Late Tang

Chapter 1007 Plan ahead

A scarlet notice was posted on the bulletin board beside the Snake Island Camp in the Sparta Denzhou training camp. Li Dezhao, number 95', was huddling among a group of students, trying to see clearly the newly posted notice. What was said. Suddenly, his bare instep was stepped on by another bare sole, and a somewhat ferocious voice shouted: "Damn 95', stop squeezing, uncle is not interested in men!"

These young students are only 11 years old at the most, and most of them are only about ten years old. Most of them come from generals and noble families. It was the devil-style military training that transformed the bodies of these well-clothed teenagers. At the same time, under the influence of those old and rough instructors in this unique living environment, they also began to become unrestrained and rude. Speaking of The words always unconsciously imitate the tone of the instructors, but at a young age, they always say something like a man.

Everyone is equal in the training camp, and there is a rule that they are not allowed to reveal their identities in private.Most people complied with this regulation. Occasionally, some people revealed their identities. As long as they took the initiative, they would be expelled.Of course, regulations are dead at any time, but people are alive.The rules did not allow it, and the students below quickly formed many small groups in private. Inside the small group, the core members knew each other's identities.As generals and noble sons from aristocratic families, they are naturally proficient in the way of power, not to mention that those who can come here are all the elites among the elites, the children of the wealthy families.

The instructors of the training camp are against such a small group.In fact, one eye is open and one eye is closed.They all knew that the purpose of this camp was to sharpen these future second-generation successors of Qin Fan, and in the camp, making friends with small groups and managing power were also part of the training.

"Squeeze you and you won't get pregnant. Relax, 007, don't keep yelling like a woman." Li Dezhao has also changed a lot in the past six months.I became one with the students early on.Even speaking is no longer polite all day long, full of classic sage quotations, he has also learned to speak foul language, and he is the same as other princes who entered the camp.Quietly, he also formed a small group of his own, the Fuxing Society. 007 is a kid around his age.tall and big.Half a head taller than him, as strong as a bear, he was the leader of another small group of fraternities.Fuxing Society Huaxia Fuxing Society.The full name of the Brotherhood is the Brotherhood of Loyalty. These two associations, the Heroes' Association and the Alliance Association are the four most powerful groups among the 600 people in the training camp.The Fuxing Society and the Brotherhood have always been at odds, fighting openly and secretly. The biggest reason is that although the president of the Brotherhood is 007, the real identity of 007 is the eldest grandson of Yu Gui, the uncle of the Lingnan Dongdao Jiedu, who is the brother of the Brotherhood. In fact, he is the biggest supporter of the eldest son of King Qin and Princess Yu in the training camp. In his brotherhood, most of the members are the sons of the big families of Yu and Cui.Although the eldest son of Prince Qin hadn't entered the camp yet, the fight never stopped.

While talking, Li Dezhao grabbed 007 Yu Debiao's arm. Although he looked much thinner than him, he was already good at bowing horses, not to mention he had been training in the camp for so long. Pushing Yu Debiao away like iron pincers, and then pushing forward. "What's written on the notice?"

Although everyone's identities have been known for a long time, and the relationship between the two parties is also well known, but on the surface, they are still students in the training camp, and their private fights will never be brought to the public, otherwise, they will be ruthless by the instructors punishment.Now everyone has learned to be like an old fox, laughing when they meet each other, but each of them hides a knife in their smiles, and their faces are at odds with their hearts. They have learned to hide their true thoughts under the surface of their smiles, which can be regarded as what they have learned in the training camp. A lesson in wealth.

"The next training session on Snake Island has been cancelled!" Yu Debiao said indifferently, scratching his shaved short pot head, so tanned that even his mother would never recognize it.


