Alchemy Greater China

【383】Heroes gather at the consulate

The team leader said cynicism and categorization, but the team members next to him still couldn't bear it: "Hey, but no matter what, there are many children there, what do children know, if they are affected..."

"Yo, you boy is still a bit soft-hearted like a girl!"

The group leader chuckled: "Don't forget what the young master said, this is a troubled world, a time of crisis in China! In troubled times, human life is worthless! Imagine that in our Huaxia Town, everyone has food and lives are not threatened. , It’s impossible to do it without paying! Hmph, why do their parents never agree with us in their heads, and don’t really talk to us? Those children, if they want to blame, they have to blame why they were reborn in such a family in this life!”

"Yes, but..."

That team member was still young, and he was a young boy from Huaxia Town. Although he felt that what the team leader said made sense, he still couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

"Okay, don't piss on me!"

The team leader drank a few words, and then sighed helplessly: "Don't worry, the young master is not such a heartless person. To tell you the truth, Gao Tuan took ten teams to Chinatown to ambush in advance. Don't stop us from robbing us, but if we want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, our sharpshooter team is not a vegetarian... Got it? Do it, don't wipe my tears away if you get it, shit, what kind of reserve team members did I bring here! , Tear off your pants, let me see if you guys are pretending to be girls..."

Skipping aside the conversations between these SS spies, at 6 minutes to 2 am on June 10, the coalition forces had already arrived in Chinatown.

At this time, there were very few pedestrians on the streets of Chinatown, but there was no way to cover up the chaos in one direction.

Fremantle glanced at it, turned his head and asked, "Where is that place? It seems that people are gathering there? Could it be... the place where the big gold bricks are placed?"

Paul, who is proficient in the geography of San Francisco, was taken aback, and quickly took out a map from his pocket.Patted on the yellow mud floor and unfolded, then lay on top of it, pouted and turned left and right, and then straightened up after a while, and replied uncertainly: "In my opinion, if there is no accident there, it should be The Qing Consulate."

Chinatown.In front of the Qing Consulate.

Since the opening of the museum, the entrance of this courtyard has never been so lively. When the joint army of Fremantle and Miller arrived, there were still heads besides human heads.

There are braided heads, shiny bald heads, women's heads with hairpins, and children's heads with dangling hair. Most of them are yellow-skinned and black-haired Chinese.They were like a sea of ​​clothes, blocking the entrance of the Qing Consulate.

The streets in Chinatown are not wide, so the watertightness is really airtight. The arcades on both sides are full of people, chattering and pointing, as if there is a very good show in front of them, which is worth moving the small stools , Pick up the melon seeds, and make a point of comment... Well, Fremantle has been to East Asia.I also set foot on that vast and long-standing land, in a trance.It seems as if we have seen each other before: right in front of the resplendent imperial palace, the bustling Caishikou is bustling with people surrounded by people, giggling and laughing, as if seeing the heads of compatriots falling on the ground is a rarity during Chinese New Year.Enough to be used as a ten-day conversation.

The old man Fremantle shook his head, shook off the distraction that should not have appeared on him, and said to Miller: "This is it, but it seems that those profiteers seem to have taken the lead."

Miller smiled dismissively.Looking back to review his subordinate 'Hu Ben', he stretched out his five fingers and said: "This is federal territory. On behalf of the military department, I have full power to dominate the affairs of San Francisco. What kind of trouble can these profiteers make? Since there are so many people, it means that the big gold brick It’s not gone yet, everything is under control!”

Freemante was deeply impressed, so he smiled and said, "That's right, let's go in then!"

To push away the Chinese who are watching the excitement, shouting is useless, you have to use a gun to intimidate. An arrogant British sailor took out his gun and fired three shots into the sky. He missed the frightened bird, but almost hit the arcade. People and birds who enjoy flowers and scenery...

The gunshots alarmed the crowd. After a burst of panic, cursing, shoving and squeezing, the crowd slowly moved aside, finally allowing Fremantle and Miller to see the gate of the consulate.

