Alchemy Greater China

【424】The regular army turns into a whirlwind bandit

Johnny's brothers and sisters dared not speak out, but the youngest sister couldn't help covering her mouth and crying: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Maybe it was because the crying was too loud, but suddenly, with a 'bang', the black little sister was pierced by a ball from the back of her heart, and the huge force caused her to fly off the ground, floating After a few meters, he threw himself on the ground, twitched a few times, and then remained motionless in the pool of blood. His posture was exactly the same as that rotten rag doll that was thrown out more than ten meters away...

"Little sister! Ah..."

A black woman, probably Johnny's sister, rushed out, trying to save someone, but there was another gunshot, and she fell to the ground... This time it was a shotgun, and her back was blasted into a rotten, blackened It was pockmarked, even more shabby than that rag doll, and its appearance was unbearable to see.

The bloody and unreasonable killing shocked Johnny and the others. They didn't dare to move. They could only shiver and watch the tragedy unfold.

With the clanking and smashing sounds in the room, and the sobbing of his sister and sister dying, Johnny felt as if he was in a dream, a nightmare in French!

He looked at Brento angrily: It would be great if you didn't knock on my door, my relatives and I are still sleeping!But now, the younger sister who used to be hot and active has become cold and full of life!

Brento didn't feel guilty at all, and gave him a hard look: Are you staring at me?Your loved one's mental quality is not good, and he screams and screams. Can you blame me when he dies?

"Found it, a major discovery!" [

Soon, soldiers shouted excitedly in Johnny's dwelling, as if they had discovered a new world!

What did you find?

Both Johnny and Brento were shocked: Could it be that the Big Bird Assassin and the Earl of the North Sea were really hiding there?If that's the case, it's too cheating! ?

"What did you find? Hurry up and tell me, don't tempt me!"

Kushimi said.While walking towards the dwelling.

"Gold bars, a box of gold bars, found under the bed!"

A soldier ran out with an iron box in his hand, put it on the ground and opened it, and saw that there were three rows of gold bars neatly inside the box, a total of nine yuan!

"Let me see. No one is allowed to do anything!"

Kushimi's eyes were shaken by the gold bar, he scolded, picked up one, weighed it, it looked like 500 grams.

"Master, there are still words on it!" A guard reminded.

"Oh, it really has words!"

Kusimi turned over the gold bar and saw a line of words engraved on the back: oenoflsk.

"Haha, this is a gold bar from Alaska!"

If Kushimi has won the treasure.Waving the gold bar, he laughed loudly and said, "oen is the name of Long Hao, Earl of Beihai! This kind of gold bar can only flow from the earl's hand! Hmph, here is the evidence of treason, what can you niggers say?"

As Jiu Simi said, he also said in his heart: We just guessed, but we didn't expect that these niggers really have something to do with the Earl of Beihai!This is just right.According to the real evidence, a few more heads will be cut off.Are you afraid that you will not be obedient? [



In Johnny's desperate cry, all his relatives were killed, and finally, the muzzle of the gun still lingering in the gunpowder came to his forehead.


The top of Johnny no longer has water coming out, and the part where the water is coming out has changed to the bottom: "Don't kill me, the collaborators are all my sisters and sisters. Brothers and brothers, I am innocent! Don't kill me, I can redeem my sins and replace you Confess the criminal! The criminal, the criminal... Ah. Yes, he, his Brento family are the earl's secret clues, and that box of gold bars was secretly handed to me by Brento yesterday!"

Although he couldn't figure out why a box of gold bars of unknown origin appeared at home, Johnny didn't want to die, so he desperately grabbed the straw and bit Brento.

Perhaps it was Johnny's words that moved the executioner, the gun hesitated for a moment, and he didn't cock it immediately.

"You, you are shameless, spitting blood!"

Brento was so angry that he wanted to eat Johnny's dark meat.

