The strongest militia

Chapter 369 Huaxia No Longer Weak

The militia corps that liberated Baodao quickly shipped a large amount of supplies to Baodao.At the same time, in order to protect the important military strategic position of Baodao to China in the future, an elite air force was officially stationed in the military base of Baodao to undertake the air defense operations of Baodao.At the same time, it cooperates with the aircraft carrier fleet that has begun to leave Lushun, and undertakes the combat readiness and duty work in China's sea area.

Not long after Baodao was liberated, the Erguang Japanese Army, launched by the Guangxi Clique of the Kuomintang, completely lost reinforcements.It was soon announced by the Guangxi army that the two provinces had entered the liberation, and the spread of this news made the Japanese government panic.

It's just that they didn't expect that when they sent representatives to discuss with Chairman Jiang of the Kuomintang, the aircraft carrier fleet of the militia corps arrived in Xiangjiang smoothly.At the same time, an air force of the militia corps also successfully stationed in the urgently built Guangzhou Airport.

This time, the aircraft carrier fleet of the militia corps did not launch shelling. On the contrary, the militia air force, which was transferred to Guangzhou, sprinkled a large number of leaflets to persuade the whole island of Xiangjiang to surrender.Order the Japanese troops stationed in Xiangjiang to unconditionally lay down their weapons and surrender.Otherwise, the aircraft carrier fleet off the coast of Hong Kong will launch a fierce attack on them.Once it is necessary to use war to resolve the ownership of Xiangjiang, the Japanese troops stationed in Xiangjiang will all be regarded as war invaders and all will be killed by the militia corps.

Faced with the dual pressure of the air and the sea, they had long expected that once Baodao was captured, it would soon be their turn to the Japanese troops stationed in Xiangjiang.It also seemed to be getting more and more nervous, it's just this kind of thing where the entire island garrison surrendered to the militia without firing a single shot.The commander of the Japanese army stationed in Xiangjiang really couldn't do it.Therefore, their senior commanders stationed on the island quickly reported the situation to the top of the Japanese government and asked for instructions on whether to surrender to the militia corps.

Put down your arms and unconditionally surrender to the militia corps!

If this kind of thing were done before, it would probably provoke the fury of the Japanese, but in this case.What else can they do, and ask the Japanese troops in Xiangjiang to resist desperately.Undoubtedly, those Japanese troops stationed on the island were pushed to death.But such a cowardly surrender to the militia corps would have a huge blow to their morale and morale.

Just when the Japanese government was quarreling with the resistance for surrender, the air force of the militia corps took off for the second time and dropped leaflets, but aerial bombs that took away their Japanese officers and soldiers.And the Xiangjiang people who also picked up these leaflets seem to know that the end of the little devil is coming.It also seemed a little frightened by the bombs that the Air Force began to drop.

Fortunately, this air strike by the air force focused on the military bases of the little devils, so the possibility of accidentally injuring ordinary people is very small.Looking at the warning issued by the Air Force this time, the Japanese commander in Xiangjiang was completely panicked.It can be as far away as the top government in Japan.But there was no reply.

Not long after the leaflets persuading surrender were thrown down for the second time, many ordinary soldiers of the Japanese army stationed in Xiangjiang who were almost overwhelmed by the pressure began to walk out of the blocking position and no longer obey the orders of those officers.In this silent way of protest, they expressed their desire to survive.

Most of these are recruits recruited from the country. It is clear that the balance of victory in the war is no longer theirs. This kind of unnecessary resistance is exchanged, but their ashes may not be able to return to the mainland.Many realize that this war is no longer a so-called jihad.On the contrary, the Japanese officers and soldiers who pushed Japan into an unstoppable situation began to resent the war.

At this time, Matsui Ming, the division head of the former Japanese Fourth Division, who was once captured by the militia corps but now became a world-renowned anti-war leader in Japan.But suddenly appeared in the liberated area of ​​the militia corps.He proposed to Deng Chenggong that he could persuade the Japanese army to surrender Xiangjiang, so that the militia corps could take over Xiangjiang smoothly.

For this anti-war leader who was basically promoted by Deng Chenggong, the Japanese government fell into the situation of defeat in the war.Matsui Ming's prestige in the country has also increased a little bit.From the shame of Japan back then, it is now promoted by anti-war people in the world as Japan's new head of state and hope in the future.therefore.Deng Chenggong is still very interested in Matsui Ming's visit.

Therefore, an emergency plane was arranged to send Matsui Ming to the Guangzhou Airport, and he personally wrote a letter to the Japanese commander in Xiangjiang.To persuade the Japanese commanders in Xiangjiang to lay down their weapons and surrender, he ordered Matsui to discuss with the militia corps to ensure their personal safety and give them a chance to return to their hometown in the future.

If they were fighting to the death against the samurai belief for the so-called honor of the emperor, not only would they not be heroes, but they might even become sinners of the country.Because in today's Japan, almost all young and middle-aged people die.It is very likely that these officers and soldiers stationed abroad will become the basis for Japan's future revival.Even if they don't think about their families, even for the future of Japan, as local commanders, they should know what to do.

