Based on this, Long Hao had a high opinion of Ouyang Minggao in his heart!

In history, this Ouyang Ming did a lot of good things for the Chinese in the United States, but Ouyang Geng became more famous later on, which somewhat covered up the brilliance of his cousin!

Ouyang Geng walked up to Long Hao while Savi was talking with Ouyang Ming and said in a low voice, "Yujie, your efficiency is so high!"

Long Hao glanced at Ouyang Geng, seeing his strange face, and what he said seemed to be both praise and sarcasm, so he couldn't help laughing: You are the one who wanted to see Savi, and now I brought him, and you are not happy!Hmph, could it be that as Rong Lao expected, this Ouyang Geng is enthusiastic on the surface, but actually he doesn't want Savy and Cui Guoyin to meet each other!Hey, faction disputes have never been extinguished since ancient times!

So Long Hao smiled lightly: "We are all compatriots, dare not try our best!" Then he quickly left Ouyang Geng and walked into the living room of Ouyang Mansion.Visit download txt novel

In the living room, there is a Chinese style, blue and white porcelain and yellow Li wood stand side by side, and the moon-white screen sets off the dense tea mist, which makes people feel very peaceful.

Savy is the main character, and Ouyang Ming speaks fluent Spanish to talk with him.

Savy's gentleman's demeanor is not lacking, and he is extremely decent in dealing with it. He is full of praise for Ouyang Ming's tea ceremony.

After talking for a while, they still didn't get to the point. Long Hao sat aside but was not in a hurry... because the other main character, Cui Guoyin, has not yet arrived!

The tea leaves were changed three times, and the water was flushed into the ditch. Footsteps finally sounded outside the door. Long Hao raised his eyebrows, and at the end of his gaze, he saw Cui Guoyin, who was dressed in an official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, coming from outside the courtyard with a serious face.

Not seen for more than a year, the face of the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty became darker and thinner, and his sorrow was like a creeping tiger, stubbornly climbing up his brows and cheeks, and the previous high spirits turned into a twilight look. It seems that the pressure of Ambassador Cui is not ordinary. big!

Cui Guoyin was about to step into the living room, his eyes lit up, and he had locked on the Viscount Sawei in the banquet. His steady face finally added a bit of joy. He raised the hem of his clothes, walked quickly, and said loudly : "Cui Guoyin, the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty to many countries, is delighted to hear that Viscount Castillo is coming, and has never greeted him from afar. Please move to the Golden Phoenix Pavilion and talk while eating!"

Jinfeng Pavilion is just next to Ouyang Mansion. It is a time-honored top Chinese restaurant. During the walk, Long Hao used the pretext of talking to Cui Guoyin to inquire about it. It turned out that Cui Guoyin had been living in Fang Mingde's home. The Fang family also went to Cao to organize a banquet first.

When Cui Guo heard that Savi was coming, he hurried over after changing his official uniform. He didn't have time to spare. Naturally, this table of wine had to be handed over to Fang's family, who was a local snake.

Jinfeng Pavilion, well decorated, on the fifth floor, there is a small hall, a large table, covered with red cloth, various dishes, red and green interlaced, oil and water like gold, wine cups like green, it is index finger big move!

Fang Mingde, an old man, had already entered the table, and when he saw the main character go upstairs, he immediately greeted him. First he exchanged greetings with Sa Wei, and then he chatted with Long Hao.

There was a large table, everyone was seated, and everyone was dismissed. There were six people, Ouyang Ming, Sawei, Cui Guoyin, Ouyang Geng, Fang Mingde and Long Hao.

Chinese people are used to talking about serious matters during meals, and this time was no exception. After drinking for three rounds and the dishes were ready, Cui Guoyin just smiled and brought the topic on to the right track.

"I have stayed in Risbarnia for three months, and I am grateful for the hospitality of Empress Dowager Christina, and I am very admiring of the local customs of your country!"

Savy said with a smile: "Spain is still very small, not comparable to your China. It has a vast land and a population of billions. When it comes to admiration, I really yearn to travel to your country!"

Savi is purely polite, for Long Hao's sake, China is synonymous with barbarism and ignorance in this era, and those sent to China by Western countries are considered to be exiled in disguise.

Cui Guoyin said: "To tell you the truth, this time I invite Xiaoyou Long to match up and invite Mr. Viscount to ask for something!"

Savi squinted his eyes and took a sip of his wine: "Ambassador Cui has something to say, I have a long-term friendship with Long Hao, and if I can help, I will naturally not shirk it!"

