Alchemy Greater China

【538】Edward swung the twin swords of revenge

"We all agree with these ideas, but technically..."

The Lumiere brothers are not old-fashioned people. The description of Atangge allows them to see the development direction of the film, and even see the broad future of the film.

For a moment, the two of them had mixed emotions, both excited and apprehensive, and felt that the burden on their shoulders was even heavier.

"The technical aspect is already a little bit, otherwise I wouldn't have come here."

Tesla laughed and said, "However, according to His Majesty Hao, in the first half of the year, we mainly played black and white and silent movies! Meals should be eaten one bite at a time. It's too advanced. I'm afraid the audience won't get used to it..."

In fact, where is the discomfort? In comparison, who doesn't want to see colorful movies, and who doesn't want to hear pleasant voices?

In the final analysis, the Lumiere brothers and Tesla had a tacit understanding: this is to occupy the film market step by step!

Both color painting and sound will be used as the technical reserve of Golden Pot Films to deal with possible competitors in the film industry in the future.

After all, the threshold for making a movie is not high. A big company like Edison can produce a good black-and-white silent movie after spending a month or two.

Next, Tesla followed the Lumiere brothers to their small building and studio to demonstrate his research results on color and sound technologies.

The so-called color is actually a three-color system. There is no major technical difficulty in this small innovation. After Long Hao said something casually, Tesla took a nap and had a dream, and put together a complete set of technical solutions for recording color movies. Get it straight out.

This set of technology has now been applied to the "San Jose Mercury News", I believe it will not be long.The first color newspapers (mainly color photographs) would be published.

At that time, Long Hao's mouthpiece will surely have the upper hand over Rockefeller's mouthpiece for a long time!

after all.After being tired of black and white photos, people, no matter what their standpoint, will be interested in color photos?

As for sound, this is really a major breakthrough.

Sound storage in history is actually recording sound signals to some kind of medium. As early as 1877, Edison successfully invented the electric phonograph, which converted sound signals into electrical signals and stored them.

so.Sound storage is actually nothing new.

However, to record sound and images simultaneously requires a certain technological breakthrough.In the original history, Edison was the first to achieve this breakthrough in 1910, but now, with a strong backing, Tesla has obtained this "breakthrough title" 15 years earlier.

He uses alternating current.And a mutant alchemy creature called the same phase fish.Completed the simultaneous recording of images and sounds.

When Tesla opened a box at the residence of the Lumiere brothers and took out a phonograph device loaded with the same phase fish, the Lumiere brothers were so shocked that they could not speak for a full 3 minutes!

This innovative film recording device, perhaps, can be regarded as the first successful cooperation between the alchemy line and the technology line!

Long Hao's attitude towards the technology line is not to kill them all with one stick. At the current stage, borrow the mature theory of the technology line.Use it as a reference for the alchemy thread, and learn from each other's strengths.This is the correct path for rapid development of the alchemy line.

Long Hao believes that when his alchemy disciples grow up in the future, when there are more and more types of mutated alchemy creatures, the advantages of the alchemy line will be revealed, and then surpass the technology line.

[-]**[-], February [-]th, Xiajia, Qianji City.

Like Qianji City, Qianji City has expanded to ten times the area when Tesla arrived. The entire beach and towering buildings are all within the management area of ​​Qianji City.

This includes not only the efforts to develop and build a brigade, but also the help of mechanical engineering vehicles produced by dmg. Of course, the most important thing is that Carnegie's large steelmaking plant is fully operational, and its daily output is increasing day by day.

Every day, freighters come from Australia to transport raw materials, and the steel produced by the steel factory has built a solid foundation for the crazy expansion of Qianji City.

Ten kilometers away from the coast is a castle, newly built, with a trendy shape, and the surrounding greenery is quite good. If you look down from the sky, this is a little oasis in the entire desert.

This castle is the country of alchemy, or the headquarters of the alchemy global group.

This headquarters has many functions. It not only serves as Long Hao's palace, but also the place where the board of directors holds important meetings.

The leaders of Alchemy Kingdom (first-level managers of each department) have their own rooms in this castle.

The castle is 33 meters high, which means the 33 heavens in ancient Chinese mythology.

Long Hao didn't care much about this, he didn't believe in God, so he used it to make fun of Melissa.

Melissa fed the dog with good intentions, so she was naturally not angry, and she wanted to argue with Long Hao, so at this moment, Melissa straddled Long Hao's belly, up and down, her hair fluttering, and her nose moaned softly. , while using the most serious tone of his mouth to "punish" Long Hao.

"Last month, the Alchemy Kingdom earned 11 million dragon coins, but the expenditure was [-] billion, with a net loss of [-] million..." <, we must plan where to spend money, and we can no longer spend it randomly..."

"Oh, you still laugh, you still laugh... If this continues, we will go bankrupt next month! Hmm... Be the first country to go bankrupt and become the laughing stock of the people of the world, so you are satisfied?"


