The strongest militia

Chapter 363 The Rise of the People's Party

Since the Spring Festival in [-], elite officers and soldiers selected from the militia liberated areas and the people's party liberated areas have all gone to the Air Force Academy opened by the militia corps near Shijiazhuang.The Naval Academy in Qindao City also welcomed a large number of naval talents selected from various theaters.

These people will become the cornerstone of the Huaxia Air Force and Navy in the future, so the selection of members can be regarded as the elite of the Second Army.This is also the further deepening of military cooperation between the militia corps and the people's party.So it's a novelty for those in the Militia Corps to have roommates who report to wear different uniforms.

Fortunately, the militia corps and the people's party are now rapidly deepening their communication, although the armies of the two parties are still stationed in their respective territories.But there are almost no restrictions on the people, and Deng Chenggong intends to slowly integrate the militia corps with the People's Party. Under his default situation, some officers who understand the future situation respect the commander-in-chief. Members of the party are still relatively polite.

And in order to organize this cooperation between the two parties, Deng Chenggong also specially asked the people's party to select some teachers to serve in the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy.The purpose is to prevent the students from the two parties from entering the school and confronting each other in groups.It was Deng Chenggong's freedom and ease that made the People's Party begin to truly recognize the militia corps.

In addition to knowing the current strength and status of the militia corps in China, they also confessed that the officers and soldiers who were sent to the academy must abide by the rules and regulations of the academy.Treat the students of the militia corps as comrades-in-arms of the headquarters.

The militia corps has always existed in China as a second-rate force, and it is not under the jurisdiction of China's ruling party at all.In a sense, Deng Chenggong is a warlord, but he has not been wronged.It's just that many officers and soldiers of the People's Party know very well that the militia corps still gave them a lot of help when they were in trouble.

Although the people's party's liberated areas now have as many as four provinces, compared to the militia corps that occupy the entire north of China.Still slightly lacking.In order to speed up the People's Party's liberation of southern China, Deng Chenggong generously handed over all the troops formed in the People's Party's liberated areas to the People's Party for reorganization.

As a result, there are also many officers and soldiers from the former militia corps in the People's Party army.Therefore, students from the two parties got together to study and study, but there was no confrontation that Deng Chenggong worried about.On the contrary, the students of the two sides felt the need to prove their excellence to the other side, and they still secretly competed in homework.So much so that the study atmosphere of the two schools was still aroused by this kind of enthusiasm.

Originally, I was worried about whether the people's party students who went to these two schools could really learn real kung fu.After entering these two colleges.Only then did I suddenly discover that a large part of the things taught by these two colleges are in line with the world's strongest military power.Among them, the people's party students who were selected to the Air Force Academy thought that they could learn to fly Eagle fighter jets at the Air Force Academy.

As a result, they suddenly discovered that the eagle fighter jets in this academy no longer seemed to be top-notch fighter jets.The militia corps has not yet revealed the truly terrible fighter flying technology.What surprised these students even more was that an army aviation course was specially opened for these new students in the Air Force Academy.

The kind of armed helicopter that cooperates with ground forces to fight.In the eyes of these people's party students who have never been exposed to this knowledge, it is also an eye-opener.Therefore, when finally choosing the purpose of elective courses, most of the People's Party are flight students from the army.They all chose Army Aviation, the new branch of the Air Force.

Because students who take this course have the opportunity to become the backbone of China's first army aviation unit.And this army aviation unit will be another killer unit of the militia corps in the future.For most of the students who were selected from combat units, this was a profession that could go to the battlefield after graduation.more in line with their temper.

Especially these students, after seeing the instructors of the school's armed helicopters personally demonstrate a ground attack.This kind of flying is not very high.But the sharp firepower of the aircraft quickly feasted the eyes of these students.I feel that flying such a plane is far more enjoyable than flying a fighter jet.

These armed helicopters, which Deng Chenggong requested to transform into trainer planes, are also new weapons that have not been exposed by the militia corps yet.The establishment of a division-level army aviation brigade was also included in the work plan of military reform by Deng Chenggong.

And in order to test the actual combat effect of this weapon, Deng Chenggong has already equipped a squadron of armed helicopters in the Flying Eagle Brigade and the special warfare brigade that has now been officially expanded and reorganized.The predecessor of the special warfare brigade was the reconnaissance brigade of the militia corps.After the expansion of the Special Operations Brigade at this time, it has become an elite unit with nearly [-] personnel, and it is also one of the best equipped in the militia corps.

Even the missile brigade, where Deng Chenggong also served as the brigade, has a squadron in the special operations brigade.And the task they will undertake in the future is to be the whetstone unit of the main division of the whole army.Therefore, Deng Chenggong put a lot of effort into the equipment, and assigned most of the latest and best equipment in the team, except for the Flying Eagle, to them.In this way, the special warfare brigade has also become another brigade-level fist force that will transform into the future regular national defense force after the fast-reaction division.

