Late Tang

Chapter 1015 Outsmarting Heyang

Li Ye's expression was in a trance, the youthful hair had already been born. .

In the middle of the night when he received the Kanto emergency report, he rushed to the front hall in disheveled clothes. Yang Fugong had arrived early, and Li Ye looked blankly at Yang Fugong who was ashen-faced.

In the empty hall, Yang Fugong knelt on the reed mat, remained silent for a long time, his body began to shake slowly, and wept, "Your Majesty, Heyang is in chaos...Heyang is gone!"

Li Ye's voice was muddy and hoarse, and he whispered, "Duke Yang, the situation has deteriorated to this point, how can we turn the tide?"

Yang Fugong sighed helplessly: "It's the time of life and death. We have to put all our strength into it. Life and death are in this battle. My brother has already proposed to unite Chengdu Tian Lingzi and Xuanwu Zhu Wen to let go of the past. , Let’s fight against Li Jing together first. Some people think that now is not the time to worry about other things, and they have to use every part of their strength.”

"Is there still time?" Li Ye asked. Heyang is the northern barrier of Luoyang, the eastern capital. If Heyang is lost, Li Jing can already send troops from Weibo, bypassing Huguan, Tianjingguan, Wulaoguan, Fenglingguan, etc. These important places of Guancheng are directly driven to Luoyang.The entire defense of the original will be broken, broken a little, completely collapsed.At this time, he could no longer care about the dispute with Tian Lingzi, nor the shame that Tian Lingzi had whipped him when he was driving Xishou, but he was willing to ignore the past for the time being, but would Tian Lingzi cooperate?One more thing, will Li Jing give them such a chance?

"Give Li Jing some more benefits, and find a way to slow him down a little bit."

Yang Fugong got up, gritted his teeth and made a decision: Your Majesty, please make Li Jing the regent, and the governor to control the world's soldiers and horses. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and added, "Bestow tin!"

On the first day of July in the first year of Zhenlong, Li Ye issued an edict, giving Li Jing the military power that only the emperor can have, the governor of the world, and at the same time giving him almost the power to supervise the country, and the title of regent.And gave Li Jing Jiaxi, who is almost the honor of a non-subject.Everything.Just to get a little more time, Li Ye and Yang Fugong had already put their all into it. If Li Jing could not be prevented from entering Luoyang, then Li Tang's court would not be able to last for three years.That being the case, it doesn't matter whether it is to let Governor Li Jing control the world's troops, or to be the king of regents, or to add Xi.

The situation is so rotten.Li Ye and Yang Fugong don't even fight secretly now, the monarchs and ministers start to work together, they are all on the same boat, who will take the helm is not the most important thing now, the most important thing is not to let this boat be replaced by that of Qin Fan. Knock over.For this goal, they even had to join forces with Tian Lingzi.You have to unite with Zhu Wen.Combine all forces.

But the situation is getting worse and worse. First, Wang Chucun rebelled, Luoyang was lost, and then the four feudal towns of Baoda, Dingnan, Tiande, and Zhenwu on the northern plateau were shut down. Sick and unable to send troops.It was a huge hit.The Sifan Commander controls the four towns in the north of Chang'an, which are not only the barrier to the north of Chang'an, but also at the forefront of resisting Li Jing's east border, and sticking to the Yellow River on the east boundary of Guandong.At the same time, these four towns also pose a huge military threat to Guan Chang'an, and the four towns are on the side of the court, which can help the court resist the threat from the Qin Fan from Hedong.On the contrary, once the four towns are used by Li Jing.Then it will immediately become the biggest threat to Chang'an.Although we haven't received the news that the four towns have fallen to Li Jing, but looking at the results, it is not difficult to find that the four towns are no longer obedient to the court, even if they remain standing in the battle between the court and the Qin Fan, this is not difficult. It was also a huge blow to the court.

But now, they still have nothing to do with these four ungrateful guys!

But that's not the worst news.The worst news is the Heyang mutiny!

