wu Zhongyuan's narration, Wang Jinbiao is of course happy to be able to command such a powerful special warfare brigade in the future.He also knew very well that to become the sharpening stone of the entire army, one could imagine how strong this brigade-level unit would be. [

As far as the current size of his reconnaissance brigade exceeds more than 1000 people, there is no guarantee that he can fight against an established brigade-level main force.After all, with the militia corps arming the main force, these brigade-level units all have a large number of artillery units.Unless it is a sneak attack or infiltration warfare, if it is a frontal confrontation, there is still no way to win with their current equipment.

When Wu Zhongyuan said: "I know what you are worried about. In terms of the future equipment of the special warfare brigade that the captain told me about, once you implement expansion. I am afraid that you will need to supplement rocket launchers and artillery units, and even assault units with light armor. The troops will be ready.

Therefore, you can rest assured about heavy firepower.What's more, the number of future special warfare brigades, the captain's idea is nearly [-] people.This kind of large-scale brigade-level troops, coupled with artillery units that are not comparable to the main force, don't you Lao Wang have the confidence to do them? "

I heard that the future special warfare brigade will implement a brigade-level force with a four-regiment system.Rather than the current brigade-level force of the three-regiment system.Thinking about it this way, Wang Jinbiao also felt that if he could really equip the future special warfare brigade with the artillery units equipped by the main divisions, as Wu Zhongyuan said.Well, it's not like there is no chance of winning, at least he knows very well that such a whetstone unit as the whole army must be stronger than other main divisions in terms of equipment advantages.

otherwise.The equipment is not as strong as others, and the number of people is small, so you can be a whetstone troop!Moreover, through these years of military life, Wang Jinbiao has gradually felt that the future battlefield will not be won by numbers, but by the equipment advantage of the other side.At least the newly-released leadership unit of the militia corps this time is the most concrete example.Even if his reconnaissance brigade is strong, he will encounter this kind of troops that can attack you from a hundred kilometers away.How do you fight it?

Knowing this, Wang Jinbiao said: "That's not bad, but you just said that Feiying is the sharpening stone unit of our special warfare brigade, isn't it more powerful than your Feiying?"

Wu Zhongyuan said with a smile: "You are wrong, now I am the commander of the quick-reverse division, and the one standing on top of you is the Flying Eagle troop commanded by that kid Zhou Hu.

I know you have always been dissatisfied with the fact that Flying Eagle dominates you. If you have the ability to win against Flying Eagle once in the future, maybe the commander-in-chief will be even happier.At least in the preparation of Flying Eagle.I haven't heard the captain say that there will be an expansion. "

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan joking, Wang Jinbiao also seemed a little embarrassed, and happily changed the subject: "Okay, thank you Wu Dui for speaking out today, and when I go back, I will definitely bring those two bottles of good wine. Let's discuss now, Next, how to take Harbin City as soon as possible!"

Let go of this unresolved topic.Wu Zhongyuan and Wang Jinbiao soon learned about the situation in Harbin City.After contacting the intelligence station in Harbin, it was finally decided that after the second batch of airborne troops landed, Wang Jinbiao and other fakes would take down a city gate in Harbin.

Respond to the assault brigade's entry into the city.As long as the assault brigade can enter the city, there is currently less than a brigade of the Japanese guarding the city in Harbin, and it must be impossible to resist the powerful assault brigade.As for the puppet troops in those cities, based on Wu Zhongyuan's understanding of the combat effectiveness of these puppet troops, the mob was even more vulnerable.After defeating the Japanese army, these puppet troops will naturally surrender obediently.

After confirming the battle plan, Wang Jinbiao quickly returned to the ranch station and found the little devil's cars.Select a group of scouts who are strong in melee combat, and prepare to march to Harbin immediately after the second batch of airborne troops successfully airborne.As for the assault brigade that has completed the assembly, it will follow behind them.Once Wang Jinbiao and others took down the city gate, the assault brigade launched an assault to attack the Japanese hinterland in the city in one fell swoop.Siege the city for the army behind and buy time.

The Japanese troops in Harbin, who had just breathed a sigh of relief from the air force bombing, didn't know that the air force units that had been teasing them for a long time were just here to take cover, so they stayed a little longer.

