Alchemy Greater China

[161] Vuitton Manor

() Seeing this tug-of-war situation, Diaz was heartbroken. While cursing the free stormtroopers that came out of nowhere, he prayed that the expeditionary army would stand up and not be rushed by the rebels. Out of the 'cage'!

For this reason, Diaz tried his best to supplement the reserve supplies for the expeditionary force, and he agreed to all of Savi's requests.

However, I don’t know whether it was the expeditionary force that was exhausted in three drums, or the stormtroopers were newborn calves and were too aggressive. Although Diaz’s eyes were glued to the battle report every day, the revolutionary army gradually rushed out of the rainforest, taking the expeditionary force one step at a time. One step back. ..

Just as the situation on both sides was showing signs of reversal, Christmas in 1891 came as scheduled. On this day, the two sides reached a tacit agreement to cease fighting so that the soldiers who had been fighting continuously could rest and enjoy the festival.

Generally speaking, except for the friction in the southern rainforest, Mexico is relatively peaceful, and the people of the country are celebrating the annual Christian birthday.

As far away as Europe, the festive atmosphere is even more intense.

In a manor on the outskirts of Paris, festive lights are hung high, ribbons are fluttering, and fresh incandescent lamps disperse the night.

Several people were sitting on the long table, raising their glasses of wine to welcome Christmas together. A white-haired old man on the main seat said: "I, Louis Vuitton, can spend this year's Christmas sitting down. Chun!"

After drinking a glass of fine red wine, Long Hao laughed and said, "I admire Mr. Vuitton's fashion concept to the utmost. It is my honor and God's ingenious arrangement to heal your illness! If you are grateful, don't say any more Come on, drink, cheers! Have fun tonight!"..

After arriving in Paris, Long Hao first gave a lecture on quantum mechanics at the opera house on the [-]th of September Street.As usual, he sent a sincere invitation to scientific talents in France, and then he found George Vuitton, and said straight to the point that he could cure the old Vuitton's disease by himself!

George's first reaction was that the oriental man was a liar, but when Long Hao revealed his identity.George immediately changed his mood, and there was hope in his surprised eyes.

This is the famous and hottest 'Earl of Beihai' recently!The pharmacist who was able to cure Queen Victoria had a great reputation, and in his hands, his father might really have the hope of being cured!

Rather believable, George invited Long Hao and his party to the Vuitton Manor in the outskirts. As a result, within a day, the comatose old Vuitton regained consciousness, and three days later.Then you can talk and eat by yourself!Such a miracle made George ecstatic. He not only regarded Long Hao as a guest of honor and obeyed his words, but also sighed in his heart that his daily prayers were answered. Otherwise, how could Master Long, who was favored by Her Majesty the Queen, suddenly appear in the Paris even took the initiative to find herself!

Spent a little bit of money to cure Vuitton.Long Hao told George the reason for his visit: Your father's illness is curable, but he is getting old after all.After going through such troubles due to serious illness and poor health, I'm afraid I can live for at most three years!Entrusted by Princess Xianlu, I came to Paris specially to invite you to join zss and give full play to your talent in fashion design.

George and the old Vuitton have a very good relationship.Hearing what Long Hao said, tears flowed down his cheeks. After being ecstatic, he suddenly heard the bad news, and the filial George almost didn't collapse.As for the invitation, he didn't listen to it at all.

Wait for George to stabilize after being sad.He grabbed Long Hao and asked persistently: Sir Earl, your medical skills are so superb, is there any way to save my father's life?Whatever it takes, I'm willing to pay!

George had actually regarded Long Hao as the last straw to save his life.

Long Hao hesitated on the surface, but was delighted on the inside. He said these words just to lure George to ask.Of course, he didn't do anything to Old Vuitton's body. It is an extremely optimistic prediction to say that he will die in three years.

George observed his words and entangled him in every possible way, but Long Hao finally fled without saying a word, "Louis Vuitton's life can be continued, but the price is really... hey, no Whatever you say!"

