Alchemy Greater China

【564】Queen Rescued

Finally, the evaluation team gave their evaluation report.

"With the existing technology, it is impossible to excavate the raw gold ore under the snow layer... Moreover, after experimenting with thirteen possible excavation points, we have not found even a single piece of raw gold... It seems that the raw gold ore is buried Very deep, and in at least the next 20 years, finding gold from under the snow at Miracle Island and digging it out, we think, has zero chance."

No matter how authoritative this evaluation report is, it has finally drawn a conclusion for the avalanche of the Golden Mountain: within 20 years, this batch of gold will not be dug out at all!

Since they couldn't dig it out, everyone began to wonder whether it was possible to rebuild the collapsed gold price system?

Faced with this problem, Long Hao made a high-profile appearance on Miracle Island, took over the microphone of the evaluation team, and delivered a speech to all reporters and celebrities who were interested: "I personally believe that gold is the hard currency that maintains the world's commodity circulation. It is not unreasonable to run through the entire history of human beings since there are written records! Some time ago, because of the discovery of this miraculous gold mountain, there was a panic selling of gold around the world, and the price of gold fell to the bottom. Personally, And my financial department thinks that's not normal or appropriate."

"Destroying gold is not good for the development of the world economy!"

"Nowadays, perhaps because of God's will, the gold mountain I discovered by luck has collapsed, and the gold is buried deep in the snow... Experts have given their opinions. In the past 20 years, these gold mines are I can’t get it out! Therefore, I, Long Hao, am willing to solemnly promise here that even if there is a feasible mining technology within 20 years, I will not dig out this batch of gold and put it in the gold market... I am willing to take the lead, still Using gold as the world's hard currency, I personally think that the current price of gold should be at least above 100 dragon coins, which is 178 US dollars..."

Long Hao expressed his opinion.No matter how his enemies complain in their hearts and think how hypocritical he is, in the US futures market, the price of gold is really going up!

This kind of price jump is inevitable. First, Long Hao's gold reserves have reached an astonishing level after a low price purchase some time ago. Secondly, there is a huge amount of 'gold' buried in Miracle Island.It is also a sharp weapon for Long Hao to adjust the price of gold!

Because, no matter what the experts of the evaluation team say, but in the eyes of ordinary retail gold speculators, when will the gold that has been suppressed by ice and snow come out and how much will it come out?

Isn't it up to Long Hao to decide alone?

Therefore, Long Hao is like God, saying that gold should go up, and it goes up accordingly!

It was mid-October of 25.According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance of the Alchemy Kingdom, the layout of the gold strategy began in January this year.After ten months, Long Hao's profit in gold has exceeded [-] billion US dollars, not counting the "life and death contract" that the two Johns betrayed!

The funds of the alchemy country's treasury almost swelled five times!

So far, Long Hao has completed the 'national level' primitive accumulation.

When it comes to fighting for money alone, he is not afraid of anyone.It can even be said that even if the banks of the United Kingdom and the United States join hands, they may not be able to wrestle with him!

There is no other reason, who let him completely control gold, which is the hard currency of the world?

With just one thought in Long Hao's mind, the price of gold will jump up and down a few times.Unless countries all over the world don't use gold as their national reserves, otherwise, if they want to start a war against Long Hao in the financial field, it is a fantasy and they are beyond their control!

Since it is no longer possible to fight against Long Hao in the financial field, Long Hao's enemies will naturally seek other methods.

For example, the use of national force!

Since ancient times, all conflicts that cannot be resolved through "peaceful" means, by human nature, will be resorted to violence.

For example, the two Johns who have the deepest grievances with Long Hao now, they have no choice but to embark on this "violent revenge" road of no return.

In order to use 'violence' against Long Hao, the current difficulties are actually exactly the same as those encountered by the two Johns and the US government.

That is, there is no channel for catharsis!

The channel for the United States to enter the Pacific Ocean has been blocked by Long Hao for more than a year. At the beginning, the United States could bear it, but now the Pacific Ocean is full of waves and accidents. With the end of the golden game, the US government can only look at Long Hao helplessly. The alchemy kingdom of China develops 'carefree' in it.

How can I not be anxious?

Especially after the Kingdom of Honolulu was destroyed by the Queen's Restoration Alliance, the US White House and the military were extremely worried about the situation in the Pan-Pacific.

Therefore, the two Johns and the White House hit it off once again, and resumed the business they have cooperated with for countless times!The two hit it off immediately, abandoned the embarrassment of the past, and concentrated on studying the strategy against Long Hao.

Some people may ask, how can there be trouble between the White House and the two Johns?

Don't they wear a pair of trousers?

In fact, this kind of filth exists, but it is determined by the nature of politics.

A few words, as the national power of the United States has grown rapidly in the past ten years, gdp has surpassed Germany, and is closely following the United Kingdom. The White House's dependence on major conglomerates is not as strong as it was in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China and during the Civil War.

The White House hopes to get rid of the "gold dollar influence" of the major consortiums and pursue democracy and freedom, while the super consortia represented by the two Johns hope to continue to exert influence on the White House in order to seek greater monopoly interests.

In this way, evil will naturally continue to breed.

