The strongest militia

Chapter 6 Creating the First Militia

() accepted the first talent in this era by a somewhat disgraceful means, and the subsequent acceptance and adaptation work of the cottage was undoubtedly much easier and smoother. Deng Chenggong’s first honorary title in this era also let him make his own decisions After all, the people in the cottage will call him 'Captain Deng' respectfully in the future.

That's right, it's not a big master, or a nickname like boss, but the captain of the militia brigade that has been established in the name of protecting the environment and the people.This is also the first decision Deng successfully made after conquering the bandits this time, that is to lead these ordinary and ordinary people to form an armed force capable of resisting aggression and oppression.Since they can't get a regular number for the time being, the militia organization is undoubtedly the most suitable excuse, and they can do whatever they want.

This is also a decision Deng Chenggong made after careful consideration. According to his memory, the Shaobing country will invade China in an all-round way within two years, and the land under his feet will become a strategic location that domestic and foreign forces are vying for.Such a result naturally caused the local people to suffer greatly. In order to preserve the vitality of the local people as much as possible, Deng Chenggong finally decided to form a militia resistance force in advance.Even if he can't do anything earth-shattering, but at least let these people have some ability to protect themselves, it can be regarded as his personal contribution to his father and fellow villagers as a future fellow!

The development of the militia's anti-Japanese forces will not attract too much official attention, and secondly, it can play a role in the national anti-Japanese war, as long as the anti-Japanese war starts at that time.The people who have received the military training of the militia will undoubtedly retain an extra hope of survival and self-defense, which is bound to play a vital role in the restoration of production and post-war reconstruction of the entire region in the future.

And the most important thing is that Deng Chenggong took into account his special nature from the 21st century. He didn't want to participate in those political struggles that disgusted him, and he himself didn't like to play around.In his opinion, as long as he gets the support of these local people, he believes that any political party that wants to trouble him should think carefully about it. Isn't the old saying that "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world"!He doesn't want to sit in this world, but it's not a bad thing to think of this people's heart as an umbrella.

In this way, a group named "Jiulongshan Militia Brigade" was created in Yingzuiling, but no one would have thought of it at the time.In this slightly shabby and backward militia team at this time, several well-known founding generals came out, and they became indispensable anti-Japanese local armed forces in the history of the Anti-Japanese War.

With Xu Mingyuan, the second head of the family, leading the way, Deng Chenggong easily took back all the property that the head of Yingzuiling University had worked so hard to accumulate for more than ten years.Seeing the large boxes full of oceans, as well as the gold and silver jewelry and antiques that were looted from ordinary people's homes at a glance, Deng Chenggong made a rough estimate. Landlords who have soldiers, guns and food are rich.

What made Deng Chenggong even more speechless was that the bandit leader who knocked on his brother's door unexpectedly placed several large boxes of unopened ammunition neatly in the cave where he lived.This made Deng Chenggong, who thought that these bandits could use Hanyang to make use of it, was already very good. He admired this big boss whose head was shot by himself. He would rather guard the good guns hidden in the box than send these guns out. Use it for your brothers.It turned out that this was good, at least for a short period of time Deng Chenggong didn't have to worry about running out of guns and bullets for training.

After straightening out the staffing and defense forces of the cottage, Deng successfully organized the first training of the militia brigade. The first lesson of team training made these bandits and young villagers who were used to free and loose personalities extremely uncomfortable.It's just that compared to the stick in Deng Chenggong's hand that may be hit at any time, it is much easier for the trained militiamen to stand and walk like this.This is according to Deng Chenggong's statement, if you don't fight, you can't become a talent!

In fact, after more than half a month of training, Xu Mingyuan more or less saw that Deng Chenggong seemed to be a little bit big-hearted, because no one was willing to spend a lot of money to buy good food and meat for these subordinates.It is precisely because of the three meals a day, and the happy days of being able to eat a meal of braised pork every now and then, that many trainees who could not persevere at first finally endured it.Thinking about these days, if you can eat a meal of braised pork a year, you should be laughing, not to mention their happy days where they can eat a meal every two days?

Seeing that his first team was similar to the previous university military training team, Deng Chenggong changed the main training subject to the proficiency of guns.From the initial disassembly and maintenance of guns to the final three-position training of standing, squatting and lying down, many people who received this kind of training for the first time felt that it was useless.Perhaps in the eyes of these bandits, it is better to fire a few more bullets to practice marksmanship with this skill!

