Alchemy Greater China

[150] Award Ceremony

Jobs lowered his head, talking to himself, but Long Hao seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was stunned, letting Jobs play on his body like a puppet on a string.

Louis Vuitton, my dear, that is the founder of lv, a fashionable luxury brand that became popular all over the world after World War Three!

Unexpectedly, these so-called 'French merchants' backlog' actually came from his shop!No wonder... no wonder how much it needs to be modified, these clothes and pants almost meet the zss fashion standard! ..

Louis Vuitton, was originally the leading master in the fashion industry!

In other words, most of the fashion elements copied by Long Hao originated from lv.

"This George Vuitton, we must hire him!" After Long Hao woke up, the first sentence burst out word by word while biting his back.

"You think so too? Hehe, George's innovation ability is not inferior to old Louis at all!"

Jobs looked up, with the look of finding a bosom friend in his eyes, but he immediately shook his head again: "Hey, it's a pity, his store is the painstaking effort of their father and son. Although it is difficult to operate now, I want George to just give up. Difficult!"

"Really? But I still believe that everything depends on human effort!"

Long Hao smiled mysteriously.What is difficult for others is not necessarily the case for Master Long, an alchemist. Long Hao has already made a decision. As soon as the award ceremony is over, he will go to Paris to renew the life of that old Mr. Louis Vuitton , and then conveniently packaged the future LV into Zhongshan Soul Company. ..<I'm sure, there are probably few people in this world who are more outstanding than Vuitton and his son!

Master the general direction by yourself, Vuitton and his son are responsible for the design and development of specific products, and Princess Melissa uses her detached identity to promote to the upper class... Such an iron triangle.It is the perfect model for the future development of Zhongshan Soul!

Zhongshan Soul Company, in Long Hao's plan, is destined to be a gold-swallowing monster!Specially swallowing the money of those luxurious, corrupt, stupid and pig-like aristocrats!

The award ceremony will start on time at 11:[-] a.m. at the small square in front of Buckingham Palace.

The gorgeous high platform has been set up.Below are four large areas, with a total of more than 200 seats. The seats are full of people, all of whom are princes and nobles wearing gold and silver, red and green. The red tassels fluttered, and in the aisle, a bright red long carpet stretched from the entrance of the palace to the foot of the high platform.

The weather in London today is very respectable.The mist is like veil, the sun is like a waterfall, and the light is there, but it is not hot at all, so those ladies and ladies with brightly colored folding fans have no chance to "naturally" swing their fans and show off their charms.

The four major areas are occupied by princes and nobles, and outside the four major areas, there are even more people standing, reporters, civilians, leisure soldiers... a circle around the outside.One by one, the ducks seemed to be choked by their necks, stretching and squeezing desperately.Just to be able to see the demeanor of Her Majesty the Queen and the true face of the mysterious Sir.

The salute was fired and the instrumental music blared, and the noisy crowd immediately quieted down. The quietness was like a plague, spreading quickly from the four major blocks to the surrounding areas. eyeball.Looking around in surprise.

Finally, unfocused eyes gathered at the gate of Buckingham Palace, where the gate was open, and under the bright sunlight, a short and thin figure stepped out of the dark doorway.

Queen Victoria!

audience.The applause is thunderous, even if it is empty, it can startle the birds!

The queen is not tall, but the dazzling crown on her head is enough to set off her stalwart body. Her eyes are not big, but the light in their pupils is enough to shock countless people. Her hair is snow... um, wait!

The people standing up suddenly realized that the queen's hair under the crown was not all white as they had imagined, but a few strands of black hair thick as fingers, which playfully emerged from under the crown.

Oh my God, Her Majesty the Queen has... rejuvenated?

In the shock, the applause became sparse and extremely uncoordinated. I heard that the queen is in trouble. How do you look at this situation? It doesn't look like it at all?

The queen walked out surrounded by guards, her long scarlet cloak trailing far behind her. After that, she followed Prince Edward and other members of the royal family.

Prince Edward, also known as Edward VII in later generations, is a middle-aged man with a broad face and a thick neck. He is 50 years old this year, but he is in good spirits. He has a big beard and a beer belly. It actually has the appearance of a dragon walking.

Stepping on the red carpet, the queen stepped onto the high platform step by step, and when all the members of the royal family stood firm, the queen held up her scepter and shouted with confidence: "Ladies and gentlemen... I, the King of England, Victoria , Announcing...the British Empire No.40 Sixth Honor Ceremony has officially begun!"

There was a pause. First, Edward VII behind the queen led the members of the royal family to applaud. Then, under the high platform, hundreds of princes and nobles blushed and slapped wildly with all the strength of their breasts.

The applause suddenly roared and roared into my ears.

The queen waited for the applause to subside, she glanced away, and with a wave of her scepter, a royal master of ceremonies came out, holding a scroll of golden lacquered red rope in his hand, and stood solemnly at the front of the high platform .