What Melissa said was not alarmist at all. Since the armistice with the United States, Long Hao has taken too big a step, throwing money everywhere, and he still doesn't know how to restrain the money he throws out.

Spreading the whole big stall at the same time, and losing [-] million yuan, is already the best result of the joint control of Melissa and the Ministry of Finance.

If there is no Beihai Bank, if there is no huge gold reserves accumulated by Long Hao in the past, if Melissa has not resisted the pressure and ordered to print dragon coins, I am afraid that now.Alchemy Kingdom's capital chain has been broken, and Long Hao's favorite action - writing checks to smash people, has to end sadly.

Bad check.But it can't hit people!

"Don't worry, I know my investment well! I can't lose it!"

Long Hao didn't take it seriously at all, he chuckled, his strong waist kept shaking like a python, which made Melissa's breath even heavier, and her almond eyes seemed to drip water.

"You pervert. You insist on people wearing work clothes with you..."

"Hehe, it's not that you are too attractive! My queen!"

Long Hao sat up and hugged Melissa's soft body.He bit her jade-like earlobe lightly, and breathed lightly: "My good queen, if you are still not at ease, I will immediately ask Xiao Yu to transport a hundred tons of gold to support the battle."

"One hundred tons? Hmph. Are you bragging to me again?"

"Hey. The saddest thing in this world is that no one believes you when you tell the truth!"

"I see, you are really inhuman, ah, you want to hurt me to death with such force!"

Clouds rolling over the big bed, we don't have to watch...but at least it's a conversation between the king and queen.Still makes sense.

In the past period of time, Long Hao has indeed invested a lot.It can even be said to be an investment regardless of the cost.

The first is the cost of war.

The Sino-British conflict, the sea battle in the East China Sea, and the tense confrontation between Savoy's revivalists and the United States in the Caribbean...all of these need money.

As we all know, war is the most expensive activity.

The second is construction. The next step needs to be built, and the manpower who first entered the mainland of China, such as the first dragon, the second dragon, and the third, also needs to be built.

Xiajia is building factories and cities, while Long Yi and the others are building cement roads, ore warehouses, and commercial stores to prepare for the large-scale entry of Long Hao's products into the Chinese market.

Finally, there is arms spending, which is the manufacture of arms.

Submarines have been continuously built since they were developed.

It is said that the current number has exceeded three hundred.

In addition, the iron-clad gunships escorting the route from Australia to Xiajia are also being purchased. Since the manufacturing capacity of Kunpeng Shipyard has been invested in the construction of submarines, these traditional iron-clad gunboats can only be purchased.

A large number of orders have been poured into the European continent, which is still fighting fiercely. Therefore, the delivery speed and payment amount are inevitably much higher than in the past.

However, in order to ensure the safety of this route, the input of these armored gunboats is essential.

Because Australia is now the ore importing country of the alchemy country, this line is the lifeline of resources!

That's all there is to it, it can't reach [-] million!

However, after checking the accounts, Melissa was surprised to find that the biggest part of the [-] million deficit was hoarding of gold index futures!

The three-month gold futures were shorted. In the last month alone, 5000 million dragon coins were invested.

It's no wonder that Melissa didn't understand, gold is the foundation of the alchemy country, and Long Hao, who is the lord of the country, went to sell short, it is really hard to understand.

"Don't worry, the three-month futures are still too early to be delivered! I dare to bet you, Sasha, there will be many tough battles to be fought next month! Even if the flames in Europe are extinguished, other places will not." Those who stay alone..." <, was your economics taught by Mr. Ma Zhe? "

"Hehe, of course gold will go up if there is a war. You are right to think so, and Rockefeller and Morgan... also think so." Long Hao smiled comfortably.

"...You, you want to move the Morgan consortium and the Rockefeller oil company?"

Melissa covered her mouth and couldn't help being surprised.

My husband is really beyond the reach of pedestrians. I just broke my face with the United Kingdom. Before I took a breath, I had to wrestle with the two major economic pillars of the United States-Morgan and Rockefeller! ?

Who can have such courage?

Who would have thought of such a wrist?

However, this is also what attracts me the most about him!

Melissa's eyes suddenly softened.The watery eyes looked at Long Hao full of admiration and admiration.

"Naturally, they have to move. They won't fall. Even if the United States changes a few presidents, it's the same! It's pulling me back!"

Long Hao kneaded the dough in the shape of a jade bowl in his hand, which made Melissa feel ashamed and angry. The admiration she had just dissipated, she couldn't help saying in her heart: My husband is really tireless. Hey, how can I be a disaster to him by myself?Um.I still miss those days when I was a vegetarian!

Just when Melissa was in a state of mind and body, Long Hao let out a smirk and stopped his movements.After getting off the bed, a thick white towel was hung three inches in front of his lower abdomen, looking so hanging, so mighty and domineering.

