Alchemy Greater China

【510】Victory in 3 lines

From getting the new weapons to the present, it has only been more than a month. Therefore, whether Zhou Bodang's Dragonscale Army can adapt to these new weapons is still a matter of opinion.

It's no wonder Long Hao was a little worried.

Well, let's put aside some of the deadlocked Alaska wars, let's take a broader view.

When Long Hao issued the edict to declare war on the United States, in fact, his own side also launched three arrows at the same time.

Zhou Bodang launched the later famous "Raid at Twilight of Death", and Viscount Savy also led the Cuban Expeditionary Force, and gave Roosevelt a heavy blow on a plain southeast of Mexico City!

It was a mixed formation of cavalry. According to the memories of members of the Freedom Stormtroopers who survived and escaped later: " was terrible. Their horses were as big as elephants, and there were also steel chariots that could breathe fire! Yes , I dare to swear to God, it is definitely not a train, because there are no rails underneath! Oh, they are as fast as galloping horses. When they rushed over, our rifles and artillery were all useless. I was swept by them As soon as the wind blew flat, I was bounced to the side, and after that, I didn't know anything..."

Yes, Zhou Bodang had new weapons, so the Cuban Expeditionary Force directly used the prototype of the "mechanized army" that Chen Bahu had prepared for a long time.

Since the mechanized army is in its infancy, there are various kinds of mixtures, including not only the Nightmare horse newly bred by the brood, but also the assault armored vehicle developed by dmg and Raging Flame!

That is, the 'fire-breathing steel chariot'!

The front end of this car is equipped with two machine guns, and the body is driven by four new kerosene engines that Tesla participated in improving, with a speed of up to 55 miles!

When this kind of assault armored vehicle rushed up on the plain, Roosevelt was doomed to fail.

Faced with this great victory in the first battle, Viscount Savy seemed a little dissatisfied: "It's a pity, tsk tsk. They are too weak, and they will be defeated in one hit, so I can't take this or something... Oh, it's a tank. Come in handy!"

That's right, if Long Hao is by Savi's side at the moment.You will recognize an ugly big iron box parked next to him, which is the 'tank' he is talking about.

This tank is probably an experimental product. Eight wheels are installed on the chassis, and thick rubber tracks are wrapped on the outside, with visible lines. What stood out were two heavy machine guns, the black muzzles protruding from the thick iron baffle at the front end.

Maybe this freaky thing.It is more appropriate to call it an upgraded tracked armored vehicle.

The appearance of crawler tracks, I don’t need to say much, everyone knows that it has a revolutionary impact on mechanized warfare!

With the track, the combat range of armored mechanized troops can be greatly expanded. Needless to say, this invention was first proposed by Seagate.It was followed up and perfected by Tesla.

However, even if Savi still had tanks, his trump card didn't come in handy.The assault armored vehicle, which has been a big killer for decades ahead of the world today, is not something that a mere Theodore Roosevelt can handle.

As expected, the soldiers who survived the First World War in the Plains returned to the Freedom Stormtrooper camp and were insane and full of nonsense, which caused the morale of Roosevelt's troops to plummet.

With the great victory as an opportunity, the Cuban Expeditionary Force came out of the nest like a swarm of bees.Actively fought with the Freedom Stormtroopers on all fronts, and won successive battles. Before July [-], the Cuban Expeditionary Force had already recovered all the land west of the 'Tehuantepec Isthmus Dividing Line', and the soldiers were pointing at it.Vow to drive Roosevelt out of Mexico and into the Caribbean!

The battle went so smoothly, Viscount Savy naturally stole the limelight. He was not a low-key person to hide his strength and bide his time. After suffering for so many months, this time he received Long Hao's order to "let go and fight". Vent the arrogant arrogance happily.

Therefore, on July [-]nd, Viscount Savy also called a group of reporters and announced that he would reorganize his army and formally establish the "Spanish Restoration Government". The first goal was to restore Spain's lost colonies in Central America (Cuba, etc. Islands), and claimed in a high-profile manner that the Queen Mother Christina betrayed national interests and humiliated the country. She cannot represent Spain. She coerced the young Alfonso XIII. Everything she said was false!

Savy said that the second goal of Spain's restoration is to drive this evil old woman out of power. Only when Cristina is finished can Spain regain its new life and regain its status as a world power.

The sensational effect caused by this naked declaration is almost no less than that of Long Hao's "North Island Declaration" to the United States!

This is clearly a chariot to seek the throne of Spain!

Could it be that this Viscount Savy, with the full support of the Earl of Beihai, is so confident?

Hey, don't get hotheaded, you just repelled an American army, and you want to usurp the throne of an old European power, it seems that there is still a long way to go!

The Earl of Beihai is looking for a fight with the United States, and you, Savy, take advantage of the situation to raise an uprising and cause trouble for your own family. This, this is simply because I am afraid that the chaos in the world is not thorough enough!

However, no matter how the outside world evaluates Savoy's bold "nonsense", there is one thing about the restoration government that is quite in line with the wishes of the Spanish patriotic people.

