Alchemy Greater China


Benson interrupted Fremantle very angrily, and his tone was extremely rude.

"Hehe, little Benson, you misunderstood, the little sampan I was talking about is right in front of you!"

Freeman didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "Listen, are there many cries for help around? Those are innocent civilians. As the highest commander of the US Navy, little Benson, don't you have the responsibility to save them? ?”

Panting for breath, Benson calmed down, only to realize that the 'small sampan' that Fremantle mentioned this time was really a small sampan... Beside the sinking Danish merchant ship, there were quite a few escape boats !

The escape boat was full of people, and it was on the verge of falling. When they saw the Gogol and other battleships approaching like giants, they all screamed for help, their voices were loud and shrill, like stray dogs Long lost family members were found.

That's right, these crew members who were forced to leave the merchant ship hated Long Hao to death. Now that Benson led six battleships to appear like a savior and chased Long Hao away, how can they not regard each other as their closest relatives? .

"Go around, what are we going to save? If we save them, we won't be able to catch up with the Earl of Beihai!" However, Benson's first reaction was to abandon these 'stray dogs' who regarded themselves as 'relatives'.

"Oh, little Benson, I'm so disappointed when you say that!" Fremantle narrowed his eyes and said, "We soldiers have an obligation to rescue innocent civilians. After all, it is the taxes they pay that feed us! Oh, you Do you think there is still hope of catching up with the Earl of Beihai? Why not rescue them, so that these crew members can testify against the evil bombardment!"

Go, yes!

Benson was reminded that these 'stray dogs' in distress were rare witnesses, so he slowed down the fleet and rescued these poor 'dogs'.

After being rescued and asked.When he learned that Long Hao bombarded and sank not one merchant ship but three, Benson couldn't help laughing wantonly: Wow, what a Earl of Beihai, you are so daring and reckless... With these witnesses , the ironclad evidence is like a mountain.I see how you still explain to the public?

After Benson rescued the crew, the four warships on Long Hao's side had also entered within 500 meters of the harbor, and they were about to dock in the port.

Such a result is also normal. Battleships are not good at speed. To put it bluntly, it is a mobile fort on the sea. If it is powerful enough, it will be done.

Pursue the enemy.It's... unprofessional!

At this moment, it was about 7 o'clock in the evening, and the night in San Francisco had fallen ahead of schedule. The entire commercial harbor was pitch-black, and it looked like it was shrouded in black fog and isolated from prying eyes.

Benson just watched Zhenshi and other four warships, hissed, and got into the 'black mist'.

"Stand up. Blockade the harbor!"

Benson thought about it and issued such an order to his fleet.

The reason for stopping the pursuit.Low water levels around the harbor were one reason, and dark skies were also a constraint.In current naval battles, night battles are rare, even those British sailors who have received overtime pay want them to fire at night.It is also extremely difficult.

There are many difficulties, such as not being able to see the target clearly, not being able to adjust the focus of the gun accurately, wasting shells, eye fatigue and sleepiness... these are all.

Therefore, blockade the harbor and seal the Earl of Beihai's ship in the harbor.It became Benson's only choice.

Hmph, there is a vast sea and sky outside, you don't want to go, but you want to escape back to the harbor, you deserve to be blocked by me, smack, catch a turtle in the urn!

Benson rubbed his chin, thinking proudly.

The six battleships including the Gogol spread out in a fan-like pattern along the 500-meter 'cordon' of the harbor, and aimed their thick gun barrels at all suspicious ships on the sea.

The semaphore also came out like raindrops: "The U.S. Navy is hunting for repeat offenders, tonight at the San Francisco commercial port, you are allowed to enter but not to exit!"

This is a net of heaven and earth, and the Zhenshi and other warships are absolutely not allowed to escape.

Not to mention that Benson's fleet was building an encirclement outside, after the Zhenshi got into the 'black mist', it didn't stop, but continued driving with ease, and finally docked at the pier.

The commercial port was completely dark, and there were no lights that were usually turned on in the aisle of the pier today!

Very weird.

At least, in the minds of those reporters who were 'driven off' from the Zhenshi, it was very weird and weird: Although we have never been to the commercial port at night, the situation in Heibu Longdong is still too unusual?It's like covering for the Earl of Beihai...

That's right, electric lights have been invented for a long time, and a big port like San Francisco's commercial port should never lack lights at night.

Doubtful, dozens of reporters set foot on the stable dock land, and felt at ease.

Can you be uneasy?

When they were on the Zhenshi just now, they were worried that the other party would bombard them!

Who is the opponent?Huge battleship formation!

Compared with the other party, the warship that the Earl of the North Sea flaunted was like a clown. It felt that if the other party just twisted his fingers, the Zhenshi would end up in the same fate as those three merchant ships!

It can be said that it is in the dark, and the retribution is not good!These reporters had such thoughts in their heads for no reason: let you be arrogant, let you openly sink other countries' merchant ships for some salvage experiment, and now, you have been caught!

