Alchemy Greater China

【130】insert nails

Zheng Danglong frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you know what the young master is doing in England?"

Prince Aza pays so much attention to Long Hao's movements to Europe, one can imagine that Long Hao is definitely not as simple as traveling with the princess to Europe.

Jing Duoche replied: "According to Lan Wandorf's confession, the young master and the princess were invited by the Queen of England to attend a royal private banquet at Buckingham Palace!"

"Queen of England? Queen Victoria?!"..

Whether it is Zheng Danglong or Hangtianhai, after living in New York, the capital of the world, for so long, how can they not be familiar with the great Queen of England?Hearing that his own Young Master Long was invited by that person, how could he not be extremely shocked?

Zheng Danglong suppressed the agitation in his heart and asked, "The royal private banquet? Do you know what issue it is related to?"

Jing Duoche shook his head and replied: "This Lanwandorf doesn't know either, but from his tone, it can be inferred that Prince Aza of Russia attaches great importance to this!"

Zheng Danglong took a deep breath, pondered and stopped talking.

The matter actually involved the most powerful woman in the world, and Zheng Danglong also had to carefully consider the danger of the young master going to Buckingham Palace alone.

"Report to Old Cui first, my opinion is, immediately send someone to England to protect the young master!" Zheng Danglong said. ..

"Don't panic!"

Sun Shuyou, who had been silent all this time, said, "It's not that you don't know the young master's ability. If there is any danger that can threaten the young master, no matter how many people we send, it won't help! Since the young master has not contacted us when he arrived in New York, it means that this is the case. The danger of this trip is not great, if we act rashly and ruin the young master's plan, it would be bad!"

Zheng Danglong stared: "Xiao Sun, you are guessing, if something goes wrong, are you responsible?"

"It's not pure speculation."

Sun Shuyou suddenly laughed.It dilutes the sudden tension: "Everyone, don't forget that although the Princess Melissa belongs to the Spanish royal family, she has a blood relationship with the Queen! Since it is a private banquet of the British royal family, we also invite Melissa is gone, so there is little possibility of malicious intent! I guess, maybe Victoria misses her children and grandchildren living abroad. Want to recruit them back for a home-cooked meal?"


Zheng Danglong reprimanded, but his mood relaxed: "It is impossible to eat home-cooked meals. I guess, Victoria's search for Melissa is more or less related to the minerals in Alaska! Although we have done some research on the newspapers here Screening and blocking, but it can't block the eyes and ears of high-level people, the fact that Princess Melissa owns the shares of Schmidt Mining Company is by no means a secret, and it cannot be concealed!"

In the analysis before the field group.The influence of Alaska should still be limited to the United States. If the United Kingdom is also coveting this, they have not discovered this dead end of thinking.

The four of them discussed it, and finally decided to let Jing Duoche report to Cui Yuanlang first. Regardless of whether Queen Victoria had good intentions or malicious intentions, the field team must respond for the safety of their young master.

"Okay, let's talk about the task assigned to you. Hangtianhai."


Hang Hanghai quickly straightened his back, with an impeccable military posture.Waiting for Zheng Danglong's task to be issued.

The task was related to Theodore Roosevelt, because Long Hao, a 'butterfly' from the future, flapped its wings, which made President Harrison very anxious, all his eyes were on Alaska, and he didn't care about promoting Roosevelt at all.

Therefore, this proud Lord Roosevelt did not continue to work in the government department.Instead, he 'went down' in advance and recruited his own troops.

The last time I gave a speech at West Point Military Academy was Roosevelt's first step in recruiting soldiers!

After more than half a year of tossing, called struggle, Theodore Roosevelt is finally approaching the border of Mexico.A 500-member militia team was pulled up, the soldiers were mainly young and strong Mexicans, and most of the non-commissioned officers were military cadets who were "bewitched" by his speeches everywhere.

Strictly speaking, this army is a 'black family', not protected by law, and its combat effectiveness is below average. Except for Roosevelt who regards it as a treasure, the US military does not take it seriously at all.

However, because the cadets in the non-commissioned officer class are more or less related to the US military, and Mahan's influence at the naval level, the US military did not ban this "black household" force, but He opened his eyes and closed his eyes and let Roosevelt toss about.

Anyway, it was Roosevelt's own money that was tossing, and the US government just didn't care about that leisurely!

"This three-no force is called the 'Ziyou Stormtrooper', headquartered in Austin, Texas, and its purpose is to seek interests for the United States around the country in the name of Ziyou..."

Sun Shuyou took out a stack of documents and introduced to Hangtianhai: "Recently, they seem to have reached an agreement with the U.S. Navy to lease two troop carriers and head to the Gulf of Mexico... We speculate that Roosevelt wants to be in Mexico. The southern rainforest area is conducting actual combat training, and there happens to be a Mexican armed force in that area!"

Hang Tianhai was surprised: "Roosevelt wants to pull nails for the Mexican government?"

"On the contrary!"

