Alchemy Greater China

【396】Torpedo found

"What is that? Such a splash looks like a torpedo!"

"So small? How can there be a torpedo so small? Besides, where did the torpedo launch from? Don't tell me it's that small cruiser!"

"Oh, maybe I'm dazzled, woohoo, the ship is over, are we going to die?"


"It's a torpedo, it must be a new type of torpedo! I want to report to the captain!"

"I feel like that too, hurry up and mobilize the machine gunners, strafing into the sea, and stop that torpedo! Oh, it's too late, it's too fucking fast, ****!"


The speed of the LT torpedo was too fast, estimated to have exceeded 20 knots. Before the people on the Dadurban could react, they had already hit the lower edge of the hull. There was a violent explosion, not only the Dadurban The crew of Shishi heard it, and even the surrounding sea area of ​​300 meters could hear the rumbling sound like thunder!

The huge explosion occurred less than 5 meters below the water surface. It really deserves the name of a light tsunami. Amidst the thunderous sound, a column of water rose into the sky, like a sweet whale exhaling, spraying high into the sky, turning into a side The heavy rain drenched the Dadeban icy cold. [

Also cold is Fremantle. The Gogol is less than 500 meters behind the Dadeban. This veteran general of the British Navy clutches his heart and collapses on the railing of the ship like a dying fish. Breath: "It's sinking, it's sinking, the Dadeban is sinking too, God, what the hell is going on!?"

The violent movement caused by the third LT torpedo just now, logically speaking, the Gogol should also have seen and heard about it, but I don’t know if God bless Long Hao, the angle of the Gogol at this moment is just caught by the hull of the Dadeban-style ship. blocked.Therefore, Fremantle, Benson, and all the officers did not see the torpedo trajectory that cut through the waves and was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious!

They just learned from the water column soaring into the sky that the Dadeban was really about to die, and it was such an abnormal water column.It also seemed to further confirm that it was some kind of unknown marine creature doing the trick...

Therefore, after the Dadeban-style company hit three torpedoes, the four battleships behind it, including the Gogol, still hadn't figured out what it was that sank their two companion ships.

The third lt torpedo was indeed lucky. Although it exposed its figure, it also blasted into the core area of ​​the Dadeban: the water tube boiler room!

The steam utilization rate of the water tube boiler is much higher than that of the traditional fire tube boiler, which also causes the temperature of the boiler room to be much higher than that of the general boiler room.When the lt torpedo broke in, the high temperature met the high temperature, and immediately caused an extremely violent whirlpool explosion!

Here the boiler pipes, stacked with coal, were blasted and immediately caught fire, though the flames were quickly swallowed up by the pouring sea water.But the smoke that came out leaked out of the boiler room and spread to the Dudban-style cabin!

But after a while, many sailors suffocated and fell to the ground because they were caught off guard by inhaling thick smoke.

After the attack of the three LT torpedoes, three large holes were left to continuously enter the water, and the sinking of the Dadeban has become a doomed ending!

When the judge saw this, he was afraid to question: This is a battleship, this is a battleship famous for its thick armor.Why is it too unconvincing to smash a hole in front of the torpedo like paper?

Yes, both the Ludehuan and the Dadeban are first-class ironclad battleships. Although the armor on the ship is not top-notch in this era, it is not something that ordinary torpedoes can penetrate.

But everyone, don't forget, what kind of torpedo is Qianlong-1 using?

That is a new type of torpedo that encapsulates LT! !

LT was originally an explosive used by humans to fight in the depths of the ocean 400 years later. Once it explodes, its power will blow through the armor of a battleship that was not considered top-notch in the 19th century. There should be nothing surprising!

You can say that.It can't be blamed that the armor of these two battleships is not strong enough, it can only be said that they were out of luck and met Long Hao, an alchemist who can configure future explosive reagents. [

The three holes in the body were pierced by people, and the waves and water flowed across it. The Dadeban seems to be sinking faster than the Lude Huan.The hundreds of crew members on the ship were like mourners, those robbing the ship, beckoning for help to the four warships including the Gogol, and taking advantage of the chaos to avenge their personal revenge. There was chaos...but there was not a single one of them. People thought of manipulating the artillery and firing at the unknown creatures under the sea.

In the face of unknown dangers, the fear that humans sometimes show is surprisingly large and contagious.

In less than 10 minutes, two giant battleships that looked like enemies sank slowly in front of their eyes, and the crew on them seemed like the end of the world, showing their cowardice, ability and ugliness to others. In the eyes of the crew of the Stone, there were three shooting incidents caused by snatching lifeboats.

"Foreigners are not so noble, snatching the boat and shooting at their companions!"

"Come on, they have never been noble. The young master taught us that the nobility of white people is wrapped up in their bloody money. In this life and death situation, if money doesn't work, you can see their true nature 'It's gone!"

"Hmph, if you become a navy, you must have the consciousness of being buried in the sea. This kind of brother-in-law will never happen in our Dragonscale Army!"

"That is, if the ship sinks later, Chen Ergou, you must break the rear..."

"Grass, Hong Xuanji, I'll break your back first!"

