Alchemy Greater China

[376] The European Call and the President's Decision

"Yes, I insist, I insist that you board the ship for investigation!"

"On what basis? Just based on the statement of an unidentified witness?"

"He is a surviving sailor in the navy. I have tested this, so Mr. Paul is not an unknown person, and his testimony is credible!"

"Then why didn't Benson come ashore?"

"On the shore, Paul can't ask the businessman who can testify that you sank five American warships to come forward, and you can easily escape!"

"Hehe, what a fair special investigation team! Even without investigation, I was found guilty. Have I been found to be related to the disappearance of those five warships?"

"It's not a question of whether to identify or not, because you board the ship, accept the investigation, and Benson retreat is the fastest way to solve this crisis!"

"Then, how can I ensure my safety? Once on Benson's boat, I can be at his mercy, and I have no ability to resist at all!"

"I will go on board with you. Here, I, Miller, promise to all reporters that no matter what heinous crimes the Earl of Beihai has committed, I will bring him back without a hair after the investigation. In the end, the Federation will The court judges him!"

"What if I refuse? Don't forget, I have an entire army of Spanish Viscount Savoy supporting me!"

"You can procrastinate, but it won't have any positive impact on the resolution of the matter! Because, I have mobilized the National Defense Army stationed in California. In the next five days, as long as I send out a telegram, at least [-] U.S. troops will enter San Francisco , Earl, you can try to fight it!"

"Yes, you will regret it!"

Speaking of this, both sides have already turned their cards up.Tit for tat, they almost slashed at each other with a machete!

The reporter next to him could hear the golden light in his eyes and the corners of his mouth drooling: "It's so exciting. Could it be that the US Army is going to start a war with Spanish mercenaries in San Francisco?"

The reporter is the type who longs for chaos, but the old Stevenson, the mayor of San Francisco, never wants the two sides to fight each other. Therefore, he quickly came out to mediate: "Don't be so angry. Sir Earl, can you Consider Rear Admiral Miller's opinion. When the time comes to board the ship, if you are not at ease, Congressman Stanford and I can accompany you and call reporters... Major Admiral Miller, don't force the Earl so blindly, after all, fire It was Benson who bombarded the harbor. Why don't you ask Captain Kerim to report back what happened here. How about asking Colonel Benson for his opinion? Maybe he will agree to come ashore? If so, everyone will be happy, lest Everyone is making such a fuss..."

Needless to say, old Stevenson's reconciliation played a certain role, the anger on both sides subsided, and Miller no longer mentioned the deployment of the army.And Long Hao also shut his mouth, no longer mentioning the matter of the expeditionary force supporting him.

At this time.Deputy Granger built a 'ladder' for both sides to have steps to descend. He stabbed Kerim, and Kerim agreed with a bitter face. He would go back and ask Benson for his opinion. Shore confrontation.Any comments.

At this point, the press conference in this private villa came to an end, the reporters dispersed, and Miller and Long Hao also returned to their respective rooms to rest.

There was a large audience, although the two sides had a heated argument just now.Almost fucked the other party's mother, but still can't really get to know each other in this villa.

One side is not daring, the other side is not wanting.

Okay, after the music is over, let's see Major General Miller first.

Needless to say, Kerim didn't even mention a single constructive suggestion, so he went back to ask Benson's meaning in desperation. After dismissing his colleagues who were not at ease, Granger frowned slightly, picked up his pen, Wrote a note asking Miller.

"Major General, how can we have the right to mobilize the federal army? Taking a step back, where is the [-] army near California that we can mobilize?"

It turned out that the mobilization of the army into San Francisco was all a bluff by Major General Miller.

Miller glanced at Granger with disdain, and thought: A deputy is a deputy, so honest and not flexible, how can he be a mediator?What is the essence of mediation?That's cheating left and right, hiding the truth, not threatening, will the Earl of Beihai give in?Didn't you see that when the mayor spoke to mediate, didn't he dare to mention anything about the Spanish expeditionary force?Hmph, he's just scared!

Major General Miller picked up his pen and wrote a reply on a note: "Send a telegram to the military headquarters, explaining the situation here, saying that I need a group of army support, whether it is really transferred, or feigned and other actions... In short, I want the military to issue a signal to the outside world, showing its full support for our special investigation team!"

Can the military agree?

With such doubts in mind, Granger still sent the telegram... No matter what, the status of their special investigation team is still aloof, and the communication tool of the telegram is not restricted and can still be used.

However, what was faster than Granger was the group of efficient reporters. They quickly sent the manuscripts that had been sorted out to the eastern part of the United States. At this time, the reactions of European countries were also sent back to the United States one by one.

On the afternoon of May 1892, 5, the White House received a call from the Queen of England.

