Late Tang

Chapter 101

(Thanks to e, Suifengeternal, Yan Tong, Master Hunchback, Yin Sanwen, Yellow and Black Mask, Chicken Man’s Happiness, etc. for your great rewards, thank you!)

For the upcoming battle, Cui Decheng and Song Xi, who were entrusted by Li Jing to the battle command of Beicunmen, didn't seem to take it seriously at all.The bandits outside the village rode horses and yelled, urging and driving the hungry people towards the village gate, but the two of them were still drinking each other with a jar of wine.While drinking, they were even interested in pointing at the bandits and refugees who were slowly approaching, evaluating the many unreasonable arrangements of the bandits.

The relaxed state of the two generals also eased the mood of the dozens of young men on the wall who were in charge of luring the enemy.Under the command of the county magistrate Huangfuzheng, not only did everyone lose much fear, but a faint excitement gradually rose in their hearts.They all heard about and saw the great changes after their brothers were recruited into the united army and went to Dengzhou to return. The bags of grain, whole bolts of silk cloth and golden copper coins cost them a lot. The eyes also deeply stimulated them.For these people who could hardly even eat porridge now, serving as a soldier under Li Jing's command not only had three dry meals a day, but also the generous food and salary, which was extremely attractive to them.It's just that on the way here, they found that there are too many people who think like them.

General Li only wanted 150 people to go to Shamen Town, but there were [-] of them.

Compared with the excited and excited young men on the wall, the sixty archers who were ambushing under the wall held their breaths.They are all 'veterans' who have been trained by Li Jing for more than a month.Originally, I also had a foundation, and I trained for more than a month.We all know that Li Jing always has a clear distinction between rewards and punishments, and military merit is the most important.For them, the bandit attack brought joy to their hearts.There are three hundred soldiers in Shamen Town, and the soldiers are easy to recruit, but the officers will definitely be promoted from among these old subordinates.Having seen the usual treatment of Wang Shi and the others, none of them would want to take advantage of this opportunity to show their faces and earn military merits to be promoted and appreciated.

Those gangsters yelled for a long time, and then carefully drove the refugees forward. They approached fifty steps in front of the village, but there was still no movement in the village.My heart began to become bolder, and one of the bandit leaders riding a white horse yelled at the other bandits with a spear, and immediately a dozen bandits on horseback rushed forward, driving the refugees forward.Just now it was just slowly pushing forward and probing, but this time it really started to attack.

In front of the hundreds of refugees, a group of about 20 bandits led the charge. The 20 people drank several jars of wine in front of the village, then broke the jars, each holding a short knife, screamed wildly, and rushed over with them.Behind them, there are dozens of refugees who are slightly taller, and they all carry crude wooden ladders and follow behind.

Seeing these people rushing forward, Cui Zhenjiang said to Huangfu with a mouth full of alcohol: "Mingfu, I will leave it to you to deal with the mere thieves. Old Song and I are going to drink in the back. The noise here has disturbed the wine." Huangfu nodded his head dumbfounded, General Cui Zhen had always been domineering, and usually ignored him at all.This time the refugees gathered to attack Wangli Village, but he didn't even receive any news beforehand, which is also his dereliction of duty as the county magistrate.Huangfuzheng became the county magistrate at a young age, and his family background is naturally there, but even so, he also understands that no matter what happens to Wangli Village, he, the county magistrate, has already resigned.

Cui Decheng deliberately handed over the commander of the former village gate to him, so he meant to see his jokes.Huangfu Zheng was also stubborn, he didn't shirk at all, and he didn't even lower his head to Cui Decheng for help.When the bandits' death squad had rushed 20 meters below the wall, he immediately ordered: "Archers!"

With a shout, the sixty archers who had already crouched under the wall immediately stepped on the ladder to the top of the wall, and sixty longbows drew their bows and arrows, facing the front of the village where the fire was shining like daylight.


Huangfu was pulling out the valuable Yijian from his waist, pointing at the bandit death squad under the wall and roaring, but the sound shook the night.

The sixty archers were divided into twenty teams of three according to the previous distribution, and the attack targets of each team were locked immediately.

The bandits who were running wildly didn't expect this, seeing a large area of ​​human heads suddenly pouring out of the wall, dozens of gleaming cold lights were already aimed at them, and they were terrified at that time.Seeing this, some bandits' expressions changed abruptly, and they immediately fell to the ground.Some also turned around and ran away when they saw that the situation was not good.Others ignored them and rushed towards the wall, shouting.

Soon these people had rushed ten paces away, seeing the ferocious faces that were close at hand, Huangfu just swung his sword and shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

The sound of arrows kept coming!

Sixty bows fired in volley, the strings sounded like a thunderbolt, and the arrows flew like shooting stars.

The distance of ten steps, coupled with Li Jing's tactic of shooting a single target in a small team of three specially drawn up by Li Jing, and the fact that the archers were condescending on the wall, and they were in ambush earlier, caught the bandits by surprise.They never expected that there would be so many archers in Wangli Village besides the villagers with sticks on the surface.Under this round of arrows, the bandit's twenty death squads were shot down almost instantly.

The first battle of the Zuo Yidu soldiers was fruitful.

