Alchemy Greater China

【353】Benson is here

As I said before, Long Hao and Morgan and other super consortiums are destined to be enemies on two paths. If they don’t defeat each other, they will be swallowed by them. This is an either-or multiple-choice question, and Long Hao has no choice!

Today's Long Hao, although he is a strong individual and has become an alchemist, but if he wants to shake a super consortium like Morgan, he still needs to do it step by step.

While waiting for Fremantle and Benson's battleship fleet, Long Hao bombarded the three merchant ships, not to demonstrate some damn 'salvage', but to supplement his own gold resources.

The vengeance fleet came too fast, and the time since the last time the Zhenmo was used to crush five destroyers was too short, and Long Hao's gold source was not abundant.

Regardless of the fact that the "crashing battle" that could hardly be called a naval battle ended neatly and beautifully, Long Hao knew it by himself: the gold source he had finally found from various ore profiteers The energy count is no longer enough.

In order to fight against the six battleships that came so fiercely this time, Long Hao was not 1% sure at the beginning. Fortunately, the appearance of John Holland made it take Long Hao three days to make Qianlong- number [-].With this as a backing, Long Hao has the confidence to fight the biggest killer on the ocean in this era - the battleship.

If it weren't for the submarine, Long Hao would have retreated strategically long ago, and would have avoided it first.

But then again, the submarine is a weapon sequence that Long Hao had planned long ago, and without any preparation, he would not rashly destroy the five destroyers.

(It is undeniable that Long Hao's strong desire to upgrade to an alchemist and consume a large amount of gold energy is the main reason for that naval battle.)

The 'sequel' brought about by that 'reckless' naval battle is both risk and opportunity. If Long Hao grasps it well, he may be able to establish the Dragonscale Party's behind-the-scenes position in the western United States in advance.

at present.As dusk approached, the sky was overcast and children were being beaten, and they were still idle, so Long Hao sank these three merchant ships to replenish the gold source. -1 will also be able to do a job with ease.Increase your odds.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Long Hao sank two merchant ships with extremely barbaric bombardment, which has three meanings.

First, I trained the rookie sailors and artillery on the Zhenshi. Hehe, using the artillery of an ironclad battleship to sink an 'enemy ship' is an extremely rare experience in today's peaceful era.

The beginning of the ironclad war is generally believed to have originated from the Lissa naval battle in 1866, as for **.Everyone knows that the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War is our shame... That is to say, in 1892, naval battles between ironclad warships were still very rare.

Second, to scare chickens and monkeys. With the pen and words of reporters, Long Hao wants to let everyone know that cooperation with him is rewarding.And against yourself, then you have to sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

third.Long Hao wanted to 'eat' these three merchant ships to replenish the energy of Jinyuan, so it was not easy to do it in broad daylight, and the only way to swallow them was to sink them into the sea.

Otherwise, it would be a little hard to explain why a merchant ship with steel as its main body melted majestically on the sea surface...

so.Don't look at Long Hao standing on the bow of Zhenshi now, looking like a 'tyrant' who has nothing to do but admire the sinking merchant ship, but secretly, he summoned the dragon boat, surrounded the sinking merchant ship on the seabed, and used the construction Merchant ships of steel to feed themselves with gold.

a merchant ship.There is always a hundred tons of steel, enough for a dragon boat to swallow for a long time.

Although he is already a quasi-alchemist, unless the boy's skill is effective, the efficiency of Long Hao's absorption of gold resources is still very slow.Of course, this slowness is in quotation marks. Compared with the future alchemist, Long Hao's speed is quite passable!

However, wanting to make rapid progress, like after the silver gun is washed by the blood, the energy of Jinyuan can increase by several hundred in a few hours... It's really a dream.Therefore, when the dragon boat sneakily wrapped the sunken merchant ship, the other party's melting speed was not fast, probably only slowly accumulating Jinyuan energy for Long Hao at a rate of 5 quah per hour.Well, don't underestimate this mere 5 quarts. If there is no finished steel as a raw material, the efficiency of directly extracting free metal elements in seawater by dragon boats will be more than twice as low.

The poor merchant ship, just because Long Hao wanted to more than double the absorption speed, just to increase the energy value of less than 3 quah per hour, was bombarded and sank into the sea miserably.

Long Hao didn't care about this: Anyway, it's the enemy's ship, so if it's bombed, it'll be bombed. Are you still keeping them to earn wealth for those sea merchants, and then come back to embarrass me?

Long Hao's attitude towards the enemy has always been to kill them all and show no mercy. After seeing the second merchant ship completely disappearing on the sea, Chini Carbonella, who was quietly hiding in the crowd, , his eyes finally blurred for a while, and he let out a long breath: Earl Beihai, the enmity will be serious now, hey, this young oriental boy, doesn't he know what forbearance is, does he have to show his sharpness like this?

Although Mrs. Chinney was complaining in her heart, her body was burning uncontrollably: for many years, she had never experienced such a sense of security as today.She knew that the oriental boy in front of her, who only gave her a back view, treated the enemy with cruelty like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, but as his ally, he was as safe as lying beside a warm fireplace in winter...

