Alchemy Greater China

[421] Sending money at night, the earl was arrested

This feeling of being discriminated against will arouse the indignation of the people of California, which in turn will affect the keen "political sense" of the Democratic Party politicians. Finally, it will also attract European powers to take advantage of the fire and rob them in the name of "humanitarianism" and "freedom and democracy". , put pressure on the White House and take advantage of it.

All kinds of things have already begun, and what Long Hao will do next is to fan the flames and let them become like a spark!

Ordering the army to stick to the city's "government" and letting Xia Bo's troops do whatever they want in downtown San Francisco is one of the steps to fan the flames;

One of the steps is to assign troops, divide the troops of guerrilla Bresson and Kushimi, and irritate each other;

In short, Long Hao hoped that the 338e division would fall into a quagmire of protracted war in California, neither would it completely occupy San Francisco, nor would it give up and withdraw from California.

The greater the damage that Division 338e did in California, the greater the possibility that Long Hao would split California from the territory of the American Federation.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, the town of Clinxington suddenly became lively. On the east side of the town, a small square usually used as a market was flooded with many people carrying guns.

They cleaned up the square, carried the wooden planks, and after a while, they built a small platform. Then, in every street and every corner of the town, bursts of gunfire rang out!

"The Earl of Beihai is going to give a speech. If you are interested, you can watch it. It's in the small square!" [

"This is a rare late-night speech. If you want to witness the earl's demeanor, don't miss it!"

"Is your family of Chinese descent? The earl is a leading fighter against racial discrimination, why don't you join us?"

The gunshots woke up the residents who were sleeping early, and the violent knock on the door accompanied by loud English roars shocked the people on the bed in the house until their limbs became cold and their lower bodies collapsed...

What?The Earl of Beihai has come to our town?

What time is this, and he is going to give a speech?

Who's the one shooting and shouting outside?Is it a soldier of the Earl of Beihai?

The residents of Clinxington Town were all confused for a while.The above content kept coming out of my mind.

At 45:[-] in the evening, the originally empty small square has become a sea of ​​people, chirping.

Oil lamps and torches were hung above the square, illuminating the simple podium under the night sky as if it were daytime. There was a tall young Chinese man in a long coat.Standing right in the center of the stage, like a bright moon star, attracting thousands of eyes.

A circle of gun-carrying soldiers surrounded the podium, isolating the crowd from the podium, maintaining order with dedication.

All the crowd opened their eyes wide. Through private discussions and exchanges, they already recognized or knew that the Chinese man on the stage was the legendary Earl of Beihai, Long Hao!

Long Hao swayed and stood still.With a smile, he said in a calm voice: "Everyone in Clinxington Town, hello everyone, I am Long Hao! Welcome to my speech..."

"The current situation in California must be clear to everyone. That's right, a federal army division brazenly invaded California. Not only did it attack San Francisco, but it also sent troops to sweep up the surrounding areas of San Francisco. villages and towns..."

"As far as I know, in five days, this unit called the 338e Division has looted three towns and robbed countless properties from the residents of Gu..."

"This army is not only shameful. The number and equipment are also very good. They used to be fighting heroes on the US-Mexico border, but now, because of the selfish desires of some people in the military, they have become robbers. It has become a butcher knife to their own country. Citizens' incorruptible robbers..."[

"I, Long Hao, have led several hundred soldiers to deal with them in the past few days, trying to stop their banditry as much as possible. Unfortunately, our number is too small to completely stop them..."

"Look, the people holding guns under the stage are my brave soldiers. They were all wounded to some extent, but they didn't retreat, because they are representatives of justice, and they must not let the evil 338e division succeed... ..."

"It's so late today, why am I holding a speech? It's because I hope to get your help. We are here to protect the town of Clinton. We are here to protect your sacred private property from being forcibly taken away by Division 338e ..."

"Someone may ask, Division 338e is here to arrest me, and I, Long Hao, are the source of the war. As long as you hand me over, Division 338e will stop aggression! But, is it really that simple? Residents, this is just a superficial phenomenon , They regard me as a thorn in the side, it is because I advocate the 'Anti-Racial Discrimination Act', because I propose to abolish the 'Chinese Exclusion Act', they are afraid, they are afraid that they will not be able to oppress the Chinese and other "colored" groups in the future, That's why they used such great force to strangle my efforts in the cradle..."

"Look down at yourself, at the color of your skin, and think about the unfair treatment you usually suffer...the so-called US Congress, they don't treat you as citizens, they just treat you as exploitable Object, look back, is there a lot of vacant houses in the town? Most of them are white people, they ran away early when the danger came, but you still have to work for their factories in danger, for They continue to make high profits, hehe, what a ridiculous thing..."

"I said this, not to confuse you to fight for me. I, Long Hao, have my own soldiers. I am the Earl of the North Sea conferred by the Queen of England. I have the right to conscript my own soldiers! Residents, I don't need you to take up arms to resist The aggressor, because I have said so much, is a foreshadowing. Next, I want to introduce a person, a Chinese, who is willing to manage the 'anti-racial discrimination fund' for me, and continue to fight for the eradication of all inequalities... …Today, residents present, no matter what your original position is, as long as you are willing to sign this 'anti-racism' initiative cloth, you will be rewarded by the fund! Haha, don't get excited, specific rewards The matter will be explained by the 'new steward' of the fund, Mr. Li Enfu!"