At this moment, a guard found another letter and handed it to Kusimi. Captain Kusami glanced at it and read it out: "Oh... it turns out that your two families are not only the Earl's accomplices, but also His important contact person, your downline, is said to be in the town of Joe Bush?"

Job Bush Town is a commercial town more than 30 kilometers away from here, and its wealth is even higher than that of Clingington Town.

Johnny took the letter paper, and at first glance, he couldn't help being surprised: Nima, this is a blank paper!It's my little brother's blank stationery!How do you read it, do you have it for middle school students?

"Well, the evidence is conclusive, right?"

Kushimi was standing in front of Johnny, squinting his eyes, and asked with deep meaning.

"...Yes, this is the earl's letter to us. I am willing to testify against the downline who lives in Jobush Town! Please give me a chance to make amends and don't kill me!"

Under the threat of death, Johnny felt blessed immediately. He understood Kusami's intentions, and nodded vigorously, acting as Kusami's "biting mad dog".

"Yes, I am also willing to testify. I am an associate of the earl. I am willing to donate all my property. Please don't kill me and my family!"

Brento was not stupid either. After reading the blank letter paper, he glanced at the dead bodies of Johnny's family, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, this time I've gained a lot, Johnny, Brento, you two fellow Earls, please identify me!"

Kushimi laughed, holding the box containing gold bars in one hand and the envelope in the other, leading the soldiers back to the small square triumphantly.

Behind him, there was a raging fire. Instead of illuminating the darkness, the shadow of the fire was hazy, adding a lot of horror to the surrounding night...

Before dawn on June 6th, it was darker than ever. The town of Clinxington was looted by the 13e division. 338% of the town residents were robbed of cash, and 90.00% of the fixed assets were changed hands. Thousands of towns Min held more than 70.00 heads while roasting the fire, while sitting on the ground and crying loudly, the shape was like a side hell.

The press corps headed by Wade recorded and photographed all this, and Li Enfu's pair was about to fester.It wasn't until the first ray of sunshine in the morning that the group of "wild wolves" commanded by Major General Miller were able to "eat their fill". They rode their horses and swiped their whips, and marched mightily towards the next target: Jobsh Town.

"You will be punished!"

Li Enfu was tied to the horse's back and spit.Spit angrily at Commander Bresson.

During the bumps, the saliva naturally lost its aim. Bresson turned his head and said contemptuously: "Hey, Mr. Li, you should be punished, right? We collected the incriminations signed by the townspeople voluntarily, and, no The townspeople were influenced by us and turned to the bright. Knowing that only the Federation is justice, they pointed out many hidden plots of the earl, and we took a little effort to clean it up. Next, it’s the turn of the town of Jobsh!"

"You, you still want to loot the town of Joe Bush?"

Li Enfu's red and swollen eyes widened, and only then did he realize: what is "insatiable desire?"

Hey, Bandit Appetite is!

"It's too ugly to talk about looting. We are going to eliminate bandits!"

"Ah bah, you are the bandits. Are thieves calling for a thief?"

"Hehe, Mr. Li, privately I think what you said is correct, but we have this..."

Miller rode his horse and came from the side, smiling lightly, holding a thick file bag in his hand: "With this, bandits will not be bandits, because we are going to capture the accomplices of the Earl of Beihai, based on... They are all important clues provided by the townspeople of Clinxington Town!"

"This kind of thing can't stop the mouths of everyone in the world!"

Li Enfu said angrily: "Besides, the Earl still has soldiers under his command. They won't let you succeed!"

Miller laughed even more freely: "The earl's disappearance is a foregone conclusion. Those soldiers lost their backbone and ran back to San Francisco. How can they continue to play the game of officers and soldiers catching robbers with us? So, next, those towns are all It's defenseless..."

The triangular area formed with the three cities of San Francisco, San Jose, and Sacramento as the apexes, within its coverage area, there are many developed and prosperous towns, and Clinton and Job Bush are representatives of them. Climbing and biting one by one is enough to collect the wealth of these towns one by one.