Well, George was dumbfounded: What is this called?What do you mean by 'don't say anything'?That's my father's old fate, isn't everything easy to discuss?Saying half and tucking in half, trying to suffocate me to death? !

So, George worked hard to get in touch with Long Hao's entourage in the next few days, visiting Princess Sherin Mir and Princess Gemma one by one... Finally, he finally heard from Long Hao's personal entourage: a very young boy There, 'cheat' gave the answer.

The answer surprised George: the magic medicine that can prolong his father's life is called "Immortal Dew", and the Earl used this magic medicine to cure Her Majesty the Queen's stubborn illness and was granted the kingdom!Drinking one drop can prolong life for one year, and the price of each drop has reached an astonishing 1000 million US dollars!

1000 million US dollars, even if you sell your property ten times, you can't get it back!George held his head in great distress, but he was unwilling to watch his father wait to die. He couldn't help but regret why he asked about it. It would be great if he didn't know about the 'Immortal Dew'!

Knowing but not being able to afford it is the most painful thing in the world!

After thinking about it, George felt that he should fight for his father, so he found Long Hao and talked about it.

After hearing this, Long Hao 'turned pale with shock', and he told George in a low voice that the Immortal Dew is a secret, if it is leaked out, the princes and nobles in the whole world will be crazy about it, and his own life will be at stake.

When George thought about it, it was indeed the truth, and he quickly swore that he would not let it out, but he also begged Long Hao to give him a drop of immortal dew first, and as for the difference, he would try to raise money to pay back.

Even, George has already taken out his own land deed and all the shares of LV. As long as Long Hao nods, he will mortgage these things to the other party without hesitation.

Long Hao shook his head helplessly. Instead of taking George's land deed and shares, he said that it's not that he doesn't want to sell it, but that the production of Immortal Dew is too complicated, and many materials are very rare and hard to find. Besides, the Immortal Dew has already been reserved by the queen. Most of it was lost, and there is only one drop on my body now.For the remaining gap, I have to wait until I return to the United States to organize manpower and purchase materials before I can hope to make it to fill it.

Hearing this situation, George's heart was half cold: It's no wonder, if Immortal Dew is so easy to make.It won't ask for a sky-high price of 1000 million US dollars!This thing was pre-ordered by the queen, and if I wanted to get one or two from it, the difficulty was as difficult as reaching the sky.

However, when George was disheartened, Long Hao took out the 'only' drop of immortal dew and solemnly handed it to George.He also said that he admired the old Vuitton very much, and after thinking twice, he was still willing to take out this last drop of elixir of immortality to prolong the life of this 'fashion master'!As for the explanation from the queen, we can only take one step at a time, after all, there is still time.

George took the "miracle medicine" tremblingly, his gratitude to Long Hao was beyond measure, and he immediately made an oath to Long Hao to become his retainer.In other words, all the things of George Vuitton, past and future, belong to Long Hao, and Long Hao has [-]% control!

This kind of vassal oath was originally a product of the Middle Ages and has been outdated for hundreds of years, but George knew it well.Even if I die from exhaustion in this life, I'm afraid I won't be able to earn the price of a drop of Immortal Dew.Therefore, taking refuge in Long Hao and becoming his retainer was the most appropriate move, and it was also the best I could do.

It just so happened that Long Hao bore the title of king of "Lord of the North Island", and George wanted to join him, so no one else could find fault with him.George was even thinking about it.If he behaved well, he might still be able to get his father's Immortal Dew. In that case, he would have made a lot of money!

Ever since, Long Hao and George were willing to fight and suffer.Long Hao was very satisfied with the relationship between the king and his retainers in this way: he spent a little money and bought the Vuitton family with a bright future.

And George Vuitton was even more grateful, as if he was willing to help count the money after being sold.

Louis Vuitton, who had taken the Immortality Dew, was alive and well the next day, as if a 30-year-old man was almost able to run around the manor. George was stunned and admired the immortality in his heart. The magic of Xianlu, on the one hand, became more and more devoted to Long Hao.

