Alchemy Greater China

[081] Reorganization after the chaos

After the inspection, Daniel reported: "Young master, this foreigner can't die anymore!"

Long Hao nodded in satisfaction: "Very good!"

Then applauded: "Welcome, tk, welcome to officially become my partner!"

The three of Stevenson were stunned. After a long time, old Stevenson's eyes flickered and he stammered: "You, you are a devil! Do you want to torture us before killing us?"

Long Hao shook his head: "It's not torture, but a testimony! You are all witnesses, and saw with your own eyes that Mr. Morgan shot and killed our Mayor Kouhagen, right?"

Stevenson and the others didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Long Hao's gourd, so they nodded blankly.

As for TK, his face was ashen, with a frozen expression.

Long Hao smiled and continued: "There are two choices next! First, Mr. Morgan will continue to kill the three of you! Second, you kill each other, and become my Long Hao's partner just like Mr. Morgan!"

To vote for a certificate, you need your life to press your fingerprints!

In the eyes of Stevenson and Beth Rothschild, Long Hao's smile suddenly became gloomy and strange: Lord, this evil oriental actually wants us to kill each other!

Bess raised his head, the baron's glory made him unable to succumb to the evil Satan: "You can't succeed, we would rather die with honor! The family...will avenge us!"

Stevenson and his son were sullen and silent.

Long Hao pointed to the airtight and shadowy cell around him, and said, "Die here? Just like a bedbug with no mercy... Die here! Rothschild is not a fly, so how would he know?"

Bess opened his mouth, dumbfounded, his pale face was covered with dead silence!

Long Hao snapped his fingers and continued: "I will give you three time to think about it! 10 minutes, if all three of you are still alive after 10 minutes, then the pistol in TK's hand will fire bullets again! I have always been Tolerant, should one die? Or all three? The choice is yours!"

After finishing speaking, Long Hao made gestures, and Daniel and Xiaoniao had retreated outside the iron railing. In the rotten narrow space, only the three of Stevenson and Kouhagen's corpse that was gradually freezing on the ground were left.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but when the bird withdrew, his crotch loosened, and a curved metal knife fell to the floor.

"10 minutes..."

The iron door slammed shut, although Stevenson and his son still remained silent, the impassioned Bass was like a deflated ball, lost spirit, if you pricked up your ears and listened attentively, you would hear the three of them chewing. With the words '10 minutes'!

After 1 minute, Stevenson coughed dryly and said firstly, "Baron, are we really going to die together?"

The deputy police chief, who had a bright future three days ago, now looks like a prisoner he has tortured countless times, with bright red eyes, ragged clothes, and a disgusting smell of zombies looking for carrion.

Bess seemed to smell this extremely dangerous smell, and he immediately took a few steps back alertly: "Karvan, what do you want to do? Don't give in to that oriental man, that is Satan..."

Little Stevenson raised his head and smiled strangely: "But, one death is really better than three deaths!"

Bess was horrified and hurriedly shouted: "Are you crazy? I am Baron Rothschild, do you want to kill me to survive? Sheltie, won't you stop your crazy son?"

Old Stevenson, however, bowed his head, as if deaf, motionless and silent.

Little Stevenson smiled and approached step by step, while Bess seemed to have completely lost his sense of proportion. He took a few steps back, tripped with his left foot and fell to the ground.

At this time, Long Hao's leisurely voice came from outside the iron railing: "Just one death is enough. Instead of dying yourself to make others better, why not work hard? Think about it, whose blood is more noble? hell?"

The words seemed to awaken someone in a dream, and Beth's eyes just fell on the scimitar, his eyes flashed murderous, he rushed over to pick up the murder weapon from the ground, and roared, "I am a noble Rothschild , you lowly little policeman, what the hell are you thinking? Kah, die to me!!"

Bess sent the knife forward and swung it a few times, almost hurting the little Stevenson who was a little caught off guard.

"Are you noble? Am I humble?"