In this gold price turmoil, the two Johns lost their bet and were forced to act rascally. The White House was actually quite happy.

If the power of the super consortium is severely damaged, then the free and democratic government will definitely increase its power.

Moreover, John Rockefeller's involvement in the navy earlier actually caused dissatisfaction among many senior generals who were born as civilians...

In short, the White House and the two Johns are like a pair of happy friends. After arguing at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, there will be small quarrels from time to time, but if one party really dies, the other party will not stand still.

For example, if Morgan and Rockefeller were to be bankrupted by Long Hao, the White House would never allow it.

Moreover.Now Long Hao has become a visible threat through various miraculous means. Therefore, the White House and the two Johns must abandon their previous suspicions and deal with it together!

As the saying goes, "A husband and wife are of the same heart, their profits can break gold", which sets the tone of "violent attack".The White House and the two Johns quickly discussed an absolutely feasible countermeasure.

The countermeasure is: unite with the United Kingdom to suppress Long Hao in all aspects, send troops into the Pacific Ocean, and destroy his foundation!

Why unite with the UK?

The reason is very good: because the Queen's Restoration Alliance is already the undoubted enemy of King Edward VII of England, so there is a need for an alliance between Britain and the United States!

Use the Anglo-American alliance to counter the Pan-Pacific alliance formed by Clayhall, Japan, and the Alchemy Nation.

To realize this alliance confrontation, the first problem to be solved is to open up the sea channel from the United States to the Pacific Ocean.

This channel is the Panama Canal!

The canal, which was destroyed by the French company, is currently guarded by Theodore Roosevelt, who defeated Mexico.According to his research report, the White House believes that with the help of the United Kingdom, the opening time of this canal will be greatly advanced.

Ever since, the United States and the United Kingdom got in touch to confirm: in November, the Panama Canal will be re-dug and refurbished, and strive to be able to navigate large-tonnage battleships early next year!

As long as the Panama Canal is open.The powerful industrial manufacturing capacity of the United States has a mouth to vent and a place to use.

At that time, Britain's most powerful Atlantic Fleet will also be able to quickly enter the Pacific Ocean.Attack Clay Hall, the 'traitor'.

The United States and the two Johns thought very well, but how could they keep up with Long Hao's actions?

After the Miracle Island avalanche incident, another major event happened, which forced the United States and the United Kingdom to meet again to revise their alliance strategy.

This event is, October [-]nd.Queen Victoria of England appeared in Honolulu!

This news was first reported by the "San Jose Mercury News", and the first batch of readers who saw this news had their first reaction: This is fake news!

Wasn't Queen Victoria under house arrest by Edward VII?

How could it have circled half the world and suddenly appeared in Honolulu?

When we are fools?

This is absolutely fake news!

To this.If Zheng Gongxiao was present, he would have snorted coldly with disdain: let alone England, even if Queen Victoria was imprisoned at the bottom of the sea, with these strange people provided by the young master, it would be easy to rescue her!

The strange people that Zheng Gongxiao talked about were actually the first batch of alchemy apprentices trained by Principal Breeze.

They were sent to Europe, and their first mission was to rescue the Queen of England!

Leaving aside the process of the task, things went very smoothly anyway. Thinking about it, the energy that a group of alchemy apprentices cooperate with each other is absolutely astonishing.

Even Zheng Gongxiao was amazed at the efficiency of these little brats after seeing Her Majesty the Queen who was sent in intact.

From sending them to London, England, to returning now, it took less than five days in total!


These people are the master's trump card... Zheng Gongxiao shuddered when he thought about it: How many hidden methods did the master not use?

And I heard that the magical skills of these little kids can be taught, as long as they make great contributions to the alchemy country!

Long Jiale, the original person in charge of the brood's nest, was rumored to have been appreciated by the young master, and acquired this ability beyond ordinary people.

Zheng Gongxiao was itching in his heart: Do we want to give up the C Luo family and go back to the young master to do something special...

Others definitely don't know the inside story above, but they just need to know that the Queen of England who appeared in Honolulu is the real one!

This is very easy to prove. On October [-]th, Queen Victoria of England issued a telegram in Honolulu, acknowledging the legitimacy of the Queen's Restoration Alliance and announcing: Edward VII's throne is illegal!

She told the people of the world that she will make every effort to return to the UK and lead the UK that has gone astray back to the right track.

The appearance of the Queen of England caused a worldwide sensation.

Seeing his mother's high-profile appearance, Edward VII immediately became mad. He summoned envoys from the United States and immediately began to study the matter of opening the Panama Canal.

Regarding this matter, he had to carefully consider whether the opening of the Panama Canal would put the United States on the fast track to becoming a great power.But don't think about it now, because Britain also desperately needs this canal to send more naval forces to the Pacific Ocean and kill the hateful Queen's Restoration Alliance in its cradle.

The United States benefited from this. By the end of November, the Panama Canal had completed 60% of the excavation progress.

actually.Edward VII has been deeply disturbed since receiving the news that the queen has mysteriously disappeared from her place of house arrest.

However, he still didn't expect that the queen could break through the heavy blockade he had set up in such a short period of time, run to the Pacific Ocean, and meet Clay Hall smoothly.