The close range of only ten steps, coupled with the shooting style of three people at the same time, greatly made up for the accuracy of the archers.Twenty death squad bandits were almost all shot in one round.

"Get ready to throw stones!"

Huangfu yelled again, and immediately the dozens of young men on the top of the wall and the three hundred young men inside the wall immediately picked up the stones they had chosen under their feet.


With an order, hundreds of villagers shouted loudly and threw the stone weighing one or two catties out of the wall with all their strength.All of a sudden, hundreds of stones descended like a group of meteorites from outside the sky, and smashed through the hundreds of refugees who rushed under the wall like hailstones.There was a lot of screams, and those refugees were stunned.

"Archer shoots!"

Taking advantage of the time for the stone throwing attack, the archers on the wall were ready again.

"Get ready to throw stones!"


"Archer ready!"

"Fire arrows!"


In front of the North Village gate, the archers on the village wall continued to shoot their bows in an orderly manner, specifically targeting those bandits.The Death Squadrons have all been wiped out, and the archers are now targeting the bandits on horseback in front of them.Shoot people first and shoot horses. Under this tactical requirement, nearly half of the dozens of bandits on horseback were shot to death by concentrated fire on their horses in the first two rounds of shooting.

And the rain of stones followed by one after another, no matter how the bandits drove them away, they could not save the refugees who had already panicked and fled.

After five or six consecutive rounds of attacks, there was already chaos in front of the gate of Beicun.Huangfu was looking at the result of the battle with great satisfaction, and issued an order to temporarily stop shooting arrows and throwing stones.

Under the light of the fire in front of the village, on the ground in front of the gate of Beicun, thirty or forty corpses were scattered in disorder, and there were also seven or eight horses and donkeys.In addition, there were more than a dozen corpses of refugees, although the archers obeyed Li Jing's order to shoot only the bandits and not the refugees.But the stone rain of those villagers did not recognize people. Most of the refugees were hit by the stone rain and ran around bleeding. was pushed down and trampled to death.In addition to the dead, there were also some bandits who were wounded by arrows and some refugees who were injured by stones. They screamed in horror and crawled desperately to the rear.

When the attack stopped, the bandit leaders who escaped to the back under the bow and arrow seemed to be in disbelief.The leaders of several cottages all looked dull, looking at all this with a disheartened face.They never imagined that there are so many bows and arrows in a small village of Wangli Village, and the archers' archery skills are so sharp that it is almost impossible for them to escape as long as they aim at them.And that rain of stones like hail, how many people are there to throw such a large rain of stones?

Seeing this horrible result, the gangsters were terrified. This Wang Li village had already known that they were coming, and had set up an ambush.It is impossible for this village to be just a group of honest farmers. The ambushes in this village must be the town soldiers of Chishan Town.Thinking of this, the leaders of the cottage didn't care about complaining to each other at this time, they all suddenly yelled, and then began to flee towards the way they came from.At this time, I don't care about my brothers and so on, I only hate my parents for having two missing feet.

Seeing that the bandits were so vulnerable, Huangfu laughed and said, "Ring the bell immediately and let General Li attack!"

The bell rang again, this time it was not panic, but an attack!

Hearing the clang of the bell, Li Jing waved his hand, pointed forward, and shouted loudly: "Get on the horse, attack!" The gate of the East Village creaked open under the night, and Li Jing rode ahead and led the army. Fifty riders galloped out with the sound of rumbling hooves.

Wangli Village is not big, the North Village Gate and the East Village Gate are only two hundred steps apart, the horses galloped, and the cavalry quickly circled the North Village Gate.Those refugees who were still like headless chickens saw the cavalry rushing towards them like a moving dark cloud, they were frightened and knelt down on the ground, kowtowing non-stop.Li Jing didn't have much hatred for these refugees, so he galloped past with the cavalry, and soon caught up with the bandits who were fleeing on foot.

With great charging power, Li Jing's horse lance stabbed a bandit in front of him who had lost even his knife in the back, and easily picked up the man and hung him on the lance.Wang Wu was more sturdy than Li Jing, shouting and waving the 24-jin heavy hand all the way, directly abandoning those minions, chasing up to a bandit leader riding a horse, smashing it hard, and directly killing the bandit with both men and horses Stoned to death.

Fifty riders are like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, Huangfu on the wall is looking at it with a little dumbfounded.At some point, Song Xi and Cui Decheng, who were drinking inside the wall just now, also went up to the top of the wall. Even Han Zhi stepped on the ladder and stood on the top of the wall with a face full of shock.The performance of the archers just now had surprised them, but now the performance of the dozens of cavalry led by Li Jing shocked them even more.None of them thought that these united soldiers, who had only trained for more than a month, could be so powerful.

"Do we still need to attack?" Han Zhi looked at Li Jing who was chasing and killing dozens of cavalry under the moon, and looked back at the second team of cavalry composed of the Han family and other officials and gentry, who were ready to go, and murmured road.

Huangfu shook his head, "Let's forget it, let the young and strong go and catch those refugees according to Li Sanlang's previous arrangement."

Cui Decheng and Song Xi looked solemn, looking at the figures of Li Jing and others outside the village, lost in thought.

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