With the master of ceremonies, the queen naturally had an extra chair behind her buttocks, and sat down leisurely. The same is true for Edward VII and other princes and grandchildren, who all had seats and rested their legs.

The honoring ceremony is nominally presided over by the queen, but after the actual operation of the whole process, it is naturally impossible for the queen to do it herself.

The master of ceremonies was not pretentious or coughing. He unwrapped the scroll one by one, looked down, and read in a pure London accent: "British Empire, Glory Vega, all over the world... Please Mr. Jack Westfalen!"

Under the high platform, an elderly man wearing a medieval knight's uniform heard this, hurriedly stood up, stepped on the drum-like knight's steps, and walked proudly towards the steps.

However, his slightly hasty footsteps betrayed the excitement in his heart... When he went up the steps, he almost fell down.

"Your Majesty, please honor Mr. Westfalen!" The master of ceremonies continued to read in a resonant voice.

The queen stood up, took the medal and the saber handed over by the attendant, and walked to Westfalen.

Westfalen was short of breath.Kneeling on one knee, but the bulky knight uniform made him unsteady and wobbly, which made the audience chuckle.

What year is it, almost into the 20th century, and there are still fools wearing old-fashioned knight uniforms?A lot of people.They are all covering their mouths and laughing at Westphalia's old-fashioned and clumsy.

"On behalf of the royal family...I confer on you, Jack Westfalen, the title of Honorary Baronet...I hope you can continue to make contributions to the British Empire. May the Lord bless you!"

The saber tapped on his shoulder, and Westfalen was so excited that tears filled his eyes and he couldn't help himself.

With great difficulty, Westfalen left the high platform with the support of his attendants (the knight uniform was too cumbersome, Westfalen lost his strength after being excited and couldn't stand up), and then the master of ceremonies said: "...Please welcome Sheringham Mr. Beckham!"

Under the high platform, there is a handsome guy with aristocratic curly hair. Jumping up with a 'bass', shaking off the snow powder on his face...

It took more than an hour to repeat this process. The queen swung the sword 8 times in total, awarded 8 honorary titles, and also made the 8 newly promoted nobles very excited and behaved abnormally.

Shhh, none of this is what we want to see!

After dawdling for a long time, the princes and nobles who have seats in the arena are fine.But the reporters and civilians outside became a little impatient: What about the hereditary lord... Didn't you say that the hereditary title will be conferred?Why haven't you arrived yet?My legs (shoulders) are numb!

The queen returned to her seat, and the master of ceremonies stood up again.However, only a handful of people suddenly discovered that the scroll in his hand had changed from gold to purple.

"My lords, next, the awarding ceremony will enter the first climax..."


The veil of the mysterious person was finally lifted, however.European Tour...Doragon?Such a weird name, has anyone heard of it?

The princes and nobles and the off-site reporters all looked for acquaintances to ask with their eyes, but after looking at each other, all they got were the confused eyes of "I have never heard of it".

'Kuu...', just as the scene fell into a rare vacuum, the gate of Buckingham Palace facing the high platform suddenly opened again, and a long and slender shadow was dragged out from the door, hitting the red carpet in black.

Dangdang leather boots, a young man walked out of the palace gate as the shadow lengthened.

At this time, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the entrance of the palace gate, and when they saw this young man revealing his true face, their hearts jumped: handsome, so eye-catching!

The word 'cool' has not been invented in this era, otherwise everyone would definitely add 'so cool'! !

The appearance was ignored, and all eyeballs were attracted to the young man's attire.

His short black hair, propped up at a slant, has a weird feeling of unrestrained but gentle hedge...

He is dressed in a silver-white long dress, with smooth streamlines and a sense of nobility. There are not many folds, but it can just cut out a masculine and decent figure, especially the circle-shaped cuffs. Although there are no complicated decorations, there are three buttons. , simple but not simple shape, but it attracts endless admiration...

The same goes for his trousers, they are back to basics, without any extra decorations, but they can outline the long, toned legs and the most elegant and uninhibited side of masculinity...

The most eye-catching thing is the hat in his hand. This hat has never been seen before. It is shaped like two hills that are not far apart. The arcs are elegant and complement each other, making this hat not like a hat at all. , but it looks like a well-conceived handicraft...

After seeing all these costumes, people have only two opinions.The man is: I will wear this outfit, it must be more handsome... The woman is: which company designed this clothing, the men's clothing is like this, and the women's clothing must be not bad. When the meeting is over, I will ask and order it Make a set to wear yourself!

Needless to say, this flamboyant young man was exactly Long Hao who had been carefully dressed up by Jobs all morning.

Long Hao had a perfect smile on his face, without showing his teeth or pursing his lips, like an orthodox aristocrat who has gone through a lot of tempering, walking on the red carpet calmly, wearing his outfit from all angles to the surrounding 'audience'.

Long Hao knew that this was an advertisement for ZSS, so he walked very slowly, gracefully, and lightly, turning the red carpet into a catwalk.He also regards himself as a super male model.