Heyang Town is located to the north of the Yellow River in the north of Luoyang, and to the south of Wangwu and Taihang Mountains in Hedong. According to geographical division, Heyang is the land north of the Yellow River.In fact, it has always been designated in the Henan area, and has always been used as an important northern barrier for Luoyang. It has always been to defend against threats to Luoyang from the three directions of Zhaoyi to the north of Taihang Mountain, the river, and Weibo to the east. , relying on the Yellow River, became an important defensive position in the north of Luoyang.

The current Heyang Jiedu Envoy is Zhuge Shuang, a well-known scumbag.

Speaking of it, Zhuge Shuang's experience is also very legendary. He used to be a small official in Xiabochang County, Ziqing Town, but was punished by the county captain for some reason, abandoned his official position, and became a beggar.In the year of Xiantong, Pang Xun rebelled and captured Xuzhou all the way. Zhuge Shuang joined the rebel army and made military achievements to a small school.When Pang Xun was defeated by Kang Chengxun, Song Wei, Li Guochang and Li Keyong, father and son, Zhuge Shuang cleverly led his troops to surrender to the imperial court and was awarded the defense envoy of Ruzhou.When Li Ke used his father and son to replace the Northern Rebellion, Zhuge Shuang, who had been transferred to Heyang Town as the governor, followed Li Zhuo to the north to fight against the rebellion.Not long after Daibei's war ended, Zhuge Shuang was appointed deputy governor of Heyang, and later promoted to Jiedu envoy of Zhenwu. As a result, He Lianduo, commander of Zhenwu Festival, refused to obey his orders and refused to hand over.Zhuge Shuang was helpless, the court changed him to Xia Sui Jiedu envoy, Zhuge Shuang ran to Xiazhou to take up the post, Xia Sui Jiedu envoy Tuoba Sigong also disobeyed orders and refused to hand over power, Zhuge Shuang became famous and powerful Jiedushi couldn't even stay in Xiazhou.

Just when Huang Chao was powerful and went to Luoyang without a fight, Zhuge Shuang simply took refuge in Huang Chao and was awarded the Heyang Jiedu Envoy. Luo Yuangao, the Heyang Jiedu Envoy at that time, was Tian Lingzi's confidant, and once played together with Chen Jingxuan and other four people to bet on Sanchuan. , as a result, he had the worst grades, and the other three served as Sanchuan Jiedushi, but he got nothing.When Huang Chao moved westward, Tian Lingzi hurriedly appointed Luo Yuangao as the commander of Heyang Festival to resist Huang Chao.Zhuge Shuang came to attack, although he wanted to resist, but his subordinates had an old relationship with Zhuge Shuang, and they all surrendered under his secret instigation, so he had to abandon Heyang and go to Emperor Xizong, and Zhuge Shuang took over Heyang.After Huang Chao's failure, Zhuge Shuang returned to the imperial court and remained as Heyang Jiedu envoy, and he was promoted to the inspector Situ.He also taught the same book to make peace under the door.

Although he swung left and right all his life, he was not ashamed for many people, perhaps from a beggar in the past to a commander in chief of a party, he has voted for many families, but he still stands tall, which also shows his ability.At the beginning when Wei Bojie commanded Han Jian to attack Heyang, Zhuge Shuang ran faster than a rabbit, but when Han Jian defeated Tianping Town, Zhuge Shuang came back immediately and regained Heyang in one fell swoop.On the three-acre land in Heyang, Zhuge Shuang's control is very strong.

Originally, there was such a guy in Heyang, so the place was stable.

But when the court needed him the most, something happened to Heyang.

Zhuge Shuang, the commander-in-chief of the Heyang Festival, who couldn't be blown by the wind and couldn't be beaten by the rain, fell ill and died not long after the Luoyang Mutiny.Regarding Zhuge Shuang's death, there are rumors that he died of a poisonous assassination by an assassin.As for the rumors, who sent the assassin.But there are two completely different theories. One is that Zhuge Shuang was assassinated by someone sent by the King of Qin, and he was killed because he blocked the way of the Qin army.Another completely different theory is that the person who killed Zhuge Shuang was a member of the imperial court, and that the person who planned this matter was the captured Yang Fuguang.As for the reason, it was that Yang Fuguang had long planned to take Heyang's rights back to the imperial court, just like he did to Zhu Wen.This rumor even said that Li Keyong died.In fact, it was also planned by Yang Fuguang.

