Alchemy Greater China

【568】The Battle of Scilly

The war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Tsarist Russia came to an end. After the peace talks, a compensation treaty was signed and the borders of the countries were divided... We will not repeat them.

And let us shift our focus from eastern Europe to the western theater.

In December last year, France, whose capital Paris was occupied, was already in a "state of annihilation". guerrillas.

The Germans were arrogant and didn't care about these mange diseases. What they wanted was not the complete surrender of France, but what they wanted was a port from France to Britain!

This is the real purpose of the Germans.

With these ports, the German Army can truly threaten the United Kingdom with the High Seas Fleet coming out of its old nest.

Britain, France, Britain and France are inseparable, France is the younger brother, and the United Kingdom is the boss. Only by taking the lead, can Germany dominate Europe, and even rule the world.

As for France, Germany knows it all too well. As long as they don't push them too hard, it won't take long for the romantic 'toxin' in their bodies to explode on its own.

Not enough to worry about.

France fell, and the British Isles were in danger. This emergency actually helped Edward VII.

The domestic situation, which had been inclined to overthrow Edward VII because of the Queen's statement, became favorable to the king again.

Some people say that Victoria is our queen, but if she colludes with the Germans, she is traitorous!Let's face it, unite around the current king, and never allow the Germans to land on our sacred land!

When Queen Victoria discovered this situation, she quickly notified Kaiser Wilhelm II and asked him to withdraw his troops to lift the threat to the British mainland.

However, William II seems to be a bit stubborn.He felt that this was the best time to defeat Britain and seize its maritime supremacy, so he rejected Queen Victoria's request without hesitation.

Almost at the same time as the Battle of Minsk started, on February [-], the German High Seas Fleet and the British Royal Fleet met west of the English Channel near the Isles of Scilly.

A firefight broke out.

According to statistics.The two sides invested a total of more than 42 warships, of which the main armored battleships were 66 from the British side and [-] from the German side!

Known as the 'Battle of Scilly' in history.

The sea battle of Scilly was indeed sharp. The High Seas Fleet, which had been suffocated for a lifetime in history, played a well-deserved 'public nuisance' spirit. From the moment it came into contact with it, it launched a desperate offensive against the British Royal Fleet.

As for the British navy, its strength is extremely limited because a large number of warships were abducted by Clay Hall.So it is no surprise that when the naval battle started, they were suppressed and beaten by the German High Seas Fleet.

With the modern naval warfare of long-range artillery fire, one more battleship is not simply a "plus one" in numbers.

For example, five ships versus four ships, although the difference is only one ship, but after the battle, it is very likely that the winning side will have three ships left.And the loser will be wiped out.

This formula is, the square of five minus the square of four and then the root sign.

therefore.The German Navy has 24 more battleships, and the advantage is huge!

Perhaps after a battle is over, there will be scenes where you are unharmed and the opponent is completely intact.

However, don't underestimate the centuries-old heritage of the British Navy.

Although their internal morale is low, the professional level has not been lost at all.

In front of such a bad situation of disparity between the enemy and ourselves, they are very clear-eyed.

Seeing that the crisis of destruction is imminent.The Commander-in-Chief of the British Atlantic Fleet (the supreme commander of the Royal Fleet at this time) immediately made a decision and launched a "death order"!

The so-called death order is a special order executed when the British Navy is on the front line of life and death!

An order to die with the enemy!

When the death order was issued, the British army first pretended to escape.Using the familiarity with the nearby ocean currents, the distance between the battleships in the German High Seas Fleet was quickly opened.

Then, the British warships were divided into six small columns, and they moved forward in each direction, cutting and encircling some of the German warships that were alone.

After the siege, the British army did not use artillery to attack. Instead, they adopted the most straightforward attack method: a one-on-one collision, exchanging one warship of one's own side for one of the opponent's warship!

A life for a life!

That's right, as I said before, when one side has one more battleship, the combat power it generates will double in the form of a square.

Then, if the British army, which is currently at a disadvantage in the number of warships, exchanges one with the German army, the winning side will be the United Kingdom.

Moreover, there are at least two benefits to implementing a one-for-one 'death order'.

One is that the speed of destroying enemy ships is faster than bombardment with shells, which can save time;

The second is that the battleship used to die with the enemy can be chosen by oneself. The opponent is a battleship, and one's own torpedo boat can be exchanged... Even if it is exchanged for two, it is quite worthwhile.

This kind of tactic was completely unheard of in the German navy, and soon, that part of the surrounded squad was collided by dozens of desperate British warships, and suddenly... the sound of explosions resounded throughout the sea.

In just 3 minutes, the German army's six battleships that were deep in depth were sunk, while the British army only lost one battleship and thirteen inferior battleships.

This kind of battle loss ratio is usually enough to become a great victory worthy of boasting for ten years, but now, although the result of this battle is gratifying, it is still not enough for the British army.

The Germans lost the sudden squad, but they also had an insight into the British army's "death tactics".