Except for Wade and a few other reporters who really have a heart for Long Hao, everyone's shelling of Long Hao is actually still brooding.

I don't know if it was negligence, but Dongdongke also escaped from the Zhenshi while taking advantage of the chaos. He held his beating heart, and the first thing he did after getting off the ship was to find the transmitter on the shore.

Hmph, the Earl of Beihai is going to be in trouble!

He is blocked by the U.S. Navy and he is going to be tried for the crime of shelling foreign merchant ships for no reason!

As a reporter, I have to tell the world about his crimes!

Dongdongke successfully found the telegraph, crackled, and sent everything that happened at the commercial port to the eastern United States.

However, Dongdongke still kept an eye out, and did not add the fact that the US battleships such as the Gogol are battleships.

But Dongdongke has a heart, and other reporters are not guaranteed to have it, so six battleships blocked the commercial seaport.At [-] o'clock in the evening, it still turned into a 'tick-tick' signal, and it came out of San Francisco and flew to the east... It is estimated that by tomorrow morning, the focus of the whole United States will be concentrated on this place.

This is the disadvantage of not having wireless communication. How did Benson know that there were a group of reporters on Long Hao's boat.Even more unaware that as soon as he appeared on stage, many photos were taken.

Although these photos are blurry, as long as you can tell whether it is a battleship or a battleship flying the American flag, that is enough!

Benson was still proud of himself. It took him more than an hour to finally set up the formation of the 'net of heaven and earth', and then he ordered people to open the boat and sail towards the harbor: the semaphore has been playing for so long.The other party still didn't respond, it seems that real people are going to be sent to negotiate!

Benson couldn't believe it. He blocked the commercial seaport. How could he not alarm the San Francisco city government?

There were also some rescued crew members on the small boat. Benson wanted to use this as pressure to force the San Francisco government not to shelter the Earl of the North Sea. It would be best to drive his battleship out tonight.Or, put him at his own disposal.

Shelling of foreign merchant ships.Hehe, Earl, you have made a big mistake!

On the boat was Benson's confidant, Captain Kerim, who was eloquent and talented, and Benson assigned him to handle errands.There are only two words: rest assured.

The boat was released from the Gogol, and its lights, like a firefly, burst into the black mist.

On board, a merchant mariner's teeth were trembling.Trembling, he asked Kerim, "Sir, let's go in like this, the Earl of Beihai will...can fire!"

Kerim is a tall and handsome white man. He showed his white teeth and smiled confidently: "Don't worry, we are negotiating on behalf of the U.S. Navy. The other side would never dare to take the initiative to fire."

The crew of the merchant ship was still a little worried: "Yes, but the other party is the Earl of Beihai, he, he is simply a lunatic!"

Yes, aren't you a lunatic, dare to order shelling one after another to sink all three foreign merchant ships?

Captain Kerim didn't know much about Long Hao, and when he was refuted, he frowned imperceptibly, and said, "Dare he? There are six ironclad battleships behind us, more than ten large-caliber turrets. One door can blast the Earl of Beihai's small battleship to pieces! Don't worry, Captain Benson will always pay attention to us, as long as the Earl of Beihai dares to fire, the battleships behind us will entertain him with shells without hesitation!"

But... then we will die first!

The merchant crew member muttered, but he seemed to have sensed Kerim's displeasure, and his heart trembled, so he kept the words back in his stomach.

Under Kerim's 'willing to go his own way', the small boat sailed into the range of the commercial seaport without any hindrance, as if to verify what Kerim said, until it docked at the port, there was nothing discordant.

I don't know where Long Hao's warships are nestled, but they didn't even fart anyway...

For this reason, Kerim was even more complacent, thinking that he had grasped the context of the Earl of Beihai: the other party was afraid of the cliff, and now his mind was mostly thinking of peace.

In fact, Kerim was really wrong. After the small boat entered the range of the Zhenshi like a 'light', Yu Haosheng asked Long Hao for instructions: "Master, do you want to sink it?"

Long Hao shook his hand and said with a smile: "No, let it go to the shore. I want to see what kind of beautiful drama Benson can perform. I hope I won't be disappointed. I have prepared a lot of feasts for him... ..."

Of course, Long Hao would not prevent Kerim from landing, in fact, it was the opposite, Long Hao was eager for Kerim to come!

Only with good communication and the boiling of the situation, my "difficulty" in the San Francisco harbor will be magnified and known to the outside world...

Master Long didn't say a word, and Kerim led the people to the dark commercial pier without hindrance, but before Kerim sent people to find the city government personnel, he was shot and shorted by several people. surrounded.

"Excuse me, is your boat sent by that warship?"

"Excuse me, are you the U.S. Navy? Ah, your military uniform is indeed our navy uniform! But, how many of them are?"

"Excuse me, what is the purpose of your navy leading warships to San Francisco and blocking the port?"

These people held up their cameras and wanted to take pictures of Kerim and the others while asking questions.