As the sky darkened, the sun finally restrained its light, and dusk came completely.

Long Hao turned his head, his handsome face became even more mysterious in the intersection of light and dark, and Qi Ni's heart suddenly flickered: I thought I was going to die at the beginning, and it was the same color. The roll wraps up the American sailor) Death is gone!

"I don't think two merchant ships are enough to show my salvage skills, are you right? Mr. Dongdongke, Viscount Bendtner?" Long Hao raised his two thin lips and drew a graceful arc Line, said with a smile: "I think, a sunken ship is needed for demonstration."

Dong Dongke is the New York Times reporter who was sentenced to death in advance.

Viscount Bendtner is the owner of the only remaining merchant ship on the sea, a Danish nobleman.


Both Dongdongke and Bendtner had frosty faces, which carried forward their complexion.

Seeing the bombardment they had never seen before, Dongdongke and Bendtner were so frightened that they almost exploded.How dare he disobey the kind-hearted Earl of Beihai in the slightest?

Bendtner and the other three merchant ship owners were all 'invited' by the Dragonscale Navy to board the Zhenshi.

"Then you agree? Tsk tsk, Viscount Bendtner, you are an aristocrat. Stand firm and show your demeanor of the Danish upper class... Hey, if you want to blame, don't blame me, you can only blame this Dongdongke Sir, who made him insist on questioning my salvage technology for no reason, hey, see, that red flag has been swimming there all the time, about the statement that the submarine can’t sail after submerging. I think it’s time to stop the discussion ..." Long Hao laughed jokingly, while ridiculing, he still did not forget to give hatred to poor Dongdong Kola.

Seeing the resentment in Bendtner's mung bean's eyes from the corner of his eye, Dongdong Keda complained and regretted: Mamma Mia, if I had known that the Earl of Beihai was so reckless and would get revenge, I wouldn't be such a young bird, let me tell you.Is it easy for me to take $500 from the Morgan family!Not to mention that the money didn't arrive in the account, and now he has provoked a Danish nobleman with a low IQ...

"Same as before. Viscount Bendtner, you sign first!"

Long Hao waved his hand with a faint smile, and the soldiers of the Dragon Scale Army standing beside him brought paper and pens.It was a statement claiming to 'voluntarily provide the merchant ship to Long Hao for salvage experiments'. The two ship owners who had been smoked before signed it without exception after being smoked a few times.

You are a typical example of a bitch and a stone!

I bs you!

Dong Dong Ke was beside him and groaned indignantly.He secretly thought that the Earl of the North Sea was really tight-fisted in his work. Even when shelling a merchant ship, he had to use a contract to obtain the owner's consent.

Let's not talk about whether the statement signed under threat has legal effect, but at least Bendtner signed it, and it will be a big trouble in the future.


Under the threat of a rifle, Bendtner signed the statement, shaking his fat that is unique to nobles, and the sailor who was watching beside him waited for him to finish signing, and put the paper away impatiently , thump, thump, walked up to Long Hao, and handed it over, his eyes full of anticipation.

what to expect?

Of course it is the anticipation of shooting!

The two rounds of artillery just now stunned these sailors, and their bones were numb. Now, they are staring at the only remaining merchant ship on the sea, like a bald old soldier meeting a young daughter-in-law...

Long Hao scanned the statement and handed it to Yu Haosheng: "No problem, Captain Yu, the shelling can begin!"


Yu Haosheng's eyes were also bright, he took the statement, saluted, and ran to the artillery room excitedly.

Can shoot again!

From the captain to the gunner of the Zhenshi, everyone was trembling with excitement, and the long muzzle, under the desperate rotation of the rocking wheel, aimed at the merchant ship not far away impressively.

The Zhenshi is a cruiser purchased in the same batch as the scrapped Zhenmo, but its displacement and speed are both smaller than the flagship. Therefore, following the principle of “you get what you pay for,” the Zhenshi only costs 90 USD a boat.

Eight cruisers, with a total value of nearly ten million U.S. dollars, can be regarded as the largest "arms purchase" invested by the Dragon Scale Navy.Objectively speaking, Huaxia Town's "financial crisis" is more or less inseparable from this kind of militarism.

After the eight cruisers were incorporated, it may be that the investment in the early stage was too much. Therefore, during the training of the Dragon Scale Navy, the expensive subject of shooting guns was basically to shake the axle, adjust the focus, and the artillerymen held the model bullets on the fort. Just run a few rounds back and forth between the ammunition room.

Except for the flagship Zhenmo, which has actually fired a few times, none of the other seven cruisers have fired meat yet!

This is like masturbation, you have a target, and you wiped and stroked the gun barrel n times, but in the end you just don’t allow it to fire. Why don’t you let the sailors look hungry and dissatisfied?

It's better to be a young master, dear father and mother are not as good as dear young masters!It's the first time we follow the young master to act, and there will be two live targets for us to shoot immediately!These dragon-scale marines thought happily, so in the first two rounds of salvo, the artillery fire poured down as if the shells were free of money. Almost in the blink of an eye, the two merchant ships were turned into hornet's nests, and the hulls were flooded with water. not too fast.