Next, there is the showtme of murder, arson, burning, killing and looting.

On June 6, Miller's troops captured the town of Jobush, burned half of the houses, and seized a fortune;

On June 6, Miller's troops attacked Sacramento, fought fiercely for 15 days, and finally occupied;

On June 6, Sacramento faced a dark day;

On June 6, Miller's Department and the California Garrison encountered in Sonoma County. The 19e Division led by Miller won a big victory, killed 338 enemies, and self-damaged 2468. After looting Santa Rosa, the capital of Sonoma County, it turned around and headed east , drove to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Fresno County on the south edge of the sword, intending to intercept the northward militia troops sent from Los Angeles;


In short, this week was a week in which the Miller Department achieved brilliant results and killed the local Californian army crying for their mothers!

Compared with the high-spirited Major General Miller, who is comparable to the "whirlwind thief", Master Xia Bo's life this week is much worse. Although the final result is not too bad, the ups and downs in the middle are enough to break The nerves of an iron soldier!

The failure of the general attack on the San Francisco City Hall on June 6 made Commander Xia Bo disheartened, and many unfavorable factors drove him to think about the possibility of withdrawing troops.

At present, he still has some soldiers on hand, and his confidants are also there. If he withdraws to the US-Mexico border, his life will be easier, but if even these soldiers are buried in San Francisco, then he will really become a bare-bones commander. Both the White House and the White House will easily clean him up, abolish him, and oppress a bunch of scapegoats to him.

On June 6th, Xia Bo's troops entered a comprehensive defensive posture in San Francisco and retreated two blocks. However, the city hall opposite was surprisingly calm. The Earl's troops did not take advantage of the opportunity of a surge in morale to launch a tentative attack .

On the evening of June 6th, Xia Bofujitai came, and one after another, good news came.

Let me start with two.

The Earl of Beihai was kidnapped by the Black Clothes Gang, and his whereabouts are unknown;

The guerrilla forces on the outskirts of San Francisco dispersed in a rush, and Miller's troops had no opponents, so they could go straight to the rear (north) of San Francisco and intercept the local reinforcements in California;

On June 6, the defenders of the San Francisco city government suddenly withdrew, and the fortifications that had been impregnable suddenly became deserted and empty.

Xia Bo was surprised when he got the news.The news of the disappearance of the Earl of the North Sea also reached old Stevenson. Moreover, San Francisco had insufficient food reserves, so it was forced to abandon the fortifications here and retreat to the commercial seaport.

There are freighters, warehouses and supplies in the seaport.Therefore, it can continue to support the resistance struggle of old Stevenson and others.

Xia Bo was overjoyed, and immediately ordered his troops to occupy the San Francisco City Hall, and sent a telegram back to Washington, reporting that he had 'occupied' San Francisco, and sent back the misfortune of the Earl of Beihai.

On June 6th, the 15e Division was dispatched across the board to mop up factories and residential buildings. In fact, it occupied 338% of the area of ​​San Francisco, and only the old Stevenson and others were compressed in the small commercial seaport.Surrounded by the sea on three sides, it is as small as a cliff.

With this achievement, Xia Bo finally straightened his spine in front of the multinational observation team. At this moment, his perception of Miller has improved quite a bit.

Although Master Xia Bo was jealous of who made Miller achieve such outstanding military exploits on the periphery, he was still somewhat grateful to him.

But.When the bad news came that many towns in the San Francisco Delta were looted on June 6 (the contribution of Wade and others, and a series of robbery behaviors by the Miller department. All of them appeared in the newspapers), Xia Bo took this difficult-to-raise Grateful, throw it out of the sky.

Is this going to kill you?

We are the federal army. You are hunting the Earl of Beihai. A little bit of cross-border behavior can explain the past, but now the Earl of Beihai is missing.Why are you still looting civilians and killing people everywhere?

