The strongest militia

Chapter 382 Founding Ceremony

As China's most attention-grabbing military reform has become calmer, domestic and foreign eyes have begun to turn to China's upcoming founding ceremony.According to the announcement of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Huaxia, at the founding ceremony of Huaxia, in addition to announcing the founding of Huaxia as a foreign country like the world, there will also be a grand military parade.

In this military parade, many Chinese elite troops will appear in front of the world.Even the Huaxia Missile Force, which is highly concerned by all parties, will make their appearances one by one in this military parade.For this reason, the consuls and military attaches of various countries who received the invitation letter from the Huaxia Foreign Affairs Office are very much looking forward to the highlights of this military parade.

At this time, the situation of World War II has reached a very critical juncture. The allied forces of the United States and Britain have successfully launched a counterattack against the German and Italian allies.The Soviet Union, which had been relying on the militia corps to provide supplies, also began to launch a counterattack against the German army from another direction.

From the current situation, it can be seen that the situation of this world war has turned to the British, American and Soviet forces.Therefore, it can be said that the sudden rise of Huaxia in the Far East has attracted the attention of the whole world.Even Germany, which was in a state of anxious war at this time, sent a corresponding visiting delegation to seek support from China.

It's just that for the solidarity proposed by Germany, the newly established Chinese government still maintains a neutral attitude, only doing business with these European and American powers, and not talking about other political issues.

However, the Chinese government, which proposed to end the declaration of war by the Japanese government and intends to take Ryukyu back, did not agree at all.So much so that the Japanese still stationed a lot of troops on the border between Myanmar, North Korea and China to prevent China from attacking them again.

After being driven out of the country by the Chinese army, the Japanese are now using important forces to confront the US military.As a result, the original historical war between Japan and the United States now looks even more cruel.In particular, the industrial system has been started, and Meilijian, which specializes in the production of military supplies.The strength of the sea, land and air force is growing day by day.

And Japan, which has lost China, the largest material base, is having a hard time now.This warship is one less than the aircraft, and their replenishment speed is still slower than that of American Lijian.Therefore, the current little Japan urgently needs to focus all its energy on fighting the US military, and only then did it think of ending the state of declaring war with China.

But knowing that Deng Chenggong is planning to take back the Taizu of the Ryukyu Islands occupied by the little devils, and also knowing that once the battle state is over, the army will be a bit unfair if they fight over.Besides, the little devil has been running wild in China for so many years, and it's time for the Chinese army to go to their homeland to let the Japanese people feel what is called a war where the people live in dire straits!

October 1944, 10.The inauguration ceremony of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, that is, the founding ceremony, was grandly held in Beiping Tiananmen Square, and it was announced that the history of China has opened a new chapter.

Starting at [-]:[-] a.m., the parade crowds who arrived at Tiantianmen began to gather near Tiantianmen Square.The troops deployed outside the celebration venue have also begun to enter the state of military control.Personnel and convoys who do not have a pass to participate in the celebration are not allowed to enter the vicinity of the celebration site.

At [-]:[-] noon, all the representatives of the first Huaxia People's Congress were represented.The elected first Central People's Government Committee held its first meeting in Zhongnan Haiqinzheng Hall.Taizu, Chairman Jiang, Vice Chairman Zhou, Xu Mingyuan, Deng Chenggong, Boss Zhu, Ms. Song, Li Ren, Liu Qi, nine Politburo leaders attended the meeting.

Chairman Taizu of the Central People's Government, Vice Chairman Deng Chenggong, Liu Qi, Li Ren and Vice Chairman Zhou. More than 50 members of the first People's Government Committee announced their formal inauguration.At this meeting, everyone unanimously resolved to announce the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, accept the "Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" as its policy, and elect Deng Ping as its secretary-general.Vice-Chairman Zhou was appointed Premier of the Central People's Government Administration Council.

At the same time, the meeting decided to declare the People's Republic of China to governments all over the world, and the Central People's Government to be the sole legal government of China.Willing to establish diplomatic relations with any foreign government that abides by the principles of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for territorial sovereignty.

After the meeting, the chairman, vice-chairman and members of the Central People's Government Committee set off collectively, took a bus out of the east gate of Zhongnanhai, and went to the ** Tower to attend the founding ceremony.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Peiping who participated in the founding ceremony had already gathered in Tiananmen Square, eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the great historical moment.At noon, Deng Ping, the first Secretary-General of the Central People's Government Committee, announced the opening of the ceremony.The chairman, vice-chairmen, and members of the Central People's Government are in place.

Amidst the cheers of the parade crowd in the square, Taizu solemnly announced to the world in his resonant voice with Nanhu accent: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China is established today!"

In the majestic melody of the newly determined national anthem "March of the Volunteers", Taizu pressed the button, and the first bright five-star red flag representing the national flag of China rose slowly.The audience stood in silence and saluted the national flag.On the square, fifty gun salutes fired fifty times, symbolizing China's 5000 years of great glory.

