The strongest militia

Chapter 359 Deciding the Emperor's Life and Death

Deng Chenggong, who has been paying attention to the progress of the war, naturally received the news that the Kwantung Army in Hejiang and Songjiang began to retreat to Jilin Province on a large scale.However, the troops deployed by the militia corps in the second place only had tens of thousands of horses and horses who were quickly reversing the division, and there was no way to stop these Japanese troops who were in a hurry to retreat.

Therefore, it seemed that it would not work to block the attack. Deng Chenggong soon ordered that the quick counter division take advantage of its strong maneuverability and divide into small groups to chase after these fleeing Kwantung Army troops. Destroy these troops of the Kwantung Army.By the time the Japanese troops from the two places entered Kyrgyzstan Province, they had already abandoned or abandoned nearly [-] troops along the way.The Kwantung Army who had fled to Kyrgyzstan no longer saw the arrogance they had before, and each of them lost their morale and courage like bereaved dogs.

Such troops are no longer suitable for fighting. The Kwantung Army senior officials who knew this well quickly let them adjust and rest in Kyrgyzstan Province for a day.They began to retreat in the direction of North Korea in batches. As for the blocking troops on the front line, they also secretly replaced the main force, and sent those puppet troops or second devil troops who were used as shields to the front line.After arranging only some loyal Japanese troops to take command, a large group of Japanese troops began to board the train and retreat towards North Korea in an emergency.

Such a large-scale retreat of the Japanese army naturally couldn't hide it from the Northeast people who usually followed their every move.When they learned that these little devils seemed to be planning to run away, the courage of these ordinary people also began to grow.The "ghost killing" operations that were temporarily suspended due to the massacre have increased again.

Some civilians who had escaped the previous time, after getting some guns secretly sold by the puppet army, began to hide in groups in the mountains and forests, ambush the retreating Japanese troops passing by.When there are many people, black guns are used, and when there are few people, even people and cars are used in one pot, in order to dispel the resentment in my heart. [

In the end, none of the troops withdrawn by the Japanese army dared to retreat below the size of a squadron.Because there are too many ordinary people who kill ghosts, and some intelligence personnel are mixed in.Begin to intentionally unite these people.As a result, these ordinary people scattered on various traffic arteries in the Northeast, fighting the ambush of the little devils, the Japanese army below a squadron can't get any favors.

The harassing war spontaneously organized by these people and the anti-Japanese armed forces greatly affected the evacuation time of many Kwantung Army troops.Some of the precious materials belonging to China that they originally searched were also intercepted by the anti-Japanese armed forces as much as possible.Only by escaping with a gun can these Japanese soldiers recover their lives in an ambush.If you still covet those looted things, you may die to enjoy them by then.

Just when these ordinary people were making trouble for the little devil.The Flying Eagle Special Forces that escorted Bin Yi originally thought that they would encounter some blocking or chasing.As a result, until they entered the defense zone of the militia corps, the little devil didn't seem to take the emperor seriously at all, and he didn't even send any troops to chase him.This made Zhou Hu feel very depressed. It seemed that the task of kidnapping the emperor this time did not achieve the desired effect.

Fortunately, the task was successfully completed.It is also stronger than fighting against the little devils and causing casualties in the team.And Bin Yi and Empress Wanrong who followed Feiying all the way seemed to see that these Feiying were not only a little cold, but also kind to them.They are not taken as prisoners in the true sense, as long as they are obedient and do not run around, when they finally return to the militia liberated area, the Flying Eagles have completely let them move freely within sight.

Wait until they are picked up by the militia troops.After they were all put on the train and secretly transported to Beiping City, Fu Yi and the four big insiders were also secretly detained by Feiying in a courtyard not far from the headquarters of the militia in Beiping.In order to take care of these dignitaries, who mostly open their mouths for food and stretch out their hands for clothes, the militia corps specially found a couple to take care of their three meals a day.

Bie Yi, who originally thought she could enjoy a little freedom, seemed a little helpless when she saw that she was placed under house arrest again.But fortunately, there are a few people who know the basics by my side, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.The only thing that worried him a little.How will the commander-in-chief of the militia who was kidnapped be dealt with?

In fact, Deng Chenggong knew that the overall situation in the Northeast had been settled when he received Feiying's successful completion of the mission and kidnapped Binyi.And the progress of the current war situation is just as he expected. It seems that ending the Northeast War before the Chinese New Year should not be a problem.And this emperor who was repeatedly ascended to the emperor's throne and then pulled down.It seems to want to find a way to deal with it.

In Deng Chenggong's memory, the last emperor was imprisoned for a period of time after the founding of the country, but was finally released.And served as a representative of the People's Party for a period of time, becoming a member of a big Chinese family.

This queen who should have died in the Soviet Union in history.This time, he was also caught by the eagles who hugged grass and beat rabbits.Thinking about it, it would never happen that the emperor was still a bachelor in his previous life.Although in the end, after being introduced by several high-level members of the People's Party, a blind date was arranged for him and he became a family again.