Naturally, the actions of the militia corps above the army cannot be hidden from the army of the neighboring People's Party.I saw that the militia corps equipped the radio stations to the company units, and most of the light and heavy machine guns were assigned to the first level of the squad.Only then did the People's Party realize that with the updating of weapons, the idea of ​​relying on crowd tactics to fight has gradually been eliminated.Therefore, they quickly asked whether the armies of the two parties could conduct a drill-like meeting.

Naturally, Deng Chenggong would not refuse this request, and what made the People's Party a little dumbfounded was that the troops sent by the militia corps to participate in the exercise turned out to be their quick-reaction divisions that had already formed an army.The people's party executives who know the strength of this army also know how powerful this army is.Therefore, in order to avoid losing too ugly, they proposed that the location of the exercise be placed in Nanhe.At the same time, the People's Party also responded to Deng Chenggong's request and sent two main divisions into the exercise area to fight against the quick-reaction division.

Although they know their division-level troops, facing a quick-reaction division like the militia corps, they may not be strong enough.But after the exercise started, within a day, the command posts of the two divisions were taken down, and three-quarters of the frontline positions were captured.The powerful attack and penetration capabilities shown by the quick-reaction division made the senior people of the People's Party still entangled in the implementation of the crowd tactics or the two sides of the streamlined administration.

Even the exercise that was originally planned for three days was declared over after one day.The Kuomintang troops, who were also concerned about this battle, believed that they encountered two main combat divisions specially selected by the People's Party.Unexpectedly, the two-on-one encounter with the main division of the militia would fail so miserably.For a while, many high-ranking members of the Kuomintang military who were planning to fight with the militia corps in the future completely lost their will to fight after hearing the news.

Deng Chenggong, who had expected this result long ago, specially held a round of talks with several high-level people from the People's Party after the two parties' military exercises were over.After the meeting, the speed of the People's Party's military expansion has dropped significantly.What makes the KMT even more depressing is that the People's Party troops, which were still using miscellaneous standard rifles, after this military exercise ended.All are the same as the militia corps, replaced with standard rifles produced by the militia corps arsenal.

Even the artillery unit, which the People's Party has always been scarce, quickly expanded its two artillery divisions after the military exercise.And when the first batch of people's party students who participated in the flight training brought back hundreds of fighter jets and bombers to form the first flight brigade of the people's party in Sandong, the Kuomintang party was completely speechless.

With the selfless assistance of the militia corps, the people's party army who originally thought it was inappropriate to recover the cities in the former Kuomintang united front area.They quickly launched a counter-offensive against the neighboring provinces where they had troops, and the Kuomintang hyped up the threat theory of the People's Party, in exchange for the full resistance of the militia corps and the People's Party.

Because in Deng Chenggong's words, China can no longer wait anymore.It's not that the Kuomintang's army is useless, but the situation in the South has not changed until now, so it is really unreasonable.In order to realize China's comprehensive defeat of the Japanese invading army as soon as possible, it is only natural for the People's Party to send troops.

This kind of obvious statement that the National Party is standing in the latrine and not shitting makes the soldiers of the Communist Party feel ashamed.It's just that they rely entirely on military aid to survive the day, and they can't even pay the salaries of many grassroots officers and soldiers in the army.How can we ask these hard-working grassroots officers and soldiers to sacrifice their lives for their great cause of reunification?

What's more, the senior generals of the Communist Party of China are rampant in corruption and bribery.This atmosphere also greatly reduced the combat effectiveness that the Kuomintang army could have exerted.Therefore, Chairman Chiang, who has fallen into decline many times, will say that the real defeat of the Nationalist Party is not in the hands of the People's Party and the militia, but in the hands of such rats and rioters hiding in the Communist Party.

It's just that at this time, those who really have power don't care what happens to the National Party in the future.Earning enough money for future retirement as soon as possible is what they urgently need to consider now.

Deng Chenggong, who is also aware of the problem of rampant corruption in the Kuomintang, once asked the intelligence department to secretly provide some corruption information of some military and political officials they investigated to the military command department of the Kuomintang.It's a pity that the Nationalist Party often just beats the fly instead of the tiger for this heinous corrupt criminal.

What made Generalissimo Jiang even more irritated was that many of the military and political officials provided were well-known in both the military and political circles of the Kuomintang.If all these people were arrested and executed, then the National Party would have almost no meaning for its existence.If these people are not dealt with, then the revitalization of the Kuomintang can only be empty talk.Therefore, facing the recognition of the People's Party and the people in the south, Generalissimo Jiang could only watch helplessly. (to be continued..)

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