The Queen's appeal is unquestionable. In order to alleviate his foreseeable ruling crisis, after sending away the American envoy, Edward VII secretly went to Berlin, Germany.Ask Kaiser Wilhelm II, why has he still not been able to take down the Austro-Hungarian Empire?If Germany wants to save effort, then let the British Army solve all this!

Destroying the Austro-Hungarian Empire and restoring peace on the European continent was the most effective and fastest thing Edward VII could think of to increase his prestige.

The Japanese reaction to Queen Victoria's appearance was the most ecstatic.

They've just tasted what it's like to raid the Honolulu Kingdom's home, next.It has set its next target on the Spanish Philippines in the south.

Because the Japanese discovered that it is really good to enjoy the shade with the big tree of Clay Hall.

He is sitting on a powerful Pacific Fleet.But it seems that he has no intention of occupying the territory, as long as there are a few good ports for his fleet to park.

The rest of the search tasks are all left to Japan.

Clay Hall's "spoils" conditions are also very fair: [-] to [-]!Japan got six and Clayhall got four.

Although it seems a lot for Clay Hall to get [-]% without doing anything, in fact, Japan today.From the emperor to the cabinet, and then to the military department that carried out the order, everyone laughed from ear to ear.

They may not have known how profitable the robbery was, but after the bloody sweep in Honolulu, the Japanese knew it all the more when they were surprised!

No wonder people used to risk being hanged to be pirates.No wonder Genghis Khan would rather go west if his horse broke his leg... It turns out that the fastest way to accumulate wealth in the world is tm robbery!

Especially looting a country that was already rich.

There are many island countries like Honolulu in the Pacific Ocean!

Furthermore, the so-called four or six spoils, isn't the total amount determined by the 'operator' Japan?

As long as the figures on the books are acceptable, Clayhall can't find any mistakes.

In this way, without the Sino-Japanese War that should have been victorious in history, but with the Honolulu massacre, the Japanese still tasted the sweetness from the aggression. Once the deformed desire for aggression in their hearts was ignited, it would be out of control.

Now that the Queen of England is here, Japan feels more confident in looting!

After talking about Japan, let's talk about Long Hao. For the Queen's appearance, Long Hao pretended not to know at first, and then expressed his joy.

He delivered a speech in San Francisco, welcoming the Queen's safe return, and said that the Kingdom of Alchemy will be the Queen's home in the future, and can provide strong support for the Queen's return to the throne at any time.

In order to express her gratitude to Long Hao for his speech, the first stop of Queen Victoria after leaving Honolulu was San Francisco.

When she came to the United States, she refused the request of an official representing the White House. Instead, she went directly to Long Hao, and under the spotlight of many media, she discussed with him 'blatantly' for two days.

In the past two days, too many speculations have been given to the outside world. Is this the Queen who wants to form an alliance with the Alchemy Kingdom?

Does it mean that the Alchemy Kingdom will also become a part of the Queen's Restoration Alliance?

Or is it that the Queen resorted to strong means to forcibly incorporate Long Hao's Alchemy Kingdom?

After all, the lessons learned from Honolulu are right in front of us. Everyone knows that the statement of the Queen's Restoration Alliance: "Those who follow me may not prosper, but those who oppose me will surely perish" is definitely not a joke!

...There are various versions of guesses, but they would never have guessed that Queen Victoria came to San Francisco to meet Long Hao, in fact, apart from thanking him for sending someone to rescue her from the clutches of her unworthy son, it was for the potion of immortality .

The queen who has used the potion of immortality is actually inseparable from this magical alchemical potion that makes her rejuvenate and regain her youth.

May I ask which woman doesn't care about her appearance?

Even the queen of England, who is rich in the world, is no exception.

Especially after tasting the taste of rejuvenation, once you lose it, this kind of inner suffering is simply unbearable!

During the days when she was under house arrest by her son, what Queen Victoria worried most was not whether she would have a chance to go out, but whether her youthful appearance could come back.

Therefore, when Long Hao's alchemy apprentices rescued her, she came to the Pacific Ocean without hesitation after asking him about his identity.

Otherwise, with her contacts, wandering around Europe a few times would also deal a great blow to Edward VII, whose foundation was unstable.

For example, if she goes directly to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then the British colonial army that is besieging the Austro-Hungarian Empire will surrender at least [-]% of the time!

After all, the queen's prestige is too high, and in the hearts of the British, she has been deified.

Of course, Long Hao satisfied the queen's small request, and assured her that the materials for refining the potion of immortality were ready, and in the future, she would definitely be able to supply a sufficient amount for people like the queen.

Long Hao responded to every request, and Queen Victoria naturally reciprocated. In two days, they made a series of offensive and defensive alliance agreements that were unknown to outsiders.

Two days later, the Queen held a press conference in San Francisco and announced to the outside world: The Alchemy Kingdom has not joined the Queen's Restoration Alliance. However, the Alchemy Kingdom and the Alliance are not hostile. The two sides will carry out extensive and in-depth friendly cooperation in terms of material supply and commodity sales. ... (To be continued..)

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