Alchemy Greater China

【577】The Lonely Hero Script Reappearance

The rich Indonesian archipelago and the northeast corner of Australia, these spheres of influence that were once sheltered by the alchemy country, have now become the picking and killing fields of the Japanese army!

On June [-], Indonesia announced its surrender to Japan.

On June [-], the Japanese army landed in northern Australia. In just three days, seventeen bloody massacres were carried out.

On June 25, the headquarters of Beluga Energy Group in Australia was destroyed by the Japanese army. Fortunately, the main personnel were evacuated quickly. Except for monetary losses (all kinds of precious metal ores could not be moved), other losses were acceptable.


The glory of the Japanese army set off a frenzy among the people in the country. Countless rising sun flags were out of stock, and countless girls asked for free labor!

Some people even shouted the slogan that Great Japan wants to unify the earth.

People's fanaticism can be ridiculed, but it must be used well.

In this regard, the Japanese politicians of this generation have undoubtedly done a good job. They strike while the iron is hot and send out "war blackmail" to the surrounding countries one after another!

For example, the Japanese navy re-entered the East China Sea and sent a note to the Chinese emperor (well, having two emperors is always a hassle, and Japan sent two notes in total) asking China to honor the treaty of Weihai without discount , cede the Liaodong Peninsula as soon as possible, otherwise, Long Hao's yesterday is China's tomorrow!

For a while, the two emperors panicked, and they could no longer care about the work of soliciting votes, and began to send people to find Liu Kun, the "protector god" of China's territorial waters, for advice.

Liu Kunyi was also in a hurry. He had heard about the results of the Japanese-Jinjin naval battle. The remains of dozens of submarines had been salvaged by the Japanese army and were on tour around the Pacific Ocean.

As soon as Liu Kun couldn't get in touch with Long Hao, he didn't know what to do.

He has less than ten battleships at hand, compared with the Japanese navy that is in full swing today, it is no different from Mount Tai.

No power to fight.

The arrogance of the Japanese.It has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people in China. After nearly a year of voting and election campaigns, the knowledge of Chinese people has greatly expanded. Although it cannot be said that they have begun to despise the monarchy that has been inherited for thousands of years, at least they His vision has been broadened to the world.

Many aspiring young people from good families.They have all submitted to Liu Kunyi the request to go to a subsidiary company of the Alchemy Kingdom for further study, and some of them actually made the trip. They visited and studied in the large industrial base in Xiajia for several months.

After returning, the vision was different immediately.

Therefore, Japan's war blackmail this time frightened the emperor and Liu Kunyi, but it did not frighten this group of people.

They have their own distinct opinions in their anger towards the Japanese notes!

"Ceded the Liaodong Peninsula? Dreaming?"

"It was not my Chinese navy that the Japanese won. The logic of using other people's failures to make us pay is simply absurd!"

"Yes, I have read the report of the Japanese-Japanese naval battle. Although the Alchemy Kingdom lost their submarines, their main battleship group is still well preserved. There is no movement now, which means that they are accumulating strength and preparing to counterattack! We can Don't be intimidated by Little Japan!"

"I hate you. The Japanese devils will fight if they want to fight, and they want us to surrender without fighting. That is just a daydream!"


The eyes of the people are discerning, and they can see the weakness and crisis of the Japanese under the flames of unrivaled magic. Besides, if the Japanese are really as powerful as they advertise, they will not send any notes, but will directly send troops from Forced landing on the Korean peninsula!

These Japanese devils.The "Shenbao" has followed up on the crimes committed in the islands of the Pacific Ocean in the past two years. Chinese people who love to read newspapers know: let the devils in, and what tragic consequences will happen to their homeland!

Therefore, I would rather fight to the death.Nor surrender!

But it's a pity that the people have Ling Yunzhi, but they can't bear the useless imperial court above them.

The bottom has the courage to fight to the death, but the leader is a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

This kind of sorrow can only be understood by Chinese people in this era.

The two emperors, Guangxu and Xuantong, responded to the Japanese 'war blackmail' almost simultaneously.

