Alchemy Greater China

【417】4 mistakes of John just

Obviously, the enemy manipulating the heavy machine gun saw that the situation was not good and ran away early!

Although John Gang was angry, he had no choice but to order to move on, trying to cross the green hills as soon as possible, but before walking 200 meters, there was another rumbling sound of machine guns from the top of the mountains on both sides!

This time the Fifth Regiment was prepared and only injured a few unlucky ghosts. The cannon was pushed up, and a few more shells were thrown up the mountain.

But just like the previous time, the soldiers who searched the hillside did not catch a single enemy, and the loot captured was still only a few smashed heavy machine guns.

Is it over yet?

Do you think the Maxim heavy machine gun is cheap?

Shoot a few shots, throw them away, and run, Earl of Beihai, is your soldier a rabbit?

With a pale face, John just inspected a messy jungle highland full of machine gun parts, then turned his head and asked his deputy: "What time is it?"

"Eight forty!"

"No, before [-]:[-], I must see the urban area of ​​San Francisco. Give me an order to form four files and quickly pass through this mountain!"

"What if there are heavy machine guns ahead?"

"Where are so many heavy machine guns? This is Maxim, a European product, brand! Our federal army rarely equips it. A machine gun costs at least a thousand dollars. Look, the reloading port is still new, and the wheel hub is also very worn. Minor, counting just now, they have already damaged five doors, how can there be more, did you use gold to launch the earl's soldiers?"


"No, but, send one, no, two companies, advance along the woods, encounter the Earl's ambush, and destroy them on the spot!"

In order to highlight the role of his sharp knives in the fifth regiment, John Gang must speed up his advance, because he issued a military order to Commander Xia Bo, before ten o'clock.The Fifth Regiment must be on the streets of San Francisco!

If the soldiers of the 338e Division on the other route (the first route) entered San Francisco one step ahead of the Fifth Regiment, where would he save the face of John?

So John just made his first mistake of the day.

At 8:50, the fifth regiment was again attacked by heavy machine guns on the top of the mountain. Due to the increase in the horizontal density of the queue, it was on the side of the railway.The fifth regiment killed and injured more than 20 people, and the two companies searching in the mountains also lost 8 people!

At 9:05, the Fifth Regiment encountered the fourth attack on the top of the mountain. This time, the Fifth Regiment finally made some gains and killed one Boss soldier, but the number of casualties reached more than 30 people, because the Boss soldier who was too late to withdraw.The bomb was detonated, and even John Gang, who was close, was bruised on the shoulder.


At 9:30, the fifth regiment finally walked out of this not-so-long green hill, but paid the price of more than 130 corpses.

The two companies that searched the woods were almost wiped out.

Just John was so angry that he almost fainted: "The earl's soldiers are not rabbits, they are mice! Don't they dare to have a duel in an upright manner? They only know how to hide in the woods and carry out sneak attacks. What is this? What is this!?"

Gang John, who was stunned.Looking back and seeing the demoralized troops, my head felt hot.Made a second mistake.

The fifth regiment began to divide the troops. John just divided up 500 people. The elite soldiers rushed forward and the cannon behind them.

Why change direction at this time.Breaking into this piece of green hills and old forests?

Because, after the troops came out, John just discovered that the breakthrough from here to Qingshan, for example, was trapped next to the railroad tracks.Much wider!

So, after a while of busy division of troops, at 10:10, the fifth regiment, with a total number of more than 1300 people, arrived outside San Francisco.

There is no city wall in San Francisco, but only cloud-like houses and streets. Naturally, this place belongs to the edge of the city, and there are still many abandoned fields, long grass and muddy fields.

In front of the Fifth Regiment, there was a road that clearly allowed large vehicles to pass, but at this time, there were two more inconspicuous small earthen castles, and the mud prints seemed to have been repaired not long ago.

Seeing the small bunker, John was not surprised but happy: This is a bunker, and finally met the enemy on the surface, grass, what a bunker!

