Alchemy Greater China

【558】 Nightmare Knights

Where did this reinforcement come from?

Da Shanyan thought for a while, and waved his hand for the sake of caution, stopping the attacking Japanese army: "Pack up your formation, don't be in a hurry to enter the city, hit the firepower, and kill this Qing army!"

As a result, the city gate has turned into Lushun City with fleshy walls, winning a precious respite.

The reinforcements of the 'Qing Army' were getting closer and closer, and their figures became clearer and clearer.

The soldiers and civilians at the head of Lushun City were the first to see the appearance of the 'reinforcement army'. After seeing it, they were all stunned, and the cheers in their mouths also stopped abruptly.

My God, what an army this is! ?

It's so strange... Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be the army of the imperial court!

Under the city wall, smoke and dust billowed, and what was rapidly approaching was a typical cavalry team.

The knights did not wear the battle jackets of Qing Dynasty soldiers, but the black-based military uniforms could better set off their heroic appearance.

However, the costumes of the unknown knights were not the main reason why Lushun soldiers and civilians were surprised!

The main reason is that the mounts under the crotch of these knights, or war horses... well, let's call them 'war horses' for the time being.

The residents of Lushun City are willing to swear to God, they have never seen such a tall war horse in their dreams!

God, the body is more than two meters long, and the horse is more than four meters tall. This, this, there such a tall and mighty horse in the world?

This can't be called a 'horse' at all?

If it's an elephant or a mammoth, I'm afraid it will be more convincing!

However, the soldiers and civilians in Lushun City think so, but how can there be an elephant in the world that can gallop at such a fast speed?

Just now because of the dust splashed by horseshoes in the distance, according to common sense, at least tens of thousands of horses must gallop together to make it possible, but looking at it now.Each of these tall and mighty alien war horses is equivalent to a hundred ordinary war horses. Therefore, the number of this batch of reinforcements is estimated to be around a hundred.

But imagine a hundred tanks and ten thousand bicycles.Which appearance will be more shocking?

Undoubtedly, of course, things with a larger individual size are easier to deter the enemy's mind!

"Haha, we are here to kill the Japanese devils, compatriots in Lushun, you don't need to thank me!"

"Hey, everyone is Chinese, you put up your braids and defend the city well, and we will leave the job of killing the enemy to our Hundred Tigers Gang!"

"Idiot. Shhh, don't talk nonsense about the name of our gang, have you forgotten the order of the head before departure? Keep a low profile, we want to kill people in a low profile!"

"Hey, what are you afraid of? I always think the name Baihu Gang is more majestic and domineering. It's much easier to understand than the 'Wildland Nightmare Group'!"

"The name Nightmare Corps is so cool... Forget it. You are uneducated, and you will never listen to you if you are told to study more. I think you have been a soldier all your life, and you can't get promoted!"

"A soldier is a soldier, yo, as long as he can ride a nightmare horse, drink the strongest soju, and cut off the most heads. It doesn't matter if I am a soldier for the rest of my life to snatch Russian girls with snow-white skin..."


This group of cavalrymen in black roared past under the city wall of Lushun, yelling loudly, laughing wildly, without any scruples about others.

A few words blow on the wall with the wind.After hearing this, the soldiers and civilians in Lushun City looked at each other with question marks in their stomachs!

Hundred Tigers Gang?


Could this gang of cavalry be horse bandits outside the pass?

My God, when did horse bandits have so many and such powerful horses?

"God, what kind of world is this? First, the Japanese pirates we looked down upon were able to beat the shit out of my Qing Dynasty, and they were powerless to fight back. Now, our majestic regular army has to rely on a group of horse bandits of unknown origin to rescue us?" Lushun Huang Shilin, the temporary admiral of the city, would almost have the urge to crash into a block of tofu.

Is the sky of the Qing Dynasty really about to collapse?

Why did this kind of steed horse not appear in our Qing army, but was taken over by a group of vulgar horse bandits? It is really unfair and unfair!


I seem to have heard that this kind of war horse is called 'Nightmare' just now?

Oh, indeed, as its enemy, encountering it is definitely like encountering a nightmare!