In front of the gate of the consulate, there is an arc-shaped open space. A row of men with guns on their backs maintains this open space, keeping the Chinese watching the bustle outside and not allowing them to enter the gate.

Needless to say, these villains are the leaders of the parade—that is, the 'accomplices' of the profiteers. They have all kinds of weapons in their hands. Of course, their skin colors and races also cover everything that one expects to find.

A large part of them are yellow-skinned and black-haired Chinese men. They are all the confidantes of Hong Zaigen's arrangement for the parade. Among them, few have guns, and most of them are holding wooden sticks and iron sticks, waving them fiercely at the villagers. He said: "Stand back, Mr. Yang is doing business, you rushed up, aren't you courting death?"

"Don't be Master Long, Master Long. I saw that he is a coward. He didn't show up at all today. Hey, in front of Mr. Yang, even if he is an earl, he is also an earl with a shrinking head!"

"The big gold brick belongs to the foreign masters, you have no share, so what if you look at it, be careful to be implicated and arrested as an accomplice!"


These accomplices may not have other skills, but they are good at intimidating the neighbors. Many curious children were frightened by the big sticks in their hands. With their noses in their hands, they whimpered and went back to find their parents. also.

On the contrary, some older neighbors who are accustomed to the world are not idle, and they talk to those confidantes without showing weakness: "Xiao Liu, you have no conscience. Last time your old mother passed away, didn't you donate it to me by Master Long?" 50 yuan? Forgot all?"

"Xiao Chongzi, isn't your second brother working at the dock? He gets one dollar a day, which is fine now, but you, the youngest brother, came here to oppose Master Long, huh huh, is this going to ruin your brother's job?" ?”

"One mouthful, one foreigner. You guys, you guys have been together since childhood. Now that you have joined the Hongmen, are your bones getting weaker?"

"You learn to parade, have you ever obtained the consent of Mr. Hong and Mr. Fang? Don't be used as a knife, smash the blade, and regret it!"


For a while, there was chatter at the gate of the Qing Consulate, which never stopped, which made the non-Chinese villains who helped prevent the Chinese from entering the courtyard have black lines: Hey, you are helping to block people.Or take the opportunity to chat about homework?

The gunshots from the coalition army helped these villains out of trouble. They cheered up, raised their rifles, and aimed at the aisle that Huo Ran gave up.

"Who, who's here? Stop and sign up. Otherwise, you'll be shot!" The leading white man among the villains screamed.

"Hmph, don't you even know me?"

Major General Miller was covering the gauze, walking in the front with unfriendly eyes, and behind him, the British soldiers were all holding guns and stepping on leather boots, acting like conscientious dogs.

"Ah, so it's the general! Back off, everyone back off!" The villains recognized the person coming, and hurriedly retracted their guns. Hong Zaigen's henchmen who were waving sticks were even more frightened. He tucked his tail and shrank back obediently.

Major General Miller is the 'core' that this group of people relies on now, and they cannot be offended, and the masters of the villains are not around now.Give them the courage to fight against this representative of the military department!

They are just weird.Where did this polished commander get so many soldiers?

Could it be that division 338e arrived early?

Doubts are doubts, these villains respectfully moved out of the way, allowing Miller and his party to pass.

It's nice to have military power!

Major General Miller was in a good mood, and he found the white man who looked like the leader among the villains and asked, "Didn't you go to the parade? Why are you all gathered here? What's in the yard, where is your employer?"

Miller asked this knowingly.However, the person who answered was not of high rank, so he didn't dare to play tricks, so he replied honestly: "General, there is a big gold brick placed by the Earl of Beihai! All the adults are inside to discuss how to deal with this gold brick. "

"Hmph. Then let's go in!"

After confirming that the gold bricks were still there, Major General Miller waved his hand and led Fremantle and a large group of people past the flattering villains and strode into the gate of the consulate.