Sun Shuyou typed on a small map of Mexico: "Roosevelt is rushing to cooperate with the armed forces of the Communist Party... His real goal is to disturb the relatively peaceful domestic situation in Mexico! The more chaotic Mexico is, The greater the benefits for the United States!"

Hang Tianhai frowned slightly, thought for a while and said: "According to what Sun Tou said, the US government will never recognize the 'Free Stormtroopers', that is to say, Roosevelt can't get a single cent of US military spending on the surface. He has very strong personal financial resources to fight across borders! Hey, with his foundation...unless there is a big family sponsorship, it is impossible! However, going to the Mexican rainforest to stir up wind and rain will not get any benefits at all! Which big family would have a headache and give him money to burn for fun?"

Zheng Danglong shook his flesh and smiled: "Tiantianhai, your analytical skills are pretty good! That's right, if Roosevelt was alone, this free stormtrooper would have been disbanded a long time ago... Most of his military expenditures have always been Our bh company is secretly sponsoring... This decision was made by old Cui. If you want to say that your head is cramping, it is Cui Yuanlang who is doing it alone, eh. Your evaluation of Cui Tuanzhang is very pertinent, and I will give you an honest feedback. his!"

"Ah? Vice Tuan Zheng, don't bring such a trickster!"

How could Long Hao not pay attention to Theodore Roosevelt, an important figure who pushed the United States to the throne of ocean hegemony?

After his first speech at West Point.Under Long Hao's instructions, Cui Yuanlang paid special attention to this man of action.

When Roosevelt was short of money, Cui Yuanlang lent him money in the form of a private loan... Roosevelt was short of guns, so Cui Yuanlang contacted an arms dealer for him... Roosevelt was short of people, and Cui Yuanlang spared no effort to make connections for him. Through the smugglers, many young and strong Mexicans and South Americans were attracted.

Roosevelt only felt that there were noble people helping him, and he didn't use his contacts much, so he blinked.A not-so-decent army has been pulled together like this!For a while, Roosevelt was full of ambitions, and he felt more and more sorry for his "luck" against the sky if he didn't do much in the world. No, it happened that the US Navy had a routine cruise to the Gulf of Mexico at the end of October. So he asked Mahan to borrow two empty troop carriers, planning to go to the chaotic southern Mexico to fight and salvage political capital.

"Haitianhai. Your task is to join this free stormtrooper and perform well. Win Roosevelt's trust!"

"Why did you choose me?"

"Theodore Roosevelt has serious racial discrimination. Although we continue to support him, his troops basically only recruit Caucasians!"

With a cold face, Zheng Danglong explained: "Old Cui didn't deliberately force our people into it in order not to startle the enemy. But this time is different. Roosevelt's departure from the United States means that he will charge freely for an indeterminate period of time. The team' will be out of our monitoring, so Lao Cui decided to put a spy in! After consideration, your identity is very suitable, and it just so happens that you asked to do a task for the company, so you were selected!"

Hang Hanghai is a child studying in the United States brought by Yung Wing from China. His background is innocent. With Rong Hong, a well-known Chinese American, as his guarantee, the possibility of Roosevelt’s rejection is very small. In addition, Hang Hanghai is the only child studying in the United States. Those who entered the West Point Military Academy, based on this condition, the chances of Roosevelt's appointment will be greatly increased.

When bh started to insert nails into Roosevelt's free stormtroopers, our Viscount Savoy Castillo was in Mexico City, receiving warm hospitality from President Diaz.

Savi was half naked at the moment, lying on the rattan bed on the roof of the villa. Opposite him was Diaz, who was also dressed casually, and two beautiful maids, with their breasts and legs exposed, smiling coquettishly for the two. man is feeding brightly colored fruit.

This kind of enjoyment, heaven is nothing more than this!

However, just a month ago, the situation was very different... When Savo Castillo first arrived in Mexico, President Porfirio Diaz gave him a closed door and poured a pot on his face cold water!

"The viscount from Spain wants to see me? Okay, please make an appointment... As the president, I'm very busy..."

I thought it would be an easy task to come here as an aristocrat from an old powerful country, wave gold dollars, and rent an "enclave" that Mexico can't take care of for the time being. Put on airs, not to say that he went to inspect a certain manor, or went to inspect a certain railway. In short, the majestic Viscount Castillo was gorgeously ignored in Mexico, the former Spanish colony!

Savi came in a hurry, except for the eight 'guards' assigned to him by the SS, not a single soldier was by his side. He wanted to forcibly rush into the Mexican Presidential Palace to question Diaz who was 'hidden' inside, but he didn't. that strength.

(The main reason is that the eight guards don't listen to him.)

Just as Savy was in a dilemma, on the No. 11 day, an unexpected event changed the stalemate.

This afternoon, Diaz, who had been 'hidden' for ten days, finally gave Savy face and was interviewed at the Presidential Palace. The time was only 30 minutes. Obviously, the 60-year-old ducai made it clear that he was going to be perfunctory thing.