That's right, you must have already guessed it when you see this, the one who rides this strange soldier is an alchemy creature: Nightmare Malaysia!

As for why the Nightmare Horse appeared in Northeast China... Everyone will never forget that the horse bandit Zhang Yuehu "defected" from Huaxia Town, but took a lot of Nightmare stallions with him!

At this time, whether it was the Hundred Tigers Gang or the Wasteland Nightmare Group, a total of [-] Nightmare horses had already rushed through the city wall of Lushun like a whirlwind, and rushed towards the equally stunned Japanese army position.

These nightmare horses are covered in iron armor...of course not the kind that covers the whole body, but only protects relatively vulnerable parts such as eyes, lower abdomen, and throat.

The sporadic distribution of battle armors made Nightmare Malaysia even more terrifying as if it had come out of hell.

The defensive power of the Nightmare Horse is astonishing. After several generations of improvement, the Nightmare Horse under Zhang Yuehu's command is very close to the Nightmare Horse of later generations. They are not only cold-resistant, durable, but also invulnerable.

Ordinary knives, axes and small-caliber bullets hit the body, just like scratching itches, without any harm at all.

Of course, Nightmare Horses also have weaknesses. For example, they eat a lot, and it is not easy to feed them. Also, if they are bombed by shells above 75mm at close range, Nightmare Horses’ defenses will still be blown up.

But it is a pity that none of these shortcomings of Nightmare Malaysia can be grasped by the Japanese now.

The moment they saw the Nightmare Group clearly, they shut down collectively!

God, where did this monster come from?

Such a huge volume, with one hoof down, we have to be turned into meat paste!

In their bones, the Japanese worship the strong and submit to the strong... Therefore, when more than a hundred nightmare horses galloped over, their minds went blank, and they forgot all about fighting.

Not to mention firing guns, they even lost the strength to turn around and run now, almost without a trace!

Without any suspense, the next hour will be the slaughter of the Japanese Second Army by the Wasteland Nightmare Corps!

The horse galloped by, and the devil's head flew up;

The horses galloped past, and the devil was trampled into flesh;

The horse galloped by.Numerous gun mounts and luggage collapsed, and then a fire broke out...

Admiral Huang Shilin saw this crushing massacre that did not belong to the same level at all on the city wall of Lushun, and he was so excited that his nose hairs were blown out: he was able to besiege Lushun city in groups, and fought back at least ten waves back and forth. Rescue the Japanese of the Qing army.It was defeated like this.

Tens of thousands of people were defeated by more than 100 cavalry!

It sounds like a myth, but the facts are in front of him, and Huang Shilin has to believe it.

"What a terrifying cavalry unit. If they are really horse bandits, then on behalf of the imperial court, I will recruit them..." Thinking of this, Huang Shilin's breath was boiling and his heart was beating rapidly.It seems that he has foreseen the beautiful tomorrow where he can turn the crisis into safety and make a fortune!

Well, just like that, like a child's play, Japan's revenge for the massacre of Lushun Port came to naught.

An hour later, a nightmare horse ran to the foot of Lushun City and shouted: "You are safe, the little Japanese devils have been killed by us. Come out and help clean up the corpses and deal with the prisoners when you are free! We have other about it. I won’t stay here!”

After all, the knight pulled the rein and was about to leave without waiting for an answer.

It seems that Lushun Port is not the end of their progress at all, but more like a "lucky guy" who was rescued along the way.

Seeing that the 'Prosperity and Wealth' in his hand was about to fly away, Admiral Huang hurriedly climbed to the top of the city wall and shouted: "Soldiers stay put. Why don't you call your knights to rest in Lushun City for a night before leaving? My officer Huang Shilin, I haven't heard of the strong men I am deeply disturbed... You must stay and let me show my modest gratitude! In addition, I can also write down this great victory in detail. Submit it to the imperial court, and ask the imperial court to comment on the merits of all the heroes Reward! What do you think?"

Huang Shilin probably never spoke so loudly and so fast in his entire life!

If the city wall wasn't too high, he even wanted to jump down, hugged the knight's thigh, and refused to let them leave!