Bunkers are not a new thing. Since the 15th century, with the perfection of gunpowder and the perfection of the theory and practice of thermal weapon warfare, city walls in the traditional sense have been unable to protect the city, and more often they have become a burden. For example , Once the huge city was broken, the enemy came in to massacre the city, burned, killed and looted, and the people were trapped by the city wall, and they couldn't escape quickly.

Therefore, small earthen castles, that is, bunkers, came into being.

When the enemy comes, it will be built temporarily. If the enemy withdraws, just push it down.

When the fifth regiment saw the bunker, there was no need for the general to speak. All the staff became nervous. They were veterans of many battles on the US-Mexico border. It can arouse their anger and murderous intent even more.

The 500 people assigned are all mobile forces, and the rest include logistics units, supply units, and high mobility units.

What is a High Mobility Unit?

In layman's terms, it is cavalry!

338e is an elite army division, how can there be no cavalry?

And the Fifth Regiment, which exists as the Sharp Knife Regiment, will never lack cavalry!

I just got off the train, trekked across mountains and rivers, encountered an ambush, and the state of the horses is still being adjusted. Now that the adjustment is completed and the attack target is seen, these cavalry naturally have a place to use.

The deputy's suggestion is to have these cavalry take the lead, and after the detour, the infantry will follow up, and use the skilled cavalry and cavalry coordinated combat method to attack from both sides and quickly eat the two bunkers.

But John just vetoed it, and he stubbornly made the third mistake. He thought this was the best opportunity to promote force and show off his muscles. Besides, cavalry was precious, and it was wasted on two pillboxes that were bound to perish. It's not worth it, or use the traditional infantry to charge in formation, and the black clouds will cover the top, maybe it can scare the enemy to death.

At 10:30, the fifth regiment had a tragedy in front of the bunker. They left more than 50 corpses, but they still couldn't get past these two inconspicuous bunkers.


First, there are ten doors of your mother's Maqqin in the bunker;

Second, there is a landmine in the area in front of the bunker!

Landmines first originated in the Song Dynasty of our country. At that time, they were called "gunpowder cannons" and were buried underground.A large-scale destruction of the Jin army was achieved.

In the Ming Dynasty, the improved landmines were fired mechanically. The famous general Qi Jiguang once produced a kind of "steel wheel fired" landmines, which were used to defend the city, and the effect was outstanding.

In Europe, it generally reached the 15th century.Landmines were only used in important fort defense battles.

It stands to reason that the fifth regiment is not too unfamiliar with landmines, but this time, they were recruited for two reasons.

First, they are careless;

Second, the landmines this time are hard to find!

The surface features of the landmines that the fifth regiment usually sees are very obvious.Whenever landmines are laid, the surrounding soil, lines, and depressions will be artificially altered, and there must be traces of deep digging beside them.

Because, the conditions for detonating landmines in this era are relatively harsh, and the landmines cannot be detonated unless they are trampled or tripped by a heavy weight!

at this point.The Fifth Regiment was very, it made an empiricist error.

The land is flat.The soil on it has been old for some time, and there is no abnormality. If I have to say something unusual, it is that there are some shiny things in the ground, which seem to be... glass products?

Which glass pipes were thrown around, did they fall when fleeing?

How sad!

This was the disdainful voice of the non-commissioned officers who rushed to the forefront at that time: Let's not talk about whether the Earl's soldiers have time to plant landmines.If there were, could it be those glass tubes?Haha, stop joking, did you get the tube inserted, so funny?

then.When the phalanx raised their guns and rushed to the land, the machine guns in the bunker rang out. Your mother's ten Maxims... During the war, some soldiers stepped on the glass tube, and then there was a loud bang, that is A big explosion like a sandstorm!

The operation of the fifth regiment to charge the bunker was aborted just like that. More than 50 lives were lost forever in this big explosion. There were none left, let alone bones. Even blood plasma and minced meat were hard to find!