But unexpectedly, the security work of the Mexican Presidential Palace is a scumbag.Just as Diaz was practicing Tai Chi and was about to decline the loan offer, two assassins came out from nowhere. Without a word, they rushed forward and aimed at Diaz twice!

Diaz froze, thinking that he was doomed.A yellow bodyguard next to Savi suddenly flew into the air, jumped three meters like a myth, kicked the pistol in the assassin's hand with a "slap", kicked the pistol in the assassin's hand, and then killed the two assassins. Kicked and broke his leg, so that he was caught without a fight.

Diaz, whose life was saved, was immediately sent back to rest by the guards who came later, and the conversation between him and Savi for about 15 minutes ended there.

Savi thought it was over, but the next morning.But I received a dinner invitation from Diaz... This dinner was for Diaz, who survived the catastrophe, to suppress the obscurity. At the dinner, after the guests had a good time, Diaz stopped Savy and said to him with a smile: "Dear Viscount, you want to lease Baja California. I have one condition. If you agree, I will represent the government of Mexico. I will lease it to you!"

Savi was overjoyed when he heard the words, anyone who was left on the air for ten days would be pleasantly surprised if they survived a desperate situation. Savi felt that he should really thank Yao Ersan this time. Most of the tasks assigned to him will be in his own hands!

But Savi is first-rate in picking up girls and second-rate in fighting.In terms of diplomacy, he is really a rookie below the third rate. He didn't know that Diaz suddenly relaxed, but the main reason was definitely not because Savy saved his life at the right time.

In fact, it started from Savy's request to visit Diaz on the first day.It took the Mexican ducai three days to get a basic understanding of Savi's background.

Looking to lease Baja California?

When Diaz first heard about it, he really moved his mind. The reason is very simple. Savy's bid is really high: 800 million US dollars!It is almost equivalent to the total cost of the railway started in Mexico! !

But Diaz turned his head and thought about it, but forcibly suppressed his thoughts: Hey, if it was five years earlier, I really wouldn't have to think about land rent, but now, it's not the right time...

Porfirio Diaz, the government that overthrew President Tejada in 1876, was busy consolidating the regime and purging Tejada's supporters for nearly a decade. He amended the constitution, allowed re-election, manipulated voting, and assassinated The opponent, who guides public opinion, is simply an outstanding black-bellied politician. If Savy came to Mexico at that time and proposed to increase the loan, Diaz, who was in urgent need of financial support, would definitely nod and agree without thinking.

But now, Diaz, who has a very stable regime, is promoting "scientific development". He has the ambition to build Mexico into an advanced modern country. He has vigorously introduced foreign capital, built railways, laid telegraph lines, and spent Great efforts were made to introduce advanced equipment such as steam engines and industrial machine tools.It can be said that what Diaz needs now is not just money, but an outstanding reputation. He transformed Mexico in order to make himself famous in history!

At this time, rent out such a large piece of land in Xiajia?And it was still leased to the Spaniards who had invaded them?

Diaz can imagine that once this agreement is leaked out, he will be accused by the Mexican people and bear endless infamy of treason.

Of course, this kind of land lease agreement must be signed in secret, and it will not be leaked so easily.

On one side is the vain 800 million US dollars, on the other hand is the possible infamy of being a national traitor!

Diaz was in a dilemma, he was hesitant, he simply dragged, wanting to see how Savi would react.

In Diaz's mind, he had neglected Savy. The Viscount, who is known as the Spanish Major, would definitely do something. If Savy showed strong connections or military strength, Diaz would not mind cooperating with him. Count the banknotes, sell the country.

However, before the assassination incident, Savi did nothing, and Diaz was deeply disappointed by his inaction.

Spain, an old powerhouse, has really fallen. If I dared to do this 30 years ago, the garrison in the Caribbean would definitely have called here without saying a word... Diaz shook his head, thinking so.

"What are the conditions, please just ask the president!" Savy tried his best to calm down, but his slightly trembling shoulders betrayed his excitement at the moment.

Diaz sighed inwardly: This Viscount is too young and tender.

"It's very simple, I want you to wipe out the Southern Revolutionary Army for me! And help me train an army like you trained in San Francisco!" Diaz gritted his teeth and said viciously.


Savi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that Diaz would follow his team going to "Mexicali". Could it be that the old president discovered that the expeditionary force secretly stationed in Baja California?

For the Cuban Expeditionary Army, after Long Hao’s beating last time, Savi no longer believed that it belonged to his own army. He agreed willingly, but he was worried that he would be blamed by Long Hao, so he thought about it for a while, and said to Diaz that he would Go back and think about it.

Leaving the dinner, Savi tried every means to contact the expeditionary force. After inquiring, he found out that the force exchanged fire with an unknown force near Mexicali six days ago, killed dozens of people, and captured The opponent's arms worth millions of dollars!According to the interrogation, the source of the arms was an arms dealer in the United States, and the destination was the southern rainforest of Mexico.

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