"Because there will be more exciting things waiting for us tomorrow." A slender young man holding his hands in front of the announcement said lightly. Li Dezhao nodded to the young man with the number 008 sewn on his sackcloth on his chest. The boy with Dan Fengyan is not simple. He is the president of the Tongmenghui, one of the four major clubs in the training camp. The eldest grandson of Jing's mother's family, the Han family, is Li Jing's nephew in seniority, and is called Li Jing's mother's aunt.The Han family was only a second-class family in the Tang Dynasty in the early years, not a powerful family, but a big family in Qingzhou. However, following Li Jing in these years, the Han family has developed rapidly, and it seems to have become the top family in the world. One of the top gate valves of today.The Tongmenghui is also headed by the children of the two Han Xiao families.

However, the Brotherhood formed by a boy named Han Shizhong is very special. They do not directly participate in the battles of the princes, but maintain a neutral attitude, which makes the Brotherhood have a detached position in the training camp. Anyone would be kind to this young man who stood behind two top aristocrats.

Li Dezhao was aroused by Han Shizhong's words, and looked up at the bulletin board. He saw the content on the bulletin board.

"Spartan Training Camp Snake Island Special Notice, all training camp students please pay attention to the following arrangements.

From June onwards, the original Snake Island training courses are all cancelled.

All the students will gather at Maoshi tomorrow, and all the students will go to Taiyuan, Hedong.

The chief instructor of the training camp is Dao Hen.

95' Li Dezhao read the notice carefully again, and was a little at a loss for this somewhat inexplicable notice.He tried to stabilize his emotions and go to Hedong Taiyuan?Isn't that where the commander-in-chief of Hedong town controlled by Li Keyong is located? Why did they suddenly let them go there?Is this a new training subject, let them be scouts to train reconnaissance skills?After going through the basic training for opening the camp, they moved to Snake Island off the coast of Dengzhou.Their training here is not easy. Although there is not a lot of boring basic training, the new subjects are just as difficult.Island survival, sea rescue, and even not long ago, they were sent to Silla. The training camp only gave them the simplest equipment, and dropped them a hundred miles away from the coast of Silla. One piece of wood, and then nothing left.

They held the board and swam for a hundred miles, and they couldn't swim in the wrong direction during this period.Not even food and water replenishment.It's all about perseverance.Thousands of people went ashore scatteredly. Although they were allowed to form groups, they were not together when they were thrown into the sea. 600 people were thrown on the sea hundreds of miles wide.Completely broken up.They landed.Nothing at all.I don't know anything, but I was asked to survive in Silla for fifteen days, during which time I was asked to kill the soldiers of Silla.The more kills, the higher the score, and the higher the reward you can get in the end.

That was the first time Li Dezhao killed someone, and it was also the first time that his noble status completely lost its effect. He was alone and landed in a strange country.

The first three days were the most difficult. He even almost died under the claws of wild beasts. It wasn't until the fourth day that he got into a small checkpoint and killed three Silla soldiers by himself. One mouthful of hot food, no longer feed on wild animal meat.

During the fifteen days in Silla, he finally killed seven Silla soldiers in total. Those people were all strange beings.This result is not the best, the strongest is Lin Yue, the president of the Heroes Association, the eldest son of Lin Wei, the elder brother of the king of Qin, the eldest son of a concubine, who is always serious and smiling, but here In the first training, at the age of 11, he finally beheaded eighteen Silla soldiers alone, which caused a sensation.

The training camp is a place where the limit is challenged all the time. Li Dezhao thought that he could not persevere countless times, but in the end he always gritted his teeth and persisted.Looking back countless times, he doesn't know how he persisted.

Perhaps, now the training camp is going to send them to a more dangerous enemy environment for training.Li Dezhao thought, if he really went to Taiyuan for reconnaissance training this time, it is estimated that more than [-] people might die.When he thought that he might die at an unpredictable time, in a corner where no one knew, and that no one else would know his identity after his death, his brows could not help but frown a little.

He is not afraid of death, but he always feels that he should not just die in silence like this. He should be like what his father said, even if it is death, he must die vigorously. The world knows that death is heavier than Mount Tai.But he had no choice, it was the will of his father to let him come here.

"Let me tell you the latest news, one compressed biscuit per person." Number 250 walked over and said wretchedly.

