As the situation in China became calmer, most of the military and political officials in the militia corps also had the idea of ​​relaxing.In particular, many high-ranking officials in charge of one side's military affairs began to think more about what kind of benefits they could obtain after the new government was formed this time.

The idea of ​​honoring one's ancestors and becoming famous is something that no one can escape from the common people of China who have inherited Chinese culture for thousands of years.Although the militia corps participated in this tripartite meeting as a neutral party, many high-ranking military and political leaders knew that the People's Party would still be in power in China in the future.

This is also the reason why many division-level military and political officials in the militia corps now choose to apply to join the People's Party.Party struggles have existed in all dynasties, and it is impossible to disappear because of the emergence of Deng Chenggong.It's just that they haven't done anything harmful to the national interest at present, and Deng Chenggong is more likely to turn a blind eye.

But for the Supervision Bureau currently in charge of Feng Yixiang, he strictly ordered these supervisors to keep an eye on these senior military and political officials whose thinking began to fluctuate.Once there is any violation of law and discipline, Deng Chenggong will let them know what iron discipline is.He will not take it for granted that the other party enjoys the treatment of a meritorious official because he has paid for the country, and he will not do anything that harms the interests of the people of the country.

It is impossible to eliminate the privileged class, but Deng Chenggong hopes that he can be as fair and just as possible, so that the common people in China can truly enjoy some democratic freedom.Now that the north belongs to the liberated area of ​​the militia corps, the people's wisdom has just begun to develop, and most of them are familiar with the meaning of the sanctity of private property.

In addition, the inspection bureaus deployed in various places are directly under the responsibility of the headquarters. Once the local military and government officials violate discipline, ordinary people can clearly complain to the inspection department.As long as the facts are established, Deng Chenggong will let those military and government officials who think that Ma Fangnanshan can enjoy life and dominate at this time, let them know.This China can't let them do anything wrong.As long as the interests of the country and the people are involved, regardless of the size of the position, it will be dealt with seriously.

Therefore, before the meeting was held, Deng Chenggong made this issue clear to these high-ranking military and political officials who were alone in charge.At the same time, he also hopes that the high-level participants in this meeting can lead by example.He also didn't hope that one day in the future, some big trouble would involve them.At that time, don't blame Deng Chenggong for killing Ma Su with tears.

Knowing that the commander-in-chief is one-sided, the high-ranking military and political officials kept these words in their hearts.Those who can participate in this meeting can be described as the famous heroes of the militia corps.They also don't want to, at this moment of honor that is about to usher in.What stains appear on them.What's more, they know very well that the militia corps will still play an important role in the upcoming tripartite talks.As long as this commander-in-chief exists, life for these people will not be too difficult.

Analyzed the current military and political events, as well as the situation of some surrounding countries provided by the intelligence agencies.After the meeting, Deng Chenggong retained Hu Guangzong, Commander of the Northeast Military Region, and Wu Zhongyuan, Commander of the Rapid Response Division.After telling them the preparations for the next military campaign of the corps, the closed-door meeting before the meeting ended.

Early the next morning, the representatives of the People's Party arrived in Peking.They started to leave the hotel one after another.Contact and communicate with people from major democratic parties in the country provided by the militia corps.There were round after round of talks with these democrats regarding the formation of a new government.

Facing the current powerful political offensive of the People's Party, Generalissimo Chiang originally planned to fly to Peiping one day late.I am also afraid that the people from the democratic parties who arrived here in advance will be drawn to the side of the People's Party.On the morning of the third day, accompanied by Shaoshuai Zhang, he flew to Beiping Airport.

Given that the Republic of China government is still headed by Chairman Jiang, Taizu and Deng Chenggong also gave him extra face as the chairman.The two went to the airport to welcome Chairman Jiang together.And the arrival of the Kuomintang military and political delegation.After getting off the plane, I saw Taizu and Deng Chenggong standing at the airport to welcome him, and Lao Jiang who met Deng Chenggong for the first time.I also have to lament the youth of this Chinese man.

Even Mr. Jiang, who is the secretary of the Kuomintang delegation this time, feels that compared with Deng Chenggong, he seems to have nothing to be proud of.He is a little younger than him, but he can already be compared with his father and Taizu.His title as the eldest son of a committee member is really not something to be proud of.

Among the delegation that came to Peiping this time, many people had contact with Deng Chenggong.As for Taizu, they are no strangers.Therefore, the meeting between the two parties at the airport seemed very harmonious. Some domestic mainstream media who arrived at the airport also showed photos of the three shaking hands and smiling, giving the slogan that China is about to usher in a great revival.

As with the arrival of the People's Party, Deng succeeded in arranging the members of the National Party delegation to a hotel named after Beiping.The decoration style of this restaurant is similar to that of the People's Hotel.Therefore, seeing that the living conditions are so good, the members of the Kuomintang delegation have a lot of affection for Deng Chenggong.