This was explained by Long Hao in advance, and the reason why Cui Guoyin and Ouyang brothers were eager to find Sawei must be found out.

Cui Guo was overjoyed and said: "Hehe, the matter is actually very simple! I don't know Mr. Viscount, but do you know anything about the empress dowager of this country?"

Sa Weifei is an idiot. He has done research on Cixi, the strong woman who controls China. He said with an 'oh' and chuckled: "I don't know, but I heard about her deeds. It's your royal family. One of the strange women in the world, like the Queen Mother Christina in this country, is a powerful woman who rides on the head of a man!"

Cui Guoyin hurriedly said: "Exactly! The Empress Dowager, she is a majestic old man... Don't talk about riding, this is ugly, it should mean that she controls our Qing Dynasty, hundreds of millions of people, and move forward together!"

"That's right, Lafayette, she is wise and powerful, and she is the leader of the court alone... she is really a pillar of the country!" Even though it was the wine master, when Cui Guoyin praised Cixi, the Ouyangming brothers also quickly raised their wine glasses to sing praises.

As for how much sincerity, only they themselves know.

Long Hao was disdainful: Still moving forward?Is that jumping into the bottomless abyss with [-] million compatriots?

Savy doesn't understand Chinese very well, but this doesn't prevent the flash of ridicule in his eyes: "Ambassador Cui, this matter is related to your queen mother?"

Cui Guoyin nodded again and again: "Mr. Viscount is really smart, you can't hide anything from you! This matter is like this..."

It turns out that Cui Guoyin, apart from being the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty abroad, secretly has another identity, that is, the "guardian" who finds out the channels and escorts the royal family's overseas investment!

The royal family is the Aixinjueluo family, and this investment also comes from Aixinjueluo's private money!

Ever since the British and French allied forces broke through the city of Beijing in 1860 when Emperor Xianfeng was in power, the Aixinjueluo family has been interested in investing overseas. Don’t think that these rat braids are old stubborn, there are still some sensible ones!

It's just that the status of these existences was not high at the time, and there were not many resources that could be used at the beginning, but anyway, after stumbling, this overseas investment to transfer risks was finally a start.

With the development of the Westernization Movement, by the 19s, this overseas investment had become modest, but when Empress Dowager Cixi monopolized the government and Emperor Guangxu gradually grew up, this overseas investment officially entered the eyes of the high-level royal family.

With Cixi's greed, this overseas investment was supposed to be confiscated to build a garden, but the person who took care of this investment in the Aixinjueluo family was loyal to the orthodox emperor, and clearly stated that this overseas investment can only be used by the current emperor, and Must be used to strengthen armaments! !

When the domineering Cixi heard this, she was furious, and originally planned to repair this ignorant 'caretaker', but when the caretaker took out a will from Emperor Xianfeng, she was stunned and unable to do anything!

It turned out that Emperor Xianfeng died in depression back then, and he was afraid and ashamed to escape from Beijing City in a panic that day. This will is the life-saving cassock he left for this overseas investment!In the edict of the first emperor, Cixi could not go half a step beyond Lei Chi.

In addition, another important reason is that most of this overseas investment is fixed assets, not hard currency such as gold banknotes. Even if Cixi wants to play a rogue, there is no way to move these things back to China!Let's say...a plantation in Cuba!

Most of the plantations in Cuba are sugar-based. The Aixinjueluo family's overseas investment has 18 sugar plantations and 2 sugar factories in Cuba.

Of course, this is the accumulation of the Aixinjueluo family in Cuba for nearly 30 years. These plantations and factories can generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in income every year. Except for a small part of the country, the other funds are used to expand reproduction !The prospects are not unimportant.

At first, Cixi wanted to give up this piece of "chicken rib" and throw it to Xiao Guangxu, and sell some favors by the way. However, in recent years, the world's sugar industry has developed rapidly, with huge profits. The value of the royal family's plantations and sugar factories in Cuba has doubled. After several times, Cixi, who was eager to repair the garden for pleasure, missed it again!

Cui Guoyin's previous ambassadors had a secret mission sent by Cixi, and asked to find a way to sneak through Chen Cang through dealing with foreign powers, and take Aixinjueluo's property in Cuba as his own!And when Cui Guoyin was in office, Emperor Guangxu, instigated by Weng Tonghe, also issued a secret decree, asking the ambassadors abroad to assist the "caretaker" to expand overseas investment as much as possible, and seek an economic foundation for his own administration!


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