The Dragon Scale Navy who was watching the show on the Zhenshi had a discussion, full of affectionate ridicule and good-natured jokes, but they were a little bit wrong about their opponents.

If the opponent was a purely British navy, or a purely American sailor, this kind of incident of drawing guns and seizing a ship from a colleague might not happen, but unfortunately, both the Rude Huan and the Dadeban are a mixture of the British and American navies. , Two soldiers from different countries, originally a combination of interests, each with their own ulterior motives, at this moment, a catastrophe is imminent, in order to gain a chance, it is good to draw a gun, no one thinks of using the rapid-fire cannon on the ship to "chaos" Hung Kuang Sweep is considered lucky.

In addition, it must also be considered that Captain Noampton of the Dadeban-style ship has unfortunately fallen into a "coma", and he is even more unable to restrain his subordinates.

However, God didn't want to let Captain Northampton go through the last journey of his life in such a "coma" state, only to hear a 'bang', and the door of the captain's room was knocked open.A junior American military officer stumbled in.

He staggered not because of his injuries, but because the Dadeban-style ship was now like a melting iceberg, and the altitude continued to drop, causing the hull to be very unstable. After the junior officer rushed in.He was almost pierced by a compass flying out of the table.

The captain's room was in a mess. More than five officers fainted in various ways, and among them, Noampton had the highest position and the most bizarre injury.

The junior officer found Northampton, turned it over and grabbed the pencil.When I pulled it hard, blood spattered immediately, and because of the excessive force and the brittleness of the pen holder, some sawdust and graphite slag from the pen holder remained in the mouth of Lieutenant Colonel Noampton, which hurt the captain. Woke up on the spot.

"Fuck, Gulu Gulu..."

Noampton woke up and swore.But at this moment, his mouth was full of blood foam and graphite, and when he opened his mouth, blood surged, and the pain made him almost faint again.

"Captain, we're hit, we're lost! The Dudban is lost!"

This low-level military officer probably had the skills of an old military doctor. Seeing that Noampton was about to faint, he quickly pinched him.In two seconds, blood was pinched out, and Noampton was so painful that he regained his spirits.

"Shen, Gulu, impossible, Gulu Gulu..."

Noampton, who was tortured by such pain, opened his eyes wide, filled with disbelief: Is the Dadeban going to sink?Impossible, me, have I been out for too long?Are the rest of you trash?Even without the McLaren gun, there are so many other guns.Don't you know how to fight back?

But it's a pity that Noampton can't say a whole sentence now.

"Captain, listen to me, we are indeed hit!"

The grassroots officer thought very clearly, and said: "It's a torpedo. A total of three torpedoes hit us, and the Dadeban is doomed. Now, what we have to do is to pass this precious news on to the people behind. The battleship knows that the Earl of Beihai must have used some method unknown to us to launch a torpedo at us!"

torpedo? !

How could it be a torpedo! ?

How could my Dadeban be sunk by three torpedoes?

Noampton was in a dream, if it wasn't for the pain in his mouth, he would have jumped up and slapped the low-level officer across the face to see if he was hallucinating.

"Captain, please take out the code book, I'll go out to play the semaphore!" The junior officer shook Noampton, expressing his original purpose.

It turns out that every time the fleet travels, it will be equipped with a communication semaphore code book, which is usually mastered by the captains of each ship. When the ships need to communicate with each other, the semaphore hand will type out the designated encrypted semaphore.

But now the Dadurban is in chaos, and the semaphore is missing, so the junior officer who discovered the lt torpedo phantom ran to Captain Northampton to ask for the codebook regardless of his own escape.

From this point of view, this low-level American officer is a very conscientious and qualified navy. He would rather die than warn his friendly ships!

It seems to be true, my life is coming to an end, woohoo, whoring money will never come back!cheap that bird...

Captain Northampton's eyes were filled with ashes, and now he believed that he was not dreaming, what the junior officer on the opposite side said was true, that the Dadeban was really doomed, and he was living in the big nightmare of reality middle.

"Captain, code book, hurry up, it's too late!"

The situation was urgent, the junior officer grabbed Noampton and shook it for a while, a lot of blood foam mixed with graphite poured down the poor captain's throat, almost choking Captain Noampton to death.

"Gollum, Gollum..."

Noampton rolled up his bloodshot eyes and pointed. The junior officer looked along. It was a small drawer, and the code book should be in the drawer.

The junior officer stood up, quickly opened the drawer, pulled out the code book, and ran out while flipping through it, leaving Noampton's body clattering to the ground, and with a puff, a piece of glass knife was "inserted" into him. vest...

Despite the devotion of this grassroots officer, the timing of sending out the flag was still a step late. On the Zhenshi, the golden battle flag shifted again at an angle. This time, the chosen target was the Pushkin!

This is a giant battleship of the same model as the flagship Gogol, with a displacement of 8300 tons!

Sensing the turning of the golden battle flag, Long Hao in Qianlong-1 was also unambiguous, and his tongue was flipping.He continued to give the order to quickly adjust the muzzle of the torpedo tube, aiming at the Pushkin from a distance. This time, he prepared four LT torpedoes.After launching, if the golden battle flag on the Zhenshi remains unchanged within 5 minutes, then he will reward the opponent with four more LT torpedoes!