Back at the Christmas wine table, George stood up and respectfully offered a glass to Long Hao: "Master Earl is so kind, I, George, will be very grateful, so many words of thanks are unnecessary! I decided to join Princess Xianlu's zss company, after this Christmas, I will leave for England!"

Although Louis Vuitton didn't know that his son had become someone else's vassal, he still agreed with George's decision. He knocked on the wine glass and laughed heartily: "Go to England, hahaha, that's where you are. The place where the highest-class nobles in Europe gather! I, Louis Vuitton, was born as a tailor. I have worked hard for decades, but I only opened a small shop, and I am a little famous in France...Little George, can you help Princess Xianlu, Future achievements will definitely surpass me as a father!"

Louis Vuitton talked for a while, then suddenly said: "Go to England...Thanks to the Earl, I am in good health now, I can run and dance, little George, daddy will go to England with you, okay?"

Old Vuitton was willing to go together, so Long Hao naturally couldn't wish for it. He immediately agreed and promised that after going to England, Vuitton and his son would receive the highest standard of treatment. He even promised to write a letter to suggest that Melissa transfer Part of the shares of zss was given to their father and son.

Old Vuitton raised his head and laughed, saying that he was willing to go to zss. What he valued was Princess Xianlu's design talent and zss' development prospects in the upper class. He didn't care about the amount of shares, just give it to George.

After hearing this, George couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly: I'm already the lord's retainer, so what's the difference between giving me shares and not giving them?

On the night of Christmas, the guests and hosts in the Vuitton Manor had a good time, five boxes of red wine were eaten, and countless delicacies were wiped out. A carriage has quietly driven out of the Vuitton Manor, set foot on the path, and ran towards the east.

The carriage was not big, and there were only four people sitting in it, Long Hao, Breeze, Gemma and Sherin Mir.

Breeze sat outside handling the horses, and inside, Long Hao's handsome face was slightly smoky, and he leaned against the wall of the carriage with his eyes closed and rested.

Sherin Mir was wearing a pink nightgown, showing her exquisite curves. In this outfit, she was obviously forcibly pulled out of the bed.Until now, her handsome face is still full of confusion, and there is even a little embarrassment in her eyes.

"Lord Earl, can you explain? What's the reason for such a hurry?" Sherin Mir pulled out a coat to cover her body, and asked Long Hao with angry eyes.

She was in a sweet dream, but Long Hao hugged her and threw her into the carriage. None of the attendants around her had brought her with her, if it wasn't for the good cooperation between the two parties before.She would think that Long Hao was kidnapping her!

"It's nothing, I just changed the itinerary suddenly, and it's too late to inform Her Highness the Princess." Long Hao said calmly with his eyes still closed.

"Why do you want to change the itinerary? Isn't it settled that after leaving France, the next stop is Germany?" Schellingmier asked in surprise.At this moment, she glanced at Gemma and found that her clothes were intact. Obviously, this 'sudden' was only aimed at her.

"Not Germany!"

Long Hao shook his head, his eyes suddenly opened: "We are going to cross Germany, go to Austria-Hungary, and then return to Switzerland!"

"Switzerland? Why!?"

Schellingmir became more and more surprised. It is understandable to skip Germany and go directly to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but why is the destination a tiny country like Switzerland?

"Hehe. It's not convenient for me to say this. If you must know, just ask Princess Gemma!" Long Hao folded his arms, closed his eyes again with a smile, and ignored Sherin Mir.

Sherin Mir was full of doubts, and gave Long Hao a resentful look, then moved to Gemma's side, and the two women looked at each other.Then he whispered and chirped.

According to Gemma, it happened like this.

From setting foot on French territory.Long Hao realized that he was being followed, and after his speech in Paris, more and more people were following him... So Long Hao deliberately stayed at the Vuitton Manor for more than ten days, and announced to the outside world that he would go to Germany after New Year's Day The news of the speech, and then took the opportunity of Christmas Eve to sneak out.Get rid of the other party's surveillance.