To paraphrase the previous sentence: what a pity!

Just then John was dumbfounded on the spot, his face was blown by the meat-scented dust from the aftermath of the explosion, and he didn't respond.

After waking up, John Gang, who was furious, took a cavalry detour and attacked the bunker from the side and rear. Although a few horses were blown away by glass tube mines on the way, he finally completed the battle against the two soldiers. Encirclement of the bunker.

However, before the encirclement was completed, there was a commotion in the bunker, and more than a dozen soldiers in various clothes threw away their heavy machine guns and retreated in a panic from the bunker!

In other words, more than 50 people in John just died in vain.

At 11:45 in the morning, the fifth regiment, which had been hit repeatedly, finally crossed the bunker, and set foot on the land of downtown San Francisco tremblingly and angrily.

This is quite fast, because the strange existence of the glass tube landmine made the fifth regiment move cautiously, almost wishing to set up camp every step of the way. The fifth regiment could not enter the urban area until the afternoon.

What?Did John just get blown to pieces, you ask?


Because the glass tube he stepped on, luckily, happened to be empty.

Readers must understand that this kind of glass tube "booby trap" is actually a small LT test tube, but LT is currently only equipped with Long Hao and Breeze Energy, and Liebig's "Biosynthesis LT" plan has not yet been put into mass production, so , used to entertain the fifth regiment, only a few lt.

Most of the glass tubes, are empty!

The big explosion just now was also unlucky for those dead ghost soldiers, who happened to step on a real one.

John just rode on a horse, looked at the houses that were farther and farther away, took a deep breath, and issued the fourth wrong order today: use squads as units, disperse troops, search along the streets one by one, and strictly enforce military control make!All the good citizens came out to be inspected, all the captives who hid weapons, and anyone who resisted... Hehe, burn down the house, confiscate property, shoot to kill!

It's no wonder that John Gang has suffered hundreds of casualties since he crossed the river, and all of them were caused by conspiracy and tricks. He didn't see a few serious enemies. Gang John, the head of the Sharp Knife, became angry with embarrassment, and it was understandable to issue such an order of anger.

After explaining the gang John's headquarters who entered the city with great difficulty, then we will turn our attention to the group of 500 people who ran to search the mountain.

The process is abbreviated. On the night of June 20th, only about [-] soldiers from Soushan ran back. As soon as they saw John Gang.It's like a child who is short of milk sees the long-lost big nurse and cries so miserably and desolately.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, our people suffered heavy casualties. The enemy is like a monkey, shooting a shot to change places... Before we came back to report, more than 100 people had died. The remaining brothers are also uncertain!"

John just didn't get angry, because his face was also very ugly, and he was weak, as if he had just had his chrysanthemum exploded by a strong man.

"You guys are doing well..."

The ashen-faced deputy pulled over the reporter, and whispered: "Our side also suffered heavy casualties. Now, there are only more than 300 people left in the fifth regiment. If the division commander and his troops hadn't arrived in time. You... You may never see me and the leader again!"

These days, I am afraid of comparison in everything. When I heard the bad news, I felt that I was not the worst reporter. Come back safely, let's add up the fifth regiment.There are only 500 people less, my God.What happened?Is the earl's army that strong?


In the dark night, behind an old tree in the green hills, a soldier of the Dragon Scale Army in camouflage put away his gun and smiled coldly: "This is the 28th, this is the elite infantry division of the United States? Everyone is so stupid to follow Like a pig, playing with us in the woods. It would be better than cutting your own neck with a knife."

The 'big rock' next to it moved, and said naively: "Nonsense, the training we received was handed down by Master Long, and these bastards have a tendon in their heads. It's better to be superborn earlier. Done, so as not to waste food."

"Heh, you can also scold others for being stubborn and foolish, and you have gained confidence!"