Queen Victoria was shocked by the shelling crisis in San Francisco. She strongly stated that the Earl of the North Sea, as a member of the British royal family, must first ensure his personal safety in this shelling crisis. The British Atlantic Fleet is visiting New York!

Finally, as to the possibility that the six battleships in the bombardment crisis belonged to the Far East Fleet, Queen Victoria denied this. Over time, just one or two photos cannot accurately identify a warship!

The United Kingdom has the richest and most scientific experience in the world in identifying warships, and the United States does not need to ask how to judge them!

This call undoubtedly showed the Queen's attitude towards Long Hao's protection of the calf. On the sensitive issue of the "identities" of the six battleships, the Queen played Tai Chi push hands, which made President Harrison lead White House officials felt helpless.

"Are you going to protect the Earl of Beihai? Fuuk him, he caused us such a big trouble. Do you want us to protect him?"

President Harrison, who had disliked Long Hao since the Alaska statehood incident, growled unwillingly... I heard that in the evening, a large pile of smashed decorations were cleared out of the president's office.

But venting is venting, and the appearance of protecting Long Hao, the White House still has to show Queen Victoria, who will let Britain still be the hegemon of the world.Where's the boss on Earth?

Hehe, Uncle Sam, don’t think that you can ignore John Bull because you fought two wars between Britain and the United States. Do you still remember who put the fire in the White House?

At about the same time that President Harrison was aggrieved and went to his staff to discuss how to issue the 'protect Long Hao' order, calls from several other European countries also arrived one after another.

Call from France: Does the United States have battleships, too?Haha, I will buy it here in the future, it is more affordable than the one in the UK.

The Kaiser's call: pay close attention to the development of the situation.It is expected that the battleship of the Earl of the North Sea can break through, which will make a major contribution to the naval warfare textbook on how to break through the encirclement of the harbor.

Italy's Call: Did It Hurt Our Boaters?The U.S. government, you have to pay for the mental damage of our ship merchants!

Call from Spain: Our country has deep affection for the city of San Francisco. Here, our country is willing to negotiate with the United States. If you don’t want San Francisco, you can sell it to us.

Joseph I of Austria-Hungary: Get rid of that fleet quickly.Lao Tzu's granddaughter is in San Francisco, if she loses half a hair.The emperor will raise troops to kill the American continent!

and many more.

Calls from Europe made it a hectic day in the White House.

On the morning of May 5th, the streets of New York and Washington sold newspapers that published Paul's testification against Long Hao. Fund also listed on it.

The appearance of this newspaper not only made the people frantically rush to buy it, but also made the group of bigwigs in the White House feel like they had taken opium: their spirits were lifted!

aha?Has a witness come forward to testify against the Earl of Beihai?

Or a surviving sailor?Check, check for me, and do everything possible for me.We must prove the authenticity of this sailor's identity!

If you lack documents, create documents, and if you lack files, fill in files!

Tsk tsk, the Earl of Beihai is so bold, he dared to destroy five destroyers of our navy, and also killed more than 200 non-commissioned officers and sailors?

Wow, this is a murderous demon, he must be severely punished!He must be brought to justice!

Huh?He became so angry that he slapped Major General Miller unconscious?Knocked out half of Miller's teeth?

Ah ha ha ha, this is death!

He must have a guilty conscience. He beat up the generals of my army. We can convict him for this alone!

In this way, we also have an account of Queen Victoria!

The aristocrats break the law, and the same crime as the common people!

As for Long Hao's declaration of 'anti-racial discrimination', President Harrison chuckled and ignored it: This is because the Earl of Beihai is burning too much money and wants Congress to abolish the Chinese Exclusion Act?Want Congress to pass anti-racism legislation?And write racial discrimination into the federal code?Dreaming of you, are you the president or me, Harrison, the president?With me here, this declaration of yours is bullshit, and it will never become a reality!

In any case, the two press conferences held at the San Francisco Pier on May 5 gave hope to the bigwigs in the White House, a hope that the bombardment crisis can be resolved satisfactorily!

"Use all the resources for me, and the Earl of Beihai must be crucified on the 'murderer's chopping board' that killed five of our warships!" President Harrison made a final decision.


The chief of staff thought about it, and asked, "Isn't this right? Completely wipe out five destroyers, the Earl of Beihai has that kind of ability? President, even if the British Royal Navy came to do this, there is no way to do it without leaks. only one?"

Harrison sneered: "Nonsense, of course I know that the Earl of Beihai is most likely innocent, but so what? Go, invite the bosses of the major newspapers to drink coffee, I want them to portray the Earl of Beihai as a bishop There are even more powerful figures in the British Royal Navy, no, an executioner, a murderer, an enemy of mankind... Hehe, anyway, the origin of this crisis is those few newspapers that dare to report anything, and now they should be the ones to finish it It's time! The reputation of the federal government is stink, are they very honorable? Anyway, I think. To solve this crisis, using the Earl of Beihai as a heinous murderer is the most economical solution!"