Someone stalking? !

Sherin Mir was very surprised, so he asked Gemma, what kind of power would this group of malicious stalkers be, and why would they follow their own group?

Gemma hesitated for a while, then told Sherin Mir her guess.

"General Singleton's man? Oh my God. How dare he act so recklessly in Egypt, not afraid of the Queen's punishment?" Sherin Mill screamed after hearing this.

"Well, my father was imprisoned by him, and now I guess..." Gemma lowered her head, tears dripping on the floor, "My wish now is to be able to pick up my younger brother safely, for Andril The family preserves a bloodline!"

Sherin Mir was not stupid, and immediately guessed: "Gemma, is your younger brother in...Switzerland?"

Gemma nodded: "He grew up in Basel, and was specially protected by someone arranged by my father. I asked the Earl to let the wind out, so that those people would mistakenly think that my brother is in the Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

Schellingmir understood, clapped his hands and said: "This is a clever plan. Everyone thought that the Earl's next stop was Germany, and I have never left the team, so the next destination must be the Austro-Hungarian Empire! Therefore , your brother 'hidden' in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, very reasonable!"

Long Hao lazily interjected at this time: "When it dawns, when they find that only you and I are missing, they will check the road ruts and find out where they are going, and they will be more determined in this idea."

(Outside the carriage, Breeze muttered: I am also human...)

The carriage drove fast all the way, and when it was dawn, it had already driven onto the main road, and then rushed into a town.

Long Hao disposed of the carriage in the town, bought four train tickets, and then set off for Strasbourg, the border between France and Germany, without stopping.

On New Year's Day in 1892, the four of Long Hao spent time in Strasbourg.

On January 1892, 1, Long Hao and his party briefly appeared in Munich.

On January 1892, 1, Long Hao and his party secretly wandered along the German-Austrian border.


On January 1892, 1, in Basel at the junction of France, Germany and Switzerland, a black four-wheeled carriage slowly stopped in front of a hotel, and four people stepped down from it one by one, wearing coats and high hats. They couldn't see their faces clearly.

Such attire is not eye-catching in Switzerland. The four unloaded their luggage from the car, carried it in their hands, and walked into the hotel without saying a word.

After closing the door, the four of them took off their hats, two men and two women, aren't they the four of Long Hao?

There was a young stubble on the corner of Long Hao's mouth, and he looked more mature. He smiled and said, "Thousands of difficulties, I finally arrived in Basel safely and got rid of the follower. Everyone's hard work in the past half month is worth it." It's worth it!"

Sherinmier's face was full of exhaustion. As the princess of Austria-Hungary, when had she suffered such hardship? She touched the dry skin on her face and complained mournfully: "Do you need to toss back and forth? According to me , as early as we entered Germany, those people who followed us were completely wiped out! Earl, you are lucky, but you have to change cars back and forth, going east for a while, and going south for a while, hey, I am confused even if I follow you all the time , Singleton's people must be even more confused!"

Breeze blinked and said: "As the saying goes, being careful can last ten thousand years. We worked hard, but we ensured the safety of Princess Gemma's brother! The young master's decision is a surefire plan!"

Gemma took off her bulky coat, revealing an increasingly voluptuous figure. She bowed deeply to Long Hao and the others, and said softly: "Thank you for working so hard on Gemma's affairs, Gemma Thank you so much! It's just that Gemma is now just a poor homeless person with nothing to repay and shame on her heart!"

"Princess, don't say that!"

Long Hao stepped forward, grabbed Gemma's catkin, lifted her up, and said solemnly: "You would rather give up your life to rescue your father and brother. The act is enough to move the heavens and the earth! We just did our best." Power, when it comes to shame, Long Hao is the most! As an earl and the lord of a country, he can't do anything for the princess, so he can only take you here in hiding, all the way here, hey..." (To be continued.)

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