In the training camp, no matter whether you are a prince or a son, you are treated equally when you come here. Food and clothing are strictly managed by the training camp. A piece of compressed biscuit needs to be rewarded to get it, which is very precious.No one is willing to do this loss-making business, and 250 has been tempted for a long time, but no one was fooled.In the end, he said helplessly, "You bastards, forget it, anyway, I'm going to Taiyuan soon, and I don't want this biscuit anymore. Let me tell you, I just overheard what the instructors said. Guess what?"

Yu Debiao glared at 250, "250, your skin is itchy again, don't you, if you have something to say, hurry up and fart!"

250 is a little thin, and his father is a colonel of Qin Jun, but in front of a top wealthy son like Yu Debiao and a prince like Li Dezhao, he seems a bit humble.He quickly laughed and said, "I'll scare you by saying it. In May, under the heroic command of King Qin, two generals, Zhou Dewei and Guo Chongtao, swept Hebei Second Town by sweeping force. At the beginning of June, the Qin army ordered, He mobilized several groups of troops to attack Taiyuan on a large scale. Guess what? " Complacent, he wanted to show off again, but was glared at by Han Shizhong, and he immediately laughed and said: "The King of Qin is really invincible and invincible. It took a month to attack Hebei, but it only took half a month to attack Taiyuan. Taiyuan, known as the northern capital and the most powerful city in the north, was captured by the King of Qin, which is truly remarkable."

"Is this news true?" The teenagers in front of the bulletin board were all shocked, staying in this closed training camp, they didn't know anything about the outside world.But they had only been in the camp for half a year, and it was hard to believe that during this period of time, King Qin not only took down the second town of Hebei.Even Taiyuan in Hedong was taken.

"Of course it's true. The instructors were all very excited when they said the news. How could it be false?"

"Isn't Li Keyong very powerful? Why is he so careless this time?" Yu Debiao asked suspiciously.

"Li Keyong went to Henan earlier to prepare for Yin Zhu Asan, who knew that Zhu Asan attacked and killed him first. The elite from Hedong were in Henan. After Li Keyong died, Li Kexiu sent another army after Hedong stayed. Go to fight against Zhu Wen. As a result, our King Qin took advantage of his illness to kill him, sent several troops, and attacked Hedong with lightning. When the crisis in Hedong was discovered, our Commander Lin had already captured Lan and Shizhou. Killed in Taiyuan He took the first step to control the important area of ​​Jiahu Fort in Queshu Valley, and stopped the Hedong and Hezhong troops who were desperately rushing back in the river. Although Taiyuan has a high wall and strong walls, it has become an isolated city. As a result, the people in the city stayed Li Kexiu was persuaded to surrender by a letter from the King of Qin. Li Kexiu opened the city gate, offered the city to surrender, and the King of Qin took Taiyuan City almost without bloodshed."

"Why is this Li Kexiu so cowardly?" Yu Debiao muttered.

"That's our mighty King Qin. Thinking about Hedong Town, Li Keyong is dead, and most of Hedong's elites have been lost in Henan. After Hebei was pacified by King Qin, how could Hedong be able to hold on? Li Kexiu, who can understand the current affairs, surrendered early, in fact, it is also for preservation. The last bit of their Shatuo blood, otherwise, even if they resisted, under the wise command of King Qin, our army has ballista artillery, how long can they last? There is no such a good result." Han Shizhong analyzed on the side, although he was only 11 years old, his analysis was methodical.

"King Qin is invincible, and he is about to sweep the world!" Lin Yue also slapped his legs and shouted.

Li Dezhao was also very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that Hebei was settled in a blink of an eye, Taiyuan went down again, and most of Hedong had fallen into the hands of Qin Jun.Without the central Taiyuan's Hedong, and without the flank safety of Hebei, the southeastern area of ​​​​Hedong would not be able to stop the Qin army's next attack.Hebei and Hedong must be followed by Henan, and then they will take the opportunity to wipe out Guanzhong.This situation is so smooth that it is shocking. During the New Year, I still feel that the chaotic situation in the world may last another ten years, or even decades.Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Qin Jun has become a dragon, unrivaled.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking, Taiyuan has already been won, so why transfer them to Taiyuan?