After hearing this, the knight took the reins and looked back: "There is no need to be grateful, and you can write good news as you please. We are all Chinese and compatriots connected by blood. Isn't it right to help each other?"

The knight was full of spirit and his voice was loud, and when it was heard in Lushun City, the residents who survived the catastrophe were moved to tears, and there was an emotion called 'blood is thicker than water' spontaneously in their hearts.

Huang Shilin saw that there was something going on, and secretly said that it was better if he was not bored, and hurriedly said: "Strong men, strong men, we need you to stay even more because you are compatriots! There are Japanese troops ahead, and there are many dangers. Besides, here is near the sea. Now, if their naval warships come over and bombard the river bank with shells, it will also hurt your war horses!"

The knight smiled and said nonchalantly, "Cannonballs? We need them to hit us!"

"Strong man, if you insist on leaving, please leave your name, at least, so that I can report the battle report to the court in detail... By the way, I don't seem to be a member of the court. If you take advantage of this great victory, you will submit to the court. , Shining on the lintel, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?”

Seeing that Huang Shilin could not persuade the knight to enter the city, he rolled his eyes and took out the 'hat' of court righteousness.

"The imperial court wants to recruit security? Hehe, that's right, we are horse bandits. If we were interested in recruiting security, we would have quit horse bandits long ago!"

The knight didn't follow Huang Shilin's tricks at all. He said with a sneer on his face: "Look at you, hundreds of millions of people pay taxes and taxes, and raise soldiers, but they can't even beat a small Japan. What kind of Weihai treaty is going to be signed? It's really shameful to cede land and pay compensation! I'm sorry, I won't be a coward!"

The knight's words were not polite, and immediately revealed the biggest scar of the Qing court represented by Huang Shilin!

"It's because we can't see it anymore that our masters let us cross Mohe, return to our motherland from Russia, and come to help you bastards fight the Japanese devils! If you want to recruit security, you should save money! Mr. Huang is, you should think about it and go down!" The Japanese are calling again, how do you organize the army and civilians in Lushun to resist? Don’t let these tens of thousands of people in Lushun become the victims of the Japanese devils!"

After the knight finished speaking, he didn't care about Huang Shilin's embarrassing embarrassing face, he laughed and left with a whip.

After a long time, Huang Shilin on the city wall let out a foul breath, and said viciously: "You don't eat the toast, you don't eat the fine wine, is it the Hundred Tigers? Are they from outside the pass? See how I can submit a book to the court. I will kill you!"

Not to mention that Huang Shilin was rejected because he failed to show love, because love begets hatred, and then reported to the court that there was such a strange cavalry team that entered North Korea; The credit for the Japanese Second Army is on our shoulders... We still focus on the Hundred Tigers Gang.

This cavalry team known as the Hundred Tigers Gang, also known as the Wilderness Nightmare Regiment.It was indeed sent by the horse bandit Zhang Yuehu.

When Zhang Yuehu stole the boat from Huaxia Town and returned to his hometown outside the customs, he did not honestly resume his old business. Instead, he went northward with his whip and broke into the vast Russian land, dissipating the horse bandit spirit and horse bandit culture 'selflessly' Spread the word to our 'cute' neighbors, the polar bears.

In the past few years, don't just look at Long Hao's prosperity in the United States, Zhang Yuehu has not shown any weakness.Relying on the strength of the Nightmare Horse, the horse bandits he led almost spanned thousands of miles across eastern Russia.

They came and went like the wind, specializing in plundering old men, and harassing the local Russian army and noble landlords miserable.

When it comes to the Hundred Tigers Gang, it can stop children crying at night in that cold area!

It's just that because eastern Russia has too little communication with the world, so.The feat of Zhang Yuehu has never been known to the world.

Even outside the Qing Dynasty in the south.There are very few people who know about the Hundred Tigers Gang.

However, traders who often cross the Sino-Russian border vaguely know that in the north, there is a group of horse bandits who take good care of the Chinese. The casualty rate of traders who used to do business in the past two years has been greatly reduced compared to before!