Whether Zhuge Shuang was poisoned to death, or just died of illness, is not conclusive.

However, because of this sudden incident, the city of Mengzhou, Yacheng, where the commander-in-chief of Heyang Town is located, became undercurrents.

After Zhuge Shuang died, the atmosphere in Mengzhou City became very tense.After Zhuge Shuang died.The towns of Heyang had no objection and immediately supported Zhuge Zhongfang, Zhuge Shuang's son, as Jieduliu, and asked Chang'an to make Zhuge Zhongfang the Jiedu envoy.But under the surface, Zhuge Zhongfang is actually just a child, just like Li Xuan and Li Ye of the imperial court, Wang Rong of Chengde Town, and Li Cunxu of Hedong Town.Although he was supported by all the generals as the queen of Jieduliu, but in reality.At this time, Heyang Town was headed by three generals, Zhuge Shuang's confidant general Liu Jing, and Li Hanzhi and Zhang Juyan, both of whom had rebel backgrounds.

The Heyang army was headed by these three generals, but it was divided into two camps. Liu Jingyi pulled Zhuge Shuang's old subordinates into a group, and generals such as Li Hanzhi and Zhang Juyan, who were also later generations, formed a group. Confrontation, equal.

Li Hanzhi.Like Zhuge Shuang, he is also a legendary guy. He was born in Xiangcheng, Chenzhou. He was originally a rich peasant family. When he was young, his father forced him to study at home. Unfortunately, his surname is a rascal. Like Zhu Wen, he can't read. , was forced tight.He ran away from home, shaved his head, and went to the temple to become a monk, which is rare.It was his dharma name. As for his original name, it had not been used for a long time.Li Hanzhi is tall, with extraordinary physical strength, and is brave and aggressive. He is similar to Monk Hua Yong Zhishen. He is one of the three most famous monks in the world today. One Gu Quanwu is equally famous.

However, a guy like Li Hanzhi is destined to be as bad as Lu Zhishen as a monk. After he became a monk not long ago, he has already become a disaster star in the Chenzhou monk circle. No monastery dares to take him in.In the end, he settled far away and had to wander around. Like the later emperor Zhu Wusi, a monk in Huangjue Temple, he was named Yunyou Huazhai. In fact, he was driven out by the temple to beg.

One day, he went to Huazhai, Suanzao County, Henan Province to beg for money, but probably because of his fierce appearance, he didn't ask for a single grain of rice from morning to night. Li Hanzhi was so angry that he tore his body. Monk Yi, smashed the broken bowl that only had food on the ground, smashed the pot, and then ran to the Taihang Mountains to become a bandit.With his natural evil appearance, tall stature and extraordinary physical strength, coupled with his bravery and ability to fight, he did a very good job in his new career as a bandit. He transformed from a failed monk into a monk. A successful bandit.

When he was a bandit, there was a mountain called Moyun Mountain in their territory, which was surrounded by steep cliffs, and only a narrow path could lead to the top of the mountain, but there were dozens of hectares of flat land on the top of the mountain for habitation.In order to avoid bandit chaos, a large number of armed refugees moved away from the mountain and built city fortifications. With the help of natural dangers, they repeatedly defeated the invading bandits, which became the eternal pain in the hearts of the nearby bandits and bandits.Li Hanzhi didn't believe in evil. He led more than a hundred bandits to climb the cliff at night and captured Moyun Mountain in one fell swoop, which greatly strengthened the bandits' ambition.

Later, Li Hanzhi accepted Zhuge Shuang, the governor of Huaizhou in Heyang, to recruit him, and became one of Zhuge Shuang's soldiers and horse envoys. He also participated in the Battle of Daibei with Zhuge Shuang.But later Zhuge Shuang himself became an empty-headed Jiedushi with no foundation. When Li Hanzhi returned to his hometown, he met Huang Chao's soldiers and horses.