Just bitter Melissa.The body softened.My heart is filled with emptiness...

Long Hao walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, glanced at the beautiful scenery of the Xiajia coast at sunset, and said, "In the eyes of others, I have been procrastinating for three years! I have so many advantages, in fact, I should have given up The United States is under its feet, but others don't understand. My previous dormancy was to lay a good foundation for my compatriots. My nation. Now. The dormant period has passed, and it is time for me, Long Hao, to spread my wings and fly vigorously. The chaos in Europe and the weakness of the United States are all good opportunities. Only when I truly control the United States can I return to Asia without any worries, return to my motherland, and rescue my compatriots from the sea of ​​suffering for more than 200 years Get out!"

Since the establishment of the Alchemy Kingdom, Long Hao's thinking has completely lost its direction. It took him more than three years to lay the foundation. Now, it's time for him to travel thousands of miles and soar for nine days.

Otherwise, I am ashamed of my 'surname', right?

And if you want to stabilize the rear and completely bring the United States under control, the entry point is the two super families of Morgan and Rockefeller!

In the past, the little-known Long Hao was able to get 16 billion pounds from the Rothschild family. Now, he has been reborn and 'upgraded', and he is more confident to completely bring down Morgan and Rockefeller.

The means of this overthrow is futures, because apart from war, the financial market is the easiest way to bring down a super family.The financial market kills people without blood, Long Hao must lead Morgan and Rockefeller into this battlefield, so as to squeeze out their assets!And it is not so easy to lure Morgan and Rockefeller into the financial trading market, because they are extremely cautious, unless... there is an opportunity that they are sure to win a lot of money!

This opportunity is for Long Hao to go against the trend and sell gold short!

If Long Hao sells gold short, I believe that Morgan and Rockefeller, who are chasing profits by nature, will definitely not be able to resist taking the offer.

This will be a super war totaling tens of billions of dollars!

This was Long Hao's entire plan. After thinking about it, he still didn't tell Melissa everything.

Because he didn't want his queen to be under too much pressure.

All of this is still up to him, the head of the family, to resist!

Long Hao's prediction was soon fulfilled, and the war really came.

On February [-], the British Indian Ocean Fleet crossed the Strait of Malacca and entered the South China Sea.

On 21 February, the British Home Fleet crossed the Norwegian Sea and entered the Arctic Ocean.

That's right, these are the twin swords of revenge swung by King Edward VII of England!

The Indian Ocean Fleet dispatched a total of [-] ironclad battleships, while the local fleet had [-] ships. A total of [-] ironclad battleships, the main force of the British line, aggressively moved towards the Far East.

The total tonnage has exceeded 40 tons! !

This is comparable to the power of Mount Tai!

Edward VII wants the world to know that no one on this planet can take advantage of the British Empire for nothing!

It doesn't matter if you suffer a loss, the British Empire will use the Royal Navy to pay back ten times as much!

This time the navy dispatched, Edward VII did not give orders indiscriminately.

As mentioned earlier, he gave the Royal Academy of Sciences a death order, requiring them to use the shortest possible time to research naval warfare countermeasures against submarines.

And those researchers who have studied warships for a lifetime did not disappoint Edward VII. Soon, Britain's desperately strong and thick naval reserves played a role.

The battleships of the Home Fleet carried a new anti-submarine device: a receiver that could hear underwater.

This receiver, that is, sonar, was stimulated by Long Hao. This technology, which was supposed to appear more than ten years later, has now appeared ahead of schedule.

In addition to sonar, the home fleet relies most on a small anti-submarine patrol boat.

This patrol boat claims to make submarines invisible!

In less than a month, [-] anti-submarine patrol boats were manufactured, [-] of which were handed over to the local fleet, and the other [-] were delivered to the Indian Ocean through the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal Fleet there.

The reason why Edward VII dared to transfer [-]% of the two fleets to the Far East and the Pacific region is also inseparable from the easing of the war in Europe.

With the joint efforts of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the British colonial army, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was retreating steadily. At this time, not only lost the land it had occupied since the start of the war, but also its own territory had been entered by the opposing army.

As for the Russian Emperor and his troops, I don’t know whether it’s because of the bad situation, or their Tsar Alexander III is really critically ill. Anyway, now, hundreds of thousands of Russian infantry have withdrawn to the west of the Volga River and completely left Europe. main battlefield.

This "pig-like teammate" move made it more difficult for Joseph I to move forward and support him.

It was because Edward VII saw that the European war situation was basically settled, so Edward VII would spare his hands and dispatch the main navy to the Far East.

In his two swords of revenge, in fact, the Indian Ocean Fleet is just a feint attack, while the local fleet carrying [-] anti-submarine patrol boats is the real main force of the attack. (To be continued..)

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