This is the disadvantage of lurking in the depths of the ocean, unable to flexibly adjust one's strategy according to the battle situation, and can only use firepower to superimpose.But the advantage is that the whereabouts are hidden, making the enemy ships completely confused.

Even though Long Hao is a quasi-alchemist, he still doesn't underestimate the most powerful battleship of this era in his heart. He clearly understands that with a mere submarine and a cruiser of about 1500 tons, he dares to challenge the commander-in-chief. The Far East Fleet with a displacement of 3 tons.This in itself is taking chestnuts from the fire and dancing with the tip of the knife. If you don't maximize your own advantages, it will be difficult to achieve the result of complete annihilation!

As Kuaishou Kemitong adjusted the Qianlong-1, the gun barrel retracted and released, and the sixth LT torpedo set off again... At almost the same time, the semaphore of the American junior officer finally landed on the Dadeban-style Hit the top out.

"Report, a semaphore is coming from the Dadurban!"

Just when the captain's cabin of the Gogol was filled with mourning.A messenger rushed in.

"What semaphore? Say!"

Fremantle has been abolished, and this old man is lying on the counter, crying bitterly, like a [-]-year-old man who has lost his only son, so this question can only be asked by Benson.

Of course, Colonel Benson's condition is also not good, and the two battleships sank inexplicably. Even if it wasn't his ship, no one could accept this puzzling fact.

"It was... a torpedo that sank the Dadeban!"

The orderly reported truthfully.

"Torpedo? Impossible!"

Fremantle was stimulated by this sentence, and he jumped up from the desk with tears in his eyes: "How could it be a torpedo? Except for the Zhenshi, are there any enemy ships around? If the Zhenshi launches the torpedoes, we can't see? Rud Huan and Dadurban can't see? Oh sure it's not a torpedo, it's a horrible creature that God bred in the ocean and we pissed it off. It will Get angry and destroy us!"

Fremantle is a devout believer who believes in God. At this time, he has already attributed the unexplainable disaster in front of him to unknown terrorist creatures in the ocean. If it was not for the rescue of those precious British sailors, he would have asked Benson to Turn around and stop messing with that unidentified sea monster.

"Torpedo? Are you sure it's a torpedo?"

Compared to Fremantle, Benson has read several documents on the American Civil War, and seems to have a little impression of this elusive torpedo.

However, the submarines at that time only dived a few meters during the battle, and the torpedoes they fired were pitifully weak, so Benson didn't directly lock the suspect target on the submarine for a while.

"I don't know, I'm just an orderly, and the Dudban-style ship told us to be careful..." The orderly lowered his head in shame: You ask me, who should I ask?

"Hmph, knowing that you are an orderly, wouldn't you ask the people on the Dadeban with the semaphore? You bastard..."

Just as Benson was about to pour his stomach on the poor orderly, the other people in the captain's room suddenly exclaimed: "Look, look at the sea, what, what is that? Oh, my God! "

The chorus was unusually loud, and the panic contained in it was palpitating, so Benson and Fremantle immediately looked up, and at a glance, the two top commanders of the Anglo-American joint navy were all dumbfounded.

Good God, what is that?Could it really be... a torpedo? !

If you look around, you can see a slender straight wave suddenly rising from the vast expanse of the sea. From a distance, it is turning into a white line and rushing towards it. At first glance, it looks like a shark is lurking under the sea. Using all the strength in his body, he galloped in one direction.

And at the end of this direction, there is the Pushkin!

The second battleship of Benson's fleet! !

"Oh my God, this spray is really fish... thunder!"

"Where's the orderly? Hurry up and inform the Pushkin, tell it to be careful, the torpedo is coming..."

The people in the captain's room are all well-informed and have a background in the navy. Others may think it is a shark, but they immediately recognized that the thing that is scurrying underwater is a torpedo! !

Before everyone finished shouting, because it was discovered too late, the torpedo had already collided with the Pushkin.

Immediately, the captain's cabin of the Gogol was silent, as if he was caught in the middle, and the time slot was frozen by that shot!

In the eyes of several people, the Pushkin not far away shook violently, and then seemed to stand still.

"Me, hit? No, are you okay?"

For a long time, seeing that the Pushkin seemed to be still sailing, but the speed was a little slowed down and the direction was a little bit off, the captain's cabin of the Gogol started to make a sound.

"Phew, it should be fine. Based on my experience, the torpedo below will never be big in such waves. A torpedo of such a small size will never break through the armor of the Pushkin!"

"Extremely extreme. The Pushkin is no bigger than the Ludhuan and the Dadurban. Its volume is almost the sum of those two ships! Torpedoes are effective on it..."

"Stop arguing, it's useless to talk!"

Fremantle came to his senses, jumped up, rushed up and kicked the orderly who was also in a daze: "Bastard, hurry up and make a semaphore, and ask how the Pushkin is doing! Come on, no matter what, that's a big deal!" A torpedo, a genuine torpedo! Damn it, who can tell me where this torpedo came from? Was it an ambush by the Earl of the North Sea!" (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome Come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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