Kerim was not offended, because one of the reporters was a very beautiful lady.The clothes on her were very nice. Of course, the scenery under the short skirt attracted Captain Kerim's attention even more.

"Which newspaper are you from?"

Kerim didn't feel disgusted.But on the surface, he still put on a serious look, and shouted: "This is a military secret, without authorization, I will not disclose it to you, you, you are not allowed to take pictures..."

Kerim scolded sharply.On the other hand, he posed in a standard military posture. He was confident that his very photogenic posture would definitely fascinate the beautiful female reporter in front of him.

"We're from the San Jose Mercury! My name is Louisa."

The beautiful reporter saw that Kerim was not really angry, so she moved closer, her neckline opened, revealing a lot of happiness: "Sir, our newspaper is a very neutral newspaper, and we can represent all citizens of the Federation. Citizens have the right to know. Therefore, I have the right to know the purpose of the navy's operation... What is the reason for your blockade of the port? Will it harm the interests of so many foreign merchant ships?"

"Miss Louisiana?"

Kerim rolled his eyes calmly, and said, "Although I really want to answer your request, the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Sorry, I can't tell you directly. At least not now... But I can tell you one thing, our naval warships blockade the commercial seaport. There are absolutely legitimate reasons, and it will definitely not harm the interests of foreign merchant ships anchored here."

"Then I would like to ask this sir..."

"Call me Kerim!"

The captain's voice became very gentle, not only that, but he also showed a gentlemanly smile that he thought was perfect.

Kerim was quite confident when he completed the captain's mission.Something will definitely happen with this beautiful and hot Miss Louisiana... Oh, her chest is so huge, buried in it, you will definitely be able to breathe the air of happiness!

"Okay. Officer Kerim, may I ask, you were specially sent by your superior, did you bring any news?" Louisiana asked persistently, but her smile became sweeter.

"Hehe, I came here on the orders of my superiors, and I did bring some news..." Kerim glanced at the ravine that was opening deeper and deeper. He was in a good mood, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit leaking.

Seeing that the 'beauty trick' seemed to be effective, Louisiana quickly struck while the iron was hot, and snuggled her delicate body up: "Then, can Mr. Kerim tell me the news first?"

Louisiana winked like silk and exhaled like blue, Kerim seemed to be captured all at once.

"Of course, of course I am willing to treat a beautiful and noble lady like you..." Kerim was about to continue, but suddenly stopped talking and looked around vigilantly: "Oh, there seem to be too many people around. I don’t want everyone to know about such a secret!”

It has been a long time since Kerim got off the boat, and it is not only the Courier that has been staring at this ostentatious boat. Other reporters, especially the reporters dispatched by the eastern major newspapers, have long since smelled the fish. Like a smelly fish, he surrounded him.

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps could not be fooled by Captain Kerim who had been in the army for many years.

As a veteran of the flower bushes, Kerim took advantage of this moment to 'sober up' just right, without showing any trace at all.At least, Louisiana, who is still inexperienced, didn't notice it. She just hated these colleagues for being ignorant: Damn it, it was only a little bit close, and my old lady was going to use her big breasts to get out the words of this little boy!

The footsteps became louder and denser. In the darkness, there seemed to be a black hole called 'Reporter's Gate', which continuously released a creature called 'Reporter' outward.

"Excuse me, sir, which department of the navy are you from?"

"Excuse me, do those six battleships really belong to the Federal Navy?"

"Excuse me, have you communicated with the San Francisco City Government about the authority to block the harbor?"

"Excuse me, if you block the harbor, are you going to bombard San Francisco?"

"Excuse me, will this be the beginning of a second national civil war?"

"Excuse me, where were your eyes scanning just now?"


Kerim stared dumbfounded at the reporters rushing out of the darkness like mice, his head suddenly grew bigger!

Yes, Kerim originally came here with the idea of ​​making this matter bigger. If the reporters didn’t find him, he would find a few reporters to witness his negotiations with the San Francisco city government... However, he Miscalculated the number of reporters in the harbor, and their enthusiasm.

God, what time is this, is the San Francisco harbor having a press party?God, how come there are so many reporters?There are more than 100 people?

And listen to their questions, as if they had witnessed our battleships with their own eyes!Now, it's a little difficult!

No wonder Kerim was a little panicked. In his original plan, it was normal to meet one or two reporters at such a late hour, but when he met so many enthusiastic reporters all at once, he vaguely felt that things were a bit out of line. control.

And, when they brought up the subject of the Second National Civil War, Kerim felt pretty bad already!

"Quiet, give me silence, this is a military secret, not something you reporters can ask!"

Krim yelled sternly, but still couldn't stop himself from being overwhelmed by the 'sea of ​​reporters'.

Perhaps Kerim's gentleness towards Louisa was seen by many caring people, so this group of more than [-] reporters was very crazy. They rushed forward, not only asking questions, but also keeping their hands idle. , groping on the tall and handsome Captain Kerim. (to be continued..)

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