Compared with the security work in the People's Hotel, it was handed over to the trained People's Party security group.Outside the Peking Hotel where the Kuomintang delegation stayed, there was also a heavy guard from the garrison battalion.As for the guards in the hotel, they were the national guards who arrived in Beiping ahead of schedule to do the job of receiving the guards.The strength of this so-called Chairman Jiang's personal guard should not be underestimated.Therefore, when the Kuomintang delegation arrives here, there is no need to worry about being monitored by the militia corps at all times.

Considering the large number of people participating in this meeting, Deng Chenggong specially designed a signboard for each participant to participate in the first National People's Congress, just like in his previous life.

The name and photo of the other party are marked on each signboard. Only with this signboard can they enter the hotel where the delegates are arranged.The rest of the people who did not have a special pass could not even pass the first cordon of the militia corps.Not to mention, the reporters from various parties who planned to enter the hotel to collect news.

Seeing Deng Chenggong's preparations for the talks so carefully and meticulously, Chairman Jiang, who was resting in the room, couldn't help but sigh that there are so many talented people in this country.Deng Chenggong has grown from a small militia captain to the leader of China's largest armed forces, which is really admirable.

The three delegations that could really determine the direction of the new government all gathered in Beiping City.This also made Beiping, which had originally become the center of China, gradually become more lively.If it weren't for the patrolling military vehicles passing by on the street from time to time, it seemed a bit turbulent, and the people in Beiping City might not have felt that there would be a meeting of the century that would shock China and foreign countries.

In order to give the Kuomintang delegation some time to prepare, Deng Chenggong, after talking with Chairman Jiang, felt that the first round of three-party talks would be formally held in two days.As for the people from the democratic parties who arrived in Peiping, the only meeting they could attend was the nation-building meeting after the tripartite agreement was reached.

For the specific meeting of the three parties to form a coalition government, we still have to wait for the three delegations to negotiate the specific details before making arrangements.The purpose of giving the National Party some preparation time is also to give them time to follow up with these, which are enough to affect how many seats they occupy in the parliamentary elections.

People from the democratic parties who are eligible to participate in the nation-building conference this time undoubtedly have the qualifications for a new government to participate in and discuss state affairs.Although it is impossible for many people to serve as military and political officials in the new government, it does not prevent them from having the right to participate in and discuss state affairs.Therefore, when the People's Party and the National Party adopt their policy programs in the future, they still need to obtain the consent of these people before they can be passed smoothly.

On the day the Kuomintang arrived in Peiping, Ms. Song, who chose to take the train instead of flying, also arrived at Beiping Railway Station.For the wife of the leader of the Founding National Party, Taizu, Deng Chenggong, and Chairman Jiang and his wife, who had just arrived in Beiping, all went to the train station to greet her in person.If it is not clear about the identity of Mrs. Song, I am afraid that no one can believe that there is such a noble person in China today.

Ms. Song, who got off the train, was also deeply moved by the members of the leadership team who might become the new government.As for Taizu, Ms. Song, who has dealt with the People's Party, also congratulated them on becoming the ruling party of Huaxia.As for Deng Chenggong, Ms. Song felt that she had such strength and was able to bring about the peaceful reunification of the country without compromising, which was really worthy of her praise.

For this brother-in-law who took over the Kuomintang, Ms. Song was very happy that Chairman Jiang was able to rein in the precipice at the last moment.Give up the temptation of rights that ordinary people cannot do, and instead agree with the general trend that promotes the democratic unity of the country.At this point, Ms. Song is quite happy.

In order to show justice, Deng Chenggong arranged for the former mother of the country to stay at the Huaxia Hotel, where all the people from the non-party Federation of Industry and Commerce stayed.Of course, she also stayed in the best room in the hotel. At the same time, in order to take care of her travel and communication during the meeting, the militia corps also specially sent a secretarial team to handle invitations and contact arrangements for Mrs. Song.

The Chinese democrats who stayed in this hotel acted as security guards from the newly reorganized special warfare brigade security company.With these elite soldiers and strong generals to protect their travel, it can also ensure that there will be no major disturbances during the talks.

Seeing that Deng Chenggong arranged everything properly, Ms. Song and the democrats who received the invitation letter undoubtedly deepened their affection for Deng Chenggong and the militia corps.This played a very good role in promoting Deng Chenggong's hope that the militia corps could become the third force in the future parliament.

With the arrival of Ms. Song, democrats from all walks of life, invited by the militia corps and the People's Party, almost gathered in Beiping.Among these people, there are business elites who are very popular in the local area, and there are also famous good people who are praised by the common people.Even Baodao and Xiangjiang, which had just been recovered by the militia corps, were invited to arrive here.Participating in the upcoming nation-building meeting also means that China's real nation-building is on the right track, and the world may be shocked by China's great changes at any time! (To be continued..)

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