Long Hao's debut show, compared with the previous eight people who received honors, is a judgment call. One side is old-fashioned + flustered, and the other side is cool + calm, which one is easier to impress the soul.The answer... speaks for itself.

"Boom"... "Boom"... "Boom", around the venue, white mist rises up one after another, don't panic, it's not the smoke of guns, but the flashing of spotlights!

It turned out that the reporters who reacted raised their bulky cameras one after another, pointed at Long Hao on the red carpet, and desperately took pictures!


Do you still need to ask?This young man must be today's protagonist: the hereditary lord!Even if it wasn't, just relying on the fashionable and handsome outfit on his body, it would definitely not be a loss to take a photo and bring it back to the agency!It is conceivable that if this photo is published in the newspaper, the sales of the newspaper will definitely increase, and the main force of the increase will definitely be the upper-class celebrities who are obsessed with clothing!

However, Long Hao walked slowly over the red carpet of more than 50 meters.But murdered at least [-] pieces of film, this sensational effect.It was far better than the queen's appearance, which was beyond Melissa's expectations.

Melissa hid behind the gate of Buckingham Palace, with a smug smile on her bright lips, she turned her head and asked, "The leaflets are all placed under the seat? As long as someone finds the ZSS logo on his clothes, our brand, It will be an instant hit!"

"Your Highness, the leaflets are all set up, but according to my observation, there are relatively few people who have seen them!" Inside the door, a woman replied in a muffled voice.

"It doesn't matter, word of mouth. As long as our products are of good quality, the speed of news among the nobles will spread very quickly!" Melissa said confidently.

Just as Melissa expected, when Long Hao walked halfway through the red carpet, a sharp-eyed lady spotted the ZSS logo on the hat in Long Hao's hand. Look at Baba's paper... and when Long Hao walked two-thirds of the way through the red carpet, many nobles were already whispering to each other, holding paper in one hand, and scanning Long Hao and the paper with their eyes...

"Oh, the logo on that person's chest is exactly the same as that on this leaflet!"

"Zhongshan Soul? It's the first time I've heard the name, but it's not a small company that can send flyers here..."

"Yeah, and the style of the clothes and pants is very good, especially the hat on his hand, it's so handsome! I want to have one too..."

"At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to this flyer. Now it seems that this was premeditated... This Zhongshan Soul Company must be related to this Doragon!"

"That's great, Honey, after the show is over, you have to ask Dragonon for me, is there any women's clothing for sale in this Zhongshan Soul Company..."


When Long Hao walked to the entrance of the steps of the high platform, the four aristocratic areas were already chattering. If it weren't for the presence of the Queen, some domineering people might want to jump out, grab Long Hao and directly question him about the "Zhongshan Soul" ' thing.

No way, who made this clothing and accessories that transcended several eras, the temptation is too great for these boring princes and nobles who lack spiritual entertainment!

(The author inserts a small sentence: Some people say that a genius is half a step ahead of the times, and a madman who goes too far is a madman who is not accepted by the times, but fashion is such a thing, who can say for sure? Everyone just have a look.)

Inside the palace gate, Melissa clenched her fist: Hey, it worked!

Long Hao stepped onto the high platform, the emcee stepped back, Victoria walked up to Long Hao with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Boy, you are walking too slowly... Use this king's award ceremony to promote products for your company, you , so bold!"

With an innocent face, Long Hao replied softly: "Queen Qi, this company belongs to His Royal Highness Melissa, and I was also used by others, so pitiful..."

"Stop pretending to be confused with me..."

The queen snorted softly: "Melissa's, isn't it yours? Are you and Melissa still divided?"

"... Hehe!" Long Hao rubbed his nose and smiled mischievously.

"Your hat is not bad. This king accepts it and treats it as a publicity fee for you."

Taking advantage of Long Hao's inattention, Victoria took the double mound hat over and handed it to the maid beside her.

The euphemistic name is: "When this king confers honors, you must not hold anything in your hands."

Faced with the queen's shamelessness, Long Hao had no choice but to hold his nose and swallow it hard: "Anyway, it's just a hat, and if you hack it, you will be hacked. When the brand of Zhongshan Soul is completely launched, I will take ten times and a hundred times more money from your royal family." Earn your money back!

The whispers between the two ended temporarily. Victoria suddenly took Long Hao's hand, walked side by side with him to the front of the high platform, and said loudly: "This is Long Hao. He comes from far away America. This time, he has cured me for many years." He also uncovered the spies in the court and made an indelible contribution to the prosperity and continuation of our British Empire! It is for this reason that I, Victoria, make an exception and grant him the hereditary title of Earl of the North Sea!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves!

The princes and nobles below and the reporters who wanted to prick their ears to the top of their heads opened their mouths wide: ah, this mysterious Doragon originally came from the United States on the other side of the Atlantic... Oh my god, the hereditary title is actually an earl, oh, the earl of the North Sea , far exceeded expectations, looking at his young appearance, he thought he was a viscount and it was the end of the day... It turned out that he cured the queen's illness. (To be continued.)

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