As a result, the German High Seas Fleet immediately stopped its aggression, and the order was conveyed to arrange the distance between the two battleships, and then surrounded them with second-class battleships as a buffer against collisions.

The Germans knew that the enemy who had stood tall for hundreds of years on the opposite side was going to do his best, and he put down his body to do his best!

If you are not careful, you may encounter 'Waterloo' at sea.

However, although the Germans responded quickly enough, the British's "death order" has been secretly practiced for more than a hundred years?

Looking back upwards, it is probably the product left over from the struggle between Britain and the Spanish Armada for world maritime supremacy.

It will be updated every ten years, just in case, and when the British navy is in danger, the death order can come in handy!

No, the movement of the Germans to stop chasing was also expected in the "death order tactics".

at this time.The role of the six small British naval columns was revealed.

They quickly seized favorable terrain and bombarded the German fleet camp.

The target of this bombardment is not a huge battleship, but a group of secondary battleships in the German Navy who are a little dizzy by the tide of orders!

Without the protection and deterrence of battleships, these inferior battleships have become living targets for British battleships!

Boom boom boom!

The results of the battle were impressive, but what fell on the head of the German Navy was a tragic elegy.

Just half an hour.The six columns of the British Navy poured shells crazily as if they didn't want to spend any money. Dozens of those German second-class warships were shot almost in the blink of an eye.

Flames and black smoke soared into the sky, water columns rose one after another, and blood stained the boiling sea red.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on the German battleship were red-eyed, and they immediately wanted to fight back, but it was a pity that their own hull was too large and it was inconvenient to turn.By the time the gun barrel was adjusted, the British bombardment was over.

After the cannon was fired, the Six Small Columns patted their buttocks and walked away.

Just such a burst of artillery fire caused the loss of more than forty of the German army's second-class warships, and the death toll was immeasurable.

Even the Germans, who had suffered greatly, seemed to lose their composure at this time. They gave up the strategy of adjusting the distance and maintaining the formation of the main battleships, and the nearest battleships rushed out with full power.To avenge the death of the Liao Ship!

But this move was in the hands of the British army, and it didn't take long.Another perfect encirclement and cutting appeared, and these aggressive German battleships were once again savagely crashed by British warships several times their size.

So far, the British Navy's "Death Operation" has achieved unprecedented success. On the other hand, after being hit one after another, the German Navy has calmed down like a pot of cold water.

Facing the desperate and unreasonable suicide collision of the British.The Germans finally cheered up, stopped advancing aggressively, but kept a distance from each other, and greeted each other with shells.

However, this step still fell within the expectations of the British army's "death order".

Part of the British warships were separated.Used to cruise quickly, attract fire, and wait for an opportunity to ram into a German warship, forcing it to slow down.

The other part turned around, split the waves, and retreated towards the mainland.

As the saying goes, as long as the green hills are left, there will be no need to worry about firewood. The withdrawn British warships are the last force to defend the British mainland. After they return to Hong Kong, they must cooperate with the forts on the shore to resist the subsequent crazy attack of the German navy.

The Battle of Scilly lasted for ten hours. In the end, the British army escaped with ten main battleships and lost more than one hundred battleships.

On the other hand, the German High Seas Fleet did not get much bargain. They lost a total of 24 battleships and 83 second-class warships.

It can be said that the Battle of Scilly can be regarded as the most tragic naval battle of this century, and it is also the most advanced and most damaged naval battle in modern naval warfare.

After this battle, the German High Seas Fleet completely pinched the British sea outlet, while the British Navy was seriously injured, so it could only stick to the homeland and try its best to delay the landing time of the German army.

The British army was actually very lucky to achieve such a result.

Thanks to the "Death Order", they sank at least ten more German battleships than conventional tactics, which greatly narrowed the force gap between the two sides. This also made it possible to defend the homeland and prevent the German army from landing in England in a short time.

However, the British nationals don't see it that way. They only know that the Royal Navy, which has been invincible and omnipotent for hundreds of years, was defeated. They were defeated by the Germans at sea, and their aura of invincibility faded. Danger of being occupied by the Germans!

Those who don't understand military affairs, or those who still pretend to understand something, acted one after another, demanding that Edward VII abdicate immediately, asking him to go to Kaiser Wilhelm II for peace talks, and end this wrong war as soon as possible!

Of course, there are also people who are staunch royalists. They took to the streets and called on the people of the whole of Britain to unite and not be afraid of the German army.

They demand that factories across the country must now work overtime without a break to produce and deliver bullets, artillery shells, and fast boats that can be used for suicide rams to the front lines...

After February [-], the UK was clearly divided into the above two factions.

As a result of the defeat at the Battle of Scilly, the voices against King Edward gained some ground.

The whole of Britain is eagerly awaiting the Queen's return.

When there was a queen before, did we English suffer so much?

The majestic world's number one naval power is blocked at the door by someone else's boat!