But until his death, the last emperor did not leave any children.Now accompanied by his favorite queen, if he really wants to return to the life of ordinary people, maybe he can find a good way to let him and his wife spend their old age peacefully.It also saves the hostile forces that have no good intentions towards China in the future, and will use him as an excuse to interfere in China's internal affairs.

Deng Chenggong, who had this idea, did not deal with this problem arbitrarily by himself, but called several high-level officials who were relatively close to Beiping to discuss how to deal with Fu Yi.A large part of these high-level officials who no longer take the word "emperor" in their hearts think that they should be shot.How to say, the Northeast will become what it is today, and Fu Yi still has to bear a lot of responsibility.

Regarding the opinions of these high-level officials, Deng Chenggong shook his head and said: "I know that according to our discipline for dealing with traitors, Bie Yi is suspected to be the culprit, and it is not too much to shoot him several times. But have you ever thought about the future? Huaxia is a Huaxia where dozens of ethnic groups share peace together.

Whether we agree or not, many old people still remember the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.If we also treat him as an ordinary person, we will kill him.Then it will become an excuse for saboteurs who split the country and stir up conflicts among various ethnic groups.

Therefore, I feel that keeping him alive is far more enjoyable than killing him with a single shot.As long as we take good care of him and prevent those saboteurs from contacting him, let him really get used to the life of an ordinary citizen.I think this person is still worth pulling, anyway, he is also the last emperor of China, so it is worth keeping for historical value! "

These words made everyone laugh.Deng Chenggong added: "Another reason is that although the ethnic relations in the liberated areas we have regained are handled well, it is undeniable that Fuyi is still very worshiped in the eyes of the Manchurian and Mongolian people in Kyrgyzstan. If we If he is really killed, those people will think that we Han people want to slaughter them. Therefore, letting him survive is to give those people the most direct proof.

Another reason is that our Han people or the future New China "government" is an inclusive "government" and a "government" that truly seeks the well-being of the people of all ethnic groups.Even if Fu Yi is the last emperor, we can tolerate him.As long as he obeys the laws and regulations of the new "government".Then we can treat them equally.

This kind of persuasion, I think, is quite straightforward.Therefore, we can no longer judge people with sensitive identities like Bin Yi based on their personality as before.Therefore, my opinion is to temporarily let him live under our care, as long as he lives an honest life with peace of mind.

Then we will give him a chance, and at the same time hope that he can show his loyalty to the Manchu elders who are loyal to him.The Qing Dynasty is gone.The future belongs to the "government" of New China.Therefore, give up those extravagant hopes of restoration, and live the rest of your life honestly.That's why I emphasized that he should be saved. "

After listening to Deng Chenggong's views on this matter, Zhang Shaoshuai, who participated in the meeting for the first time, also nodded and said: "Yes, when I was in power in the Northeast, I did encounter many such things. Because in our history, there have been There have been too many ethnic confrontations. Therefore, many people of ethnic minorities in Northeast China now have a certain degree of hostility towards us Han travelers.[

If we can demonstrate the tolerance and generosity of a "government" in the matter of Bin Yi, I think we should gain the support and recognition of many ethnic minority compatriots.

In fact, let's think about it differently, this can be said to be the emperor who is up and down, did he really want to be the emperor that time?Moreover, his popular prestige in the Northeast is not bad, and many ordinary people tried their best to block him because of him.Only then was his life spared by the Japanese army.Therefore, I don't think it should be too much to give him the right to enjoy the life of ordinary people. "

Seeing Shaoshuai Zhang who is most familiar with the people in the Northeast, he also agrees with Deng Chenggong's point of view.Then the team executives who would not have objected to Deng Chenggong's opinion would naturally not say anything extra.

After deciding how to deal with the last emperor, Deng Chenggong said again: "As for the placement of Fu Yi, we can only make temporary arrangements for the time being. How to deal with him, I think the new "government" will make it in Jianguo in the future." It would be better to make a final decision. But no matter what, as long as he can now follow our arrangement and expose Japan's aggressive attempts and plots, we can give him an extra chance to reform himself.

When the new "government" makes a trial against him in the future, those of us can also intercede with the new "government" for him.In fact, what kind of treatment he wants to get in the end depends on his own expression next.If he still holds the dream of restoring the country, then we can only return to heaven for such obviously impossible things.At that time, it is death or life, and we can only resign ourselves to fate.

In addition, Brother Hanqing, if you have time tomorrow, please accompany me to meet the Emperor!I think he stayed in that yard for the past two days, and his heart was probably pounding.Settle his affairs as soon as possible, and let this puppet Manchukuo completely disappear.Presumably, when you take office in Northeast China in the future, you will be able to handle government affairs more smoothly.What do you say? "

Naturally, Young Marshal Zhang would not object to this invitation.Soon the meeting to determine Fu Yi's life and death came to an end, so that Fu Yi, who would become an ordinary citizen in the future, always said that the militia corps saved his life.And Deng Chenggong and Zhang Shaoshuai, the future "chairman" of the Northeast Military Government, are their saviors.Compared with their previous life, they have completely changed because of Deng Chenggong's appearance! (To be continued.)

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