Long Hao's speech came to an end. The soldiers below came up holding a 5-meter-long and 15-meter-wide red cloth. At the same time, Li Enfu was on stage with his head held high and his chest held high.

Li Enfu was listening in the audience. At first he was worried, but later he was moved by Long Hao's speech, and then he introduced himself.He couldn't help being a little embarrassed and shy, but... the "reward matter" confused him, and he almost wanted to ask Long Hao: Hey, when did you say you want a reward?There is also this exaggerated big red cloth, which is still signed at such a late hour.Does it make sense?Pompous, Earl, your shortcoming is too serious. No matter where you go, you will make explosive topics, and the content in it is astonishingly pompous!

Before he could question him, Xiao Yu and Xiao Ke behind him worked together and slapped Li Enfu onto the podium with the 'cloud-dispelling palm'. As soon as he got on the familiar podium, Li Enfu immediately adjusted his appearance reflexively .Showing his best side to the townspeople of Clinxington, he completely forgot about the question of 'exaggeration'.

Long Hao moved closer, whispered something to Li Enfu, and then straightened up again.

Li Enfu was astonished at Long Hao's generosity, and generosity is a skill that can be taught by oneself, so after Li Enfu briefly introduced himself, he said loudly: "Anti-racial discrimination fund. People who have made outstanding contributions, this time. It is the Earl of Beihai who thinks highly of me, Li Enfu, and specially made a reward offer. As long as you sign your name, you will get one dollar, and if you can get your fingerprints, you can also get five dollars! I hope everyone will be enthusiastic..."

The power of money is unparalleled.Without Li Enfu's mobilization, the townspeople below were excited: Wow, this is not in vain, you can get a dollar for just writing your name, as long as you put your fingerprint on it.Five bucks and you have it!Sign, I want my signature, cover, I want my fingerprint!Let those who insist on sleeping regret it!

In the town of Clingington, all the people left at this moment are the lower class. There are not a few Chinese, and there are even many blacks. It reached the peak of the surge, and people crowded with each other, rushing to the podium desperately, for fear that it would be too late, and the bonus would be paid out.

The soldiers tried their best to maintain order and ordered the townspeople to line up. On the podium, the big red cloth was stretched straight out and displayed horizontally, and there were people holding brushes and ink pads beside them.

Every time a letter was signed, Long Hao's subordinates would send dollars to them. When they saw the genuine dollar bills, the townspeople who lined up couldn't help but become more excited: "It's true that you signed the money, Earl of Beihai, you are such a kind person!"As for opposing racial discrimination, hehe, if it is not dangerous, I will definitely support it!

The night is thick, and the temperature in the small square in Clinton is rising. Many townspeople who have received money are still not leaving, either waiting to see if there will be another "money distribution" program in the future, or secretly "Touch" and "Touch" to the end of the queue, wanting to pretend again.

It's just that, people are crowded, and there are not many lights, who can recognize who?

"Clinxington is ahead, Major General, are we going to attack?" Three kilometers away from the town, Commander Jiu Simi reined in his horse and asked Major General Miller.

"What's the rush? Didn't you send a spy?" Miller gritted his teeth and paced back and forth, grabbing the reins: "The soldiers from the other routes haven't arrived yet. If you scare the Earl of Beihai away by scaring the snake away, you will be responsible?"

"That's right, it's so late, if the encirclement cannot be formed, the Earl of Beihai can easily escape!" Captain Bresson echoed Miller.

The soldiers led by Major General Miller and the two regiment leaders are about [-]. It is enough to say that they rushed directly into the town of Clinton. However, Miller's authority is increasing day by day. He said no, Bresson Neither Kushimi nor Kushimi dared to make decisions on their own.

This kind of authority was accumulated by burning, killing and looting all the way. The soldiers of the 338e Division under Miller's command now have their hands stained with the blood of civilians, and their pockets are full of civilian dollars...

Tan Ma came back soon, and the news he brought made the three of Miller stunned.

"What? The town is distributing money?"

"The one who sent the money is the Earl of Beihai? Are you sure?"

It was almost late at night, and there was a money-handling carnival in the town. Kushimi and Bresson couldn't believe their ears: Is that Earl of Beihai crazy?

"No need for an unbelievable expression!"

Major General Miller remained calm and said with a smile: "You don't have much contact with the Earl of Beihai. He likes to spend a lot of money to support the scene, so this is good news for us, because the Earl of Beihai is indeed in town !"

Tan Ma said again: "There are too many people, I can't squeeze in, but I heard that the man who claimed to be the Earl of Beihai swayed, as if he was struggling with an injury."

Major General Miller clapped his hands and said, "That's even more true. The Earl of Beihai is injured, and he must be in the town of Clinxington for treatment. Let's kill there!"