What a disgrace is this? !

The wishes of the people have been answered in the most practical way.On February [-], Queen Victoria strongly protested and condemned the German navy's siege of Britain, and declared that if the Germans did not withdraw their troops, the Pacific Fleet would return to defend the country.

Faced with the queen's tough remarks, the Germans ignored them.With a sullen head, he continued to launch joint sea and land beach battles in various ports in southern England.

However, the ten battleships retained by the British using the "fatal warfare method" played a role. They cooperated with the forts on the shore and the brave British army to repel a total of German troops in the next 30 days. Eighteen attacks.

From February 22th to March [-]nd, it was known as the 'Battle of England' in history.

At the end of the battle, the German army was exhausted, and the Pacific Fleet promised by the Queen miraculously sailed from the north.

It was part of the Pacific Fleet integrated by Clay Hall!

Queen Victoria personally served as the commander in chief, leading the Pacific Fleet with more than [-] main battleships.Come back to save the motherland.

The emergence of the Pacific Fleet made the British army regain the upper hand in the number of battleships. The German High Seas Fleet made a little test, and after finding out that it was invincible, it quickly withdrew from the English Channel and returned to its naval base.

At this point, the British Defense War came to an end with the British army defending its own territory.

Queen Victoria of England saved the whole of England because of leading the fleet back to aid.The prestige soared all of a sudden, and Edward VII was forced to abdicate.The Queen is back on the throne.

Thus, at the end of March, there was an armistice on both the east and west fronts in Europe.

The War of the Three Emperors Alliance, which lasted for more than two years, has come to a fairly satisfactory conclusion.

The impact of this war on Europe is undoubtedly far-reaching.

This is a war with the widest coverage since entering the era of thermal weapons.

From this war, people realized.Those technologies that have brought infinite convenience to one's life will also bring one's own extremely easy death.

Any bullet, the shock wave generated by the explosion of any shell, can easily kill people.

Over two years, more than 2000 million people in Europe were involved in the war.The number of casualties is more than 600 million. Among them, the Minsk Meat Grinder Battle alone has filled more than 100 million fresh lives!

After the armistice, the whole of Europe was crying for the wounds on their bodies that were much bigger than expected!

Another result of the war was the redistribution of European interests.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire became the biggest winner. After the end of the Kiev peace talks in April, it exaggeratedly became the country with the largest territory in Europe except Russia.

Germany is not bad either, second only to Austria-Hungary, which destroyed France and claimed more than half of its territory to itself.

The French guerrilla army fled into Spain and mingled with the Spaniards, hoping that the British would back them up and take back their own land.

The wishes of the French are romantic and beautiful, but in fact, Britain is really a bit overwhelmed now.

Queen Victoria of England has regained the throne and is busy rectifying the ruling and opposition parties, and by the way, teaching her unworthy son a good lesson.

In addition, Victoria has a secret agreement with Kaiser Wilhelm II, and it is basically impossible to expect her to help France get back more than half of the country.

After the Battle of Scilly, the British navy has been severely damaged. In a short period of time, it can only stick to the homeland, and it is impossible to go out to roam the seven seas and dictate.

Britain's overseas colonies may have to be reclassified, and the outside world believes that Germany will be the biggest beneficiary.

After briefly explaining the mess of things in Europe, let's talk about the Pacific Ocean.

It is said that the queen pulled more than half of the fleet through the Bering Strait, across the Arctic Ocean, and quickly returned to China for rescue. Then, the strength of the Clayhall fleet that remained in the Pacific Ocean became very weak.

This gave the Japanese a chance.

They took the 'chicken feathers' given by Clay Hall as 'leading arrows', and since last year, they have plundered everywhere in the Pacific Ocean, looting no less than twenty islands and gaining countless wealth.

What they have done is worthy of the titles of the new generation of "locusts" and "pirates" in the Pacific Ocean.

[-] was the year when the Japanese military power was completely expanded. They took over the traditional Spanish colonies one after another on the basis that Clay Hall didn't care.

Spain is considered the most unlucky party in this global change. Not only has it lost a lot of land and wealth on the European battlefield, but its traditional colonies such as the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean have also been occupied by the Japanese.

It is said that Spain is already very dissatisfied with the Queen Mother Christina, and some people even suggested that Viscount Savy, who is in charge of overseas activities, should come back to take charge of Spain!

The Japanese who are addicted to looting are quite satisfied with the current situation. They did not expect that they would have such a broad prospect when they shifted their strategic vision from the west to the east.

It seems that the previous strategy of 'first North Korea, then Northeast China, and then the whole of Greater China' is really too childish!

The ocean to the east is so wide, it seems that the Pacific Ocean is the ultimate direction of development of Great Japan!

Of course, while Japan is proud, it is still very afraid of Clay Hall.

However, after several careful trials, the Japanese were delighted to find that although their actions were getting out of the scope of human nature little by little, there was still no sign from Clayhall. (To be continued..)

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