Their tone of voice was quite consistent, and they all said that the door of the Liaodong Peninsula was open to the Japanese, and they were welcome to settle in at any time.

Anyway, as long as the Japanese don't go to war with China, the Qing government will obediently agree to it no matter what the conditions are.

The cowardice and courage of the Northern Qing Dynasty and the Southern Qing Dynasty made the Chinese compatriots who were gradually enlightened very angry: This is our imperial court?Eat our taxes and enjoy our offerings, but the foreign enemy came and surrendered without saying a word?Sell ​​out all the people of the country?

The corruption of the Qing court is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at this moment than at any time in the past!

It was a kind of pain that penetrated into the bone marrow!

We don't want such an emperor!

Chinese compatriots who do not want to be subjugated slaves, we are against it!

The emperor took turns to sit, this world is not born to be the world of the Qing Tartars!

Since ancient times, the world has been home to the virtuous. The Qing court lost its virtue (it seems that it has been lost for a long time, but the people of this dynasty are more numb than any previous dynasty) and do nothing. Then the emperor's seat should naturally be given up!


All kinds of such voices resounded in the land of Shenzhou with unprecedented intensity!

The time has entered July, and the arrogance of the Japanese is still hot, and the sky over the Pacific Ocean is dry and chilling.

Long Hao, who kept the main battleship, still disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that the submarine lost a month ago was not his unit at all.

Weird and unusual.

In addition to the Pacific Ocean, the two continents of Europe and North America, the "heat" on it is also burning red all over the sky.

The source of 'hot fire' is war. Only artillery fire and the blood in the human body are the best materials for burning more and more vigorously.

Let's start with Europe.

Both the Eastern and Western Fronts have invested in new weapons: tanks and large-caliber artillery.

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe it as life like nothing.

On the western front battlefields of West France and Germany, every day of fighting, it takes a day to clean up the corpses.

Otherwise, you won't even be able to move forward!

The historical enmity of the three countries, catalyzed by weapons of mass destruction, has been magnified beyond measure.

The eastern front battlefields of Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia, because both sides are masters at all costs.The fight was even more intense.

The number of soldiers who are reduced every day cannot even be used in the number of body bags. They are often dug a hole and buried a large number on the spot.

It can be said that Europe is experiencing the largest 'reduction operation' after the 'Black Death'.

And the root of all this is the destructive weapon that was suddenly 'accelerated'.They don't match the current era, and the resulting gap needs to be filled with human lives!

Let's talk about the United States.

Japan's victory in the Pacific did not have that great impact on the United States. After strengthening the defenses of the ports on the west coast, the Western Union once again devoted its main combat forces to the military operation to wipe out Toho.

After persisting for a month, on July [-], Washington, the capital of Dongbang, finally declared its fall.

However, the price paid by the Western Union was not small. At least 20 soldiers died in this 'War of Washington'.

Why is the price so high?

Washington's amazingly solid defense played a vital role.

Originally, Leland Stanford thought that the use of the 'Owl' bomber could solve Washington within five days, however.The sudden appearance of anti-aircraft interceptors in downtown Washington immediately made his dream come to naught.

When several 'Owl' bombers were shot down, Leland Stanford stopped the high-altitude bombing and continued to focus on the ground attack instead.

Stanford understands that these bombers are small in number and can be regarded as Long Hao's treasure. If the loss is too large in his hands, he, the president of Western Union, cannot bear it.

Washington fell into the hands of Western Union.However, the war is not over.

The Dongbang government-in-exile still maintained a combatable force of more than [-].They retreated to the northeast corner, echoed with the Canadian government, and joined forces to continue to fight to the end.

The Canadian government and the Toho government can be described as the same enemy!


The "Aboriginal Liberation Movement" organized by Zhou Bodang left an unforgettable and unforgettable mark on the Canadian government. Now that they have the opportunity, why don't they try their best to protect the exiled fighters in Dongbang? Excellent 'thought.Dealing with Western Union to the end?

Moreover, Toho and Canada are not without confidence. There is an endless stream of freighters passing through the Atlantic Ocean, with sufficient supplies and weapons.It is continuously transported from Europe.

