() (ps: The second update, thanks to 'book friend 120203180126692' for the reward, and thanks to everyone who collected and recommended this book! Mosquito will hurry up and update!)

With the four supreme commanders of the column with a unified strategic awareness, Deng Chenggong's order was naturally carried out quickly, and in order to use the results of this battle to improve the morale of the militia column, Deng Chenggong asked the Telecommunications Department to keep the battle situation a secret. Distributed to the commanders of the militia regiments.

At the same time, it was proposed that in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, all military exploits only needed to be reported to the headquarters, and no one was allowed to privately disclose the results of the war.And if necessary, when conducting a large-scale battle, it is best to change into the military uniform of the National Party or other forces to fight.Trying to make a fortune in silence, throw this "honor black pot" to the government and warlord forces of all parties who need military exploits to appease the people.

The commanders of the militia regiments who received the telegram immediately felt that their commander was too yin, but at the same time, they felt that this approach was undoubtedly the safest and safest way to develop for the militia columns in strategically dangerous places.

In addition to the internal telegram, there was also a battle report sent across the country in the name of the 141st Division. The first reaction of all parties who received the telegram was that the Grand Division was falsely reporting military exploits.But at the risk of deceiving the entire nation, few military officers would dare to send such a telegram of military exploits.

After some consideration, various forces sent congratulatory messages to Shang Zhen, the commander of the 32nd Army. Shang Zhen, who was in a daze to defend against the invasion of the little devils, originally felt that the 141st Division was the first time he received the plain code telegram. You are so courageous that you dare to falsely report your military exploits.

According to his understanding, the 141st Division had already withdrawn from Xingtai the night before, and now it is less than a day away from Shijiazhuang, where the 32nd Army is stationed.Where did they come from for killing the head of the 108th Major General of the Japanese Army and killing thousands of people in the Japanese Army?

After asking the radio operator to quickly send a report to the 141st Division to ask what was going on with the victory telegram, Shang Zhen also began to speculate whether the 141st Division had left a small force to stop it when it retreated.It was this remaining blocking force that coincidentally shot and killed the brigade commander of the little devil, and caused such heavy losses to the Japanese army.

Only this kind of hypothesis can explain the possibility of this plaintext telegram.But what he didn't know was that the commander of the 141st division who also received the plain code telegram, his first reaction was 'tmd, who is cheating on me! '.After thinking about it for a long time, he finally felt that it could not be done. It is really possible that this matter was done by the militia column that robbed him of a large number of combat supplies.

But when he calmed down, he felt that if this military exploit really fell to him, he would be able to raise his rank by another level without thinking about it.After thinking that he might be awarded the rank of lieutenant general because of this telegram, the commander of the 141st Division wondered if he could take this pie that fell from the sky without saying a word?

Just when he was fantasizing that he might be promoted to lieutenant general, the adjutant sent an inquiry telegram from the general headquarters, and he saw that the commander Shang Zhen was obviously questioning.Only then did the division commander understand that this kind of false claim of military exploits cannot be done at all. First, it is now in a sensitive period of the national war of resistance, and second, the troops of his division are all in the process of marching.As long as people inquire a little bit, they will know that this battle was not fought by their teachers.

Thinking that the pie might turn into a discus after eating it, the commander of the 141st division asked the adjutant to quickly report the situation he guessed to the military headquarters by encrypted telegram.Shang Zhen, who received the encrypted telegram from the 141st Division, suddenly realized, but what surprised him was how this militia column, which had been staying in the mountain village, could have such great strength.This kind of big victory, which can be called a big victory, is impossible to achieve if you don't have some real skills.

Realizing that he might have underestimated the true strength of this militia column, Shang Zhen immediately called for the chief of staff of the general headquarters. After hearing the other party's speculation, Shang Zhen resolutely realized that this militia column could not be ignored.

At the suggestion of the Chief of Staff, Shang Zhen quickly reported the situation to the Military Intelligence Office of the President of the National Government. Presumably at this time, Jiang Baldhead, who was worrying about his lack of military exploits to stop the people's mouths, would unceremoniously take the credit for himself .When the time comes, Shang Zhen will not take the risk of leading the army. I am afraid that in order to change the current sluggish situation of the Anti-Japanese War, Jiang Guangtou will have to reward the 32nd Army.

Sure enough, Jiang Guangtou, who was getting angry with the news of defeat everywhere in Nanjing, immediately became happy when he received the clear code notification from the 141st Division.While lamenting that Shang Zhen is a powerful general, he summoned senior military and political officials from the presidential palace to discuss how to reward the 32nd Army.

It's a pity that the meeting was less than halfway through, and the confidential secretary hurriedly sent over Shang Zhen's telegram, and Jiang Guangtou, who was originally elated, immediately frowned and scolded: "Mother Xipi, it's those militiamen who have been fighting for a long time. call taxi."

Well!As soon as these words came out, the senior military and political officials who participated in the meeting immediately stopped discussing the matter of awards, and after reading the telegram one by one.Defense Minister He Yingqing, who knew that the telegram had defeated the president's interest, said: "President, since this battle took place within the jurisdiction of the commander of the Shang army, I don't think it's a big deal for them. After all, the 141st division is in charge It is the city defense of Xingtai. Since the militia column thinks that this battle should belong to the 141st Division, why should we be entangled in who fought the battle?