Before going in, Miller had some leisure to say: "The pair of stone lions at the door are quite spirited. Unfortunately, it is a felony for the people inside to have an affair with the Earl of Beihai, and they will be taken away sooner or later..."

Major General Miller walked into the gate of the courtyard with the feeling that the universe was fixed, but when he entered the courtyard, the mood disappeared: I, I go, why are there so many people in the courtyard?Is there a tea party?It's not the same as I expected!

Yes, there are a lot of people in the yard. In terms of density, I’m afraid it’s no less than the residents of Chinatown watching the excitement outside. Looking at it at first glance, there are not only the profiteers and consulate officials that Miller expected, but also a large group of people who were not expected. The reporter, holding a camera that gave him a headache, was shooting wildly at the big gold brick in the middle of the courtyard!

When Master Miller saw this, he had the urge to scold his mother: These reporters are haunted, and their shadows can be found everywhere. If these photos about gold bricks are leaked outside, it will be troublesome one by one, and they must be returned. To share some benefits with others...

However, the reporter was not the most troublesome thing. Major General Miller was pushed by Paul behind him, and then he saw a circle of expeditionary troops with live ammunition standing beside the big gold brick, and a circle of yellow lines separated the big gold brick from the surrounding area. The 'audience' separated.

Paul leaned over his head and suggested: "Major General, look around the yellow line, there are traces of intensive bullets, and there are bloodstains on the ground. There may be a fierce battle here..."

Before Miller could answer, Fremantle also came up with his hands behind his back, and snarled upwards: "Look, on the second floor, if I'm not old and dizzy, it should be a heavy machine gun! This is troublesome, the expeditionary force has deployed heavy weapons, It seems that we are trying our best to protect this big gold brick."

Major General Miller raised his head, swept to the thick gun barrel on the second floor and the looming shooter behind him, nodded and said: "No surprise, now I feel relieved, if the Earl of Beihai doesn't take any protective measures, the big gold will be taken away." Throwing bricks here, I would rather worry that this is a trap!"

Before Miller and the others came in, the yard seemed to be in a delicate balance, but Miller's appearance obviously broke this balance at once.No, the three Millers had just finished whispering to each other when Ou Yangming came up to him, the smile on his face was so stiff that it was uglier than crying.

How many people is this?

While mechanically raising his hands to greet him, Ou Yangming thought in his heart: Damn Long Yujie, you did a good job, a gold brick, attracted so many wolves!And the most hateful thing is that you, the instigator, haven't shown up yet, damn it.Leave the mess to me?I, I am a consul of the imperial court stationed overseas, all the people standing here are uncles, can I, can I handle me?

The story begins with the first conflict an hour ago. The first group of people who came was a parade formed by those profiteers. They did not believe in evil and sent thugs to cross the yellow line.I want to rely on the large number of people to remove the big gold brick from under the noses of a squad of expeditionary troops!

The reason they gave was very high-sounding, because they were creditors, and they lost the freighter and warehouse. Of course, they had to take big gold bricks as guarantee in case Long Hao broke his promise and did not honor the compensation.

As a result, needless to say, the Maxim heavy machine gun on the second floor opened fire, and there was a rattling sound, and three thugs on the profiteer's side were suddenly killed on the spot.And the rest were also scared to pee, and crawled back like shit: My god, there is such a big killer upstairs, with the few guns we have in hand, no matter how reckless we are, we will die!

Fortunately, the expeditionary army kept their hands, and Maxim stopped shooting after only a small killing ring. As long as the profiteers and the others stopped crossing the yellow warning line, they would not continue to chase and kill.

The profiteers sat on the wax.While hesitating, several groups of people came from behind.

One group of people is the Maritime Alliance represented by Chini Carbonella.They absolutely support Long Hao, and they also have 'illegal armed forces'. Although their numbers are small, they cannot be ignored.