"Of course, this group of foreigners can't run away from us, can't find us, and chase us foolishly all the time! Isn't it a tendon? It's a tendon of an old scalper who can't even bite rotten!"

Don't get me wrong, these two are not members of the SS, but ordinary Dragon Scale Army soldiers.

Since the establishment of the Dragon Scale Army, the soldiers have been practicing 13 sets of radio gymnastics every day without interruption. Although it is impossible to fly like a master of martial arts, in terms of physique, they are definitely better than these five big and three thick white men.

Moreover, the 'guerrilla tactics' outside San Francisco were written in the 'tactical manual' handed down by Long Hao, and the advanced theory was far ahead of this era.

Therefore, even though these Dragon Scale Army 'hidden' in the mountains and forests only have 30 people, they can play with 500 American soldiers at their fingertips, killing them however they want!

In another part of the mountain forest, a cold light flashed. An American soldier opened his eyes wide and tried to grab his throat with both hands, but he couldn't do it. In the end, his trachea ruptured and he died alive.

At this time, a big hand was removed from the mouth of the American soldier, and the blood-stained body slowly fell down. In the shadow, a soldier of the Dragon Scale Army appeared and said with a sneer: "It's useless, Haven't they learned the lesson of jungle warfare? Give me a class with 30 people, and all these hundreds of foreigners will be finished!"

Another voice rang out: "Qiangzi, I know you are strong, but the foreign-maozi are not stupid, there are dozens of them left, and they have already begun to withdraw from the mountains and forests! Well, let's talk about it before, we can't just Let go of more than 20 people and go back to report? Want to wipe them all out, do you think you are the young master?"

Qiangzi wiped his dagger, and said: "I really don't understand, these foreigners are not strong at all, why do they engage in jungle guerrilla warfare? Kill them all!"

"Hey, don't underestimate the enemy, they are not weak. I heard that during the day, this team is only one-fifth of the troops. If we don't have a few heavy machine guns, we can't sneak attack them!"


"Even now, if it wasn't for the foreigners being stupid and assigning some people to play hide-and-seek with us, if you want to kill people so easily, I'm afraid it wouldn't be easy?"


"Okay, don't hum like a puppy, I'm the team leader, Qiangzi, you have to listen to me, don't kill them, let them go down the mountain, let them go into the city, this is an order from above!"

"Hmph, save their lives... Next time I won't be with you, I'm going to apply to kill foreigners in the city, that's the best way!"

As this Qiangzi said, killing foreigners in the city is a pleasure. In broad daylight, someone dares to attack the people. Killing such thugs will bring joy to the body and mind, and sublimation of faith...

When John just issued the military control order, the Fifth Regiment began to drive the residents from house to house and search for property. At the same time, it also detonated the "street fighting plan" of the Dragon Scale Army.

From noon to around 4 p.m., the Fifth Regiment was killed more than 400 people by those "black bullets" lurking in the streets and buildings. This number was roughly after Xia Bo's troops arrived and temporarily controlled the situation. estimated.

Street fighting is also passed down from Long Hao's "tactical manual", and the 338e division is good at field combat, lining up and shooting. How can it compete with this classic tactic that once made Hiedler collapse?

The Battle of Stalingrad, the famous meat grinder...

Fortunately, unlike the Battle of Stalingrad, the Fifth Regiment and the Dragon Scale Army shuttling through the rooms of the building were relatively restrained. Whether it was bullets or bombs, they tried to avoid civilians as much as possible, so so far, soldiers and civilians The number of casualties remained at the level of 1:1.

Of course, this is inseparable from the old Stevenson's crowd control in advance.

But even so, the Fifth Regiment was still stained with the innocent blood of civilians, and hatred was sown.

Seeing that the Fifth Regiment was so vulnerable in the street fighting, the chief of the Dragonscale Army who was in charge of commanding the street fighting once wanted to launch a general attack to completely destroy the Fifth Regiment. (To be continued..)

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