Half-heartedly, he turned to Huang Chao and devoted himself to the broader cause of rebellion.Because of his bravery, Li Hanzhi really shines wherever he goes, and he soon became a general of grass thieves.However, when he moved to Jiangdong with Huang Chao, he was defeated by the general Gao Pian of the Tang Dynasty. Li Hanzhi, Qin Yan, Bi Shiduo and others finally became the captives of Gao Pian general Zhang Lin, and finally they simply surrendered. Gao Pian.

However, under Gao Pian's subordinates, Li Hanzhi was not as good as his old brothers Qin Yan and Bi Shiduo. He was sent to Guangzhou in the remote Dabie Mountain area on the upper reaches of the Huaihe River as the governor.After staying in that place for several years, watching Gao Pian being overwhelmed by Qin Fan, his territory became smaller and smaller, and his Guangzhou was even completely cut off from Yangzhou.Later, he was oppressed by his neighbors Qin Zongquan from Caizhou and Yang Xingmi from Luzhou, but no one came to rescue him. The heavens did not work, and the earth did not respond. In the end, Li Hanzhi had to leave Guangzhou and fled back to his hometown Chenzhou.After staying there for a while, he recruited a group of township party members with the property he brought.In the end, he defected to Zhuge Shuang, the old boss who had become Heyang Jiedushi.

Zhuge Shuang treated Li Hanzhi very well. Back then, Li Hanzhi was Zhuge Shuang's mighty general, and he earned a lot of face for him during the Daibei War.And the fact that Li Hanzhi left the team back then can't be blamed on him, so Zhuge Shuang put a lot of trust in his return.Not long after working with him, Zhuge Shuang recommended to the court that Li Hanzhi was promoted to be the deputy envoy of Heyang Jiedu and the assassin of Huaizhou at the beginning of the year, and he was tasked with guarding the Heyang Bridge and guarding Luoyang and Heyang Township. aisle.

Zhang Juyan, Li Hanzhi's ally, can also be regarded as an old friend of his, an old brother of his when he was in the Cao army.Zhang Juyan.His real name is Zhang Yan, and his courtesy name is Guowei. He is from Linpu, Puzhou. He has been farming for generations, but he is a landlord family with little land.When he was young, Zhang Juyan had studied, and once entered the county government like Zhuge Shuang and became a low-level official, roughly the same position as Li Jing's father, Li Gang.But it is different from Li Hanzhi who is naturally aggressive.Zhang Juyan was born with a loyal and kind personality, with a bit of grievance in his personality.As a result, because of this surname, he was always misunderstood as weak and easy to bully, and was always humiliated in the county government.

Although Zhang Juyan is loyal, he is also a person who can bear as much as he can, but if he can't bear it, he doesn't need to bear it anymore.So when Huang Chao called from the incident, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.He quit his job and went to Huang Chao, under Huang Chao's men, because he could read characters.He can write and count, and he also worked as a small official in the county government, so he can be regarded as a special talent. Although he seldom goes to battle to kill the enemy, he is Huang Chao's trusted staff member.After Huang Chao proclaimed himself emperor, Zhang Juyan was able to become the head of the six ministries, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and concurrently served as a water transport envoy. In terms of official position, he was far above Zhu Wen.

Moreover, Zhang Juyan is not only a capable administrative staff member, but also capable of martial arts.In the Battle of Chang'an, Zhang Juyan led a partial division to attack Li Quanzhong, defeated Li Quanzhong several times, seized a large area of ​​land, and even repeatedly defeated the soldiers and horses of Guan Sifan Town. Daqi won a lot of glory and attracted the attention of the world.However, Da Qi at that time, no matter how Zhang Juyan supported him, was eventually defeated. Chang'an was defeated, Huang Chao [***], and Qi soldiers broke through.Zhang Juyan failed to break out with Monk Rang and others. He broke through to the east, and finally fled to Heyang. He fled to Li Hanzhi, who had a good relationship with Caojun at the beginning, and was recommended by him to defect to Zhuge Shuang.Recommended by Zhuge Shuang to the imperial court, Zhang Juyan also officially became a Tang official. Because of his position in the puppet Qi and his impressive series of achievements, his surrender was valued by the imperial court, and the emperor even gave him the name Quanyi .Zhu Wen bestowed the name Quanzhong, and Zhang Juyan bestowed the name Quanyi.