The source of transmission is naturally the 'New Order Alliance' headed by the United Kingdom.

The New Order Alliance was established after the restoration of Edward VII while fighting wars.

There are many members in this alliance. In Europe, except for Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, basically all of them have joined this alliance.

The current situation in Europe is a contest between the New Order Alliance and the Second Emperor.

The New Order Alliance is now encircling and attacking the Second Emperor, so the Atlantic Ocean, an important European and American channel, is once again in the hands of Edward VII.

Needless to say, the daily necessities it provides, just take those weapon aids, these are provided by two major arms families: Nobel and Ronaldo!

It is not surprising that Nobel will stand on the side of the New Order Alliance, but the Ronaldo family has also fallen to the New Order, but it is really surprising.

Ever since the Ronaldo family got rid of the shadow of the Rothschild family, who doesn't know its relationship with Long Hao?

That is an iron relationship that can no longer be ironed. I think that when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was fighting alone, the reason why it was able to survive until the dawn came was due to the strong support given by the Ronaldo family!

But now, even the Ronaldo family has 'jumped back', and the prospect of the second emperor is undoubtedly bleak in the eyes of everyone.

After Canada and Dongbang got the living supplies and weapons, they were full of fighting spirit. Therefore, in a short period of time, the Western Union Army was unable to break through the front line, and the two sides were deadlocked on the land of Maine.

Every day is full of bullets and continuous explosions. Both sides of the war are holding their breath, and like to be angry, they continue to fill the bottomless pit of this war with their lives!

The global situation is roughly the same, but while people pay attention to or experience the war themselves, what they are most concerned about is: where did the King of Alchemy, Long Hao, die?

What about the main force of the navy that he managed to save?

Judging from his past experience of repeatedly creating miracles, it has been more than a month. Isn't he ready to launch a counterattack?

Or... After this blow, he was completely devastated?

Of course, Long Hao will not be defeated. At this moment, he is in Scandinavia, only a few hundred kilometers away from the castle of the 'Heavenly Chosen Clan'.

Long Hao's attire at this time was no different from that of the Nordic locals.If you don't distinguish carefully, you won't recognize that this tall man with his head down and a stick walking forward step by step will be the all-powerful king of the Alchemy Kingdom!

Long Hao is not alone, there is a little girl beside him: Ye Sula.

The two walked for a while, and found a hotel to live in.

Long Hao entered the room.Shaking off the snow from his clothes, he said to Yesula: "This is the fifth time you have determined the direction in a month, are you sure you are right this time?"

The 'moon spot' on Ye Sula's face has long since faded away, thanks to her status as an alchemy disciple and the 'magic object' left by the aliens: the crystal coffin.

Right now, Ye Sula is a beautiful girl with peerless charm, and her figure is well developed, which is definitely expected.

However, Long Hao hasn't laid wolf's claws on her yet.Because he has something on his mind right now, and this mind was brought by Ye Sula.

"It should be right this time! Sect Master, you also know that the guidance in my body is sometimes not working!"

Things have to go back a month ago, starting from the sixth day after the end of the 'Japanese-Golden Sea Battle'.

At that time, Long Hao's whole body was controlled by fury. Not only did he advocate that the navy of the alchemy country should go back to settle accounts with Little Japan, but he also demanded that the Fuyan Military Industry Group under Jiajia should produce all kinds of weapons containing Tesla and Seagate Ka'qi. Brainstorm' new weapon.into the battlefields of Europe and North America.

Long Hao thinks so, since the mastermind behind the scenes is so big.Then I will accompany you to the end!

Let's see if it's your backhand left by the aliens, or me, the alchemist who came back from time travel, who is stronger?

Not only ordered the weapon factory to run at full capacity, but Long Hao even had the urge to move the Black Iron Battle Fort out of the Arctic Circle and go to the European naval battlefield to get involved.

As long as he is willing to give up the energy of Jinyuan and the transformed energy blocks, Long Hao feels that he has the absolute strength to single out the New Order Alliance in Europe.