I have a difficult multinational observation team here, Miller, Bresson, and Kushimi.You three bastards, are you going to roast me on the fire before giving up?

From June 6th to 16th, Xia Bo was "hunted down" by many representatives of the observation team, so he had to stay behind closed doors, and decided to organize troops to launch a general attack on the commercial seaport on the 17th!

Anyway, it was a broken jar, and Miller had already shown his butcher knife. It was meaningless for Xia Bo to pretend to be a good baby again. He could only follow suit, draw out the sharp sword at his waist, and cut off all the discordant voices in California. Kill it clean!

The first step is to completely wipe out the "remnants" of the old Stevenson who are still "lingering" in the port (Xia Bo believes that the other party has little food, what is it if it is not the remnants?).

At the end of the 17th, before the general offensive, Xia Bo received a message from the White House in Washington, D.C.: The temporary military control order was upgraded and expanded to the entire territory of California.

This order is suspected to have given Xia Bo and Miller a legal reputation for their military operations. Obviously, the White House and the military were encouraged by Long Hao's disappearance and Miller's smooth battle, and decided to increase their bargaining chips. California has been cleaned up in the name of hunting down the Earl of the North Sea.

After cleaning, naturally there will be no objections.

On June 6, inside and outside San Francisco, two wars took place.

The Miller Department won a big victory, and got a lot of money from Sacramento, leaving a ruined wall and blood everywhere, and left with high morale;

The Xiabo Department was defeated. Facing the small commercial seaport, they suffered heavy losses in front of the perverted fortifications. In the end, they were bombed by gunboats outside the seaport. After the war, the number of troops under their jurisdiction was less than 1500, which can be regarded as vitality Big injury.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Bo simply came to San Francisco for three days to clean up. After earning enough pockets, he quietly evacuated San Francisco on the 20th to join the Miller Department.

Before leaving, the multinational observation team was also killed. Xia Bo said to the outside world that they ignored warnings when they attacked the commercial seaport in the headquarters, and got too close.

So far, Division 338e's vain plan to destroy San Francisco has been completely aborted, and Mr. Xia Bo has also become a rogue, going to join Miller, whose morale is high.

On June 6th, as a watershed day, it announced the end of the first half of JMW's war. The 20e Division did not capture San Francisco and did not capture Long Hao. The loss was huge. Not only did it lose the initiative, but it was also at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion.

The only benefit is the looted property.

In the next few days, Xia Bo and Miller joined forces and started the "locust tour" in California, intending to break through the southern defense line of the local garrison in California, and return to their base camp on the US-Mexico border with the huge wealth they robbed.

This is called the second half of jmw war by later military historians.

And in this half period, there were frequent incidents, not only announcing that the 338e division had withdrawn from the stage of history, but also brought a devastating blow to the prestige of Washington's capital!

From June 6th to June 14rd, Cleveland, the leader of the Democratic Party, visited Oregon in northern California, declaring that the people of the western United States need to unite, and they cannot sit back and watch their neighbor California being invaded, cleaned, and robbed by federal troops...

During these ten days, although Cleveland did not step into the war-ridden California, he toured many cities and gave a total of six speeches, with only one theme: stop the war, step down the president, and compensate citizens lost in the war by the federal government.

On June 6, New York launched the first street demonstration against President Harrison;

On June 6, in Chicago and Boston, students took to the streets at the same time and held protest marches. Some people showed the "post-war scene" of Clinton and Job Bush towns in a big way, asking Congress to sanction the 21e Division and asking the military to immediately Give a reasonable explanation, otherwise, the parade will not stop;

On June 6, Washington also lost control. The ambassadors of European countries blocked the White House and asked Harrison to hand over the mastermind behind the murder of the "observation team", and announced that the seven European countries (Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Russia, Spain, Portugal) will follow the United Kingdom to impose limited-time sanctions on the United States and reserve the right to declare war on the United States;

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