However, although Zhang Quanyi was able to accept martial arts, he was a surrender after all, and he came to Heyang late, so in Heyang, Zhang Juyi's position was ranked behind Li Han.After Zhuge Shuang's death, Zhuge Zhongfang served as Heyang's heir, General Liu Jing served as governor of Yuzhou, Li Hanzhi served as governor of Huaizhou, and Zhang Quanyi served as governor of Weizhou.

When Zhuge Shuang died, under the surface calm, an undercurrent surged.

The local faction led by the Heyang veterans headed by Liu Jing has long been dissatisfied with the foreign factions like Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi. Heyang has only three states in total, and the outsiders have occupied two states. How can they bear it.It turned out that there was still Zhuge Shuang suppressing it, but after Zhuge Shuang died, the young Zhuge Zhongfang succeeded to the throne, and the conflict between the local and foreign factions began to intensify. Everyone wanted to overthrow the other and control the entire Heyang.

Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi formed an alliance with blood, and joined forces to fight against the local faction headed by Liu Jing.A battle begins, Zhuge Shuang's first seven passes, and the civil war in Heyang begins.However, this civil war has ended since the very beginning. Although Liu Jing and other local factions are not weak, how can they be the opponents of a powerful general like Li Hanzhi and a man with both weapons and weapons like Zhang Quanyi? Zhang Quanyi is a veteran who has fought for more than ten years.

After a battle, Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi completely controlled Huaizhou and Weizhou, and also occupied Zezhou where Zhuge Shuang had captured Zhaoyi Town. Liu Jing forced Zhuge Zhongfang to stick to Yuzhou. struggling to support.In desperation, Liu Jing contacted Zhaoyi's Meng Lifang, asked Zhaoyi to send troops to support him, and promised that after defeating Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi, Heyang Town would return the town that was swallowed by Zhuge Shuang before Meng Lifang became Zhaoyi's commander. state.This condition moved Meng Lifang, and he immediately sent troops across the Taihang Road to raid Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi from the north, and quickly captured Zezhou and Huaizhou.Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi, who were caught off guard, retreated to defend the prefecture. It rained all night, and the two retreated to defend the prefecture. They immediately met Guo Chongtao, a general of Qin Fan who came from Weibo to suppress the border.

Facing Guo Chongtao's [-] elite who had just captured Weibo Town in one fell swoop, Zhang Quanyi finally persuaded Li Hanzhi to surrender to the Qin Fan.

The two descended to Qin, turned around and brought Guo Chongtao back to Heyang.

Almost at the same time, Li Jing and Zhou Dewei's troops attacked Zhaoyi Luzhou. Yu Lifang hurriedly faced the battle. He was attacked on both sides and suffered repeated defeats.In this way, Liu Jing could no longer stop the attack of Guo Chongtao, Li Hanzhi, Zhang Quanyi and tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Zezhou, snatched from Zhaoyi Town, was north of the Taihang Mountains, and was still occupied by Meng Lifang at this time. The traditional three cities of Mengzhou, Huaizhou, and Weizhou in Heyang were completely under the control of the Qin army.

Liu Jing took Zhuge Zhongfang and a small number of remnant soldiers and defeated generals, fled to Zhengbian by boat, and defected to Zhu Wen.

The Qin army took Heyang Town in one fell swoop. After this battle, the Qin army has opened up the passage to Luoyang.From Weibo along the north bank of the Yellow River to Mengzhou in Heyang, there is not only a large Heyang warehouse in Heyang, but also a Heyang Bridge, which flies across the Yellow River and directly connects to Luoyang.On the north bank of the bridge is Mengzhou Heyang City, Heyang Town, and on the south bank is Luoyang Jinyong City!

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