Matsui Ming's persuasion to surrender became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Soon the Japanese commanders stationed in Xiangjiang, with Matsui Ming's guarantee that they would not suffer any personal insults, as long as they made a sincere apology to the Chinese people .Soon, ignoring the Japanese government, which has not reached a conclusion yet, it officially announced that the Japanese troops stationed in Xiangjiang surrendered to the militia corps.

When this telegram was sent, the Japanese government lost its temper completely.They are very clear that the rise of Huaxia has become an unstoppable situation.Now they really want to consider withdrawing the Japanese troops remaining in the south as soon as possible.Even if there is no way to deal with Huaxia and occupy some other small Southeast Asian countries, is it like they are wiped out by the Huaxia army now?

The unconditional surrender of the Xiangjiang Japanese army made the southern Japanese army, which was already worried about the future, completely panicked.When the main army division of the militia corps arrived in Xiangjiang smoothly, and raised the national flag and military flag on the roof of the former Japanese army headquarters in Xiangjiang.The people of Xiangjiang, who also longed for the long-awaited day, also fell into a jubilant scene.

It's just that the militia troops who received Xiangjiang were somewhat unexpected, just when they completed the handover with the Japanese garrison.Several British people who claimed to be representatives of the United Kingdom pointed out to them that Xiangjiang belonged to the leased land of the United Kingdom, but it did not belong to China for the time being.The militia commander leading the team unceremoniously slapped the arrogant British a few times.

If it was in the past, the officers of the militia corps might worry that such behavior would cause international disputes, but now the strength of the militia corps has reached this point.The British, who had no way to take Xiangjiang, now want to get some money from the militia corps.This is simply a matter of generosity, how could the militia corps agree?

What made the militia corps and the Chinese military and civilians even more angry was that the British government, whose situation had just improved, sent a questioning telegram without shame.Ask the militia corps why they didn't abide by the agreement they signed with Huaxia back then, and just snatched back the ownership of Xiangjiang privately.The behavior of the division commander of the militia corps was regarded by these Gallic chickens as a provocation to their British Empire.

Facing such a strongly worded letter of protest, Deng Chenggong responded directly with a few words, without even meeting the British consul in China.The British consul who was still counting on Deng Chenggong to get some benefits was directly driven out of the gate of the militia headquarters.

When the consul saw it, Deng Chenggong wrote in their letter of protest, "China does not recognize any agreement signed by the previous dynasty and the previous government that is detrimental to national honor and dignity. If the British government really regards today's China as the former North Korea, let the British government try the consequences of confronting China. '

Knowing how big or small this matter was, Deng Chenggong intentionally made it bigger, and soon flew to Sandong to have a meeting with the top leaders of the People's Party.The two parties jointly issued a telegram to the whole world, expressing that the new Chinese government in the future will not recognize any treasonous treaty that humiliates the country.

Therefore, the territory that belonged to China in history will be taken back by the new government of China in the future.At the same time, the most serious warning is given to the British government's behavior of ignoring the feelings of Chinese soldiers and civilians and insulting the dignity of China.

Soon after the telegram was sent, the British government united with some allies and sent a tough telegram to China.But in the face of these telegrams, Deng's successful approach was to suspend all cooperation agreements with these protesting countries.

At the same time, it provided a large number of advanced weapons and military supplies to the German government, which is now mired in war.Immediately, this approach aroused strong protests from the Allied forces.It's just that China is a neutral country, Deng Chenggong said very calmly that this is China's internal affairs and freedom, and they have no right to interfere.If they really want to regard Huaxia as an ally on the same front as Japan and Germany, then Huaxia will make a more serious counterattack.

The Japanese army, who was worried that they would not have the opportunity to negotiate peace with China, quickly sent a tentative application for peace talks to the militia corps, and at the same time ordered their troops in the south.Start a secret retreat, trying to retreat to their new colony in Burma as soon as possible.Strive to build a more stable colony there, and strive for opportunities for Japan's next rise.

Regarding the application for peace talks made by the Japanese army, Deng Chenggong did not refuse or agree.But after he paid some price, the Kuomintang Expeditionary Force that marched into northern Burma to fight the Japanese army soon stopped attacking the Japanese army.

On the contrary, it tentatively gave way to the Japanese army, allowing the Japanese troops stationed in India to resume contact.For a time, the pressure on the British troops in India increased greatly.Those British aristocrats who still hoped to gain some more benefits from Huaxia really started to panic.The situation in World War II, which seemed to be one-sided with the Allies, seemed to be affected by the Sino-British conflict triggered by Xiangjiang.

And what makes the British even more angry and helpless is that Deng Chenggong, in order to continue to buy some time for Germany to slow down, even the Soviet Union, which remained silent in this incident, was implicated.The supply transportation, which had never been delayed before, became intermittent after this conflict, so that the Soviet attack was also delayed.

This kind of change made the European and American powers who began to stand with the United Kingdom to protest against China, and truly realized China's status in the world.It is no longer the weak and deceitful Huaxia country in the past. If they don't want to see the victory in hand lost, I am afraid that when they face Huaxia in the future, they will have to reconsider treating it with respect! (To be continued..)

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