Immediately, Taizu read the No. [-] Announcement of the Central People's Government to the whole world.Then came the much-anticipated military parade, the first military parade for the founding of China.

Mr. Zhu, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese National Defense Forces, accompanied by Deng Chenggong, the commander-in-chief of the military parade, inspected the troops under review in an open car.After reviewing, Boss Zhu returned to the rostrum to read the "Order of the Headquarters of the Chinese People's Defense Forces", pointing out: "Resolutely implement all orders of the Central People's Government, quickly liberate all lands that have not been liberated, and at the same time eliminate bandits and all other traitors and bandits. All their acts of resistance and disturbance."

After Mr. Zhu made a solemn promise on behalf of the army, amidst the endless applause and cheers from the soldiers and civilians present, Taizu and other members of the Politburo stepped down from the viewing platform and sat in a car with a horn.Accompanied by Mr. Zhu and Deng Chenggong, they inspected the officers and soldiers of the National Defense Forces participating in the military parade.

Looking at these brand-new Chinese troops, Taizu was very excited.Because of these troops, they are the confidence for Huaxia to move towards a strong revival.If it weren't for knowing that China had just ended the state of war, who would have thought that such a strong army would be owned by a country that is still poor and backward in the eyes of other countries?

Before the military parade, Deng Chenggong had already explained the process, so Taizu, who lamented the spirit of the troops receiving the parade, still shouted in his hometown accent: "Hello, comrades!" '

The officers and soldiers under review also shouted loudly: "Hello, Chief!"

'Comrades are fortunate! '

'Serve the people! '

This kind of slogan of one question and one answer made Deng Chenggong feel secretly refreshed. You must know that he made it all up.The purpose is to shock those foreign bumpkins sitting on the viewing platform.You know, regardless of the past life or this era, Deng Chenggong must ensure that China's military parade is the most enjoyable and shocking.Who told Huaxia that there are not many other things, but a lot of people?

Several Politburo members who inspected the troops with Taizu's descendants saw the energetic appearance of these officers and soldiers, and felt the pride of being Chinese from the bottom of their hearts.With such a strong army guarding China, I believe that in the future China will definitely become a big country in the east, and get rid of the image of being backward and weak in the eyes of foreign hostile countries.

After reviewing all the troops to be reviewed, they took the cars of nine members of the Politburo and drove to the reviewing stand on the **.It can be said that on the reviewing platform at this time, they are all well-known political figures at home and abroad.Therefore, when Taizu and his party arrived, Deng Chenggong, who served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade, announced the official start of the military parade amidst the attention of everyone.

After the order was issued, the first guard of honor of the three services, which was still in line for review just now, was led by a lieutenant colonel, a national first-class combat hero.Be the first troops to be reviewed through the sky gate, when the leading lieutenant colonel drew out his saber and shouted 'look to the right'.The guard of honor of the three armed forces, who were walking in neat steps just now, began to march forward with the civilian rifles carried on their shoulders in neat movements.

The sound of "pa pa pa pa" made the soldiers and civilians in the square excited and excited, and the foreign consuls and military officers who felt such a neat pace for the first time were also deeply shocked.Even Taizu, who was standing beside Deng Chenggong, said with a smile on his face: "Shenggong, this military parade looks refreshing, not bad! Really good!"

Behind the guard of honor of the three armed forces is the phalanx of China's first special warfare division. The predecessor of this special warfare division is the reconnaissance brigade expanded from the original militia corps.Seeing the murderous aura displayed by these troops with steel helmets and greasy faces, the foreign military officers sitting on the viewing platform couldn't help sighing: "This is a very powerful army!"

Although the people in the parade didn't understand why these soldiers were dressed like this, they saw that the faces of those soldiers were painted with oil paint that could not see their faces clearly.The common people who were curious about the origin of this army also began to pay attention to the broadcasting set up near the square.Because of the origin of each troop to be reviewed, there will be a special person responsible for explaining it on the broadcast.

After the formation of the Special Warfare Division, the official formation of three newly formed military academy students also appeared in front of everyone.Most of these young military officials, consisting of lieutenants to colonels, represent the cornerstone of a strong Chinese army in the future.And they are the only troops that wear pistols in the entire phalanx among the troops reviewed.

Watching these cadets wearing the new military uniforms of the National Defense Forces walk through the square, once again attracted cheers from the people.As the college phalanx passed, the naval, army, and air force phalanx behind them also passed the reviewing stand one by one.After the infantry phalanx finished its review, the cavalry phalanx of the militia corps also appeared in the eyes of the world with proud steps.

Compared with the frontal infantry phalanx kicking a goose step when passing through the gun, the cavalry phalanx raised its saber, and when the shining saber was drawn out.Foreign military attaches who also have a cavalry system also know that this is an elite cavalry unit with rich cavalry combat experience.

It's just that these foreign consuls are very clear that the troops they have seen are just regular Chinese troops.The real highlight is at the back.That is what they need to focus on when they participate in this military parade! (To be continued..)

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