Kushimi asked, "Don't you have to wait for the soldiers from the other lines?"

Miller laughed and said, "No need. The Earl of Beihai is trying to kill himself. Now that he is distributing money in the town, the situation must be a mess. We have more than 700 people. If we rush in with all our might, they won't have the energy to organize defense and counterattack!"

Miller set the tone.On this route, the 338e Division broke out and marched towards the town of Clinxington, which was three kilometers away.

In the town of Clingington, there is still no idea that the war disaster is about to come, and the "signature bonus" activity of the "anti-racial" fund is still going on. Because many townspeople who hadn't come before were called up and came to collect the 'free' dollar bills.

Johnny, is a black guy.He was born in the United States, and his grandfather's father was a native of Africa. Today, their family is a citizen recognized by the United States.

At the age of 18, he doesn't understand anti-racialism. He doesn't like reading, and he hasn't been to school since he was 13 years old.I have been working at a local lumberyard in Clinton for five years.Earn tens of cents a day, but live a painless life.

As soon as I got off work today, Johnny had dinner with the six members of his family, and went to bed early until ten ten o'clock in the evening, yes.This was the point Johnny would never forget, the moment that changed his life.

At that time, it was Brando next door who knocked on the door of his house and shouted: "There is a fool who gave out money. Come, follow me, you all come, six people, at least 30 dollars, if you are lucky, you can earn a lot of money." 50 is not impossible!"

Behind the door was an old-fashioned clock, which was rattled by the sound of the door opening. Hearing Brento's shout, Johnny was the first to jump off his sister's bed, rubbing his eyes, and happened to catch a glimpse of the corner of the clock's hands.

Next, Johnny's family and Brento's family covered each other, lined up round after round, and each received more than ten dollars.

However, just as Johnny wiped his little sister's crotch and smeared the blood red on his dark face, and was about to 'fake it' again, a white smoke suddenly appeared in front of his sight!

"There are assassins! Protect the earl!"

"Catch him, he's going there!"

"Flying, he is flying!"

"What kind of smoke is this, ahem, it's so choking..."

"I can't see clearly, God, who is shooting?!"

Accompanied by the smoke, Johnny shouted incessantly in front of him, making a "chaos", and not long after, there was a "bang bang bang" gunshot.

Johnny was scared, so he ran to the back, but he had only run a few steps, and his head hurt, as if he was pressed by something.

Johnny was crushed to the ground, he tried his best to raise his head, and saw a black shadow jumping from above!

Can fly?Is this a big bird?

Johnny was stunned for more than ten seconds, and there was a rush of footsteps behind him. The soldier carrying the gun rushed over, mentioned Johnny, and asked sharply, "Did you see anything? Where did you escape?"

Johnny's arm was wrenched in pain, and the dollar bills in his pocket fell all over the floor. Before he could think about it, he hissed, "Look, I saw it. Over there, the big bird flew over there!"

The soldier grabbed Johnny and hurried away in that direction.

Johnny endured the pain and was collecting the dollar bills. On the podium, Li Enfu covered his eyes and shouted loudly like a fly on his head: "Help the count, he was taken away, I saw it with my own eyes! Help him!" man!"

It turned out that when the unknown smoke rose just now, Li Enfu watched helplessly as a black shadow descended beside Long Hao like a big bird, catching Long Hao who was caught off guard, and his eyes seemed to be blown into chili powder, burning hot The ground hurts, I can't open it at all!

And the more he couldn't open his eyes, the more gunshots and chaotic voices of people around him became, so anxious that he almost cried out.

What kind of signature bonus event do you want to do at night!

With more people, wouldn't the assassins have a chance?

Li Enfu felt terribly uncomfortable: No matter what, the Earl of Beihai was attacked to give me a boost, so he must be rescued!Definitely!

After a long time, someone finally came to help Li Enfu, and someone brought clean water to wash his eyeballs.

At around 12 o'clock, the chaos in the small square was finally brought under control. Li Enfu staggered a few steps with his red eyes open, saw a walking soldier, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Earl, save me?" are you back?"

"No! Only one accomplice was caught!"

"Accomplice? Where?"

"Here, it's just ahead, don't hold me back, I'm going to the interrogation!"

"Take me, take me, I'm Li Enfu!"

"Ah, it's you, hmph, if it wasn't for introducing you, the young master would never have met an assassin, let alone be taken away!"

The soldier was obviously very dissatisfied with Li Enfu, but he couldn't bear it and kept pleading, and finally took Li Enfu to the captured "Assassin Companion".

The assassin's companion was a tall white man. He was pressed to the ground at the moment, and he was muttering, but it didn't seem to be in English.

"It's Russian, it's a Russian!"

Li Enfu heard it, stepped forward hurriedly, and said to an officer with a serious expression.


The officer who seemed to be the highest rank under Long Hao frowned, and murmured softly, "Could it be... the Black Clothes Gang?"

What is the Black Gang?

Li Enfu could hear clearly, and was a little puzzled, but at this moment, a cannon shot suddenly sounded from a distance, rumbling and shattering eardrums, which shocked everyone. (To be continued..)

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