When leaving the bulletin board and going back to the dormitory, Li Dezhao met Lao Ba, who stood there with his legs crossed and his hands behind his back. When Li Dezhao passed by him, he smiled at him for the first time, and then Said a sentence: "You are better than I imagined, get ready, go to Taiyuan early tomorrow morning, I wish you good luck! I give you a suggestion, no matter what happens, do what you should do, stick to it Go on, besides, men don’t shed tears when they have tears, don’t shed tears when they bleed and sweat, the Spartan training camp doesn’t believe in tears, the wider world doesn’t believe in tears, and most importantly, King Qin doesn’t believe in tears either!”

Seeing Li Dezhao nod his head and leave as if realizing something, Lao Scar smacked his lips. In his opinion, Li Dezhao may have been a little tender back then, but now Li Dezhao is definitely the best candidate for Prince Qin's son. I like this little guy, I really hope he can become the heir of King Qin!

But thinking of King Qin's huge group of sons and daughters, he had to shake his head secretly. He has already broken through the number of seventy sons and sixty daughters. King Qin is only in his 30s, and it is the time of the heyday of Spring and Autumn. According to this speed, how many children will there be when King Qin is in his sixtieth year?With so many sons and daughters, plus those equally large number of concubines, he couldn't help but shake his head again when he thought of this big family. He is still free now, eating enough for one person and not hungry for the whole family, and not having to sleep with anyone every night You have to think about it for a long time, so as not to lose sight of the other, to favor this one and neglect that one.There is no need to worry about a lot of sons, thinking about which son has the most advantage and which one can inherit the inheritance.

When I returned to the instructor's dormitory, I happened to meet Master Wuchen, a resident monk of Tianlong Temple in the camp, and was asked by the master what he thought in a few moments.

While sipping tea, the master smiled and said, "Instructor, you are mediocre and worrying about nothing. The poor monk is familiar with history books, and there are few heroes like King Qin in the world. How could King Qin's plan be so? You and I can understand. Just like the princes and daughters of Qin, the monarchs have always only reinstated their sons, or only cultivated a few of their sons. The purpose is naturally for the future heirs to take over the foundation, so that there will be no internal strife between brothers. Make a choice early, The main trunk is weak. But His Royal Highness King Qin has given birth to so many sons, and he has to implement this kind of elite education for each son, don't you find it strange?"

Old Scar nodded, this is indeed strange.Just like many big families, the descendants of the direct line will be cultivated with emphasis, but the other descendants are generally the same as raising pigs, in order to maintain the core authority of the family.If all the children are elites, although it looks good on the surface, it will often lead to internal strife in the family. Just like a tree, if there are too many branches, it will be difficult to reach the sky.But King Qin treats every son like this, so what is he thinking?

Wu Chen pushed the poured cup in front of him, telling the truth with one word!

"The King of Qin can take down half of the country in ten years, and even conquer more than a hundred tribes in the northeast, and open up thousands of miles in the north. It is conceivable that after the world is settled in the future, the Western Regions of the Han and Tang Dynasties will be restored, and even the barbarians in the southwest will be conquered. Sea people in Nanyang, at that time, how much territory will the king of Qin own? King Qin is now planning for a rainy day. In the future, the king of Qin will choose heirs to inherit the country of the Central Plains, and more than a hundred descendants will entrust the four sides of the southeast, northwest, and the feudalism of the Zhou Dynasty. How big will the Han family be at that time, the kings and feudal lords in the middle of the country?"

Wu Chen picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip, then sighed, "King Qin is playing a big game of chess!"

Lao Ba was completely stunned by Wu Chen's words, this kind of thinking was never developed in him.But after the old monk said this, it seemed that the king of Qin had indeed been playing chess like this for a long time.For a while, he admired the old monk very much, but he admired King Qin more and more in his heart. He planned ahead, King Qin really played a big game of chess, so big! . )

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