That is, he did what Queen Mother Christina dared not do. Faced with the unilateral attack provoked by the United States, the Queen Mother swallowed her anger and made peace in silence, and gave up the Cuban colony, while Viscount Savy bravely went to war against the United States , not only won, but also said that he would honor Reba. This courage alone is a few blocks stronger than Queen Mother Christina!

Therefore, the influence has spread, and there are still quite a few people who support Savy, whether in Spain or abroad.

After all, Savi is also of serious royal blood...

After introducing Alaska and Mexico, let's take a look at Oregon.

Long Hao came to Oregon, which means that the army he led also came to Oregon.

A little different from before, Long Hao justifiably led the army of the North Island country this time to collide head-on with the U.S. Army that invaded Oregon.

This is a national war!

On June 29th, the two national armies fought for the first time, and the country of the North Island won a big victory, defeating more than 29 federal troops and taking countless prisoners.Publicly beheaded [-] members of the white supremacist interest alliance who had committed many crimes.

"Fall the U.S. Army and execute the racists!"

This is the slogan shouted by the army led by Long Hao. From the first battle, they have been welcomed and fully supported by the residents of Oregon along the way.On July [-], it swept across the entire territory of Oregon and drove out all the U.S. Army.

Just when Long Hao led his troops to take a rest and go to liberate Washington State, a shocking news came from Alaska!

On July 160, Zhou Bodang's troops and Swift's troops fought a decisive battle in a basin [-] kilometers north of the Andes Mountains. The battle was brutal and lasted more than eight hours.

In the end, Zhou Bodang's 3000 people miraculously defeated Swift's volunteer army, which had more than 2 people, dominated the railway line, and had sufficient supplies.

Even Lieutenant General Swift was killed in the war.The volunteer army killed more than [-] people and captured more than [-] people. The rest fled to the east, and few survived... After this battle, the general situation has been set, and the war in Alaska can be regarded as coming to an end.

The outcome of this epic battle was featured prominently, through news outlets.The speed of transmission is so fast that people in the west know about it earlier than the White House in the east!

in news reports.Zhou Bodang, the commander in chief of the guards, was naturally portrayed as a battlefield wizard who bucked the trend and had the potential to become a generation of famous generals.

As for the defeated general Swift, he couldn't even die in peace. He was firmly nailed to the pillar of shame by the reporter's pen and ink as "the defeated general, losing power and humiliating the country"!

The volunteer army, which is superior in number and fully equipped, is going to face the civilian guards whose number is almost one-eighth of their own.It is really incomprehensible that the whole army will be defeated and the whole army will be wiped out!Therefore, people in the United States who support the White House label Swift as an incompetent general with a pig's head in their hearts.

Some even questioned it aloud.What kind of relationship did this kind of trash have to become the commander-in-chief of the volunteer army?

How rotten is the federal military department to jump on Swift?Hey, don't just take out a pig's head to command just because you are a volunteer army. How can you let the souls of more than 3 volunteer soldiers rest in the ground?


If Lieutenant General Swift had a spirit underground, he would be so angry that he vomited blood when he heard the evaluation of him from the outside world, and shouted three times, "I'm so angry!" ', and then die.

Because, the actual situation of this decisive battle was not as described in the newspapers. It was because of his poor command and Zhou Bodang's victory over the three armies that he lost.

At its root, the key decisive factor in this battle that led to the complete severing of American tentacles from Alaska was: Lieutenant General Swift ignored the power of money and the power of wic to control people!

Yes, the reason why Swift lost was because of those chaebol representatives controlled by WIC!

Pulitzer, King Klay and others, they are traitors!

It was precisely because of their internal cooperation and external cooperation that Zhou Bodang was able to find a gap in Swift's carefully constructed defense system, made a breakthrough from this point, and then used advanced artillery to bombard the opponent indiscriminately, suppressing the opponent, and using more mobile weapons The Nightmare Horse surrounded the flanks, beheaded the reinforcements, and dispatched a battalion of sharpshooters to the periphery to snipe at the senior officers of the American Volunteers in the midst of chaos, leaving the opponents leaderless!

Lieutenant General Swift was shot like this, and his death was unknown, which can be regarded as a model of unlucky people.


When the clouds of exaggeration in the newspapers slowly dissipated, the US White House, the military, and foreign observation missions also obtained some real fragments of the battle from other reliable channels, so they cursed Pulitzer and others While treacherous and shameless, you are also shocked and disbelieved by the new weapons displayed by the guards in this battle!

Their weapons are at least two grades ahead of the US federal standard equipment?

The range of their artillery is a full three kilometers longer than the artillery equipped by the Federation?

Wouldn't this be the latest killer weapon created by those arms lunatics in Europe?

Damn it, how did the Earl of Beihai buy it?Has it been equipped on the head of the Alaska Guards without a word?


The flying knife wielded by the United States in Alaska was smashed to pieces. In fact, it was just the beginning.

Perhaps inspired by the news of the victory in Alaska, in the next ten days, the central front and the southern front again received news of Long Haofang's victory!

