Although the shares are as small as one-hundred-thousandth, Falcao's fingers holding the government decree are still trembling: After nearly a month of exploration, no one understands better than Falcao that there are hidden resources in the "desert" of Alaska. What a rich mineral deposit, even if it is one hundred thousandth, it is a shockingly huge wealth when converted into US dollars!

With material incentives, Falcao worked harder, and spared no effort in teaching the 'stupid' students. Of course, the survey data sent to the outside world was exaggerated according to Long Bo and others. several times...

On July [-]th, the city of Palo Alto, which is close to San Francisco, became lively. The reason is very simple. The new school director has spoken. There is an important matter to be announced at Stanford University today. Those who are not present will get a Zhang dismissal letter.

Stanford University may not be well-known, but the remuneration and benefits are really good, so except for a few people who ran too far and couldn't turn back, [-]% of the teachers and students returned to campus in time.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Stanford is already huge, and the addition of these people only increased the excitement, and did not bring much pressure to Kobe's life.

Even Kobe was still happy secretly: As expected of Her Royal Highness, she has the courage to act resolutely. With one post, these bastards who are eating vegetarian food in the corpses will come back in a panic!

But Kobe is also a little worried. The foundation of Stanford University is too weak. Previously, Leland Stanford relied on Leland Stanford to spend money on talents regardless of cost, but what the princess is doing now seems to be impatient. authority!

And people in academia are least afraid of authority, and their job is to tirelessly challenge authority!

Therefore, [-]% of the people came back, but secretly gathered into several circles, planning to make the 'school directors' who have not met yet look good!

<Wind, can't help being proud.

Can you not be proud?Once Meiyang is completed and becomes a talent reserve base, Long Hao will spread his wings and fly high.

With a responsible attitude, Kobe reminded Long Hao very carefully: "Your Excellency, the chief guard, the podium in the auditorium has been set up. Is Her Royal Highness going to give a speech soon?"

After saying this, Kobe quietly told Long Hao about the undercurrent of Stanford.

Princess Melissa seemed to be unwell, and went to rest as soon as she came, so Kobe was worried that when she gave a speech later, Her Royal Highness, who was unprepared, would be caught off guard when encountering sudden heckles.

Long Hao squinted his eyes, and said calmly: "There are jumping clowns everywhere, and Her Royal Highness will not be afraid of them!"

Kobe saw that Long Hao looked confident, and although he still had something to say, when he touched Long Hao's bright and dark eyes, he suddenly had such a thought in his heart, for no reason: Maybe, nothing can be difficult Your Excellency the Chief of Guards?

Long Hao put away his sharp eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, there is an old saying in China: Talented rebels fail in three years, these people will only make things difficult for them academically, and as for academics, I will convince them sincerely !"

Following Long Hao's gestures, Kobe saw Rong Shangqin in a suit and leather shoes, and a group of foreigners with yellow hair and blue eyes behind him. The corner of the camera is exposed...

Kobe was secretly surprised, what is the origin of these people?There seems to be a reporter?

No matter whether Kobe guessed it or not, he finally knew that Long Hao had prepared for it, and he finally let go of his heart.

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