A group of people is a 'substitute' sent by Long Hao, a Chinese who claims to be surnamed Long, and he is accompanied by several guards.He said he was here on behalf of the Earl of Beihai to check whether the big gold brick was safely on display. His guards, all with bright eyes, muscular bodies, and walking like tigers and dragons, looked like they could fight ten against one.

Ouyang Ming vaguely recognized this person.According to the registration number, it is called Long Ganruo.

One group of people was Chief Stevenson Jr. He brought more than a dozen policemen, also in the name of protecting the big gold brick, to visit.

The last wave was this group of seemingly unscrupulous reporters. They didn't care that almost everyone in the yard was armed with guns, had opposing positions, and there was a big killer like Maxim on their heads... Once they got permission to enter the yard, they went Grabbing the dead bodies on the ground and shooting wildly, the bloodthirsty expressions on the faces will make people mistakenly think that they murdered these people with their cameras.

The arrival of the above-mentioned groups of people made the situation suddenly tilted in a direction that was beneficial to the preservation of the big gold bricks.

Because, although the people who came here are still unable to compare with the huge private armed forces of the profiteers, but with pens and gun barrels on the second floor, these profiteers have become less likely to directly snatch the big gold bricks by force. Realistic.

Fortunately, there are no such heavyweights as Long Hao, Old Stevenson, and Leland Stanford among the characters who appeared in these groups. After they came, they did not forcefully drive away those profiteers. This big gold brick seems to take this as a sincerity, so that these profiteers will dispel the idea of ​​protesting against Long Hao, and earnestly persuade them not to be deceived by people with good intentions, and to follow others to stand against the mistakes of Long Hao and the city government stand up...

The businessman listened to the persuasion, but only sneered in his heart, mocking the naivety of these groups of people, but since the other party had no intention of chasing customers, they were happy to make excuses, talking and looking at the token The big gold brick that people are coveting, is figuring out the alternative plan.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the situation seemed to change: Look, didn't Major General Miller come with his troops?

Although he was puzzled as to why Miller suddenly had soldiers, the dealer would not be so stupid as to offend this powerful figure with dual fire support at sea and land.

At this moment, several profiteer leaders came over laughing, interposed forcefully between Ouyang Ming and Major General Miller, and introduced: "This is the chief representative sent by the White House and the military department, the leader of the special investigation team, General Miller This is the Consul General of the Qing Dynasty in San Francisco, Mr. Ouyangming Ouyang! The gold bricks of the Earl of Beihai were placed in the consulate early in the morning. It can be said that Consul Ouyang and the Earl of Beihai have a very close relationship..."

The introductions made by the profiteers can be described as heartbreaking, and they put the consulate in the "Earl's camp" in one sentence. Hearing this, Ou Yangming's neck was flushed with anxiety, and he was about to defend himself, but Major General Miller didn't even look at him. Instead, they waved to the leaders of the profiteers, and a group of people took a step away to discuss in broad daylight.

There were British sailors with big arms and round waists blocking them outside. Ouyang Ming couldn't get in, and neither could the curious reporters. He could only shoot wildly outside, screaming in his heart: Even Major General Miller appeared, it seems that there will be another good show today It's staged, do we want to repeat yesterday's murder?Tsk tsk, so looking forward to, so excited...


Major General Miller glanced at these profiteers, and said coldly: "Say, do you want this gold brick?"

Everyone is a sensible person, and there is no need to be devious when speaking. When the leaders of the profiteers heard it, they immediately understood what Miller meant, and quickly replied: "Of course I want to, but since the general is here, of course the general is in charge! We don't ask too much. , as long as you get back the losses in the port."

There is a difference between having military power and not having military power!

A group of bastards who play with the wind!

Major General Miller scolded in his stomach, and then said: "Give me command of the people you can use, and I have a way to move this big gold brick, so that the earl of Beihai will be hurt to death! Afterwards, you will also Can share more."

"The general has a solution?"

Several profiteer leaders wondered: "The general has seen the heavy machine gun on the second floor? The opponent's defense force is more than the people in the yard!" (To be continued...)

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