When the airborne troops of the Quick Reaction Division completed their first airborne and successfully returned to the base of the Quick Reaction Division to pick up the second batch of troops, the Japanese soldiers in the city had no idea that a well-equipped and powerful militia had already arrived on the pasture outside their city trip.

It wasn't until more than an hour later that the second batch of airborne brigades of the fast-reversing division fell from the sky smoothly.The herdsmen, who had been shocked once, seemed to be relatively adaptable this time.But when they saw those well-equipped and clearly elite Chinese troops, for the first time, these herdsmen felt that their good days should be coming soon.

Seeing the air force bombers of the militia corps appearing in the sky over Harbin twice a day, the Japanese troops in various cities felt a little strange.Especially the batch of bombers that came this time did not seem to bomb their county seat, and when the group of bombers that looked similar to the bombers returned again.After a frightening day in the city, I don't know what these bombers are doing so well, what are they doing flying so far?

Just when they couldn't understand this strange phenomenon, several cars with the ranch logo came to the gate of Harbin City.Seeing the plaster flag sign on the car, the people on the road hurriedly dodged aside in a panic. As for the puppet soldiers at the gate of the city, they also hurriedly pulled away the obstacles.The little devil hiding in the heavy machine gun position was relatively vigilant and kept an eye on the movement on the road outside the city.

When the two cars in front slowly drove into the city gate, the last car suddenly made a 'bang', and the tire of a car outside quickly flattened, and the car was just in front of the heavy machine gun position. The place stopped.

Seeing that the tire had blown out, several Japanese soldiers sitting in front of the car looked very angry and went down to check the condition of the tire.When several Japanese soldiers pulled out a long iron nail from the tire, the leading second lieutenant slapped the puppet squad leader standing next to him without saying a word, as if to blame him for not cleaning the road Clean and let his car blow out. [

When the sentries in front of the city gate were all attracted by the actions of the Japanese army, even a few Japanese machine gunners who were close at hand did not realize that the Japanese army who had just got off the car with the second lieutenant had quietly walked up to them.

Just when these Japanese soldiers were curious about what this group of people were doing, the leading Japanese soldier took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, and borrowed matches from the Japanese soldiers in the position skillfully in Japanese.In addition, he was very enthusiastic, greeting the Japanese soldiers in the position to smoke.And while talking and smoking, these soldiers in Japanese military uniforms were already standing beside their heavy machine gun positions.

Because the road was blocked by a car with a flat tire, the people who were still waiting to check into the city were very happy to see that little devil officer mercilessly punishing those puppet troops who usually like to pretend to be powerful.But still none of the common people dared to show a happy expression on their faces.

They knew very well that it was okay for these little devils to bite dogs with puppet soldiers.But let the puppet soldiers see their happy expressions, and they will inevitably be beaten, scolded or blackmailed when they enter the city next time.This is something that the people of Harbin have long been accustomed to.

Just as the people stood aside and watched the farce secretly, there was a sudden gunshot at the gate of the city, which immediately aroused the eyes of the puppet soldiers and the little devils in front of the outpost.When these little devils and the puppet soldiers turned their heads to look at the gate of the city, the devil soldiers who were as enthusiastic as they were acquaintances just now quickly took out their sharp blades and wiped the devil soldiers and puppet soldiers who didn't understand what was going on. .

This sudden killing frightened the people watching the excitement on both sides of the road. Especially when they heard the increasingly fierce gun battles at the gate of the city, everyone knew that a war was about to begin.

When some ordinary people who were running slowly heard the ghost soldier who was still talking about devils just now, he said: "Wu Er, pull the car aside to get out of the way and welcome the assault brigade into the city."

Just when these people felt that this group of people did not seem to be devils, a series of roaring cars and smoke suddenly sounded on the road entering the city.When some people recognized the military uniform, which seemed to be the legendary militia uniform, they stopped involuntarily.And these weird-looking cars quickly passed by them.

Looking at the cars speeding into the city, even the idiots of the people knew that this was the militia from North China.But they can't figure it out, the distance from North China is not far from 01:30.Some time ago, I only heard that the militiamen were fighting with the little devils on the border between Liao Province and Xing'an. The two places from Harbin City are not places where you can break through casually!Then how did this militia that all entered the city in a car come from? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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