Furthermore, last time the director of the North China Column got married, we also sent representatives and gave them 30 ocean military expenses.This military merit belongs to our Kuomintang, and I'm afraid that no one can find a reason for it.Now the militia column is unwilling to take this battle. I think they are worried that they will annoy the Japanese army, and they are afraid that the Japanese army will retaliate against them at that time.

But putting this military merit on our heads can not only increase the enthusiasm of the Japanese soldiers to resist Japan, but also make the warlords of all parties stop gossiping about our Japanese war of resistance.In my opinion, this is a thing that kills several birds with one stone, so why is the president angry about it? "

Hearing what He Yingqing, the Minister of National Defense, said, President Jiang suddenly felt, 'That's right!This militia column itself has paid military expenses, and it is also under the jurisdiction of the 141st Division.Compared with the fact that this military merit really falls on the head of the militia, this makes them millions of regular troops how to deal with themselves. '

With this level of consideration in mind, President Jiang quickly sent out the commendation order using the description of a clear-coded telegram. As expected by the chief of staff of the 32nd Army, Shang Zhen not only received a blue sky and white sun military medal, but also sent out the reward order. The military rank was also raised by one level.As for the commander of the 141st division, he got his wish and was promoted to lieutenant general after arriving in Shijiazhuang.

But what Shang Zhen and the commander of the 141st division didn't expect, the North China Front Army of the Japanese Army, who got the news that the head of the 108th brigade was shot dead in Xingtai City, quickly locked in this unit that had just entered Shijiazhuang.So much so that in the subsequent Shijiazhuang battle, the rest of the soldiers who surrendered to the Japanese army survived, but the soldiers of the 141st Division could not escape the crazy revenge of the little devils in the end.

Of course, the militia column, which gave away this credit for free, also quickly received the so-called military reward secretly sent by the KMT representative. It's authentic.At least it doesn't look too stingy in this respect!

Not long after Xingtai City was occupied by the Japanese army, several Japanese troops besieged Shijiazhuang, preparing to launch an attack on this important military town in North China.And Shang Zhen, the commander of the 32nd Army, who has been hailed by the people as a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, looked at the Japanese army's offensive route and combat troops on the battle map, and felt that the consequences of defending Shijiazhuang might be that both sides would suffer.It's just that he was rewarded by the government just now, if he retreats without a fight now, I'm afraid he really has no face to stay in the army.

Therefore, Shang Zhen gritted his teeth and began to mobilize a large number of military and civilian forces to build permanent fortifications near Shijiazhuang. In the end, he decided that no matter what, this battle must not only be fought, but even if he knew he could not win it, he also decided to give it to Shijiazhuang. The Japanese army fought with a resolute defense.Even if he wiped out his 32nd Army, the little devil would also feel distressed.

Compared with the Communist Party and the Japanese Army, both began to dispatch troops around Shijiazhuang, and Deng Chenggong, who calmly accepted Lao Jiang's hush money without even a word of politeness, planned to take advantage of the attention of both sides of the war according to the information provided by the intelligence department of the column. When all the forces were concentrated in Shijiazhuang, he led a troop to sneak into the Jingjing coal mine not far from the Zhengtai Railway near Shijiazhuang.

For this coal mine that was already under no government jurisdiction, Deng Chenggong's idea was to remove all the machinery and equipment on the mine, and even the opened mine was blown up.In a word, even if the coal mine will eventually fall into the hands of the little devil, he will make the little devil pay a high price for restarting the coal mine.

During this period of time, the militia column has been working on demolition and relocation. According to their status as 'landlords', whenever the army soldiers in a county retreated to Shijiazhuang, they would quickly enter the city to carry out large-scale demolition and gather all supplies to the rear stored in the base.This kind of blatant robbery made the strategic materials stored by the militia column increase in a straight line.

The iron and steel factory, which was still in the initial state of construction, was demolished and relocated to countless scrap steel, so it was more than enough to ensure that the steel of the arsenal was self-supplied.

The rest of the steel was forged into various steels and sent to the subordinate bases to speed up the construction of permanent fortifications.Anyone who enters the current base area will find that on both sides of the road into the village, there will be at least several bunkers hidden underground or watered with reinforced concrete on the mountainside. The entire base area presents a busy but not chaotic preparation scene!

However, with the commencement of the steel plant, the coal stored in the base was already in an emergency. Deng Chenggong, who learned of this situation, immediately set the goal of sending intelligence agents into the undercover Jingjing coal mine in the early stage.Because when they learned that the Japanese army was not far from the Jingjing Coal Mine, the management and workers of the coal mine ran very fast. Except for some money and property, the equipment on the mine and the thousands of tons of high-quality coal mined were completely in a state of danger. Unprotected status.

In order to transfer this batch of coal as much as possible, Deng successfully led the special forces and two militia regiments, and cooperated with thousands of reserve militias nearby, and marched quietly to the vicinity of Jingjing Coal Mine.

Knowing that except for some factories with nowhere to go to stay in the mining area, when Deng Chenggong sent two militia regiments to carry out vigilance, under the leadership of undercover intelligence personnel, a group of militia brigades had already prepared transportation tools. , and quickly entered Jingjing Coal Mine for a new round of demolition work.

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