Zhang Yuehu will not tell others about his 'rebellion'.In fact, he got Long Hao's permission, and even Long Bo didn't hide it from him.

When he was in Huaxia Town, Zhang Yuehu had shared his thoughts with Long Hao, saying that he wanted to go back outside the customs to reorganize the horse bandits.

In order to fulfill the wish of this 'prospective father-in-law', Long Hao also wanted to put a nail in Russia's way.Feeling uncomfortable for Lao Maozi, he agreed to Zhang Yuehu's request.

However, Long Hao did not put this matter on the normal affairs of Huaxia Town. He just secretly instructed some people to cooperate with Zhang Yuehu and staged a good show of defection. The internal excuses allowed Huaxia Town and the Dragon Scale Party to conduct a reasonable rectification and self-examination.

Zhang Yuehu didn't know about these shady political tricks after he left. He only knew that with the Nightmare Malaysia and the golden support that Long Hao sent from time to time, he was simply a king in the southeast corner of Russia. more comfortable than ever before.

He sometimes felt that the most correct thing he did in his life was to give birth to a beautiful daughter and marry him to Long Hao.

Although Long Hao has never even met Zhang Yuehu's daughter so far, this does not prevent Zhang Yuehu from often taking it as a source of complacency...

When the Jiawu year approached, Long Hao, who was preparing for the upcoming Sino-Japanese War, began to mobilize Zhang Yuehu's pawn.

Since Long San brought various alchemy creatures to Shengjing to open up pastures, Long Hao asked him to get in touch with Zhang Yuehu.

In less than a year, Long San and Zhang Yuehu have jointly opened up an unimpeded passage from the southeast of Russia to the Liaodong Peninsula and through the customs.

Otherwise, how do you think such a cavalry team composed of nightmare horses ran to Lushun City without a sound?

This is all the result of Long San and Zhang Yuehu's hard work.

Well, now that the antecedents have been explained, the 'consequences' will be explained next.

In other words, what is this cavalry team with more than a hundred nightmare horses running across the south doing?

For what purpose?

It's very simple. First, it solved the siege of Lushun smoothly, eliminating a brutal massacre. Second, it used this cavalry team as a sharp knife to insert into the Korean battlefield and won a "victory" on its land. The Japanese Army carried out serial strikes.

Didn't the Qing Dynasty retreat steadily and lose the Korean Peninsula?

Well, okay, I will let the Hundred Tigers help the Chinese people, especially the people outside the customs who are closely related to the Korean peninsula, to see hope. There are still heroes among the Chinese, and not all of them are as corrupt as the Qing army. Incapable of fighting!

Long Hao wants the Chinese to see that the future of China does not lie in the Manchu Qing army or the Beiyang Navy, but may lie in other civilian military forces determined to defend the country!

For this reason, three experienced war reporters were placed in this Hundred Tiger Gang cavalry team. They will transport the photos and experiences along the way every five days through Chilongxu docked on the coast of the Korean Peninsula to the In Shanghai and other places, it is distributed simultaneously across the country through newspapers such as Shenbao.

This was the first step to attack the prestige of the Manchu Qing court. Long Hao believed what a great man said: A single spark can start a prairie fire.

As long as the fire is lit, in the rotten and dry firewood land of the Qing Dynasty, one day a fire that cannot be extinguished or poured will be ignited, and the Manchu Dynasty will be burned and buried!

The wasteland nightmare group's combat mission in North Korea has a code name, and it is called "Operation Weeding"!

Hoe up these weeds in Japan!

Of course, there is still a little problem in this cavalry squad of the Wasteland Nightmare Regiment.

For example, the captain of the cavalry who carried out the weeding operation was not so friendly to the three reporters who occupied the two nightmare horses.

Although he did not take any obstructive actions, his usual sarcastic remarks were still unavoidable.

After all, in this era, there are not so many people who understand the magical power of public opinion.

The captain of the cavalry team thought that with two more nightmare horses, how many more Japanese devils could I kill!Would it be useful for these three weak journalists to shoot around with a square box?

Whether it is useful or not is not up to the captain. Although he does a good job at his job, he is weak in understanding the news. (To be continued..)

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