It was only after Deng successfully disassembled two Hanyang-made guns with his eyes closed, and skillfully combined and fired one Hanyang-made gun from a pile of scattered gun parts, these militiamen somewhat understood the importance of dismantling guns. xing.This means that even if your gun is broken on the battlefield, as long as you can find the same model of gun parts, it means that they can reuse the original useless gun.You know, having a gun undoubtedly adds another hope of survival in this troubled world!

In this way, after another half month, the militiamen finally started their first live ammunition training. Compared with the achievements of Li Zhu and other Lijiazhuang youths in the first militia team, Li Zhu.The other two teams adapted from those bandits undoubtedly had better marksmanship.It's just that after each of them consumed nearly [-] rounds of ammunition in a row, these bandits were surprised to find that the marksmanship of the first team led by Li Zhu had surpassed them. I feel that my captain, who is fierce and fierce during training, really has the power to 'turn decay into magic'.

After each team member was able to hit the fixed target in three positions without running the target, Deng Chenggong gave another training order that the team members did not understand.That is to let the three teams of militiamen take turns sending a team into the mountains to hunt every day, and the daily treatment they enjoy is determined from the bullets they consume and the prey they kill.When each team member can ensure that a single shot kills a lively prey, Deng Chenggong additionally requires that he be able to shoot holes as much as possible, and shoot legs as much as possible. In a word, try to hit as small a range of moving targets as possible with one shot.

After a month like this, the birds and beasts near Yingzui Ridge in Nine Dragons Mountain were bad luck, and the sound of "bang bang" resounding through the mountains and forests every day really moved a lot of wild animals near Yingzui Ridge, and even made them close The bandit dens in the village are not daring to go out recently, for fear that if they go out, they will be taken over by these militiamen who go hunting in the mountains every day.

This kind of training did not come to an end until the autumn of 35 when the farming season was busy. In order to harvest as much grain as possible, Deng Chenggong sent all the Lijiazhuang militia team led by Li Zhu back to the village to grab grain for his family and the village. .The tens of mu of grain originally planted in Yingzuiling was quickly harvested and stored in the grain depot of the cottage under the unified efforts of two militia teams and nearly No. 30 logistics personnel.

After seeing that there was nothing to do on the mountain, Deng Chenggong decided to take advantage of this leisure time to go for a walk outside the mountain, but in order to ensure that there were no problems in his old den as much as possible.He specially called over the captains of the two bandit squads. The captain of the second militia squad was Liu Ergou who was the first to join Deng Chenggong. After this period of military training, Liu Ergou also looked energetic. Many, coupled with the prestige of being the team leader, standing in front of Deng Chenggong no longer looked like a rat eye.

As for the captain of the third squadron of the militia, it was the bandit Sun Hu whose melon cap was shot off by Deng Chenggong. This was also the captain specially selected to take care of Xu Mingyuan, the deputy captain.However, Sun Hu is one of the best in the village because he has learned some martial arts and marksmanship, so it is convincing for him to be the team leader.

Looking at the two small captains standing in front of him, Deng Chenggong said: "This time I am going to go out to the town or the county to see if there is a chance to avenge Captain Xu. What is the current situation outside the mountain? So, I brought you two here. I plan to bring Sun Hu's team with me when I go out of the mountain this time, and Captain Liu will be in charge of the mountain village. I will go out for as many as seven days and as little as three God, so the safety of the cottage will be entrusted to Captain Liu. Do you have the confidence to guarantee that there will be no problems with the cottage after I leave?"

Liu Ergou was a little unhappy when he heard that he was in charge of staying behind, but when he heard that Deng Chenggong entrusted him with such an important task, he naturally said without saying a word: "As long as I have breath, I will never let the cottage fall into the hands of others." .”

Regarding Liu Ergou's guarantee, Deng Chenggong thought about it and said: "That's it! You are the number ten member of the team alone, I'm afraid it's still a little bit powerless, and I will transfer five players from the third team to you later. Take my time If you use the whistle-setting method I taught you, there will be no problems. If you don’t follow the method I taught you when I come back next time, you know how I will deal with you. They are equipped with light machine guns, and the rest of the team members are all equipped with short guns. As for Captain Xu going out together this time, this is the arrangement for the time being, do you three have any questions?"

As a bandit, who doesn't like to go out of the mountains!

Sun Hu was overjoyed when he learned that he was able to come out of the mountain, so he would have no opinion. As for Xu Mingyuan, who could finally see the hope of revenge, he agreed without saying a word.For this reason, the eight-member team who packed up the supplies for going out quickly left the checkpoint of the cottage under the slightly envious eyes of the rest of the bandits, and disappeared into the nearby dense forest.

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