"Reload, fire!"

On the side of Zhenshi, at least five artillery pieces are ready for final firing.

But at this moment, the horizon in the distance.A dark and formidable steel ship shadow was revealed...


As a native British, Freeman has the inherent arrogance and arrogance of the British, so now he has a cold face and is extremely dissatisfied with Benson's command.However, Fremantle, who has a sense of national superiority, did not put this dissatisfaction into words.He firmly adhered to the old-fashioned credo: I just lent the Yankee six battleships, and how he steered the fleet was none of my business.

Perhaps it was because of the cloud of gambling debts hovering over his head, except for the first time he left from the port of Seattle, Fremantle and Benson exchanged a few words, and then he sat alone in his cabin, not asking about the outside things, just It seems to be an outsider on loan.

Fremantle's negative mood also infected the British sailors, the Royal Navy who inherited Sir Nelson's glory.They sneered at the rookie behavior of the American sailors after boarding the ship. Although they all had some dollars from Benson, they never took the initiative to correct many mistakes of the American sailors.

Humph, do whatever you want, as long as we don't sink our battleship, it doesn't matter!Anyway, the operation of the six battleships will cost a lot of fuel consumption and so on.It was all borne by Benson.

British sailors should be a relaxed and happy holiday trip!

Thanks to the devolution of British sailors, these American sailors who had never been on a battleship before were like big children who got their long-cherished toy.In the first five days, I didn't do anything, and I was tossing around with these "Sea Battle King" battleships. The speed was amazing, and it didn't add up at all, which indirectly gave Long Hao a lot of time to prepare.

Benson's art of directing displeased Fremantle.Not only the slow speed, but also the distorted course.According to Fremantle, the six battleships that are still in the mainstream of the world are enough to crush that earl of the North Sea, so why bother with such twists and turns?This is simply killing chickens with a sledgehammer.It is obvious that it can be chopped to death with a single knife, but it still needs to be cut with several knives... Are you not afraid that you will cut yourself if you do not use the right technique?

Seattle to San Francisco is a straight line along the coast from north to south, but once the vengeance fleet crossed the 45° north latitude line, it turned westward under Benson's command, left the near coast, and plunged into the sea. Pacific Ocean.

At that time, Fremantle was a little bit annoyed by Benson's decision to turn around. He said that although he was the deputy commander of the British Far East Fleet, he still took a lot of risks in privately mobilizing six battleships. Don't you be quick, Benson Cutting the mess, sailing into the Pacific Ocean instead... Are you sure you are going to seek revenge, not the addiction of commanding a battleship?

Benson's answer is: The Earl of Beihai is very cunning. We will kill him directly. He may receive the news in advance and escape. In order to ensure that he is caught, we must adopt bottom-hunting tactics.

Benson's answer was absurd, and Fremantle knew it well. With a sullen face, he only said one sentence: "You take care of it, anyway, I only give you 20 days. You and your rookie sailors get off the ship! Hey, when the time comes, the gambling debts will be written off, Yankee, don't try to renege on your debts!"

80 U.S. dollars for 20 days, 4 U.S. dollars per day, less than 7 U.S. dollars on a battleship. Fremantle thinks it is very cheap for Benson.

20 days is enough!

Benson really wanted to command a battleship to enjoy himself. You must know that there is no battleship of over 5000 tons in service in the current U.S. Navy fleet. Little pigtails, don't use enough, how can it be worth the fare?

Ever since, Benson's 'Vengeance Fleet' made a big circle, took a little longer, emerged from the waters southwest of San Francisco, and completed the so-called 'bottom-hunting tactics'.

It has to be said that, as the top leader of the US Navy in the west, Benson's intelligence work is still in place. He knows that Long Hao's Kunpeng Shipyard is located in South Port of San Francisco.His bottom-hunting tactic is to go to Nangang first, catch the eight cruisers "stolen and stolen", and torture them for the whereabouts of his own five destroyers, and then blast them into the bottom of the sea to feed the fish .

However, Benson, who had a wishful thinking, was in vain. When he led the Gogol and other six battleships to the outskirts of the South Port of San Francisco, he was shocked to find that the port of the Kunpeng Shipyard was empty. Where were there any cruisers?There are even very few small freighters being built.

Benson naturally didn't know that the main force of the Longlin Navy led by Chen Bahu had gone to Baja California. While scratching his head, this new generation of American admiral was suddenly confused and a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Fremantle, who has been 'retiring', couldn't stand it any longer. With a cold face, he pointed out Benson, a rookie: "It doesn't matter if you can't find the target, as long as the Earl of Beihai is still in San Francisco! Benson, you Sending battleships to the commercial port of San Francisco, as long as the commercial port connecting San Francisco to the outside world is blocked, are you afraid that people from the city government will not come forward to solve it? At that time, if you press the mayor of San Francisco, are you afraid that you will not get the whereabouts of the Earl of the North Sea? "

Although I don't know much about Fremantle in San Francisco, this top-down method of finding people is common.You know, the Gogol and other six battleships are flying the American flag, and the reason why the navy is looking for the mayor's important person is quite good. (To be continued..)

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