Little Stevenson looked like a wounded beast, and his already red eyes became more evil red: "Why can't you sacrifice for us once? We are father and son, you are just one person, why can't you sacrifice yourself to fulfill us? Roar, take your life!"

Little Stevenson bowed his waist, his hands were like claws, and he stared at the knife-wielding Beth, like a hungry wolf waiting for an opportunity, trying to slap the murder weapon out of Beth's hand.

Bess had received a strict aristocratic education and had deep experience in fencing and fighting. The two had only fought for ten rounds, and the unarmed little Stevenson had three or four wounds on his body.

Bess gained the upper hand, and the killing instinct in his bones was aroused. He shook his blood-soaked scimitar and said with a grinning smile, "You want to kill me? Let me show you that a lowly servant can never beat a noble one." Master! I think your father will also be ashamed for you, give up, let me cut your throat, among the three of us, your death is the most reasonable arrangement!"

"Be reasonable, your sister!"

With a small shout, Bess only felt a pain in his lower back. He turned his head in surprise, only to find that old Stevenson had dark circles, holding a dagger, and stabbed himself in the back: "How dare you want my son to die? Lao Tzu Arrange for you to meet God first!"

"Ah... bastard!"

Bess let out an earth-shattering scream. He twisted his waist and kicked the old Stevenson who was about to be stabbed a few times, and roared angrily: "Old man, do you want to rebel?"

Outside the iron railings, Long Hao watched the scene getting better and better in the cell, and said with a smile: "You want to kill someone else's son, but you still don't allow his father to resist? What kind of logic is this? Rothschild's people, the brain grows It’s all straw? Are you sure it’s not burnt out? By the way, little bird, if you throw a weapon in, Karvan needs a weapon to stand up against his brutal master!”

"Yes, master!" The little bird smiled cheerfully, and threw another iron rod into the iron railing.

The iron railing suddenly turned into a real battle of trapped beasts, three people holding three different weapons, divided into two camps, fighting to the death!It's just that this kind of life-threatening fight is really not good. Relying on his youth, Bei Si fought one against two. Even though he was injured, he still didn't lose the wind, but his moves were just like street fights, with no rules and no sense of beauty. It can be said that Stevenson and his son are too weak, so that Bess can live nourishingly until now.

Long Hao got tired of watching it for a while, and said lightly: "This is killing people, can't you be more vicious? Besides weapons, your teeth are also extremely sharp, jump on it and bite! Let me tell you, it will be up in 10 minutes , if the three of you are still alive at that time, TK's bullets will not recognize people!"

Tk cooperated very well, and raised the pistol expressionlessly, the black muzzle of the gun looked like the entrance to hell.

With this excitement, and the three of them had really made a real fire, the battle was escalating, blood was spattering... and the father and son finally defeated the noble and elegant. Bass was knocked limply to the ground with a stick, and Long Hao applauded outside: "Congratulations, you have murdered Mr. Rothschild together, and we are all witnesses!"

At this moment, Stevenson and his son woke up from the state of madness, and the murder weapon fell from their hands: Oh my God, we killed Bess!

The two Stevensons had gray complexions, and the wounds on their bodies seemed to have been forgotten for a while.

Long Hao spoke again: "Welcome to officially become my partners! Tk, what to do next, you and the two Mr. Stevenson discuss!"

After explaining this, Long Hao left the bloody cell under the guard of Da Niu Xiaoniao.

Long Hao doesn't care about how tk communicates with Stevenson and his son, he just needs that the fire that is about to ignite in San Francisco doesn't burn himself, and that the Hong family can be taken over by Hong Zaimo smoothly.

According to the plan that TK showed to Long Hao, he would connect Beth's death, Kohagen's death, Sulvin's death, and the police station's smashing, looting and burning—this series of events together, and finally created an anti- own favorable situation.And in order to build it smoothly, Stevenson, the deputy mayor, is a pawn that must be subdued!

Therefore, the life-and-death fight in the cage is just a monkey show, and the fate of the noble Bess has already been finalized. [Happy last day of 2012! 】

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