The result of being stinky is just that you step down. What impact will it have on those newspaper bosses?

Of course, the chief of staff only dared to mutter this sentence in his stomach, and then followed Harrison's order to act.

Anyway.The chief of staff agreed with President Harrison's last words: To resolve this crisis as quickly and perfectly as possible, the best way is to use the Earl of Beihai as a scapegoat.

Just as the White House was trying hard to give Long Hao a bad name, Major General Miller's telegram was also sent to the military headquarters.

After reading Major General Miller's "request for help", the top leader of the military department waved his hand and sent an army division stationed on the US-Mexico border to San Francisco without any hesitation.

Although the number of this army division does not have the "hundred thousand people" that Miller boasted, there are more than ten thousand, and.This is an elite division that brings the old with the new and has been fighting at the forefront all year round. It can be said that the U.S. military has spent a lot of money this time, and it will support Major General Miller to the end!

It is not surprising that the military department made this decision, although Colonel Benson took the lead and borrowed a battleship from the British Far East Fleet to go to San Francisco to seek revenge, which caught the military department by surprise.It also caused the top leader of the military department to be criticized by President Harrison, but... the military is the most united place.Since they made a mistake, and it is not something that can be solved by apologizing, they will do everything possible to reverse the situation that is not good for them.

As for Benson, wait until this matter is over.Dispose of it internally...

Think about it too, if a country's army does not have the ability to turn black and white, and shrink back when encountering troubles, how can they be expected to defend the country, attack cities, and open up territories?

wrong.Also grit your teeth and fight hard, maybe the turning point will come soon?

Not to mention, this turning point seems to have really come... The military department is very satisfied with the news sent back by Major General Miller, regardless of the credibility of Paul's words, but after some investigation, Paul's His identity has been confirmed 100%, and he is one of the more than 200 sailors reported missing.

Well, now that we have this opportunity, and the military department has learned about the attitude of the White House from the side, then, if we don’t cooperate, we will try our best to force the Earl of Beihai into Benson’s ship, and make a 'surrender', then, that is too sorry. Frontline soldiers' created this great opportunity.

Therefore, the U.S. Department of Defense not only approved an elite division, but also issued orders one after another, requiring all the National Defense Army near California to stand by. If the situation changes, there is no need to report, as long as they follow Major General Miller's dispatch.

Now, the military department bet on the treasure and handed over a very heavy "Shangfang Sword" to Major General Miller.

Okay, let's put aside the various schemes against Long Hao that are being brewed by the high-level officials in Washington. Let's draw our attention back to San Francisco. This is the main battlefield to solve the problem. Appearing undoubtedly put enormous pressure on Long Hao's side.

Long Hao, will you board Benson's ship?

Deng?Leaving aside Young Master Long's own safety, at least the heinous crime of sinking five U.S. warships and killing more than 200 U.S. sailors was held on his head and he couldn't escape.

Because, Paul said in public, there will be merchants who will testify against Long Hao at that time... In fact, anyone who has a long-term mind knows that when boarding Benson's ship, the "merchant" does not need to appear at all, as long as he releases a sentence afterwards Say: "The businessman has provided definite evidence to prove that Long Hao is guilty. In order to protect the safety of this businessman, the military department is inconvenient to announce his name." That's it.

In that way, Long Hao's charges will be indisputable, and the Nanshan Iron Case will be settled!

No board?

It doesn't seem to work, because the threat from Major General Miller is still in my ears. If the army of [-] is really transferred, San Francisco has no way to resist it.

Therefore, in a dilemma, Old Stevenson, Leland Stanford and others all had sad expressions on their faces, and even Chini Caponera, who was at the side, also had a sad expression on his face, rubbing his hands, hesitating to speak.

She always wanted to find an opportunity to explain to Long Hao that she didn't know about Paul's appearance, and she was very willing to cooperate with Long Hao to find that "insider traitor" who was cheating on others. However, since Paul appeared until now, she has never found a relationship with Long Hao A chance to be alone.

No, now that old Stevenson and Leland Stanford are here, she can't go up and tell the truth. If so, doesn't it mean that Long Hao has indeed sunk five warships?

Faced with everyone's anxiety, Long Hao was not worried at all, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Don't worry, the situation is still under my control. Now, there are a few things to do, and I need your help!"

Still in control?

Earl, you are about to board Benson's battleship with a gun pointed to the back of your head!

How can you still laugh?

Leland Stanford's eyeballs bulged, and he held his stomach and said nothing, but he had made up his mind in his heart: If Long Hao had to go to Benson's place, then he, Leland Stanford, would risk his life. Go with him, anyway, my life was recreated by Long Hao, and in recent days, Jane seems to be pregnant with flesh and blood... (to be continued...)

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