This battle, he thinks is imperative.Otherwise, if you don't fight back after being beaten, then the golden signboard of Alchemy Kingdom will be smashed!

Just when Long Hao was fully mobilizing all kinds of war resources under his command, Ye Sula suddenly appeared and spoke out to dissuade Long Hao from his crazy idea of ​​provoking a world war.

It is said that Yesula was canonized as the Duchess of Finland after Prince Aza ascended the throne.Hereditary does not replace.

However, as Azar was assassinated, Peter V ascended the throne of the Tsar, and the army of Tsarist Russia invaded Finland for the first time. Seeing that the situation was not good, the Duchess fled.

Unexpectedly, she found Long Hao.

In his heart, Long Hao is a 'tyrant' who has decided to execute one thing no matter what, so of course he doesn't take Ye Sula's dissuasion seriously.

However, the reason Ye Sula gave next made Long Hao fall into silence.

"Sect master, you want to provoke a world-wide war, which is exactly what they want! Remember that island? You said that a group of aliens are manipulating our technological development and accelerating the progress of our humanity, and War, especially war on a global scale, is the catalyst for their plans!"

Long Hao was awakened by the words, so he asked Ye Sula: "What do you mean by that? Do you also think that what happened in the past six months was manipulated by 'they' behind the scenes?"

Yesula said: "I'm not sure, but my intuition tells me..."

Yesula's intuition came from the crystal coffin.

After a long talk with Ye Sula, Long Hao finally confirmed that the group of aliens who admired nature and had a stand similar to his own should have left some kind of mysterious inheritance information in the crystal coffin.

Anyone who has undergone the transformation of the crystal coffin can obtain this kind of information inheritance.

For example, Yesula, when the 'Heart of the Chosen' was activated, she felt it vaguely.

So, she left her own country behind and came here to tell Long Hao that she wanted to remind him that the war must not be expanded.

Long Hao chose to believe in Ye Sula, and rarely gave up his idea of ​​fully mobilizing and launching revenge.

Long Hao asked all the personnel of the Alchemy Kingdom to lurk temporarily, and don't make any moves yet.

By the time Long Hao and Ye Sula set off, Long Hao had already basically determined that the 'technical' aliens should have left some kind of 'thing' on the earth that could speed up the process of science and technology. This 'thing' is inseparable.

Long Hao took Ye Sula to find this 'thing', try to destroy it, and cut off the black hands behind the 'technical' aliens left on the earth.

Long Hao still thought in his heart: If the prediction is correct, the World War I, World War II, and World War III in the future will all have the active shadow of this 'thing'!

Long Hao and Ye Sula embarked on the road to find the "Heart of the Chosen", but because Ye Sula's response to the "Heart of the Chosen" was not effective at all times, it took them a full month to find out. Came to the right spot in Scandinavia.

No, seeing Long Hao's uneasy expression in the small hotel, Ye Sula hastily added: "Master, don't be angry, this time I feel stronger than the previous few times! It seems that we are gradually approaching that thing." !"

Long Hao snorted: "I hope so, otherwise next time you take me into some cannibal tribe, I will leave you alone."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Sula laughed dryly with embarrassment on her face.


The two of Long Hao are approaching the core castle of the Chosen Clan, and there will be no peace in that castle.

At this time, six old men were arguing loudly in the garden, and Jieliov was the loudest among them.

"I said you can't activate the 'Heart of the Chosen' frequently? Jieliov, you have to take full responsibility!"

"I am fully responsible? Hehe, everyone made the decision to send the oscillator to Japan! Now that the Heart of the Chosen is unstable, are you blaming me?"

"The resolution of the oscillator is correct, but ten days ago, who entered the bottom alone, activated the Heart of the Chosen, and produced a set of aircraft blueprints? It's you, I have nothing to say? Jieliov, you Doing so will destroy our Chosen Clan!" (To be continued...)

ps: It is said that Hollywood likes this kind of script to save the world.

I also came here once. This idea was in the outline before writing this book, but I am not strong enough to write, and it is only now showing up in the process of catching up.

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