Long Hao snorted: "Edward, don't be too optimistic. From my point of view, you Indians are much worse than the Jews. If you and your compatriots have the idea of ​​relying on others for everything, slacking off work and enjoying the benefits, Then even if Alaska is heaven, you will be expelled! Remember, happiness is created by your own hands! There is no free bread in the world!"

Edward stared blankly. Although he felt uncomfortable, he still didn't refute. He lowered his head and bit the bread. Instead, his thoughts returned to eight days ago...

Edward was so imprisoned that he couldn't remember the time. He only remembered that being able to see a ray of sunshine every day was a gift from the Sun God.

That's right, the treatment Long Hao gave Edward was to close the small black room. Although he had food and drink every day, he would never let him breathe. The only time when the sun might leak was when the door was opened when the meal was delivered. .

Edward was originally prepared to deal with 99 kinds of torture and would rather die than surrender, but he never thought that the simple darkness and boundless loneliness could drive him crazy!

When the door of the room opened and Long Hao slowly appeared in the light and shadow, Edward, who was lying on the corner of the bed tiredly, burst into tears: You finally came, torture me, I promise to recruit immediately!

"Actually, I'm really not interested in the hiding place of your leader Hongyun!"

But who knows, Long Hao just said this lightly when he came in, put down the rich dinner plate, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Don't, don't go! You torture me, you torture me to extract a confession..."

Seeing that the door was about to close, Edward almost lost his mind. He jumped off the bed and kicked the dinner plate to pieces.

It has been delayed for so long, and after a long time, you are here to deliver food?Don't bring such a playful person!

Long Hao was slightly surprised, turned around suddenly, and stretched out his hand to resist the emotional Edward. He had just returned from the base of the expeditionary force and had some free time. When he slapped his head this morning, he happened to remember that such a person as Edward was still being imprisoned, so he came here Look, but who would have thought that Hong Yun's grandson would react so strongly.

"You want me to force you to confess? Hehe, this is the first time I've heard such a weird request!" Long Hao was a little amused, and the corners of his thin mouth began to turn up.

"Yes, yes, you tortured me and forced me to confess!" Edward greedily sniffed the light outside the door, twisted his body and hurriedly said: "Just don't let me stay here anymore, this place is so uncomfortable!!"

"I didn't plan to force a confession from you. Or, are you planning to betray your grandfather Hongyun?"

"No, of course not. I, Edward, am a loyal and loyal Indian warrior. You can force a confession, but I will definitely not give in!" Edward continued to enjoy the light outside the door, his eyes narrowed comfortably.

"Hey, you have always misunderstood me. I have never been hostile to you and your grandfather Hongyun! In order not to misunderstand you, I will not torture or torture you this time. You should think about it carefully. Clearly, stay here for a few more days!" Long Hao pushed Edward away with a smile, and was about to leave.

"Ah, you can't be so cruel, I don't want to stay here!"

Edward was pushed down, shaking his limbs in horror, and finally saw a ray of light, how could he watch it disappear?

"You have too much prejudice against me, this place is very quiet, suitable for you to calm down and think clearly!"

Long Hao deliberately slowed down the movement of closing the door, and said leisurely: "When you think it through clearly, let's talk calmly!"

Perhaps seeing that hope was about to disappear, Edward suddenly felt blessed, and hurriedly shouted: "I won't talk about forced confessions anymore, I want to talk to you, as long as I can get out of this dark room, I am willing to talk about anything!"

Long Hao turned his head slightly: "Are you calm?"

"Peace of mind, absolutely peace of mind!" Edward nodded like a pug.

Therefore, Edward seized this opportunity, left the small dark room that almost drove him crazy, and calmly talked with Long Hao.

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