July [-]th.The Spanish Restoration (that is, the Expeditionary Force, the American Ocean... In short, the soldiers are still the same group of soldiers, but the flags are often changed, and the soldiers are used to it) ten kilometers east of the original armistice line (Tehuantepec Isthmus) The main force that Roosevelt had managed to gather was severely damaged. Among them, the leader of the Revolutionary Army was bombarded to death, and Theodore Roosevelt was also wounded and fled.

so far.After the first battle, the Liberty Stormtroopers and the Mexican Revolutionary Army, which had lost their backbone, were defeated in the ensuing battle. In just four days, the Yucatan Peninsula was completely wiped out!

Like irony, Swift, who had spread throughout the United States and became a laughing stock at this time: "Conquer Alaska within five days", was actually realized by his opponent, Viscount Savy!

On July 21, the U.S. Navy spokesperson bitterly admitted that all federal forces had withdrawn from Mexico, and the Army had returned home to wait for reorganization.The naval warships also left the port of Mexico one after another, retreating to defend the Greater Antilles chain across the board, preventing Viscount Savoy's renaissance plan from taking advantage of the victory and entering the Caribbean Sea, threatening the newly occupied and unfinished Cuba.

Savi can produce such a beautiful report card, and Long Hao will naturally not show weakness.

On July [-], the North Island Army had a large-scale confrontation with the U.S. troops gathered here in Seattle after repeated defeats. As a result of the confrontation, there were twelve divisions of the Federal Army.The entire army was destroyed, only Gu Xiangyun, who had just obtained the right to reorganize Benson's pseudo-fleet.Leading the crowd to surrender in advance, driving the warship that had already left the port back to Seattle Port, and raising the white flag to Long Hao, saved the hard-won naval talents under his command.

For this reason, the captured generals of the federal army cursed Gu Xiangyun as a traitor to the federation, a disgrace to the military, and a traitor of the yellow race... because, according to their original plan.Gu Xiangyun's gunboat should use artillery to support its own side outside the port, and if there is support from the ship's artillery, the federal army relying on the port will not be defeated so quickly and so miserably!

Faced with all kinds of doubts, Gu Xiangyun just said: "How do I do it. I don't need your army to teach me!"

When the general of the army continued to babble, he suddenly became furious: "Hmph, I will write a report to the military department on this campaign. You only think about me cooperating with you, but you don't think about our navy at all. You cowards, what are you doing?" What right do you have to scold me?"

The general of the army was confused by Gu Xiangyun's sudden anger and scolding. Although he was not angry, as a prisoner, he could only hold his nose and admit it bitterly.

It wasn't until later that they learned that Gu Xiangyun's fleet encountered an unknown attack as soon as it went out to sea, and two ships were sunk. Therefore, his surrender was also a helpless move. Otherwise, the Federation has not many naval talents , will be buried in this sea.

You must know that the United States started naval construction very late. It is simply not enough to rely on the training of talents at the Annapolis Military Academy to cope with the United States' powerful warship start-up capabilities.

In the federal plan to recapture the Seattle military port, [-]% of the navy's new blood was sent along with the army, and together with the surrendered sailors in the Benson pseudo-fleet, they formed the current Seattle fleet.

If the entire team is sunk, the development of the Federal Navy will be delayed for at least five years!

From this point of view, Gu Xiangyun judged the situation and chose to surrender, which can be regarded as saving the fire for the Federal Navy and making a contribution.

Seattle fell, the main force of the Federal Army was wiped out, and Washington State was liberated.

On July 22, Long Hao came to Nevada and delivered a speech at the government building in Carson, the state capital. The title was "Why should I love my country if my country doesn't love me?" ".

The content of the speech was written by Rong Shangqin and other staff members. He was bilingual in Chinese and English, with both voice and emotion.

From the perspective of a Chinese who is struggling to survive in the United States, the speech describes the hardships of a Chinese who left his hometown and pursued freedom and democracy in the United States.

The story in it is full of twists and turns. The protagonist has experienced the gold rush, the Civil War, and many classic historical events such as the overhaul of the national railroad network in the United States. It can be called a living book of the development of the United States in the past 50 years!

There have been heartaches, happiness, laughter, and heart-piercing pain of parting... The story is so twists and turns that the female reporter in the square downstairs couldn't help shedding tears.

The story was not long, but it was told for nearly three hours. It was not until the end that Long Hao revealed the current situation of the protagonist.

"... Ladies and gentlemen, the story is coming to an end. The prototype of this person is Huang Shiren. He came from a small coastal province in China by smuggling in a boat. A legal citizen, he bought a manor near the Canadian border. He can harvest 40 catties of fruit every year, and his income is considerable. It should be said that he has entered the middle class of the United States, but now? Do you want to know his current situation? , don’t worry, let me tell you the truth, come, please Huang Shiren!!”

Long Hao stopped drinking, and there was a sound of leather boots stepping on the floor behind him. The volume was not loud, but everyone in the square could hear it clearly.

Because it was so quiet at this moment, the square that accommodated nearly 5000 people was almost silent.

They were all attracted by the story of this little man's struggle. Like the fans of later generations, they were extremely eager to see the prototype of the protagonist of this story—the owner of Huang Shiren's manor, what is He Lushan's true face! (to be continued..)

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